Рейтинг темы:
  • 0 Голос(ов) - 0 в среднем
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  • 5
Логин сервер
Zubastic Написал:LDD, мой совет: сделай систему логирования, чтобы можно было посмотреть входные данные хотя бы.

лог обращения к мускулу включен.

Добавлено через 25 минут
почистил много,кое-что добавил,но всё равно не банит . Реакции у логин серва нету.
package l2p.loginserver;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.KeyPairGenerator;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey;
import java.security.spec.RSAKeyGenParameterSpec;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;

import javolution.util.FastCollection.Record;
import javolution.util.FastMap;
import javolution.util.FastSet;
import l2p.Base64;
import l2p.Config;
import l2p.database.DatabaseUtils;
import l2p.database.FiltredPreparedStatement;
import l2p.database.L2DatabaseFactory;
import l2p.database.ThreadConnection;
import l2p.database.mysql;
import l2p.gameserver.templates.StatsSet;
import l2p.loginserver.crypt.Crypt;
import l2p.loginserver.crypt.ScrambledKeyPair;
import l2p.loginserver.gameservercon.AttGS;
import l2p.loginserver.gameservercon.GameServerInfo;
import l2p.loginserver.serverpackets.LoginFail.LoginFailReason;
import l2p.util.GArray;
import l2p.util.Log;
import l2p.util.NetList;
import l2p.util.Rnd;

public class LoginController
    protected static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(LoginController.class.getName());
    private static LoginController _instance;
     * Time before kicking the client if he didnt logged yet
    private final static int LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000;
     * Clients that are on the LS but arent assocated with a account yet
    protected final FastSet<L2LoginClient> _clients = new FastSet<L2LoginClient>();
     * Authed Clients on LoginServer
    protected final FastMap<String, L2LoginClient> _loginServerClients = new FastMap<String, L2LoginClient>().setShared(true);
    private Map<InetAddress, BanInfo> _bannedIps = new FastMap<InetAddress, BanInfo>().setShared(true);
    private Map<InetAddress, FailedLoginAttempt> _hackProtection;
    protected ScrambledKeyPair[] _keyPairs;
    protected byte[][] _blowfishKeys;
    public static Crypt DEFAULT_CRYPT;
    public static Crypt[] LEGACY_CRYPT;

    public static enum State

    public class Status
        public float bonus = 1;
        public int bonus_expire = 0;
        //public boolean proxy = false;
        public State state;

        public void setBonus(float value)
            bonus = value;

        public void setBonusExpire(int value)
            bonus_expire = value;
        //public void setProxy(boolean value)
        //    proxy = value;

        public Status setState(State value)
            state = value;
            return this;

    public static void load() throws GeneralSecurityException
        if(_instance == null)
            _instance = new LoginController();
            throw new IllegalStateException("LoginController can only be loaded a single time.");

    public static LoginController getInstance()
        return _instance;

    private LoginController() throws GeneralSecurityException
        _log.info("Loading LoginController...");
            DEFAULT_CRYPT = (Crypt) Class.forName("l2p.loginserver.crypt." + Config.DEFAULT_PASSWORD_ENCODING).getMethod("getInstance", new Class[0]).invoke(null);
            GArray<Crypt> legacy = new GArray<Crypt>();
            for(String method : Config.LEGACY_PASSWORD_ENCODING.split(";"))
                    legacy.add((Crypt) Class.forName("l2p.loginserver.crypt." + method).getMethod("getInstance", new Class[0]).invoke(null));
            LEGACY_CRYPT = legacy.toArray(new Crypt[legacy.size()]);
        catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
            _log.info("Unable to load password crypt, method not found, check config!");
        catch(Exception e)
            _log.info("Unable to load password crypt!");
        _log.info("Loaded " + DEFAULT_CRYPT.getClass().getSimpleName() + " as default crypt.");
        _hackProtection = new FastMap<InetAddress, FailedLoginAttempt>().setShared(true);
        _keyPairs = new ScrambledKeyPair[Config.LOGIN_RSA_KEYPAIRS];
        KeyPairGenerator keygen;
        keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
        RSAKeyGenParameterSpec spec = new RSAKeyGenParameterSpec(1024, RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.F4);
        //generate the initial set of keys
        for(int i = 0; i < _keyPairs.length; i++)
            _keyPairs[i] = new ScrambledKeyPair(keygen.generateKeyPair());
        _log.info("Cached " + _keyPairs.length + " KeyPairs for RSA communication");
        testCipher((RSAPrivateKey) _keyPairs[0]._pair.getPrivate());
        // Store keys for blowfish communication

