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Не пропадает опыт после смерти игрока
Всем привет! Собственно вот такая проблема, после смерти, опыт игрока не уменьшается. Блин, где я только эту ошибку не искал...

PHP код:
public void doDie(L2Character killer)
// Kill the L2PcInstance

if (
killer != null)
if (
atEvent && killer instanceof L2PcInstance)
L2PcInstance pk = (L2PcInstance) killer;

onDieDropItem(killer); // Check if any item should be dropped

if (!isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP) && (!isGM() || Config.KARMA_DROP_GM))
if (
// Reduce the Experience of the L2PcInstance in function of the calculated Death Penalty
// NOTE: deathPenalty +- Exp will update karma
if (getSkillLevel(L2Skill.SKILL_LUCKY) < 0 || getStat().getLevel() > 4)
deathPenalty((killer instanceof L2PcInstance && this.getClan() != null && ((L2PcInstance)killer).getClan() != null && ((L2PcInstance)killer).getClan().isAtWarWith(this.getClanId())));
onDieUpdateKarma(); // Update karma if delevel is not allowed

setPvpFlag(0); // Clear the pvp flag

// Unsummon the Pet
if (getPet() != null)

// Unsummon Cubics
if (_cubics.size() > 0)
for (
L2CubicInstance cubic : _cubics.values())



PHP код:
public void doDie(L2Character killer)
// Enhance soul crystals of the attacker if this L2Attackable had its soul absorbed
try {
if (
killer instanceof L2PcInstance)
catch (
Exception e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); }

// Distribute Exp and SP rewards to L2PcInstance (including Summon owner) that hit the L2Attackable and to their Party members
try { calculateRewards(killer); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); }

// Notify the Quest Engine of the L2Attackable death if necessary
try {
if (
killer instanceof L2PcInstance || killer instanceof L2SummonInstance)
// Get the L2PcInstance that killed the L2Attackable
L2PcInstance player = killer instanceof L2PcInstance?(L2PcInstance)killer:((L2SummonInstance)killer).getOwner();

// Get a table containing all QuestState to modify after the L2Attackable killing
QuestState[] quests = player.getQuestsForKills(this);

if (
quests != null)
// Go through table containing all QuestState to modify
for (QuestState qs : quests)
// Notify the Quest Engine of the L2Attackable death
qs.getQuest().notifyKill(this, qs);

catch (
Exception e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); }

// Kill the L2NpcInstance (the corpse disappeared after 7 seconds)


Метод deathPenalty

PHP код:
public void deathPenalty(boolean atwar)
// TODO Need Correct Penalty
// Get the level of the L2PcInstance
final int lvl = getLevel();

//The death steal you some Exp
double percentLost = -0.07 * lvl + 6.5;

if (
getKarma() > 0)
percentLost *= Config.RATE_KARMA_EXP_LOST;

if (
isFestivalParticipant() || atwar || isInsideZone(ZONE_SIEGE))
percentLost /= 4.0;

// Calculate the Experience loss
int lostExp = 0;
if (!
if (
lvl < Experience.MAX_LEVEL)
lostExp = (int) Math.round((getStat().getExpForLevel(lvl+1) - getStat().getExpForLevel(lvl)) * percentLost /100);
lostExp = (int) Math.round((getStat().getExpForLevel(Experience.MAX_LEVEL) - getStat().getExpForLevel(Experience.MAX_LEVEL - 1)) * percentLost /100);

// Get the Experience before applying penalty
_expBeforeDeath = getExp();

if (
_log.fine(getName() + " died and lost " + lostExp + " experience.");

// Set the new Experience value of the L2PcInstance

Я не могу понять, где происходит событие, когда после смерти минусуется экспа?

Ребята, помогите пожалуйста
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