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Непрочитано 23.06.2013, 23:49   #3
Аватар для energy

Автор темы (Топик Стартер) Re: Не могу подцепить AI гварду

Сообщение от Mifesto Посмотреть сообщение
у вас в ошибке пишется что не может преобразовать в L2AttackableAI, у вас самого АИ родитель не тот, нужно унаследовать от L2AttackableAI.
Хорошо, спасибо, ппопробую, но почему же обычные гварды нормально работают. У них этот же суперкласс.

Добавлено через 1 час 2 минуты
Если не сложно, то посмотрите эти коды. Я пробовал изменять родительский клас, но результат тот же.


 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ai.GuardLevelAI;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2CharPosition;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2World;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2WorldRegion;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Attackable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Summon;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.knownlist.GuardLevelKnownList;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MyTargetSelected;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ValidateLocation;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate;
import net.sf.l2j.util.Rnd;

 * This class manages all Guards in the world. It inherits all methods from
 * L2Attackable and adds some more such as tracking PK and aggressive
 * L2MonsterInstance.<BR>
 * <BR>
 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/04/06 16:13:40 $
public final class GuardLevelInstance extends L2Attackable {
	private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(GuardLevelInstance.class

	private static final int RETURN_INTERVAL = 60000;

	public class ReturnTask implements Runnable {
		public void run() {
			if (getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE)

	 * Constructor of GuardLevelInstance (use L2Character and L2NpcInstance
	 * constructor).<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Call the L2Character constructor to set the _template of the
	 * GuardLevelInstance (copy skills from template to object and link
	 * _calculators to NPC_STD_CALCULATOR)</li> <li>Set the name of the
	 * GuardLevelInstance</li> <li>Create a RandomAnimation Task that will be
	 * launched after the calculated delay if the server allow it</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * @param objectId
	 *            Identifier of the object to initialized
	 * @param L2NpcTemplate
	 *            Template to apply to the NPC
	public GuardLevelInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template) {
		super(objectId, template);

		ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAiAtFixedRate(new ReturnTask(),

	public final GuardLevelKnownList getKnownList() {
		return (GuardLevelKnownList) super.getKnownList();

	public void initKnownList() {
		setKnownList(new GuardLevelKnownList(this));

	 * Return True if hte attacker is a L2MonsterInstance.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	public boolean isAutoAttackable(L2Character attacker) 
		if (((L2PcInstance) attacker).getLevel()>40)
			return true;
		if (attacker instanceof L2Summon
				&& ((L2Summon) attacker).getOwner().getLevel()>40)
			return true;

			return attacker instanceof L2MonsterInstance;

	 * Notify the GuardLevelInstance to return to its home location
	 * (AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO) and clear its _aggroList.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	public void returnHome() {
		if (!isInsideRadius(getSpawn().getLocx(), getSpawn().getLocy(), 150,
				false)) {

					new L2CharPosition(getSpawn().getLocx(), getSpawn()
							.getLocy(), getSpawn().getLocz(), 0));

	 * Set the home location of its GuardLevelInstance.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	public void onSpawn() {

		// check the region where this mob is, do not activate the AI if region
		// is inactive.
		L2WorldRegion region = L2World.getInstance().getRegion(getX(), getY());
		if ((region != null) && (!region.isActive()))
			((GuardLevelAI) getAI()).stopAITask();

	 * Return the pathfile of the selected HTML file in function of the
	 * GuardLevelInstance Identifier and of the page number.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Format of the pathfile </U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>if page number = 0 : <B>data/html/guard/12006.htm</B> (npcId-page
	 * number)</li> <li>if page number > 0 : <B>data/html/guard/12006-1.htm</B>
	 * (npcId-page number)</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * @param npcId
	 *            The Identifier of the L2NpcInstance whose text must be display
	 * @param val
	 *            The number of the page to display
	public String getHtmlPath(int npcId, int val) {
		String pom = "";
		if (val == 0) {
			pom = "" + npcId;
		} else {
			pom = npcId + "-" + val;
		return "data/html/guard/" + pom + ".htm";

	 * Manage actions when a player click on the GuardLevelInstance.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actions on first click on the GuardLevelInstance (Select it)</U>
	 * :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Set the GuardLevelInstance as target of the L2PcInstance player (if
	 * necessary)</li> <li>Send a Server->Client packet MyTargetSelected to the
	 * L2PcInstance player (display the select window)</li> <li>Set the
	 * L2PcInstance Intention to AI_INTENTION_IDLE</li> <li>Send a
	 * Server->Client packet ValidateLocation to correct the GuardLevelInstance
	 * position and heading on the client</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actions on second click on the GuardLevelInstance (Attack it/Interact
	 * with it)</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>If L2PcInstance is in the _aggroList of the GuardLevelInstance, set the
	 * L2PcInstance Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK</li> <li>If L2PcInstance is
	 * NOT in the _aggroList of the GuardLevelInstance, set the L2PcInstance
	 * Intention to AI_INTENTION_INTERACT (after a distance verification) and
	 * show message</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Example of use </U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Client packet : Action, AttackRequest</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * @param player
	 *            The L2PcInstance that start an action on the GuardLevelInstance
	public void onAction(L2PcInstance player) {
		if (!canTarget(player))

		// Check if the L2PcInstance already target the GuardLevelInstance
		if (getObjectId() != player.getTargetId()) {
			if (Config.DEBUG)
				_log.fine(player.getObjectId() + ": Targetted guard "
						+ getObjectId());

			// Set the target of the L2PcInstance player

			// Send a Server->Client packet MyTargetSelected to the L2PcInstance
			// player
			// The color to display in the select window is White
			MyTargetSelected my = new MyTargetSelected(getObjectId(), 0);

