07-16-2010, 07:54 PM
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 07-17-2010, 06:18 AM Aion-Gamer.)
Вот решыл одеть шмот каторый Можно одеть если есть 55 лвл но возникла проблема когда я прописал //set level 55 хмм нечево решыл 54 и так до 51 , почемуже 51 лвл ставется а выше нет яж добавел в файле лвл
D:\aion-emu files\GameServer\data\static_data\player_experience_table.хмл
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<player_experience_table xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<exp>0</exp> <!-- level 0 --> <!-- Experience is tallied up per level and stacks. -->
<exp>650</exp> <!-- 650 -->
<exp>2567</exp> <!-- 1917 -->
<exp>6797</exp> <!-- 4230 -->
<exp>15490</exp> <!-- 8693 -->
<exp>30073</exp> <!-- 14583 -->
<exp>52958</exp> <!-- 22885 -->
<exp>87894</exp> <!-- 34936 -->
<exp>140329</exp> <!-- 52435 -->
<exp>213454</exp> <!-- 73125 -->
<exp>307558</exp> <!-- 94104 --> <!-- Level 10 -->
<exp>438553</exp> <!-- 130995 -->
<exp>608161</exp> <!-- 169608 -->
<exp>825336</exp> <!-- 217175 -->
<exp>1091985</exp> <!-- 266649 -->
<exp>1418170</exp> <!-- 326185 -->
<exp>1810467</exp> <!-- 392297 -->
<exp>2332547</exp> <!-- 522080 -->
<exp>3002260</exp> <!-- 669713 -->
<exp>3820082</exp> <!-- 817822 -->
<exp>4820229</exp> <!-- 1000147 --> <!-- Level 20 -->
<exp>6055323</exp> <!-- 1235094 -->
<exp>7665200</exp> <!-- 1609877 -->
<exp>9667124</exp> <!-- 2001924 -->
<exp>12015782</exp> <!-- 2348658 -->
<exp>14702523</exp> <!-- 2686741 -->
<exp>17819939</exp> <!-- 3117416 -->
<exp>21422200</exp> <!-- 3602261 -->
<exp>25434736</exp> <!-- 4012536 -->
<exp>30111208</exp> <!-- 4676472 -->
<exp>35939440</exp> <!-- 5828232 --> <!-- Level 30 -->
<exp>42747682</exp> <!-- 6808242 -->
<exp>50838806</exp> <!-- 8091124 -->
<exp>60528213</exp> <!-- 9689407 -->
<exp>73197342</exp> <!-- 12669129 -->
<exp>89321807</exp> <!-- 16124465 -->
<exp>109063829</exp> <!-- 19742022 -->
<exp>135085670</exp> <!-- 26021841 -->
<exp>165021833</exp> <!-- 29936163 -->
<exp>201169803</exp> <!-- 36147970 -->
<exp>243343723</exp> <!-- 42173920 --> <!-- Level 40 -->
<exp>292699203</exp> <!-- 49355480 -->
<exp>350659083</exp> <!-- 57959880 -->
<exp>415031452</exp> <!-- 64372369 -->
<exp>485413854</exp> <!-- 70382402 -->
<exp>559280864</exp> <!-- 73867010 -->
<exp>643809037</exp> <!-- 84528173 -->
<exp>741317548</exp> <!-- 97508511 -->
<exp>853743989</exp> <!-- 112426441 -->
<exp>982653882</exp> <!-- 128909893 -->
<exp>1128723910</exp> <!-- 146070028 --> <!-- Level 50 -->
<exp>1228723910</exp> <!-- 256070028 --> <!-- Level 51 -->
<exp>2328723910</exp> <!-- 366070028 --> <!-- Level 52 -->
<exp>3428723910</exp> <!-- 476070028 --> <!-- Level 53 -->
<exp>4528723910</exp> <!-- 586070028 --> <!-- Level 54 -->
<exp>5628723910</exp> <!-- 696070028 --> <!-- Level 55 -->
и в
D:\aion-emu files\GameServer\data\static_data\stats\player\chanter-templates.хмл
Неставлю фсе потамушто очень много ставлю тока от таво каторово пашет, извените за мой руский ,я сам не из расии!
<!-- Checked By Kamui 11/2009 at US Retail -->
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="50">
<stats_template maxHp="4720" maxMp="5538"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="651" block="651" parry="651"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="570" main_hand_crit_rate="1"
magic_accuracy="713" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="51">
<stats_template maxHp="4702" maxMp="6612"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="750" block="750" parry="750"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="713" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="52">
<stats_template maxHp="5000" maxMp="7000"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="800" block="800" parry="800"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="760" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="53">
<stats_template maxHp="5500" maxMp="8500"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="850" block="850" parry="850"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="780" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="54">
<stats_template maxHp="6000" maxMp="9000"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="900" block="900" parry="900"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="800" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="55">
<stats_template maxHp="6500" maxMp="9500"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="950" block="950" parry="950"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="850" />
может я не так зделал поправте нуба пожалуста!
Добавлено через 10 часов 24 минуты
Видемо никто незнает , ну а как тогда сменить лвл шмота с 55 поставеть на 51 например?
