Рейтинг темы:
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Сборка la2base + исходники
Хроники Interlude
Проблема в том что на TVT можно атакавать свой теам и бафать соперников, как запретить это?
Знаю что в ядре но не знаю какой файл и какой запрет

Или подскажите какой метод проверяет состояние игрока (аттакует / собирается аттаковать)
Скрипт пересмотрите евента, возможно даже коментарий строке, в которой ставится это.
Web программист\разработчик

— Есть только один способ проделать большую работу — полюбить ее. Если вы к этому не пришли, подождите. Не беритесь за дело.
Скрипт эвента нашол, даже понял где нада редактировать, только не могу узнать методы атаки.
Скрипт в студию.
Web программист\разработчик

— Есть только один способ проделать большую работу — полюбить ее. Если вы к этому не пришли, подождите. Не беритесь за дело.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.entity;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.Olympiad;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.clientpackets.Say2;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.DoorTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Character;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Spawn;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Summon;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.PcInventory;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PetInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2SummonInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.CreatureSay;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.MagicSkillUser;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.StatusUpdate;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
import net.sf.l2j.util.Rnd;

* @author FBIagent
public class TvTEvent {
    enum EventState {

    protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger( TvTEvent.class.getName() );
    /**    The teams of the TvTEvent<br> */
    private static TvTEventTeam[] _teams = new TvTEventTeam[ 2 ];
    /** The state of the TvTEvent<br> */
    private static EventState _state = EventState.INACTIVE;
    /** The spawn of the participation npc<br> */
    private static L2Spawn _npcSpawn = null;
    /** the npc instance of the participation npc<br> */
    private static L2NpcInstance _lastNpcSpawn = null;

     * No instance of this class!<br>
    private TvTEvent() {

     * Teams initializing<br>
    public static void init() {
        _teams[ 0 ] = new TvTEventTeam( Config.TVT_EVENT_TEAM_1_NAME, Config.TVT_EVENT_TEAM_1_COORDINATES );
        _teams[ 1 ] = new TvTEventTeam( Config.TVT_EVENT_TEAM_2_NAME, Config.TVT_EVENT_TEAM_2_COORDINATES );

     * Starts the participation of the TvTEvent<br>
     * 1. Get L2NpcTemplate by Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_ID<br>
     * 2. Try to spawn a new npc of it<br><br>
     * @return boolean: true if success, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean startParticipation() {
        L2NpcTemplate tmpl = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate( Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_ID );

        if ( tmpl == null ) {
            _log.warning("TvTEventEngine[TvTEvent.startParticipation()]: L2NpcTemplate is a NullPointer -> Invalid npc id in configs?");
            return false;

        try {
            _npcSpawn = new L2Spawn( tmpl );

            _npcSpawn.setLocx( Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_COORDINATES[ 0 ] );
            _npcSpawn.setLocy( Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_COORDINATES[ 1 ] );
            _npcSpawn.setLocz( Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_COORDINATES[ 2 ] );
            _npcSpawn.setAmount( 1 );
            _npcSpawn.setHeading( 0 );
            _npcSpawn.setRespawnDelay( 1 );
            // later no need to delete spawn from db, we don't store it (false)
            SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn( _npcSpawn, false );
            _lastNpcSpawn = _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn();
            _lastNpcSpawn.setCurrentHp( _lastNpcSpawn.getMaxHp() );
            _lastNpcSpawn.setTitle( "TvT Event Participation" );
            _lastNpcSpawn.spawnMe( _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getX(), _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getY(), _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getZ() );
            _lastNpcSpawn.broadcastPacket( new MagicSkillUser( _lastNpcSpawn, _lastNpcSpawn, 1034, 1, 1, 1 ) );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            _log.warning( "TvTEventEngine[TvTEvent.startParticipation()]: exception: " + e );
            return false;

        setState( EventState.PARTICIPATING );
        return true;

     * Starts the TvTEvent fight<br>
     * 1. Set state EventState.STARTING<br>
     * 2. Close doors specified in configs<br>
     * 3. Abort if not enought participants(return false)<br>
     * 4. Set state EventState.STARTED<br>
     * 5. Teleport all participants to team spot<br><br>
     * @return boolean: true if success, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean startFight() {
        // Set state to STARTING
        setState( EventState.STARTING );