			// Send a Server->Client packet ValidateLocation to correct the
			// L2NpcInstance position and heading on the client
			player.sendPacket(new ValidateLocation(this));
		} else {
			// Check if the L2PcInstance is in the _aggroList of the
			// GuardLevelInstance
			if (containsTarget(player)) {
				if (Config.DEBUG)
					_log.fine(player.getObjectId() + ": Attacked guard "
							+ getObjectId());

				// Set the L2PcInstance Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
			} else {
				// Calculate the distance between the L2PcInstance and the
				// L2NpcInstance
				if (!canInteract(player)) {
					// Set the L2PcInstance Intention to AI_INTENTION_INTERACT
							CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_INTERACT, this);
				} else {
					// Send a Server->Client packet SocialAction to the all
					// L2PcInstance on the _knownPlayer of the L2NpcInstance
					// to display a social action of the GuardLevelInstance on
					// their client
					SocialAction sa = new SocialAction(getObjectId(),

					// Open a chat window on client with the text of the
					// GuardLevelInstance
					Quest[] qlsa = getTemplate().getEventQuests(
					if ((qlsa != null) && qlsa.length > 0)
					Quest[] qlst = getTemplate().getEventQuests(
					if ((qlst != null) && qlst.length == 1)
						qlst[0].notifyFirstTalk(this, player);
						showChatWindow(player, 0);
		// Send a Server->Client ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance in order to
		// avoid that the client wait another packet
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.knownlist;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ai.L2CharacterAI;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.GuardLevelInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;

public class GuardLevelKnownList extends AttackableKnownList 
	private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(GuardLevelKnownList.class

	// =========================================================
	// Data Field

	// =========================================================
	// Constructor
	public GuardLevelKnownList(GuardLevelInstance activeChar) {

	// =========================================================
	// Method - Public
	public boolean addKnownObject(L2Object object) {
		if (!super.addKnownObject(object))
			return false;

		if (object instanceof L2PcInstance) {
			// Check if the object added is a L2PcInstance that owns Karma
			L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) object;

			if ((player.getLevel()>40))
				if (Config.DEBUG)
					_log.fine(getActiveChar().getObjectId() + ": Enemy "
							+ player.getObjectId() + " entered scan range");

				// Set the GuardLevelInstance Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
				if (getActiveChar().getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE)
							CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null);
		} else if ((Config.GUARD_ATTACK_AGGRO_MOB && getActiveChar()
				.isInActiveRegion()) && object instanceof L2MonsterInstance) {
			// Check if the object added is an aggressive L2MonsterInstance
			L2MonsterInstance mob = (L2MonsterInstance) object;

			if (mob.isAggressive()) {
				if (Config.DEBUG)
							+ ": Aggressive mob " + mob.getObjectId()
							+ " entered scan range");

				// Set the GuardLevelInstance Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
				if (getActiveChar().getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE)
					getActiveChar().getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null);

		return true;

	public boolean removeKnownObject(L2Object object) {
		if (!super.removeKnownObject(object))
			return false;

		// Check if the _aggroList of the GuardLevelInstance is Empty
		if (getActiveChar().noTarget()) {
			// removeAllKnownObjects();

			// Set the GuardLevelInstance to AI_INTENTION_IDLE
			L2CharacterAI ai = getActiveChar().getAI();
			if (ai != null)
				ai.setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null);

		return true;

	// =========================================================
	// Method - Private

	// =========================================================
	// Property - Public
	public final GuardLevelInstance getActiveChar() {
		return (GuardLevelInstance) super.getActiveChar();
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ai;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.*;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import javolution.util.FastList;

import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameTimeController;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GeoData;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.Territory;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2CharPosition;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Skill;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Attackable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Playable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Summon;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2FestivalMonsterInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2FriendlyMobInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.GuardLevelInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MinionInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.Util;
import net.sf.l2j.util.Rnd;

 * This class manages AI of L2Attackable.<BR>
 * <BR>
public class GuardLevelAI extends L2CharacterAI implements Runnable 

	// protected static final Logger _log =
	// Logger.getLogger(L2AttackableAI.class.getName());

	private static final int RANDOM_WALK_RATE = 30; // confirmed
	// private static final int MAX_DRIFT_RANGE = 300;
	private static final int MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT = 300; // int ticks, i.e. 30
														// seconds

	/** The L2Attackable AI task executed every 1s (call onEvtThink method) */
	private Future<?> _aiTask;

	/** The delay after which the attacked is stopped */
	private int _attackTimeout;

	/** The L2Attackable aggro counter */
	private int _globalAggro;

	/** The flag used to indicate that a thinking action is in progress */
	private boolean _thinking; // to prevent recursive thinking

	/** For attack AI, analysis of mob and its targets */
	private SelfAnalysis _selfAnalysis = new SelfAnalysis();
	private TargetAnalysis _mostHatedAnalysis = new TargetAnalysis();
	private TargetAnalysis _secondMostHatedAnalysis = new TargetAnalysis();

	 * Constructor of L2AttackableAI.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * @param accessor
	 *            The AI accessor of the L2Character
	public GuardLevelAI(L2Character.AIAccessor accessor) {
		_attackTimeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		_globalAggro = -10; // 10 seconds timeout of ATTACK after respawn

	public void run() {
		// Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think