D:\aion-emu files\GameServer\data\static_data\player_experience_table.хмл
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<player_experience_table xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<exp>0</exp> <!-- level 0 --> <!-- Experience is tallied up per level and stacks. -->
<exp>650</exp> <!-- 650 -->
<exp>2567</exp> <!-- 1917 -->
<exp>6797</exp> <!-- 4230 -->
<exp>15490</exp> <!-- 8693 -->
<exp>30073</exp> <!-- 14583 -->
<exp>52958</exp> <!-- 22885 -->
<exp>87894</exp> <!-- 34936 -->
<exp>140329</exp> <!-- 52435 -->
<exp>213454</exp> <!-- 73125 -->
<exp>307558</exp> <!-- 94104 --> <!-- Level 10 -->
<exp>438553</exp> <!-- 130995 -->
<exp>608161</exp> <!-- 169608 -->
<exp>825336</exp> <!-- 217175 -->
<exp>1091985</exp> <!-- 266649 -->
<exp>1418170</exp> <!-- 326185 -->
<exp>1810467</exp> <!-- 392297 -->
<exp>2332547</exp> <!-- 522080 -->
<exp>3002260</exp> <!-- 669713 -->
<exp>3820082</exp> <!-- 817822 -->
<exp>4820229</exp> <!-- 1000147 --> <!-- Level 20 -->
<exp>6055323</exp> <!-- 1235094 -->
<exp>7665200</exp> <!-- 1609877 -->
<exp>9667124</exp> <!-- 2001924 -->
<exp>12015782</exp> <!-- 2348658 -->
<exp>14702523</exp> <!-- 2686741 -->
<exp>17819939</exp> <!-- 3117416 -->
<exp>21422200</exp> <!-- 3602261 -->
<exp>25434736</exp> <!-- 4012536 -->
<exp>30111208</exp> <!-- 4676472 -->
<exp>35939440</exp> <!-- 5828232 --> <!-- Level 30 -->
<exp>42747682</exp> <!-- 6808242 -->
<exp>50838806</exp> <!-- 8091124 -->
<exp>60528213</exp> <!-- 9689407 -->
<exp>73197342</exp> <!-- 12669129 -->
<exp>89321807</exp> <!-- 16124465 -->
<exp>109063829</exp> <!-- 19742022 -->
<exp>135085670</exp> <!-- 26021841 -->
<exp>165021833</exp> <!-- 29936163 -->
<exp>201169803</exp> <!-- 36147970 -->
<exp>243343723</exp> <!-- 42173920 --> <!-- Level 40 -->
<exp>292699203</exp> <!-- 49355480 -->
<exp>350659083</exp> <!-- 57959880 -->
<exp>415031452</exp> <!-- 64372369 -->
<exp>485413854</exp> <!-- 70382402 -->
<exp>559280864</exp> <!-- 73867010 -->
<exp>643809037</exp> <!-- 84528173 -->
<exp>741317548</exp> <!-- 97508511 -->
<exp>853743989</exp> <!-- 112426441 -->
<exp>982653882</exp> <!-- 128909893 -->
<exp>1128723910</exp> <!-- 146070028 --> <!-- Level 50 -->
<exp>1228723910</exp> <!-- 256070028 --> <!-- Level 51 -->
<exp>2328723910</exp> <!-- 366070028 --> <!-- Level 52 -->
<exp>3428723910</exp> <!-- 476070028 --> <!-- Level 53 -->
<exp>4528723910</exp> <!-- 586070028 --> <!-- Level 54 -->
<exp>5628723910</exp> <!-- 696070028 --> <!-- Level 55 -->
и в
D:\aion-emu files\GameServer\data\static_data\stats\player\chanter-templates.хмл
Неставлю фсе потамушто очень много ставлю тока от таво каторово пашет, извените за мой руский ,я сам не из расии!
<!-- Checked By Kamui 11/2009 at US Retail -->
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="50">
<stats_template maxHp="4720" maxMp="5538"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="651" block="651" parry="651"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="570" main_hand_crit_rate="1"
magic_accuracy="713" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="51">
<stats_template maxHp="4702" maxMp="6612"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="750" block="750" parry="750"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="713" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="52">
<stats_template maxHp="5000" maxMp="7000"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="800" block="800" parry="800"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="760" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="53">
<stats_template maxHp="5500" maxMp="8500"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="850" block="850" parry="850"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="780" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="54">
<stats_template maxHp="6000" maxMp="9000"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="900" block="900" parry="900"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="800" />
<player_stats class="CHANTER" level="55">
<stats_template maxHp="6500" maxMp="9500"
power="110" health="105" agility="90" accuracy="90" knowledge="105" will="110"
walk_speed="1.5" run_speed="6" fly_speed="9"
evasion="950" block="950" parry="950"
main_hand_attack="19" main_hand_accuracy="610" main_hand_crit_rate="3"
magic_accuracy="850" />
может я не так зделал поправте нуба пожалуста!
Добавлено через 10 часов 24 минуты
Видемо никто незнает , ну а как тогда сменить лвл шмота с 55 поставеть на 51 например?