    private Lock getLock(String user)
        Lock ret = null;
        ThreadConnection con = null;
        FiltredPreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet rset = null;
            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
            statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `type`,`string` FROM `lock` WHERE `login` = ?");
            statement.setString(1, user);
            rset = statement.executeQuery();
                if(ret == null)
                    ret = new Lock();
                String type = rset.getString("type");
        catch(SQLException e)
            DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseCSR(con, statement, rset);
        return ret;

     * This is mostly to force the initialization of the Crypto Implementation, avoiding it being done on runtime when its first needed.<BR>
     * In short it avoids the worst-case execution time on runtime by doing it on loading.
     * @param key Any private RSA Key just for testing purposes.
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException if a underlying exception was thrown by the Cipher
    private void testCipher(RSAPrivateKey key) throws GeneralSecurityException
        // avoid worst-case execution, KenM
        Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/nopadding");
        rsaCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);

    private void generateBlowFishKeys()
        _blowfishKeys = new byte[Config.LOGIN_BLOWFISH_KEYS][16];
        for(int i = 0; i < _blowfishKeys.length; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < _blowfishKeys[i].length; j++)
                _blowfishKeys[i][j] = (byte) (Rnd.get(255) + 1);
        _log.info("Stored " + _blowfishKeys.length + " keys for Blowfish communication");

     * @return Returns a random key
    public byte[] getBlowfishKey()
        return _blowfishKeys[Rnd.get(_blowfishKeys.length)];

    public void addLoginClient(L2LoginClient client)

    public void removeLoginClient(L2LoginClient client)

    public SessionKey assignSessionKeyToClient()
        SessionKey key = new SessionKey(Rnd.nextInt(), Rnd.nextInt(), Rnd.nextInt(), Rnd.nextInt());
        return key;

    public void addAuthedLoginClient(String account, L2LoginClient client)
            _loginServerClients.put(account, client);

    public L2LoginClient removeAuthedLoginClient(String account)
            return _loginServerClients.remove(account);

    public boolean isAccountInLoginServer(String account)
            return _loginServerClients.containsKey(account);

    public L2LoginClient getAuthedClient(String account)
            return _loginServerClients.get(account);

    public Status tryAuthLogin(String account, String password, L2LoginClient client)
        Status ret;
        ret = loginValid(account, password, client);
        if(ret.state != State.VALID)
            return ret;
        if(!isAccountInLoginServer(account) && !isAccountInAnyGameServer(account))
            // dont allow 2 simultaneous login
                    addAuthedLoginClient(account, client);
                    ret.state = State.IN_USE;
            // was login successful?
            if(ret.state == State.VALID)
            // remove him from the non-authed list
            ret.state = State.IN_USE;
        return ret;

     * Adds the address to the ban list of the login server, with the given duration.
     * @param address    The Address to be banned.
     * @param expiration Timestamp in miliseconds when this ban expires
     * @throws UnknownHostException if the address is invalid.
    public void addBanForAddress(String address, long expiration) throws UnknownHostException
        InetAddress netAddress = InetAddress.getByName(address);
        _bannedIps.put(netAddress, new BanInfo(netAddress, expiration));