	 * Return True if the target is autoattackable (depends on the actor type).<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actor is a GuardLevelInstance</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>The target isn't a Folk or a Door</li> <li>The target isn't dead,
	 * isn't invulnerable, isn't in silent moving mode AND too far (>100)</li>
	 * <li>The target is in the actor Aggro range and is at the same height</li>
	 * <li>The L2PcInstance target has karma (=PK)</li> <li>The
	 * L2MonsterInstance target is aggressive</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actor is a L2SiegeGuardInstance</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>The target isn't a Folk or a Door</li> <li>The target isn't dead,
	 * isn't invulnerable, isn't in silent moving mode AND too far (>100)</li>
	 * <li>The target is in the actor Aggro range and is at the same height</li>
	 * <li>A siege is in progress</li> <li>The L2PcInstance target isn't a
	 * Defender</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actor is a L2FriendlyMobInstance</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>The target isn't a Folk, a Door or another L2NpcInstance</li> <li>The
	 * target isn't dead, isn't invulnerable, isn't in silent moving mode AND
	 * too far (>100)</li> <li>The target is in the actor Aggro range and is at
	 * the same height</li> <li>The L2PcInstance target has karma (=PK)</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actor is a L2MonsterInstance</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>The target isn't a Folk, a Door or another L2NpcInstance</li> <li>The
	 * target isn't dead, isn't invulnerable, isn't in silent moving mode AND
	 * too far (>100)</li> <li>The target is in the actor Aggro range and is at
	 * the same height</li> <li>The actor is Aggressive</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * @param target
	 *            The targeted L2Object
	private boolean autoAttackCondition(L2Character target) {
		if (target == null || !(_actor instanceof L2Attackable))
			return false;
		L2Attackable me = (L2Attackable) _actor;

		// Check if the target isn't invulnerable
		if (target.isInvul()) {
			// However EffectInvincible requires to check GMs specially
			if (target instanceof L2PcInstance
					&& ((L2PcInstance) target).isGM())
				return false;
			if (target instanceof L2Summon
					&& ((L2Summon) target).getOwner().isGM())
				return false;

		// Check if the target isn't a Folk or a Door
		if (target instanceof L2NpcInstance || target instanceof L2DoorInstance)
			return false;

		// Check if the target isn't dead, is in the Aggro range and is at the
		// same height
		if (target.isAlikeDead()
				|| !me.isInsideRadius(target, me.getAggroRange(), false, false)
				|| Math.abs(_actor.getZ() - target.getZ()) > 300)
			return false;

		if (_selfAnalysis.cannotMoveOnLand
				&& !target.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_WATER))
			return false;

		// Check if the target is a L2PlayableInstance
		if (target instanceof L2Playable) {
			// Check if the AI isn't a Raid Boss and the target isn't in silent
			// move mode
			if (!(me.isRaid()) && ((L2Playable) target).isSilentMoving())
				return false;

		// Check if the target is a L2PcInstance
		if (target instanceof L2PcInstance) {
			// Don't take the aggro if the GM has the access level below or
			// equal to GM_DONT_TAKE_AGGRO
			if (((L2PcInstance) target).isGM()
					&& !((L2PcInstance) target).getAccessLevel().canTakeAggro())
				return false;

			// TODO: Ideally, autoattack condition should be called from the AI
			// script. In that case,
			// it should only implement the basic behaviors while the script
			// will add more specific
			// behaviors (like varka/ketra alliance, etc). Once implemented,
			// remove specialized stuff
			// from this location. (Fulminus)

			// check if the target is within the grace period for JUST getting
			// up from fake death
			if (((L2PcInstance) target).isRecentFakeDeath())
				return false;

		// Check if the target is a L2Summon
		if (target instanceof L2Summon) 
			L2PcInstance owner = ((L2Summon) target).getOwner();
			if (owner != null) 
				// Don't take the aggro if the GM has the access level below or
				// equal to GM_DONT_TAKE_AGGRO
				if (owner.isGM()
						&& (owner.isInvul() || !owner.getAccessLevel()
					return false;

		// Check if the actor is a GuardLevelInstance
		if (_actor instanceof GuardLevelInstance) {

			// Check if the L2PcInstance target has karma (=PK)
			if (target instanceof L2PcInstance
					&& ((L2PcInstance) target).getLevel()>40)
				// Los Check
				return GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(me, target);

			// if (target instanceof L2Summon)
			// return ((L2Summon)target).getKarma() > 0;

			// Check if the L2MonsterInstance target is aggressive
			if (target instanceof L2MonsterInstance)
				return (((L2MonsterInstance) target).isAggressive() && GeoData
						.getInstance().canSeeTarget(me, target));

			return false;
		} else if (_actor instanceof L2FriendlyMobInstance) { // the actor is a
																// L2FriendlyMobInstance

			// Check if the target isn't another L2NpcInstance
			if (target instanceof L2Npc)
				return false;

			// Check if the L2PcInstance target has karma (=PK)
			if (target instanceof L2PcInstance
					&& ((L2PcInstance) target).getLevel()>40)
				// Los Check
				return GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(me, target);
				return false;
		{ // The actor is a L2MonsterInstance

			// Check if the target isn't another L2NpcInstance
			if (target instanceof L2Npc)
				return false;

			// Check if the actor is Aggressive
			return (me.isAggressive() && GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(me,

	public void startAITask() {
		// If not idle - create an AI task (schedule onEvtThink repeatedly)
		if (_aiTask == null) {
			_aiTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAiAtFixedRate(
					this, 1000, 1000);

	public void stopAITask() {
		if (_aiTask != null) {
			_aiTask = null;

	protected void onEvtDead() {

	 * Set the Intention of this L2CharacterAI and create an AI Task executed
	 * every 1s (call onEvtThink method) for this L2Attackable.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : If actor _knowPlayer isn't
	 * <BR>
	 * @param intention
	 *            The new Intention to set to the AI
	 * @param arg0
	 *            The first parameter of the Intention
	 * @param arg1
	 *            The second parameter of the Intention
	synchronized void changeIntention(CtrlIntention intention, Object arg0,
			Object arg1) {
		if (intention == AI_INTENTION_IDLE || intention == AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE) {
			// Check if actor is not dead
			if (!_actor.isAlikeDead()) {
				L2Attackable npc = (L2Attackable) _actor;

