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Непрочитано 12.05.2008, 07:51   #3
Аватар для AleKsiA

По умолчанию Ответ: мануал по ява сервера Kamael (У кого есть?))

Сообщение от PozitiV Посмотреть сообщение
Расскажите пожалуйста как установить сервер камаел вот этой сборки! Заранее благодарен))
наверное это! проще объяснять думаю уже не куда.

1) Заходим в папку Tools находим в ней database_installer.bat кликаем по ярлыку правой кнопкой мышки и нажимаем ИЗМЕНИТЬ,
перед вами появляется окно с текстом :

@echo off
REM ##############################################
REM ## L2JDP Database Installer - (by DrLecter) ##
REM ##############################################
REM ## Interactive script setup - (by TanelTM) ##
REM ##############################################
REM Copyright (C) 2008 L2J DataPack
REM This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
REM it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
REM the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
REM your option) any later version.
REM This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
REM WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
REM for more details.
REM You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
REM with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
REM 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Or contact the Official L2J
REM DataPack Project at _http://www.l2jdp.com, _http://www.l2jdp.com/forum or
REM #l2j-datapack @ irc://irc.freenode.net

set config_file=vars.txt
set config_version=0

set workdir="%cd%"
set full=0
set stage=0
set logging=0

set upgrade_mode=0
set backup=.
set logdir=.
set safe_mode=1
set cmode=c
set fresh_setup=0

title L2JDP installer - Reading configuration from file...
if not exist %config_file% goto configure
ren %config_file% vars.bat
call vars.bat
ren vars.bat %config_file%
call :colors 17
if /i %config_version% == 1 goto ls_section
set upgrade_mode=2
echo It seems to be the first time you run this version of
echo database_installer but I found a settings file already.
echo I'll hopefully ask this questions just once.
echo Configuration upgrade options:
echo (1) Import and continue: I'll read your old settings and
echo continue execution, but since no new settings will be
echo saved, you'll see this menu again next time.
echo (2) Import and configure: This tool has some new available
echo options, you choose the values that fit your needs
echo using former settings as a base.
echo (3) Ignose stored settings: I'll let you configure me
echo with a fresh set of default values as a base.
echo (4) View saved settings: See the contents of the config
echo file.
echo (5) Quit: Did you came here by mistake?
set /P upgrade_mode="Type a number, press Enter (default is '%upgrade_mode%'): "
if %upgrade_mode%==1 goto ls_section
if %upgrade_mode%==2 goto configure
if %upgrade_mode%==3 goto configure
if %upgrade_mode%==4 (cls&type %config_file%&pause&goto loadconfig)
if %upgrade_mode%==5 goto :eof
goto loadconfig

if /i "%cmode%"=="n" (
if not "%1"=="17" ( color F ) else ( color )
) else ( color %1 )
goto :eof

call :colors 17
title L2JDP installer - Setup
set config_version=1
if NOT %upgrade_mode% == 2 (
set fresh_setup=1
set mysqlBinPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin
set lsuser=root
set lspass= <-------------------------------------------------- Сдесь прописываем вашь пароль к MySQL базе
set lsdb=l2jdb
set lshost=localhost
set gsuser=root
set gspass= <-------------------------------------------------- Сдесь прописываем вашь пароль к MySQL базе
set gsdb=l2jdb
set gshost=localhost
set cmode=c
set backup=.
set logdir=.

Сохраняем и закрываем окно, далее кликаем на ярлык дважды для запуска инстайлера, перед вами появляется окно инстайлера
со следующими предложениями по установке :

New settings will be created for this tool to run in
your computer, so I need to ask you some questions.

1-MySql Binaries
In order to perform my tasks, I need the path for commands
such as 'mysql' and 'mysqldump'. Both executables are
usually stored in the same place.

I can try to find out if the current setting actually works...

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql.exe

Look, I can't find "MYSQL" in your PATH environment variable.
It would be good if you go and find out where "mysql.exe" and
"mysqldump.exe" are.

If you have no idea about the meaning of words such as MYSQL
or PATH, you'd better close this window, and consider googling
and reading about it. Setup and host an L2J server requires a
minimum of technical skills.

Write the path to your MySQL binaries (no trailing slash needed):
(default C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin):
жмем ЕNТЕR

Далее инстайлер выдаст следующее окно с со следующими предложениями по установке
там уже не надо ничего вписывать просто нажимаем везде Enter

2-LoginServer settings
I will connect to the MySQL server you specify, and setup a
Loginserver database there, most people use a single MySQL
server and database for both Login and Gameserver tables.

MySQL Username (default is 'root'): Жмем ENTER
Password (will be shown as you type, default 'Beeliy'): Жмем ENTER
Database (default is 'l2jdb'): Жмем ENTER
Host (default is 'localhost'): Жмем ENTER

3-GameServer settings
User (default is 'root'): Жмем ENTER
Pass (default is 'Beeliy'): Жмем ENTER
Database (default is 'l2jdb'): Жмем ENTER
Host (default is 'localhost'): Жмем ENTER

4-Misc. settings
Color mode (c)olor or (n)on-color, default c : Жмем ENTER
Path for your backups (default '.'): Жмем ENTER
Path for your logs (default '.'): Жмем ENTER
Debugging messages and increase verbosity a lil bit (y/n, default 'y'): Жмем ENTER

Script setup complete, your settings were saved in the
'vars.txt' file. Remember: your passwords are stored
as clear text.

press any key to continue... Жмем ENTER

Trying to make a backup of your loginserver database.


(f)ull: I will destroy data in your `accounts` and
and `gameserver` tables.

(s)kip: I'll take you to the gameserver database
installation and upgrade options.

(r)econfigure: You'll be able to redefine MySQL path,
user and database information and start over with
those fresh values.


Choose (no default for fresh install) : F и нажимаем ENTER

Далее начинается инсталяция сервера.

L2JDP database_installer version 0.2.1a
(C) 2007-2008 L2J Datapack Team
database_installer comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; See the file gpl.txt for further

Thanks for using our software.
visit _http://www.l2jdp.com for more info about
the Official L2J Datapack project.

Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
Есть желание научиться !!
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