        // Check for enought participants
        if (    _teams[ 0 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount() < Config.TVT_EVENT_MIN_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS ||
                _teams[ 1 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount() < Config.TVT_EVENT_MIN_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS ) {
            // Set state INACTIVE
            setState( EventState.INACTIVE );
            // Cleanup of teams
            _teams[ 0 ].cleanMe();
            _teams[ 1 ].cleanMe();
            // Unspawn the event NPC
            return false;

        // Opens all doors specified in configs for tvt
        // Closes all doors specified in configs for tvt
        // Set state STARTED
        setState( EventState.STARTED );

        // Iterate over all teams
        for ( TvTEventTeam team : _teams ) {
            // Iterate over all participated player instances in this team
            for ( L2PcInstance playerInstance : team.getParticipatedPlayers().values() ) {
                if ( playerInstance != null ) {
                    // Teleporter implements Runnable and starts itself
                    new TvTEventTeleporter( playerInstance, team.getCoordinates(), false, false );

        return true;

     * Calculates the TvTEvent reward<br>
     * 1. If both teams are at a tie(points equals), send it as system message to all participants, if one of the teams have 0 participants left online abort rewarding<br>
     * 2. Wait till teams are not at a tie anymore<br>
     * 3. Set state EvcentState.REWARDING<br>
     * 4. Reward team with more points<br>
     * 5. Show win html to wining team participants<br><br>
     * @return String: winning team name<br>
    public static String calculateRewards()
        if (_teams[ 0 ].getPoints() == _teams[ 1 ].getPoints())
            // Check if one of the teams have no more players left
            if ( _teams[ 0 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount() == 0 || _teams[ 1 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount() == 0 )
                // set state to rewarding
                // return here, the fight can't be completed
                return "TvT Event: Event has ended. No team won due to inactivity!";

            // Both teams have equals points
            sysMsgToAllParticipants("TvT Event: Event has ended, both teams have tied.");
            if (Config.TVT_REWARD_TEAM_TIE)
                return "TvT Event: Event has ended with both teams tying.";
                return "TvT Event: Event has ended with both teams tying.";

        // Set state REWARDING so nobody can point anymore
        setState( EventState.REWARDING );

        // Get team which has more points
        TvTEventTeam team = _teams[ _teams[ 0 ].getPoints() > _teams[ 1 ].getPoints() ? 0 : 1 ];
        TvTEventTeam teamLost = _teams[ _teams[ 0 ].getPoints() < _teams[ 1 ].getPoints() ? 0 : 1 ];
        if (team == _teams[0])
        return "TvT Event: Эвент завершен. Команда " + team.getName() + " выиграла со счетом " + team.getPoints() + " : " + teamLost.getPoints() +  " очков.";
    private static void rewardTeamOne()
        TvTEventTeam team = _teams[0];
        // Iterate over all participated player instances of the winning team
        for ( L2PcInstance playerInstance : team.getParticipatedPlayers().values() ) {
            // Check for nullpointer
            if ( playerInstance == null )

            SystemMessage systemMessage = null;

            // Iterate over all tvt event rewards
            for ( int[] reward : Config.TVT_EVENT_REWARDS ) {
                PcInventory inv = playerInstance.getInventory();

                // Check for stackable item, non stackabe items need to be added one by one
                if ( ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem( reward[ 0 ] ).isStackable() ) {
                    inv.addItem( "TvT Event", reward[ 0 ], reward[ 1 ], playerInstance, playerInstance );

                    if ( reward[ 1 ] > 1 ) {
                        systemMessage = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S );
                        systemMessage.addItemName( reward[ 0 ] );
                        systemMessage.addNumber( reward[ 1 ] );
                    } else {
                        systemMessage = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM );
                        systemMessage.addItemName( reward[ 0 ] );

                    playerInstance.sendPacket( systemMessage );
                } else {
                    for ( int i = 0;i < reward[ 1 ];++ i ) {
                        inv.addItem( "TvT Event", reward[ 0 ], 1, playerInstance, playerInstance );
                        systemMessage = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM );
                        systemMessage.addItemName( reward[ 0 ] );
                        playerInstance.sendPacket( systemMessage );

            StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate( playerInstance.getObjectId() );
            NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage( 0 );

            statusUpdate.addAttribute( StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, playerInstance.getCurrentLoad() );
            npcHtmlMessage.setHtml( "<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>Your team won the event. Look in your inventory, there should be your reward.</body></html>" );
            playerInstance.sendPacket( statusUpdate );
            playerInstance.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage );
    private static void rewardTeamTwo()
        TvTEventTeam team = _teams[1];
        // Iterate over all participated player instances of the winning team
        for ( L2PcInstance playerInstance : team.getParticipatedPlayers().values() ) {
            // Check for nullpointer
            if ( playerInstance == null ) {

            SystemMessage systemMessage = null;

            // Iterate over all tvt event rewards
            for ( int[] reward : Config.TVT_EVENT_REWARDS ) {
                PcInventory inv = playerInstance.getInventory();

                // Check for stackable item, non stackabe items need to be added one by one
                if ( ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem( reward[ 0 ] ).isStackable() ) {
                    inv.addItem( "TvT Event", reward[ 0 ], reward[ 1 ], playerInstance, playerInstance );

                    if ( reward[ 1 ] > 1 ) {
                        systemMessage = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S );
                        systemMessage.addItemName( reward[ 0 ] );
                        systemMessage.addNumber( reward[ 1 ] );
                    } else {
                        systemMessage = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM );
                        systemMessage.addItemName( reward[ 0 ] );

                    playerInstance.sendPacket( systemMessage );
                } else {
                    for ( int i = 0;i < reward[ 1 ];++ i ) {
                        inv.addItem( "TvT Event", reward[ 0 ], 1, playerInstance, playerInstance );
                        systemMessage = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM );
                        systemMessage.addItemName( reward[ 0 ] );
                        playerInstance.sendPacket( systemMessage );

            StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate( playerInstance.getObjectId() );
            NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage( 0 );

            statusUpdate.addAttribute( StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, playerInstance.getCurrentLoad() );
            npcHtmlMessage.setHtml( "<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>Your team won the event. Look in your inventory, there should be your reward.</body></html>" );
            playerInstance.sendPacket( statusUpdate );
            playerInstance.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage );

     * Stops the TvTEvent fight<br>
     * 1. Set state EventState.INACTIVATING<br>
     * 2. Remove tvt npc from world<br>
     * 3. Open doors specified in configs<br>
     * 4. Teleport all participants back to participation npc location<br>
     * 5. Teams cleaning<br>
     * 6. Set state EventState.INACTIVE<br>
    public static void stopFight()
        // Set state INACTIVATING
        //Unspawn event npc
        // Opens all doors specified in configs for tvt
        // Closes all doors specified in Configs for tvt

        // Iterate over all teams
        for ( TvTEventTeam team : _teams ) {
            for ( L2PcInstance playerInstance : team.getParticipatedPlayers().values() ) {
                // Check for nullpointer
                if ( playerInstance != null ) {
                    new TvTEventTeleporter( playerInstance, Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_COORDINATES, false, false );

        // Cleanup of teams
        _teams[ 0 ].cleanMe();
        _teams[ 1 ].cleanMe();
        // Set state INACTIVE
        setState( EventState.INACTIVE );

     * Adds a player to a TvTEvent team<br>
     * 1. Calculate the id of the team in which the player should be added<br>
     * 2. Add the player to the calculated team<br><br>
     * @param playerInstance as L2PcInstance<br>
     * @return boolean: true if success, otherwise false<br>
    public static synchronized boolean addParticipant( L2PcInstance playerInstance ) {
        // Check for nullpoitner
        if ( playerInstance == null ) {
            return false;

        byte teamId = 0;

        // Check to which team the player should be added
        if ( _teams[0].getParticipatedPlayerCount() == _teams[1].getParticipatedPlayerCount() ) {
            teamId = ( byte )( Rnd.get( 2 ) );
        } else {
            teamId = ( byte )( _teams[ 0 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount() > _teams[ 1 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount() ? 1 : 0 );

        return _teams[ teamId ].addPlayer( playerInstance );

     * Removes a TvTEvent player from it's team<br>
     * 1. Get team id of the player<br>
     * 2. Remove player from it's team<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @return boolean: true if success, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean removeParticipant( int playerObjectId ) {
        // Get the teamId of the player
        byte teamId = getParticipantTeamId( playerObjectId );

        // Check if the player is participant
        if ( teamId != -1 ) {
            // Remove the player from team
            _teams[ teamId ].removePlayer( playerObjectId );
            return true;

        return false;