				// If its _knownPlayer isn't empty set the Intention to
				if (!npc.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().isEmpty())
					intention = AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE;
				else {
					if (npc.getSpawn() != null) {
						final int range = Config.MAX_DRIFT_RANGE;
						if (!npc.isInsideRadius(npc.getSpawn().getLocx(), npc
								npc.getSpawn().getLocz(), range + range, true,
							intention = AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE;

			if (intention == AI_INTENTION_IDLE) {
				// Set the Intention of this L2AttackableAI to AI_INTENTION_IDLE
				super.changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);

				// Stop AI task and detach AI from NPC
				if (_aiTask != null) {
					_aiTask = null;

				// Cancel the AI


		// Set the Intention of this L2AttackableAI to intention
		super.changeIntention(intention, arg0, arg1);

		// If not idle - create an AI task (schedule onEvtThink repeatedly)

	 * Manage the Attack Intention : Stop current Attack (if necessary),
	 * Calculate attack timeout, Start a new Attack and Launch Think Event.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * @param target
	 *            The L2Character to attack
	protected void onIntentionAttack(L2Character target) {
		// Calculate the attack timeout
		_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT + GameTimeController.getGameTicks();

		// self and buffs
		if (_selfAnalysis.lastBuffTick + 100 < GameTimeController
				.getGameTicks()) {
			for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.buffSkills) {
				if (_actor.getFirstEffect(sk.getId()) == null) {
					if (_actor.getCurrentMp() < sk.getMpConsume())
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId()))
					// no clan buffs here?
					if (sk.getTargetType() == L2Skill.SkillTargetType.TARGET_CLAN)
					L2Object OldTarget = _actor.getTarget();
					// forcing long reuse delay so if cast get interrupted or
					// there would be several buffs, doesn't cast again
					_selfAnalysis.lastBuffTick = GameTimeController
		// Manage the Attack Intention : Stop current Attack (if necessary),
		// Start a new Attack and Launch Think Event

	 * Manage AI standard thinks of a L2Attackable (called by onEvtThink).<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Update every 1s the _globalAggro counter to come close to 0</li> <li>
	 * If the actor is Aggressive and can attack, add all autoAttackable
	 * L2Character in its Aggro Range to its _aggroList, chose a target and
	 * order to attack it</li> <li>If the actor is a GuardLevelInstance that can't
	 * attack, order to it to return to its home location</li> <li>If the actor
	 * is a L2MonsterInstance that can't attack, order to it to random walk
	 * (1/100)</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	private void thinkActive() {
		L2Attackable npc = (L2Attackable) _actor;

		// Update every 1s the _globalAggro counter to come close to 0
		if (_globalAggro != 0) {
			if (_globalAggro < 0)

		// Add all autoAttackable L2Character in L2Attackable Aggro Range to its
		// _aggroList with 0 damage and 1 hate
		// A L2Attackable isn't aggressive during 10s after its spawn because
		// _globalAggro is set to -10
		if (_globalAggro >= 0) {
			// Get all visible objects inside its Aggro Range
			// L2Object[] objects =
			// L2World.getInstance().getVisibleObjects(_actor,
			// ((L2NpcInstance)_actor).getAggroRange());
			// Go through visible objects
			Collection<L2Object> objs = npc.getKnownList().getKnownObjects()
			// synchronized (npc.getKnownList().getKnownObjects())
				for (L2Object obj : objs) {
					if (!(obj instanceof L2Character))
					L2Character target = (L2Character) obj;

					 * Temporarily adding this commented code as a concept to be
					 * used eventually. However, the way it is written below
					 * will NOT work correctly. The NPC should only notify Aggro
					 * Range Enter when someone enters the range from outside.
					 * Instead, the below code will keep notifying even while
					 * someone remains within the range. Perhaps we need a short
					 * knownlist of range = aggroRange for just people who are
					 * actively within the npc's aggro range?...(Fulminus) //
					 * notify AI that a playable instance came within aggro
					 * range if ((obj instanceof L2PcInstance) || (obj
					 * instanceof L2Summon)) { if (
					 * !((L2Character)obj).isAlikeDead() &&
					 * !npc.isInsideRadius(obj, npc.getAggroRange(), true,
					 * false) ) { L2PcInstance targetPlayer = (obj instanceof
					 * L2PcInstance)? (L2PcInstance) obj: ((L2Summon)
					 * obj).getOwner(); if
					 * (npc.getTemplate().getEventQuests(Quest
					 * .QuestEventType.ON_AGGRO_RANGE_ENTER) !=null) for (Quest
					 * quest:
					 * npc.getTemplate().getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType
					 * .ON_AGGRO_RANGE_ENTER)) quest.notifyAggroRangeEnter(npc,
					 * targetPlayer, (obj instanceof L2Summon)); } }
					// TODO: The AI Script ought to handle aggro behaviors in
					// onSee. Once implemented, aggro behaviors ought
					// to be removed from here. (Fulminus)
					// For each L2Character check if the target is
					// autoattackable
					if (autoAttackCondition(target)) // check aggression
						// Get the hate level of the L2Attackable against this
						// L2Character target contained in _aggroList
						int hating = npc.getHating(target);

						// Add the attacker to the L2Attackable _aggroList with
						// 0 damage and 1 hate
						if (hating == 0)
							npc.addDamageHate(target, 0, 0);

			// Chose a target from its aggroList
			L2Character hated;
			if (_actor.isConfused())
				hated = getAttackTarget(); // effect handles selection
				hated = npc.getMostHated();

