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I need help abnormalEffect Char Info
Мне нужна помощь с проблемой в символ информация протокола 479/488, я могу видеть все эффекты в символ поставить другие игроки не видят мой пример талисманы эффекты, эффекты мастерства и я не могу найти ошибку.

I need help with problem in char info protocol 479/488, I can see all the effects in char put the other players can not see my example talismans effects, effects of skill and I can not find the error.

package lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets;

import javolution.util.FastList;
import lineage2.gameserver.Config;
import lineage2.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager;
import lineage2.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.base.TeamType;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.DecoyInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.items.Inventory;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.matching.MatchingRoom;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.pledge.Alliance;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.pledge.Clan;
import lineage2.gameserver.skills.effects.EffectCubic;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class CharInfo extends L2GameServerPacket
    private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CharInfo.class);

    private int[][] _inv;
    private int _mAtkSpd, _pAtkSpd, _mEvasion, _mAccuracy, _mCritRate;
    private int _runSpd, _walkSpd, _swimSpd, _flRunSpd, _flWalkSpd, _flyRunSpd, _flyWalkSpd;
    private Location _loc, _fishLoc;
    private String _name, _title;
    private int _objId, _race, _sex, base_class, pvp_flag, karma, rec_have;
    private double speed_move, speed_atack, col_radius, col_height;
    private int hair_style, hair_color, face;
    private int clan_id, clan_crest_id, large_clan_crest_id, ally_id, ally_crest_id, class_id;
    private int _sit, _run, _combat, _dead, private_store, _enchant;
    private int _noble, _hero, _fishing, mount_type;
    private int plg_class, pledge_type, clan_rep_score, cw_level, mount_id;
    private int _nameColor, _title_color, _transform, _agathion, _clanBoatObjectId;
    private EffectCubic[] cubics;
    private boolean _isPartyRoomLeader, _isFlying;
    private TeamType _team;
    private int curHP, maxHP, curMP, maxMP, curCP;
    private FastList<Integer> _aveList;

    public CharInfo(Player cha)
        this((Creature) cha);

    public CharInfo(DecoyInstance cha)
        this((Creature) cha);

    public CharInfo(Creature cha)
        if (cha == null)
            System.out.println("CharInfo: cha is null!");

        if (cha.isInvisible())

        if (cha.isDeleted())

        Player player = cha.getPlayer();
        if (player == null)

        if (player.isInBoat())
            _loc = player.getInBoatPosition();
            if (player.isClanAirShipDriver())
                _clanBoatObjectId = player.getBoat().getBoatId();

        if (_loc == null)
            _loc = cha.getLoc();

        _objId = cha.getObjectId();

        if (player.getTransformationName() != null || (player.getReflection() == ReflectionManager.GIRAN_HARBOR || player.getReflection() == ReflectionManager.PARNASSUS)
                && player.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE)
            _name = player.getTransformationName() != null ? player.getTransformationName() : player.getName();
            _title = "";
            clan_id = 0;
            clan_crest_id = 0;
            ally_id = 0;
            ally_crest_id = 0;
            large_clan_crest_id = 0;
            if (player.isCursedWeaponEquipped())
                cw_level = CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().getLevel(player.getCursedWeaponEquippedId());
            _name = player.getName();
            if (player.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE)
                _title = "";
            else if (!player.isConnected())
                _title = "NO CARRIER";
                _title_color = 255;
                _title = player.getTitle();
                _title_color = player.getTitleColor();

            Clan clan = player.getClan();
            Alliance alliance = clan == null ? null : clan.getAlliance();
            clan_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getClanId();
            clan_crest_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getCrestId();
            large_clan_crest_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getCrestLargeId();
            ally_id = alliance == null ? 0 : alliance.getAllyId();
            ally_crest_id = alliance == null ? 0 : alliance.getAllyCrestId();

            cw_level = 0;

        if (player.isMounted())
            _enchant = 0;
            mount_id = player.getMountNpcId() + 1000000;
            mount_type = player.getMountType();
            _enchant = player.getEnchantEffect();
            mount_id = 0;
            mount_type = 0;

        _inv = new int[Inventory.PAPERDOLL_MAX][2];
            _inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][0] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(PAPERDOLL_ID);
            _inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][1] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollAugmentationId(PAPERDOLL_ID);

        _mAtkSpd = player.getMAtkSpd();
        _pAtkSpd = player.getPAtkSpd();
        _mEvasion = player.getMEvasionRate(null);
        _mAccuracy = player.getMAccuracy();
        _mCritRate = (int) player.getMagicCriticalRate(null, null);
        speed_move = player.getMovementSpeedMultiplier();
        _runSpd = (int) (player.getRunSpeed() / speed_move);
        _walkSpd = (int) (player.getWalkSpeed() / speed_move);