     * Adds the address to the ban list of the login server, with the given duration.
     * @param address  The Address to be banned.
     * @param duration is miliseconds
    public void addBanForAddress(InetAddress address, long duration)
        _bannedIps.put(address, new BanInfo(address, System.currentTimeMillis() + duration));

    public boolean isBannedAddress(InetAddress address)
        BanInfo bi = _bannedIps.get(address);
        if(bi != null)
                return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    public Map<InetAddress, BanInfo> getBannedIps()
        return _bannedIps;

     * Remove the specified address from the ban list
     * @param address The address to be removed from the ban list
     * @return true if the ban was removed, false if there was no ban for this ip
    public boolean removeBanForAddress(InetAddress address)
        return _bannedIps.remove(address) != null;

     * Remove the specified address from the ban list
     * @param address The address to be removed from the ban list
     * @return true if the ban was removed, false if there was no ban for this ip or the address was invalid.
    public boolean removeBanForAddress(String address)
            return this.removeBanForAddress(InetAddress.getByName(address));
        catch(UnknownHostException e)
            return false;

    public SessionKey getKeyForAccount(String account)
        L2LoginClient client;
            client = _loginServerClients.get(account);
        if(client != null)
            return client.getSessionKey();
        return null;

    public int getOnlinePlayerCount(int serverId)
        GameServerInfo gsi = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServerById(serverId);
        if(gsi != null && gsi.isAuthed())
            return gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount();
        return 0;

    public boolean isAccountInAnyGameServer(String account)
        AttGS gst;
        Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
        for(GameServerInfo gsi : serverList)
            if((gst = gsi.getGameServer()) != null && gst.isAccountInGameServer(account))
                return true;
        return false;

    public GameServerInfo getAccountOnGameServer(String account)
        AttGS gst;
        Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
        for(GameServerInfo gsi : serverList)
            if((gst = gsi.getGameServer()) != null && gst.isAccountInGameServer(account))
                return gsi;
        return null;

    public int getTotalOnlinePlayerCount()
        int total = 0;
        Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
        for(GameServerInfo gsi : serverList)
                total += gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount();
        return total;

    public int getMaxAllowedOnlinePlayers(int id)
        GameServerInfo gsi = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServerById(id);
        if(gsi != null)
            return gsi.getMaxPlayers();
        return 0;

    public boolean isLoginPossible(L2LoginClient client, int serverId)
        GameServerInfo gsi = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServerById(serverId);
        int access = client.getAccessLevel();
        boolean loginOk = gsi != null && gsi.isAuthed() && (gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount() < gsi.getMaxPlayers() || access >= 50);
        if(loginOk && client.getLastServer() != serverId)
            mysql.set("UPDATE `accounts` SET `lastServer` = ? WHERE `login` = ?", serverId, client.getAccount());
        return loginOk;

    public void setAccountAccessLevel(String user, int banLevel, String comments, int banTime)
        ThreadConnection con = null;
        FiltredPreparedStatement statement = null;
            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
            String stmt = "UPDATE `accounts` SET `access_level` = ?, `comments` = ?, `banExpires` = ? WHERE `login` = ?";
            statement = con.prepareStatement(stmt);
            statement.setInt(1, banLevel);
            statement.setString(2, comments);
            statement.setInt(3, banTime);
            statement.setString(4, user);
        catch(Exception e)
            _log.warning("Could not set accessLevel: " + e);
            DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseCS(con, statement);

    public boolean isGM(String user)
        boolean ok = false;
        ThreadConnection con = null;
        FiltredPreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet rset = null;
            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
            statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `access_level` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = ?");
            statement.setString(1, user);
            rset = statement.executeQuery();
                int accessLevel = rset.getInt(1);
                if(accessLevel >= 100)
                    ok = true;
        catch(Exception e)
            //_log.warning("could not check gm state:"+e);
            ok = false;
            DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseCSR(con, statement, rset);
        return ok;