			// Order to the L2Attackable to attack the target
			if (hated != null) {
				// Get the hate level of the L2Attackable against this
				// L2Character target contained in _aggroList
				int aggro = npc.getHating(hated);

				if (aggro + _globalAggro > 0) {
					// Set the L2Character movement type to run and send
					// Server->Client packet ChangeMoveType to all others
					// L2PcInstance
					if (!_actor.isRunning())

					// Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
					setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, hated);



		// Check if the actor is a GuardLevelInstance
		if (_actor instanceof GuardLevelInstance) {
			// Order to the GuardLevelInstance to return to its home location
			// because there's no target to attack
			((GuardLevelInstance) _actor).returnHome();

		// If this is a festival monster, then it remains in the same location.
		if (_actor instanceof L2FestivalMonsterInstance)

		// Check if the mob should not return to spawn point
		if (!npc.canReturnToSpawnPoint())

		// Minions following leader
		if (_actor instanceof L2MinionInstance
				&& ((L2MinionInstance) _actor).getLeader() != null) {
			int offset;

			if (_actor.isRaidMinion())
				offset = 500; // for Raids - need correction
				offset = 200; // for normal minions - need correction :)

			if (((L2MinionInstance) _actor).getLeader().isRunning())

			if (_actor.getPlanDistanceSq(((L2MinionInstance) _actor)
					.getLeader()) > offset * offset) {
				int x1, y1, z1;
				x1 = ((L2MinionInstance) _actor).getLeader().getX()
						+ Rnd.nextInt((offset - 30) * 2) - (offset - 30);
				y1 = ((L2MinionInstance) _actor).getLeader().getY()
						+ Rnd.nextInt((offset - 30) * 2) - (offset - 30);
				z1 = ((L2MinionInstance) _actor).getLeader().getZ();
				// Move the actor to Location (x,y,z) server side AND client
				// side by sending Server->Client packet CharMoveToLocation
				// (broadcast)
				moveTo(x1, y1, z1);
			} else if (Rnd.nextInt(RANDOM_WALK_RATE) == 0) {
				// self and clan buffs
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.buffSkills) {
					if (_actor.getFirstEffect(sk.getId()) == null) {
						// if clan buffs, don't buff every time
						if (sk.getTargetType() != L2Skill.SkillTargetType.TARGET_SELF
								&& Rnd.nextInt(2) != 0)
						if (_actor.getCurrentMp() < sk.getMpConsume())
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId()))
						L2Object OldTarget = _actor.getTarget();
		// Order to the L2MonsterInstance to random walk (1/100)
		else if (npc.getSpawn() != null && Rnd.nextInt(RANDOM_WALK_RATE) == 0
				&& !_actor.isNoRndWalk()) {
			int x1, y1, z1;
			final int range = Config.MAX_DRIFT_RANGE;

			// self and clan buffs
			for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.buffSkills) {
				if (_actor.getFirstEffect(sk.getId()) == null) {
					// if clan buffs, don't buff every time
					if (sk.getTargetType() != L2Skill.SkillTargetType.TARGET_SELF
							&& Rnd.nextInt(2) != 0)
					if (_actor.getCurrentMp() < sk.getMpConsume())
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId()))
					L2Object OldTarget = _actor.getTarget();

			// If NPC with random coord in territory
			if (npc.getSpawn().getLocx() == 0 && npc.getSpawn().getLocy() == 0) {
				// Calculate a destination point in the spawn area
				int p[] = Territory.getInstance().getRandomPoint(
				x1 = p[0];
				y1 = p[1];
				z1 = p[2];

				// Calculate the distance between the current position of the
				// L2Character and the target (x,y)
				double distance2 = _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(x1, y1);

				if (distance2 > (range + range) * (range + range)) {
					float delay = (float) Math.sqrt(distance2) / range;
					x1 = _actor.getX() + (int) ((x1 - _actor.getX()) / delay);
					y1 = _actor.getY() + (int) ((y1 - _actor.getY()) / delay);

				// If NPC with random fixed coord, don't move (unless needs to
				// return to spawnpoint)
				if (Territory.getInstance().getProcMax(
						npc.getSpawn().getLocation()) > 0
						&& !npc.isReturningToSpawnPoint())
			} else {
				// If NPC with fixed coord
				x1 = npc.getSpawn().getLocx();
				y1 = npc.getSpawn().getLocy();
				z1 = npc.getSpawn().getLocz();

				if (!_actor.isInsideRadius(x1, y1, z1, range + range, true,
				else {
					x1 += Rnd.nextInt(range * 2) - range;
					y1 += Rnd.nextInt(range * 2) - range;
					z1 = npc.getZ();

			// _log.config("Curent pos ("+getX()+", "+getY()+"), moving to ("+x1+", "+y1+").");
			// Move the actor to Location (x,y,z) server side AND client side by
			// sending Server->Client packet CharMoveToLocation (broadcast)
			moveTo(x1, y1, z1);

	 * Manage AI attack thinks of a L2Attackable (called by onEvtThink).<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Update the attack timeout if actor is running</li> <li>If target is
	 * dead or timeout is expired, stop this attack and set the Intention to
	 * AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>Call all L2Object of its Faction inside the
	 * Faction Range</li> <li>Chose a target and order to attack it with magic
	 * skill or physical attack</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * TODO: Manage casting rules to healer mobs (like Ant Nurses)
	private void thinkAttack() {
		if (_attackTimeout < GameTimeController.getGameTicks()) {
			// Check if the actor is running
			if (_actor.isRunning()) {
				// Set the actor movement type to walk and send Server->Client
				// packet ChangeMoveType to all others L2PcInstance