     * Send a SystemMessage to all participated players<br>
     * 1. Send the message to all players of team number one<br>
     * 2. Send the message to all players of team number two<br><br>
     * @param message as String<br>
    public static void sysMsgToAllParticipants( String message ) {
        for ( L2PcInstance playerInstance : _teams[ 0 ].getParticipatedPlayers().values() ) {
            if ( playerInstance != null ) {
                playerInstance.sendMessage( message );

        for ( L2PcInstance playerInstance : _teams[ 1 ].getParticipatedPlayers().values() ) {
            if ( playerInstance != null ) {
                playerInstance.sendMessage( message );

     * Close doors specified in configs
    private static void closeDoors() {
        for ( int doorId : Config.TVT_DOORS_IDS_TO_CLOSE ) {
            L2DoorInstance doorInstance = DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor( doorId );

            if ( doorInstance != null ) {

     * Open doors specified in configs
    private static void openDoors() {
        for (int doorId : Config.TVT_DOORS_IDS_TO_OPEN ) {
            L2DoorInstance doorInstance = DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor( doorId );

            if ( doorInstance != null ) {

     * UnSpawns the TvTEvent npc
    private static void unSpawnNpc() {
        // Delete the npc
        // Stop respawningof the npc
        _npcSpawn = null;
        _lastNpcSpawn = null;

     * Called when a player logs in<br><br>
     * @param playerInstance as L2PcInstance<br>
    public static void onLogin( L2PcInstance playerInstance ) {
        if (    playerInstance == null ||
                ( !isStarting() && !isStarted() ) ) {

        byte teamId = getParticipantTeamId( playerInstance.getObjectId() );

        if ( teamId == -1 ) {

        _teams[ teamId ].addPlayer( playerInstance );
        new TvTEventTeleporter( playerInstance, _teams[ teamId ].getCoordinates(), true, false );

     * Called when a player logs out<br><br>
     * @param playerInstance as L2PcInstance<br>
    public static void onLogout( L2PcInstance playerInstance )
        if (    playerInstance != null &&
                ( isStarting() || isStarted() ) ) {
            removeParticipant( playerInstance.getObjectId() );

     * Called on every bypass by npc of type L2TvTEventNpc<br>
     * Needs synchronization cause of the max player check<br><br>
     * @param command as String<br>
     * @param playerInstance as L2PcInstance<br>
    public static synchronized void onBypass( String command, L2PcInstance playerInstance ) {
        if ( playerInstance == null || !isParticipating() ) {

        if ( command.equals( "tvt_event_participation" ) ) {
            NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage( 0 );
            int playerLevel = playerInstance.getLevel();

            if ( playerInstance.isCursedWeaponEquiped() ) {
                npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>Cursed weapon owners are not allowed to participate.</body></html>");
            } else if ( playerInstance.getKarma() > 0 ) {
                npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>Chaotic players are not allowed to participate.</body></html>");
            } else if ( playerLevel < Config.TVT_EVENT_MIN_LVL || playerLevel > Config.TVT_EVENT_MAX_LVL ) {
                npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>Only players from level " + Config.TVT_EVENT_MIN_LVL + " to level " + Config.TVT_EVENT_MAX_LVL + " are allowed tro participate.</body></html>");
            } else if ( playerInstance.isInOlympiadMode() || Olympiad.getInstance().isRegistered(playerInstance))
                npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>Вы зарегистрированы на олимпиаде!</body></html>");
            else if (_teams[0].getParticipatedPlayerCount() == Config.TVT_EVENT_MAX_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS &&
                      _teams[1].getParticipatedPlayerCount() == Config.TVT_EVENT_MAX_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS)
                npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>The event is full! Only " + Config.TVT_EVENT_MAX_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS + " players are allowed per team.</body></html>");
            else if (addParticipant(playerInstance))
                npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>You are on the registration list now.</body></html>");

            playerInstance.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage );
        } else if ( command.equals( "tvt_event_remove_participation" ) ) {
            removeParticipant( playerInstance.getObjectId() );

            NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);

            npcHtmlMessage.setHtml( "<html><head><title>TvT Event</title></head><body>You are not longer on the registration list.</body></html>" );
            playerInstance.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage );

     * Called on every onAction in L2PcIstance<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @param targetPlayerName as String<br>
     * @return boolean: true if player is allowed to target, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean onAction( L2PcInstance playerInstance, int targetedPlayerObjectId ) {
        if ( playerInstance == null || !isStarted() ) {
            return true;

        if ( playerInstance.isGM() ) {
            return true;

        byte playerTeamId = getParticipantTeamId( playerInstance.getObjectId() );
        byte targetedPlayerTeamId = getParticipantTeamId( targetedPlayerObjectId );

        if (    ( playerTeamId != -1 && targetedPlayerTeamId == -1 ) ||
                ( playerTeamId == -1 && targetedPlayerTeamId != -1 ) ) {
            return false;

        if (playerTeamId != -1 && targetedPlayerTeamId != -1 && playerTeamId == targetedPlayerTeamId && playerInstance.getObjectId() != targetedPlayerObjectId && !Config.TVT_EVENT_TARGET_TEAM_MEMBERS_ALLOWED )
            return false;

        return true;
     * Called on every scroll use<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @return boolean: true if player is allowed to use scroll, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean onScrollUse(int playerObjectId)
        if (!isStarted())
            return true;
        if (isPlayerParticipant(playerObjectId) && !Config.TVT_EVENT_SCROLL_ALLOWED)
            return false;
        return true;

     * Called on every potion use<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @return boolean: true if player is allowed to use potions, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean onPotionUse(int playerObjectId)
        if (!isStarted())
            return true;
        if (isPlayerParticipant(playerObjectId) && !Config.TVT_EVENT_POTIONS_ALLOWED)
            return false;
        return true;

     * Called on every escape use(thanks to nbd)<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @return boolean: true if player is not in tvt event, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean onEscapeUse( int playerObjectId ) {
        if ( !isStarted() ) {
            return true;

        if ( isPlayerParticipant( playerObjectId ) ) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Called on every summon item use<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @return boolean: true if player is allowed to summon by item, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean onItemSummon( int playerObjectId )
        if ( !isStarted() ) {
            return true;

        if ( isPlayerParticipant( playerObjectId ) && !Config.TVT_EVENT_SUMMON_BY_ITEM_ALLOWED ) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Is called when a player is killed<br><br>
     * @param killerCharacter as L2Character<br>
     * @param killedPlayerInstance as L2PcInstance<br>
    public static void onKill( L2Character killerCharacter, L2PcInstance killedPlayerInstance )
        if ( killedPlayerInstance == null || !isStarted() ) {

        byte killedTeamId = getParticipantTeamId( killedPlayerInstance.getObjectId() );

        if ( killedTeamId == -1 ) {

        new TvTEventTeleporter( killedPlayerInstance, _teams[ killedTeamId ].getCoordinates(), false, false );

        if ( killerCharacter == null ) {

        L2PcInstance killerPlayerInstance = null;

        if ( killerCharacter instanceof L2PetInstance || killerCharacter instanceof L2SummonInstance ) {
            killerPlayerInstance = ( ( L2Summon )killerCharacter ).getOwner();

            if ( killerPlayerInstance == null ) {
        } else if ( killerCharacter instanceof L2PcInstance ) {
            killerPlayerInstance = ( L2PcInstance )killerCharacter;
        } else {

        byte killerTeamId = getParticipantTeamId( killerPlayerInstance.getObjectId() );

        if ( killerTeamId != -1 && killedTeamId != -1 && killerTeamId != killedTeamId ) {
            TvTEventTeam killerTeam = _teams[ killerTeamId ];


            CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay( killerPlayerInstance.getObjectId(), Say2.TELL, killerPlayerInstance.getName(), "I have killed " + killedPlayerInstance.getName() + "!" );

            for ( L2PcInstance playerInstance : _teams[ killerTeamId ].getParticipatedPlayers().values() ) {
                if ( playerInstance != null ) {
                    playerInstance.sendPacket( cs );

     * Sets the TvTEvent state<br><br>
     * @param state as EventState<br>
    private static void setState( EventState state ) {
        synchronized ( _state ) {
            _state = state;

     * Is TvTEvent inactive?<br><br>
     * @return boolean: true if event is inactive(waiting for next event cycle), otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean isInactive() {
        boolean isInactive;

        synchronized ( _state ) {
            isInactive = _state == EventState.INACTIVE;

        return isInactive;

     * Is TvTEvent in inactivating?<br><br>
     * @return boolean: true if event is in inactivating progress, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean isInactivating() {
        boolean isInactivating;

        synchronized ( _state ) {
            isInactivating = _state == EventState.INACTIVATING;

        return isInactivating;