        _flRunSpd = 0; // TODO
        _flWalkSpd = 0; // TODO

        if (player.isFlying())
            _flyRunSpd = _runSpd;
            _flyWalkSpd = _walkSpd;
            _flyRunSpd = 0;
            _flyWalkSpd = 0;

        _swimSpd = player.getSwimSpeed();
        _race = player.getRace().ordinal();
        _sex = player.getSex();
        base_class = player.getBaseClassId();
        pvp_flag = player.getPvpFlag();
        karma = player.getKarma();

        speed_atack = player.getAttackSpeedMultiplier();
        col_radius = player.getColRadius();
        col_height = player.getColHeight();
        hair_style = player.getHairStyle();
        hair_color = player.getHairColor();
        face = player.getFace();
        if (clan_id > 0 && player.getClan() != null)
            clan_rep_score = player.getClan().getReputationScore();
            clan_rep_score = 0;
        _sit = player.isSitting() ? 0 : 1; // standing = 1 sitting = 0
        _run = player.isRunning() ? 1 : 0; // running = 1 walking = 0
        _combat = player.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0;
        _dead = player.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0;
        private_store = player.isInObserverMode() ? Player.STORE_OBSERVING_GAMES : player.getPrivateStoreType();
        cubics = player.getCubics().toArray(new EffectCubic[player.getCubics().size()]);
        rec_have = player.isGM() ? 0 : player.getRecomHave();
        class_id = player.getClassId().getId();

        _team = player.getTeam();

        _noble = player.isNoble() ? 1 : 0; // 0x01: symbol on char menu ctrl+I
        _hero = player.isHero() || player.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA ? 1 : 0; // 0x01:
        // Hero
        // Aura
        _fishing = player.isFishing() ? 1 : 0;
        _fishLoc = player.getFishLoc();
        _nameColor = player.getNameColor(); // New C5
        plg_class = player.getPledgeClass();
        pledge_type = player.getPledgeType();
        _transform = player.getTransformation();
        _agathion = player.getAgathionId();
        _isPartyRoomLeader = player.getMatchingRoom() != null && player.getMatchingRoom().getType() == MatchingRoom.PARTY_MATCHING && player.getMatchingRoom().getLeader() == player;
        _isFlying = player.isInFlyingTransform();

        curCP = (int) player.getCurrentCp();
        curHP = (int) player.getCurrentHp();
        maxHP = player.getMaxHp();
        curMP = (int) player.getCurrentMp();
        maxMP = player.getMaxMp();

    protected final void writeImpl()
        Player activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar();
        if (activeChar == null)
        if (_objId == 0)
        if (activeChar.getObjectId() == _objId)
            _log.error("You cant send CharInfo about his character to active user!!!");

        writeD(_loc.z + Config.CLIENT_Z_SHIFT);



        writeD(0x01); // TODO talisman count(VISTALL)
        writeD(0x00); // TODO cloak status(VISTALL)
        writeD(0); // Tauti
        writeD(0); // Tauti
        writeD(0); // Tauti
        writeD(0); // Tauti
        writeD(0); // Tauti
        writeD(0); // Tauti
        writeD(_mEvasion); // Tauti
        writeD(_mAccuracy); // Tauti
        writeF(speed_move); // _cha.getProperMultiplier()
        writeF(speed_atack); // _cha.getAttackSpeedMultiplier()
        writeC(0x00); // is invisible
        writeC(mount_type); // 1-on Strider, 2-on Wyvern, 3-on Great Wolf, 0-no mount
        for (EffectCubic cubic : cubics)
            writeH(cubic == null ? 0 : cubic.getId());
        writeC(_isPartyRoomLeader ? 0x01 : 0x00); // find party members
        writeC(_isFlying ? 0x02 : 0x00);
        writeC(_team.ordinal()); // team circle around feet 1 = Blue, 2 = red
        writeD(0x01); // T2
        writeD(0x00);// Unknown1 (GOD)
        writeD(0x00);// Unknown2 (GOD)
        writeD(0x00);// Unknown3 (GOD)

        writeD(0x00);// Unknown9 (GOD)
        writeC(0x00);// Unknown10 (GOD)
        if (_aveList != null)
            for (int i : _aveList)
        writeC(0x00); // Tauti


    public static final int[] PAPERDOLL_ORDER = { Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDER, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HEAD, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES,
            Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO5, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO6, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_BELT };

Добавлено через 10 часов 37 минут
Problem Solved;

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