				// Calculate a new attack timeout
				_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
						+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();

		L2Character originalAttackTarget = getAttackTarget();
		// Check if target is dead or if timeout is expired to stop this attack
		if (originalAttackTarget == null || originalAttackTarget.isAlikeDead()
				|| _attackTimeout < GameTimeController.getGameTicks()) {
			// Stop hating this target after the attack timeout or if target is
			// dead
			if (originalAttackTarget != null)
				((L2Attackable) _actor).stopHating(originalAttackTarget);

			// Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE


		if (_actor.isAttackingDisabled())

		// Get 2 most hated chars
		List<L2Character> hated = ((L2Attackable) _actor).get2MostHated();
		if (_actor.isConfused()) {
			if (hated != null)
				hated.set(0, originalAttackTarget); // effect handles selection
			else {
				hated = new FastList<L2Character>();

		if (hated == null || hated.get(0) == null) {
		if (hated.get(0) != originalAttackTarget) {

		// Get all information needed to choose between physical or magical
		// attack
		double dist2 = _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(
		int combinedCollision = _actor.getTemplate().collisionRadius
				+ _mostHatedAnalysis.character.getTemplate().collisionRadius;
		int range = _actor.getPhysicalAttackRange() + combinedCollision;

		// Reconsider target next round if _actor hasn't got hits in for last 14
		// seconds
		if (!_actor.isMuted()
				&& _attackTimeout - 160 < GameTimeController.getGameTicks()
				&& _secondMostHatedAnalysis.character != null) {
			if (Util.checkIfInRange(900, _actor, hated.get(1), true)) {
				// take off 2* the amount the aggro is larger than second most
				((L2Attackable) _actor)
								2 * (((L2Attackable) _actor).getHating(hated
										.get(0)) - ((L2Attackable) _actor)
				// Calculate a new attack timeout
				_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
						+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
		// Reconsider target during next round if actor is rooted and cannot
		// reach mostHated but can
		// reach secondMostHated
		if (_actor.isRooted() && _secondMostHatedAnalysis.character != null) {
			if (_selfAnalysis.isMage
					&& dist2 > _selfAnalysis.maxCastRange
							* _selfAnalysis.maxCastRange
					&& _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(
							_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character.getY()) < _selfAnalysis.maxCastRange
							* _selfAnalysis.maxCastRange) {
				((L2Attackable) _actor)
								1 + (((L2Attackable) _actor).getHating(hated
										.get(0)) - ((L2Attackable) _actor)
			} else if (dist2 > range * range
					&& _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(
							_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character.getY()) < range
							* range) {
				((L2Attackable) _actor)
								1 + (((L2Attackable) _actor).getHating(hated
										.get(0)) - ((L2Attackable) _actor)

		// Considering, if bigger range will be attempted
		if ((dist2 < 10000 + combinedCollision * combinedCollision)
				&& !_selfAnalysis.isFighter
				&& !_selfAnalysis.isBalanced
				&& (_selfAnalysis.hasLongRangeSkills || _selfAnalysis.isArcher || _selfAnalysis.isHealer)
				&& (_mostHatedAnalysis.isBalanced || _mostHatedAnalysis.isFighter)
				&& (_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isRooted() || _mostHatedAnalysis.isSlower)
				&& (Config.GEODATA == 2 ? 20 : 12) >= Rnd.get(100) // chance
		) {
			int posX = _actor.getX();
			int posY = _actor.getY();
			int posZ = _actor.getZ();
			double distance = Math.sqrt(dist2); // This way, we only do the sqrt
												// if we need it

			int signx = -1;
			int signy = -1;
			if (_actor.getX() > _mostHatedAnalysis.character.getX())
				signx = 1;
			if (_actor.getY() > _mostHatedAnalysis.character.getY())
				signy = 1;
			posX += Math
					.round((float) ((signx * ((range / 2) + (Rnd.get(range)))) - distance));
			posY += Math
					.round((float) ((signy * ((range / 2) + (Rnd.get(range)))) - distance));
					new L2CharPosition(posX, posY, posZ, 0));

		// Cannot see target, needs to go closer, currently just goes to range
		// 300 if mage
		if ((dist2 > 310 * 310 + combinedCollision * combinedCollision)
				&& this._selfAnalysis.hasLongRangeSkills
				&& !GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(_actor,
						_mostHatedAnalysis.character)) {
			if (!(_selfAnalysis.isMage && _actor.isMuted())) {
				moveToPawn(_mostHatedAnalysis.character, 300);

		if (_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isMoving())
			range += 50;
		// Check if the actor is far from target
		if (dist2 > range * range) {
			if (!_actor.isMuted()
					&& (_selfAnalysis.hasLongRangeSkills || !_selfAnalysis.healSkills
							.isEmpty())) {
				// check for long ranged skills and heal/buff skills
				if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.isCanceled) {
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.cancelSkills) {
						int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
								|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 8) {
							_mostHatedAnalysis.isCanceled = true;
							_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
									+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
				if (this._selfAnalysis.lastDebuffTick + 60 < GameTimeController
						.getGameTicks()) {
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.debuffSkills) {
						int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
								|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
						int chance = 8;
						if (_selfAnalysis.isFighter
								&& _mostHatedAnalysis.isMage)
							chance = 3;
						if (_selfAnalysis.isFighter
								&& _mostHatedAnalysis.isArcher)
							chance = 12;
						if (_selfAnalysis.isMage && !_mostHatedAnalysis.isMage)
							chance = 10;
						if (_selfAnalysis.isHealer)
							chance = 12;
						if (_mostHatedAnalysis.isMagicResistant)
							chance /= 2;

