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Проблемма с TvT и СTF ивентом
Не могу настроить ивенты, тоесть респаун ивента в определенное время
Вот конфиги ивентов
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Team vs. Team Event Engine
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CustomNpcTable = True in General.properties
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable TvTEvent
EnableTvT = True

# Enable/Disable potions usage in TvT.
TvTPotionsAllowed = True

# TvT registration time.
TvTRegTime = 3

# TvT event time.
TvTTime = 10

# City where the NPC event registration will spawn
TvTNPCCity = Aden

# Event NPC (if you want to change it, create a custom npc of type L2EventNpc).
TvTParticipationNPCID = 950

# Location for TvTEvent NPC to spawn in form x,y,z
TvTParticipationNPCCoordinates = 147449,27127,-2202

# Min amount of players to start the event.
TvTMinPlayers = 2

# Min level of players that may join the event.
TvTMinLevel = 76

# First Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location.
TvTTeam1Name = Red

TvTTeam1Coordinates = -78111,-52377,-3106

# Second Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location.
TvTTeam2Name = Blue

TvTTeam2Coordinates = -78489,-49088,-3162

# Reward for winning team.
# Example: TvTRewards = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount
TvTRewards = 6392,250

# Fighter-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn
# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...
# Example: 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1
TvTFighterBuffs = 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1

# Mage-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn
# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...
# Example: 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3
TvTMageBuffs = 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Capture The Flag - Event Engine
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable CTF Event.
EnableCTF = True

# Enable/Disable potions usage in CTF.
CTFAllowPotions = True

# Revive recovery delay on die in CTF.
CTFReviveDelay = 10000

# CTF registration time.
CTFRegTime = 5

# CTF event time.
CTFTime = 10

# City where the registration NPC is.
CTFNPCCity = Goddard

# Min players to start the CTF.
CTFMinPlayers = 2

# Min level to join the CTF.
CTFMinLevel = 76

# NPC id of the registration NPC (if you want to change it, make sure you selected a L2NpcInstance NPC type).
CTFParticipationNPCID = 970

# First Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location.
CTFTeam1Name = Blu

CTFTeam1Coordinates = 113088,-114783,-10985

# Second Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location.
CTFTeam2Name = Red

CTFTeam2Coordinates = 116358,-114816,-10987

# Coordinates where the team flags will be spawned.
CTFTeam1Flag = 112956,-114787,-10987

CTFTeam2Flag = 116491,-114831,-10985

# Coordinates where the registration NPC will be spawned.
CTFParticipationNPCCoordinates = 147755,-56362,-2779

# Reward for winning team.
# Example: CTFRewards = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount
CTFRewards = 6392,500

# Mage-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn.
# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...
# Example: 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3
CTFMageBuffs = 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3

# Fighter-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn.
# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...
# Example: 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1
CTFFighterBuffs = 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1

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