     * <p>This method returns one of the cached {@link ScrambledKeyPair ScrambledKeyPairs} for communication with Login Clients.</p>
     * @return a scrambled keypair
    public ScrambledKeyPair getScrambledRSAKeyPair()
        return _keyPairs[Rnd.get(_keyPairs.length)];

    public static final String[] account_field_columns = {"pay_stat", "access_level", "bonus", "bonus_expire",

    public Status loginValid(String user, String password, L2LoginClient client)// throws HackingException
        Status ok = new Status().setState(State.WRONG);
        InetAddress address = client.getConnection().getSocket().getInetAddress();
        Log.add("'" + (user == null ? "null" : user) + "' " + (address == null ? "null" : address.getHostAddress()), "logins_ip");
        ThreadConnection con = null;
        FiltredPreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet rset = null;
            int lastServer = 1;
            boolean paid = false;
            boolean banned = false;
            String phash = "";
            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
            statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `password`, `pay_stat`, `access_level`, `bonus`, `bonus_expire`, `banExpires`, `lastServer`, `AllowIPs`, `lock_expire`, `lastactive`, `activated` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = ?");
            statement.setString(1, user);
            rset = statement.executeQuery();
                client.account_fields = new StatsSet(rset, account_field_columns);
                String allowedIps = rset.getString("AllowIPs");
                int lock = rset.getInt("lock_expire");
                int lastactive = rset.getInt("lastactive");
                boolean expired = lock >= 0 && (lastactive + lock) * 1000L < System.currentTimeMillis();
                    //TODO System.out.println("!expired");
                    Lock acclock = getLock(user);
                    if(acclock != null && !acclock.checkIP(client.getIpAddress()))
                        return new Status().setState(State.IP_ACCESS_DENIED);
                    mysql.set("DELETE FROM `lock` WHERE login=?", user);
                // legacy check
                if(allowedIps != null && !allowedIps.isEmpty() && !allowedIps.equals("*"))
                        NetList allowedList = new NetList();
                        allowedList.LoadFromString(allowedIps, ",");
                            return new Status().setState(State.IP_ACCESS_DENIED);
                        mysql.set("UPDATE `accounts` SET `AllowIPs`='*' WHERE `login` = ?", user);
                phash = rset.getString("password");
                    return new Status().setState(State.WRONG);
                paid = rset.getInt(2) == 1;
                banned = rset.getInt(3) < 0;
                long banTime = rset.getLong("banExpires");
                if(rset.getInt("activated") == 1)
                    //TODO System.out.println("activated == 1");
                    int bonusTime = rset.getInt("bonus_expire");
                    ok.setBonus(bonusTime > System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 || bonusTime < 0 ? rset.getFloat("bonus") : 1);
                    if(ok.bonus > 1)
                    //TODO System.out.println("activated != 1");
                //ok.setProxy(rset.getInt("proxy") == 1);
                if(banTime == -1)
                    banned = true;
                else if(banTime > 0)
                    if(banTime < System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)
                        banned = true;
                lastServer = Math.max(rset.getInt("lastServer"), 1);
                    _log.fine("account exists");
            DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseSR(statement, rset);
                    if(user != null && user.length() >= 2 && user.length() <= 14)
                        statement = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO accounts (login,password,lastactive,access_level,lastIP,comments) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)");
                        statement.setString(1, user);
                        statement.setString(2, DEFAULT_CRYPT.encrypt(password));
                        statement.setLong(3, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
                        statement.setInt(4, 0);
                        statement.setString(5, address != null ? address.getHostAddress() : "");
                        statement.setString(6, "");
                            _log.fine("created new account for " + user);
                        return new Status().setState(State.VALID);
                        _log.fine("Invalid username creation/use attempt: " + user);
                    return new Status().setState(State.WRONG);
                    _log.fine("account missing for user " + user);
                return new Status().setState(State.WRONG);
            // проверяем не зашифрован ли пароль одним из устаревших но поддерживаемых алгоритмов
            boolean oldcrypt = false;
            for(Crypt c : LEGACY_CRYPT)
                if(c.compare(password, phash)) // если да то заменяем на стандартный
                    statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE `accounts` SET `password` = ? WHERE `login` = ?");
                    statement.setString(1, DEFAULT_CRYPT.encrypt(password));
                    statement.setString(2, user);
                    oldcrypt = true;
            // если старые алгоритмы не подошли проверяем стандартным
            if(!oldcrypt && !DEFAULT_CRYPT.compare(password, phash))
                return new Status().setState(State.WRONG);
                return new Status().setState(State.NOT_PAID);
                return new Status().setState(State.BANNED);
            if(ok.state == State.VALID)
                statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE `accounts` SET `lastactive`= ?, `lastIP` = ? WHERE `login` = ?");
                statement.setLong(1, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
                statement.setString(2, address != null ? address.getHostAddress() : "");
                statement.setString(3, user);
        catch(Exception e)
            _log.warning("Could not check password:" + e);
            DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseCSR(con, statement, rset);
        if(ok.state != State.VALID)
            Log.add("'" + user + "':'" + password + "' " + (address != null ? address.getHostAddress() : ""), "logins_ip_fails");
            if(address != null)
                FailedLoginAttempt failedAttempt = _hackProtection.get(address);
                int failedCount;
                if(failedAttempt == null)
                    _hackProtection.put(address, new FailedLoginAttempt(password));
                    failedCount = 1;
                    failedCount = failedAttempt.getCount();
                if(failedCount >= Config.LOGIN_TRY_BEFORE_BAN)
                // TODO Configurable ban duration (10 mins for now)
                    this.addBanForAddress(address, 10 * 60 * 1000);
            if(address != null)
            Log.add("'" + user + "' " + (address != null ? address.getHostAddress() : ""), "logins_ip");
        return ok;