						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= chance) {
							_selfAnalysis.lastDebuffTick = GameTimeController
							_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
									+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
				if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isMuted()) {
					int chance = 8;
					if (!(_mostHatedAnalysis.isMage || _mostHatedAnalysis.isBalanced))
						chance = 3;
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.muteSkills) {
						int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
								|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= chance) {
							_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
									+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
				if (_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character != null
						&& !_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character.isMuted()
						&& (_secondMostHatedAnalysis.isMage || _secondMostHatedAnalysis.isBalanced)) {
					double secondHatedDist2 = _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.muteSkills) {
						int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
								|| (secondHatedDist2 > castRange * castRange))
						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 2) {
				if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isSleeping()) {
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.sleepSkills) {
						int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
								|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= (_selfAnalysis.isHealer ? 10
								: 1)) {
							_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
									+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
				if (_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character != null
						&& !_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character.isSleeping()) {
					double secondHatedDist2 = _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.sleepSkills) {
						int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
								|| (secondHatedDist2 > castRange * castRange))
						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= (_selfAnalysis.isHealer ? 10
								: 3)) {
				if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isRooted()) {
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.rootSkills) {
						int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
								|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= (_mostHatedAnalysis.isSlower ? 3
								: 8)) {
							_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
									+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
				if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isAttackingDisabled()) {
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.generalDisablers) {
						int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
								|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= ((_selfAnalysis.isFighter && _actor
								.isRooted()) ? 15 : 7)) {
							_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
									+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
				if (_actor.getCurrentHp() < _actor.getMaxHp() * 0.4) {
					for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.healSkills) {
						if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
								|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
						int chance = 7;
						if (_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isAttackingDisabled())
							chance += 10;
						if (_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character == null
								|| _secondMostHatedAnalysis.character
							chance += 10;
						if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= chance) {

				// chance decision for launching long range skills
				int castingChance = 5;
				if (_selfAnalysis.isMage || _selfAnalysis.isHealer)
					castingChance = 50; // mages
				if (_selfAnalysis.isBalanced) {
					if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.isFighter) // advance to mages
						castingChance = 15;
						castingChance = 25; // stay away from fighters
				if (_selfAnalysis.isFighter) {
					if (_mostHatedAnalysis.isMage)
						castingChance = 3;
						castingChance = 7;
					if (_actor.isRooted())
						castingChance = 20; // doesn't matter if no success
											// first round
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.generalSkills) {

					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))

					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= castingChance) {
						_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
								+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();

			// Move the actor to Pawn server side AND client side by sending
			// Server->Client packet MoveToPawn (broadcast)
			if (_selfAnalysis.isMage && !_actor.isMuted()) {
				// mages stay a bit further away if not muted or low mana
				if ((_actor.getMaxMp() / 3) < _actor.getCurrentMp()) {
					range = _selfAnalysis.maxCastRange;
					if (dist2 < range * range) // don't move backwards here
			// healers do not even follow
			if (_selfAnalysis.isHealer)

			if (_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isMoving())
				range -= 100;
			if (range < 5)
				range = 5;
			moveToPawn(_mostHatedAnalysis.character, range);
		// **************************************************
		// Else, if this is close enough for physical attacks
		else {
			// In case many mobs are trying to hit from same place, move a bit,
			// circling around the target
			if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 33) // check it once per 3 seconds
				for (L2Object nearby : _actor.getKnownList()
						.getKnownCharactersInRadius(10)) {
					if (nearby instanceof L2Attackable
							&& nearby != _mostHatedAnalysis.character) {
						int diffx = Rnd.get(combinedCollision,
								combinedCollision + 40);
						if (Rnd.get(10) < 5)
							diffx = -diffx;
						int diffy = Rnd.get(combinedCollision,
								combinedCollision + 40);
						if (Rnd.get(10) < 5)
							diffy = -diffy;
						moveTo(_mostHatedAnalysis.character.getX() + diffx,
								_mostHatedAnalysis.character.getY() + diffy,

			// Calculate a new attack timeout.
			_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
					+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();

			// check for close combat skills && heal/buff skills

			if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.isCanceled) {
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.cancelSkills) {
					if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
							|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 8) {
						_mostHatedAnalysis.isCanceled = true;
			if (this._selfAnalysis.lastDebuffTick + 60 < GameTimeController
					.getGameTicks()) {
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.debuffSkills) {
					if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
							|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
					int chance = 5;
					if (_selfAnalysis.isFighter && _mostHatedAnalysis.isMage)
						chance = 3;
					if (_selfAnalysis.isFighter && _mostHatedAnalysis.isArcher)
						chance = 3;
					if (_selfAnalysis.isMage && !_mostHatedAnalysis.isMage)
						chance = 4;
					if (_selfAnalysis.isHealer)
						chance = 12;
					if (_mostHatedAnalysis.isMagicResistant)
						chance /= 2;
					if (sk.getCastRange() < 200)
						chance += 3;
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= chance) {
						_selfAnalysis.lastDebuffTick = GameTimeController
			if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isMuted()
					&& (_mostHatedAnalysis.isMage || _mostHatedAnalysis.isBalanced)) {
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.muteSkills) {
					if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
							|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 7) {
			if (_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character != null
					&& !_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character.isMuted()
					&& (_secondMostHatedAnalysis.isMage || _secondMostHatedAnalysis.isBalanced)) {
				double secondHatedDist2 = _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.muteSkills) {
					if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
							|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (secondHatedDist2 > castRange * castRange))
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 3) {
			if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isSleeping()
					&& _selfAnalysis.isHealer) {
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.sleepSkills) {
					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 10) {
						_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT
								+ GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
			if (_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character != null
					&& !_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character.isSleeping()) {
				double secondHatedDist2 = _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.sleepSkills) {
					if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
							|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (secondHatedDist2 > castRange * castRange))
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= (_selfAnalysis.isHealer ? 10 : 4)) {
			if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isRooted()
					&& _mostHatedAnalysis.isFighter && !_selfAnalysis.isFighter) {
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.rootSkills) {
					if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
							|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= (_selfAnalysis.isHealer ? 10 : 4)) {
			if (!_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isAttackingDisabled()) {
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.generalDisablers) {
					if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
							|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
					int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
							|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= ((sk.getCastRange() < 200) ? 10 : 7)) {
			if (_actor.getCurrentHp() < _actor.getMaxHp()
					* (_selfAnalysis.isHealer ? 0.7 : 0.4)) {
				for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.healSkills) {
					if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
							|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
					if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
							|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
					int chance = (_selfAnalysis.isHealer ? 15 : 7);
					if (_mostHatedAnalysis.character.isAttackingDisabled())
						chance += 10;
					if (_secondMostHatedAnalysis.character == null
							|| _secondMostHatedAnalysis.character
						chance += 10;
					if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= chance) {
			for (L2Skill sk : _selfAnalysis.generalSkills) {
				if ((_actor.isMuted() && sk.isMagic())
						|| (_actor.isPhysicalMuted() && !sk.isMagic()))
				int castRange = sk.getCastRange() + combinedCollision;
				if (_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId())
						|| _actor.getCurrentMp() < _actor.getStat()
						|| (dist2 > castRange * castRange))