     * Is TvTEvent in participation?<br><br>
     * @return boolean: true if event is in participation progress, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean isParticipating() {
        boolean isParticipating;

        synchronized ( _state ) {
            isParticipating = _state == EventState.PARTICIPATING;

        return isParticipating;

     * Is TvTEvent starting?<br><br>
     * @return boolean: true if event is starting up(setting up fighting spot, teleport players etc.), otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean isStarting() {
        boolean isStarting;

        synchronized ( _state ) {
            isStarting = _state == EventState.STARTING;

        return isStarting;

     * Is TvTEvent started?<br><br>
     * @return boolean: true if event is started, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean isStarted() {
        boolean isStarted;

        synchronized ( _state ) {
            isStarted = _state == EventState.STARTED;

        return isStarted;

     * Is TvTEvent rewadrding?<br><br>
     * @return boolean: true if event is currently rewarding, otherwise false<br>
    public static boolean isRewarding() {
        boolean isRewarding;

        synchronized ( _state ) {
            isRewarding = _state == EventState.REWARDING;

        return isRewarding;

     * Returns the team id of a player, if player is not participant it returns -1<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @return byte: team name of the given playerName, if not in event -1<br>
    public static byte getParticipantTeamId( int playerObjectId ) {
        return ( byte )( _teams[ 0 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) ? 0 : ( _teams[ 1 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) ? 1 : -1 ) );

     * Returns the team of a player, if player is not participant it returns null <br><br>
     * @param player objectId as Integer<br>
     * @return TvTEventTeam: team of the given playerObjectId, if not in event null <br>
    public static TvTEventTeam getParticipantTeam( int playerObjectId ) {
        return ( _teams[ 0 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) ? _teams[ 0 ] : ( _teams[ 1 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) ? _teams[ 1 ] : null ) );

     * Returns the enemy team of a player, if player is not participant it returns null <br><br>
     * @param player objectId as Integer<br>
     * @return TvTEventTeam: enemy team of the given playerObjectId, if not in event null <br>
    public static TvTEventTeam getParticipantEnemyTeam( int playerObjectId ) {
        return ( _teams[ 0 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) ? _teams[ 1 ] : ( _teams[ 1 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) ? _teams[ 0 ] : null ) );

     * Returns the team coordinates in which the player is in, if player is not in a team return null<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @return int[]: coordinates of teams, 2 elements, index 0 for team 1 and index 1 for team 2<br>
    public static int[] getParticipantTeamCoordinates( int playerObjectId ) {
        return _teams[0].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) ? _teams[ 0 ].getCoordinates() : ( _teams[ 1 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) ? _teams[ 1 ].getCoordinates() : null);

     * Is given player participant of the event?<br><br>
     * @param playerName as String<br>
     * @return boolean: true if player is participant, ohterwise false<br>
    public static boolean isPlayerParticipant( int playerObjectId ) {
        if ( !isParticipating() && !isStarting() && !isStarted() ) {
            return false;

        return _teams[ 0 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId ) || _teams[ 1 ].containsPlayer( playerObjectId );

     * Returns participated player count<br><br>
     * @return int: amount of players registered in the event<br>
    public static int getParticipatedPlayersCount() {
        if ( !isParticipating() && !isStarting() && !isStarted() ) {
            return 0;

        return _teams[ 0 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount() + _teams[ 1 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount();

     * Returns teams names<br><br>
     * @return String[]: names of teams, 2 elements, index 0 for team 1 and index 1 for team 2<br>
    public static String[] getTeamNames() {
        return new    String[] {
                        _teams[ 0 ].getName(),
                        _teams[ 1 ].getName()

     * Returns player count of both teams<br><br>
     * @return int[]: player count of teams, 2 elements, index 0 for team 1 and index 1 for team 2<br>
    public static int[] getTeamsPlayerCounts() {
        return new    int[] {
                        _teams[ 0 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount(),
                        _teams[ 1 ].getParticipatedPlayerCount()

     * Returns points count of both teams
     * @return int[]: points of teams, 2 elements, index 0 for team 1 and index 1 for team 2<br>
    public static int[] getTeamsPoints() {
        return new    int[] {
                        _teams[ 0 ].getPoints(),
                        _teams[ 1 ].getPoints()


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