    public void unBanAcc(String name)
        ThreadConnection con = null;
        FiltredPreparedStatement statement = null;
            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
            statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE `accounts` SET `access_level` = ?, `banExpires` = ? WHERE `login` = ?");
            statement.setInt(1, 0);
            statement.setInt(2, 0);
            statement.setString(3, name);
        catch(Exception e)
            _log.warning("Cant unban acc " + name + ", " + e);
            DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseCS(con, statement);

    public boolean loginBanned(String user)
        boolean ok = false;
        ThreadConnection con = null;
        FiltredPreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet rset = null;
            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
            statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `access_level` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = ?");
            statement.setString(1, user);
            rset = statement.executeQuery();
                int accessLevel = rset.getInt(1);
                if(accessLevel < 0)
                    ok = true;
        catch(Exception e)
            // digest algo not found ??
            // out of bounds should not be possible
            _log.warning("could not check ban state:" + e);
            ok = false;
            DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseCSR(con, statement, rset);
        return ok;

    class FailedLoginAttempt
        //private InetAddress _ipAddress;
        private int _count;
        private long _lastAttempTime;
        private String _lastPassword;

        public FailedLoginAttempt(String lastPassword)
            //_ipAddress = address;
            _count = 1;
            _lastAttempTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            _lastPassword = lastPassword;

        public void increaseCounter(String password)
                // check if theres a long time since last wrong try
                if(System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastAttempTime < 5 * 60 * 1000)
                // restart the status
                    _count = 1;
                _lastPassword = password;
                _lastAttempTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                _lastAttempTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        public int getCount()
            return _count;

    public class BanInfo
        private InetAddress _ipAddress;
        // Expiration
        private long _expiration;

        public BanInfo(InetAddress ipAddress, long expiration)
            _ipAddress = ipAddress;
            _expiration = expiration;

        public InetAddress getAddress()
            return _ipAddress;

        public boolean hasExpired()
            return System.currentTimeMillis() > _expiration;