				// chance decision for launching general skills in melee fight
				// close range skills should be higher, long range lower
				int castingChance = 5;
				if (_selfAnalysis.isMage || _selfAnalysis.isHealer) {
					if (sk.getCastRange() < 200)
						castingChance = 35;
						castingChance = 25; // mages
				if (_selfAnalysis.isBalanced) {
					if (sk.getCastRange() < 200)
						castingChance = 12;
					else {
						if (_mostHatedAnalysis.isMage) // hit mages
							castingChance = 2;
							castingChance = 5;

				if (_selfAnalysis.isFighter) {
					if (sk.getCastRange() < 200)
						castingChance = 12;
					else {
						if (_mostHatedAnalysis.isMage)
							castingChance = 1;
							castingChance = 3;
				if (Rnd.nextInt(100) <= castingChance) {

			// Finally, physical attacks
			if (!_selfAnalysis.isHealer) {

	 * Manage AI thinking actions of a L2Attackable.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	protected void onEvtThink() {
		// Check if the thinking action is already in progress
		if (_thinking || _actor.isCastingNow() || _actor.isAllSkillsDisabled())

		// Start thinking action
		_thinking = true;

		try {
			// Manage AI thinks of a L2Attackable
			if (getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE)
			else if (getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_ATTACK)
		} finally {
			// Stop thinking action
			_thinking = false;

	 * Launch actions corresponding to the Event Attacked.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Init the attack : Calculate the attack timeout, Set the _globalAggro
	 * to 0, Add the attacker to the actor _aggroList</li> <li>Set the
	 * L2Character movement type to run and send Server->Client packet
	 * ChangeMoveType to all others L2PcInstance</li> <li>Set the Intention to
	 * <BR>
	 * @param attacker
	 *            The L2Character that attacks the actor
	protected void onEvtAttacked(L2Character attacker) {
		// if (_actor instanceof L2ChestInstance &&
		// !((L2ChestInstance)_actor).isInteracted())
		// {
		// ((L2ChestInstance)_actor).deleteMe();
		// ((L2ChestInstance)_actor).getSpawn().startRespawn();
		// return;
		// }

		// Calculate the attack timeout
		_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT + GameTimeController.getGameTicks();

		// Set the _globalAggro to 0 to permit attack even just after spawn
		if (_globalAggro < 0)
			_globalAggro = 0;

		// Add the attacker to the _aggroList of the actor
		if (!((L2Attackable) _actor).isCoreAIDisabled())
			((L2Attackable) _actor).addDamageHate(attacker, 0, 1);

		// Set the L2Character movement type to run and send Server->Client
		// packet ChangeMoveType to all others L2PcInstance
		if (!_actor.isRunning())

		// Set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
		if (getIntention() != AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
				&& !((L2Attackable) _actor).isCoreAIDisabled()) {
			setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, attacker);
		} else if (((L2Attackable) _actor).getMostHated() != getAttackTarget()
				&& !((L2Attackable) _actor).isCoreAIDisabled()) {
			setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, attacker);
		} else if (getIntention() != AI_INTENTION_INTERACT
				&& ((L2Attackable) _actor).isCoreAIDisabled())
			setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_INTERACT, attacker);


	 * Launch actions corresponding to the Event Aggression.<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Add the target to the actor _aggroList or update hate if already
	 * present</li> <li>Set the actor Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK (if actor
	 * is GuardLevelInstance check if it isn't too far from its home location)</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * @param attacker
	 *            The L2Character that attacks
	 * @param aggro
	 *            The value of hate to add to the actor against the target
	protected void onEvtAggression(L2Character target, int aggro) {
		L2Attackable me = (L2Attackable) _actor;

		if (target != null) {
			// Add the target to the actor _aggroList or update hate if already
			// present
			me.addDamageHate(target, 0, aggro);

			// Set the actor AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
			if (getIntention() != CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK) {
				// Set the L2Character movement type to run and send
				// Server->Client packet ChangeMoveType to all others
				// L2PcInstance
				if (!_actor.isRunning())

				setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, target);

	protected void onIntentionActive() {
		// Cancel attack timeout
		_attackTimeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

	public void setGlobalAggro(int value) {
		_globalAggro = value;

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