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Непрочитано 20.04.2011, 22:26   #1

Автор темы (Топик Стартер) Команды GM 2 сорта?

Народ подскажите какие команды желательно поставить?
# Character Passkey Reset administration.command.passkeyreset = 3
# Various AI-related tasks gameserver.administration.command.ai = 3
# Adds an item to your inventory gameserver.administration.command.add = 3
# Adds an item set to your inventory gameserver.administration.command.addset = 3
# Adds drop entry gameserver.administration.command.adddrop = 3
# Add target player skill gameserver.administration.command.addskill = 3
# Add title to player gameserver.administration.command.addtitle = 3
# This command send fakeserverpackets to the server for test porpouses, Used by Developers gameserver.administration.command.advsendfakeserve rpacket = 3
# The message is sent to all players chatbox gameserver.administration.command.announce = 3
# Announce for only one faction (asmo/ely) gameserver.administration.command.announce_faction = 3
# Announcements gameserver.administration.command.announcements = 3
# All ban and unban commands (//ban, //unban, //banip, //unbanip) gameserver.administration.command.ban = 3
# Bookmark command gameserver.administration.command.bk = 3
# Configures properties on runtime gameserver.administration.command.configure = 3
# Self explanatory gameserver.administration.command.deletespawn = 3
# Command to remove all buff effect of the player gameserver.administration.command.dispel = 3
# Command to manage dredgion instance gameserver.administration.command.dredgion = 3
# Dye a player gameserver.administration.command.dye = 3
# Gag and ungag gameserver.administration.command.gag = 3
# Teleport youself to specified place name
# Example: //goto poeta gameserver.administration.command.goto = 3
# Give missin skills to self gameserver.administration.command.givemissingskill s = 3
# Restores target hp/mp/dp gameserver.administration.command.heal = 3 # Print target info gameserver.administration.command.info = 3
# Make you invis/vis gameserver.administration.command.invis = 3
# Switch to Invulnerable / Vulnerable gameserver.administration.command.invul = 3
# Disconnect the player gameserver.administration.command.kick = 3
# Kill target gameserver.administration.command.kill = 3
# Add Kinah to self or target/named player gameserver.administration.command.kinah = 3
# Legion command allows you to disband/setlevel/setpoints of a legion gameserver.administration.command.legion = 3
# Show all connected players from both factions when opening research window gameserver.administration.search.listall = 3
# Morph command gameserver.administration.command.morph = 3
# Move player1 to player2 location gameserver.administration.command.moveplayertoplay er = 3
# Teleport to specified XYZ coordinates gameserver.administration.command.moveto = 3
# Teleport to specified NPC gameserver.administration.command.movetonpc = 3
# Move player to my position gameserver.administration.command.movetome = 3
# Teleport you to player position gameserver.administration.command.movetoplayer = 3
# Command to watch cutscenes. Used by quest writers gameserver.administration.command.movie = 3
# Make yourself appear neutral to both factions gameserver.administration.command.neutral = 3
# The message is sent to all players chatbox and a message appear in center screen gameserver.administration.command.notice = 3
# Who is allowed to handle petitions gameserver.administration.command.petition = 3
# Playerinfo command gameserver.administration.command.playerinfo = 3 # Prison command gameserver.administration.command.prison = 3
# Give admin rights to player gameserver.administration.command.promote = 3
# Quest steps control (admin/GM) gameserver.administration.command.questcommand = 3
# Restart quest (player) default = 3 (turned off) gameserver.administration.command.questcommandplay ers = 3
# Command to remove all buff effect of the player gameserver.administration.command.recall = 3
# Reload all command gameserver.administration.command.reload = 3
# Reload all spawn data from files gameserver.administration.command.reloadspawns = 3
# Remove command allow remove an item from player gameserver.administration.command.remove = 3
# Resurrect a target player gameserver.administration.command.resurrect = 3
# Revoke admin rights to player gameserver.administration.command.revoke = 3
# Command to add fly rings gameserver.administration.command.ring = 3 # Save all spawn data to files (Directory to save GameServer/data/static_data/spawns/new) gameserver.administration.command.savespawndata = 3
# Speak as player or a NPC gameserver.administration.command.say = 3
# See the droplsit of target mob gameserver.administration.command.seedroplist = 3
# This commands sends packets to the server for test porpouses, Used by Developers gameserver.administration.command.sendfakeserverpa cket = 3 gameserver.administration.command.sendrawpacket = 3
# Set target player ap gameserver.administration.command.setap = 3
# Set target player class gameserver.administration.command.setclass = 3 # Set target player experience amount gameserver.administration.command.setexp = 3
# Sets target player level gameserver.administration.command.setlevel = 3
# Set title target player title gameserver.administration.command.settitle = 3
# Modify current siege values gameserver.administration.command.siege = 3
# Switch to not whisperable / whisperable gameserver.administration.command.silence = 3
# Self explanatory gameserver.administration.command.spawn = 3
# Temporary increases speed of character gameserver.administration.command.speed = 3 gameserver.administration.command.speed.maxvalue = 500
# Show gamestats about selected target gameserver.administration.command.stat = 3
# System commands gameserver.administration.command.system = 3
# Self explanatory gameserver.administration.command.unloadspawn = 3 # Unstuck player gameserver.administration.command.unstuck = 3
# Change weather of a region a reset weather in the world gameserver.administration.command.weather = 3
# Ban / Unban players from .world / .ely / .asmo channels gameserver.administration.command.worldban = 3
# Prints zone info (//zone) or refreshes currect zone (//zone refresh) gameserver.administration.command.zone = 3
# Returns how many players are online gameserver.administration.command.online = 3
# Command to fix Z coordinate of mob gameserver.administration.command.fixz = 3
# Command to fix heading of mob gameserver.administration.command.fixh = 3
# Rename named player to new specified and valid name gameserver.administration.command.rename = 3
# HTML commands gameserver.administration.command.html = 3
# Returns how many players are online and nicks gameserver.administration.command.who = 3
# Make yourself appear as enemy to both factions and/or npcs administration.command.enemy = 3 #Enchant command gameserver.administration.command.enchant = 3
#Socket command gameserver.administration.command.socket = 3 #PowerUp command gameserver.administration.command.powerup = 3 #Godstone command gameserver.administration.command.godstone = 3 #Gmlist command gameserver.administration.command.gmlist = 0 #Appearance command gameserver.administration.command.appearance = 3
#See command gameserver.administration.command.see = 3
# see all commands GM ingame gameserver.administration.command.admin = 1
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