    class PurgeThread extends Thread
        public void run()
                    for(Record e = _clients.head(), end = _clients.tail(); (e = e.getNext()) != end;)
                        L2LoginClient client = _clients.valueOf(e);
                        if(client.getConnectionStartTime() + LOGIN_TIMEOUT >= System.currentTimeMillis())
                    for(FastMap.Entry<String, L2LoginClient> e = _loginServerClients.head(), end = _loginServerClients.tail(); (e = e.getNext()) != end;)
                        L2LoginClient client = e.getValue();
                        if(client.getConnectionStartTime() + LOGIN_TIMEOUT >= System.currentTimeMillis())
                    Thread.sleep(2 * LOGIN_TIMEOUT);
                catch(InterruptedException e)

    public boolean ipBlocked(String ipAddress)
        int tries = 0;
        InetAddress ia;
            ia = InetAddress.getByName(ipAddress);
        catch(UnknownHostException e)
            return false;
            tries = _hackProtection.get(ia).getCount();
        if(tries > Config.LOGIN_TRY_BEFORE_BAN)
            _log.warning("Removed host from hacklist! IP number: " + ipAddress);
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean setPassword(String account, String password)
        boolean updated = true;
        ThreadConnection con = null;
        FiltredPreparedStatement statement = null;
            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
            MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
            byte[] raw = password.getBytes("UTF-8");
            byte[] hash = md.digest(raw);
            statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE `accounts` SET `password` = ? WHERE `login` = ?");
            statement.setString(1, Base64.encodeBytes(hash));
            statement.setString(2, account);
        catch(Exception e)
            updated = false;
            DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseCS(con, statement);
        return updated;
Что в логах? Тоже самое?
да,когда логинюсь это пишет:
Query    SELECT expiretime FROM banned_ips WHERE ip='178.212.19...'
         1706 Query    SELECT `password`, `pay_stat`, `access_level`, `bonus`, `bonus_expire`, `banExpires`, `lastServer`, `AllowIPs`, `lock_expire`, `lastactive`, `activated` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = '1111'
120627  2:20:06     1706 Query    SELECT expiretime FROM banned_ips WHERE ip='178.212.19...'
         1706 Query    SELECT `password`, `pay_stat`, `access_level`, `bonus`, `bonus_expire`, `banExpires`, `lastServer`, `AllowIPs`, `lock_expire`, `lastactive`, `activated` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = '1111'

В логконтроллере уже всё ок.Подозреваю что не работает функция подсчета попыток входа на акк.Так как логин не реагирует сколько бы я раз не пытался войти.
Проверь, возможно и это.
LDD Написал:да,когда логинюсь это пишет:
Query    SELECT expiretime FROM banned_ips WHERE ip='178.212.19...'
         1706 Query    SELECT `password`, `pay_stat`, `access_level`, `bonus`, `bonus_expire`, `banExpires`, `lastServer`, `AllowIPs`, `lock_expire`, `lastactive`, `activated` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = '1111'
120627  2:20:06     1706 Query    SELECT expiretime FROM banned_ips WHERE ip='178.212.19...'
         1706 Query    SELECT `password`, `pay_stat`, `access_level`, `bonus`, `bonus_expire`, `banExpires`, `lastServer`, `AllowIPs`, `lock_expire`, `lastactive`, `activated` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = '1111'

В логконтроллере уже всё ок.Подозреваю что не работает функция подсчета попыток входа на акк.Так как логин не реагирует сколько бы я раз не пытался войти.
Возможно, логин просто не берёт неудачную попытку залогиниться.
Эх,устал я,пробовал еще изменить RequestauthLogin.(clientpackets).
else if(status.state == State.WRONG)
                client.sendPacket(new ServerList(client, true));
        [COLOR="Red"]else if(status.state == State.WRONG)
            InetAddress address = client.getConnection().getSocket().getInetAddress();
            lc.addBanForAddress(address, 600*1000);[/COLOR]

Скопилировал но опять же логин некак не реагирует,просто пишет что не правильно ввёл акк и так хоть 100 раз.

Добавлено через 7 минут
Может кто подкинет лс фениксов с рабочим автобаном айпи после нескольких не правильных вводов паса?)
Бери сборку оверов и из нее тягай код.

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