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MSSQL Запрос PTS Server!
вангую: в php.ini не включена библиотека для работы с mssql
а не рассматривался вариант, что в mssql просто поле меньше? по идее оно должнобыть бинари или варбинари...
профайлером надо заюзаться и посмотреть, что не так, если нет логов. А еще бы хорошо узнать у птс аналогичный способ авторизации с ява вариантом или нет (чтение/хранение паролей)
linliss Написал:вангую: в php.ini не включена библиотека для работы с mssql

А разве нужна поддержка в php.ini для работы с MSSQL? В Joomla своя библиотека для работы с MSSQL:



PHP код:
('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;


JLoader::register('JDatabaseQuerySQLSrv', dirname(__FILE__).'/sqlsrvquery.php');

* SQL Server database driver
* @package Joomla.Platform
* @subpackage Database
* @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc296152(SQL.90).aspx
* @since 11.1
class JDatabaseSQLSrv extends JDatabase
* The name of the database driver.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
public $name = 'sqlsrv';

* The character(s) used to quote SQL statement names such as table names or field names,
* etc. The child classes should define this as necessary. If a single character string the
* same character is used for both sides of the quoted name, else the first character will be
* used for the opening quote and the second for the closing quote.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $nameQuote;

* The null or zero representation of a timestamp for the database driver. This should be
* defined in child classes to hold the appropriate value for the engine.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $nullDate = '1900-01-01 00:00:00';

* Constructor.
* @param array $options List of options used to configure the connection
* @return void
* @since 11.1
protected function __construct($options)
// Get some basic values from the options.
$options['host'] = (isset($options['host'])) ? $options['host'] : 'localhost';
$options['user'] = (isset($options['user'])) ? $options['user'] : '';
$options['password'] = (isset($options['password'])) ? $options['password'] : '';
$options['database'] = (isset($options['database'])) ? $options['database'] : '';
$options['select'] = (isset($options['select'])) ? (bool) $options['select'] : true;

// Build the connection configuration array.
$config = array(
'Database' => $options['database'],
'uid' => $options['user'],
'pwd' => $options['password'],
'CharacterSet' => 'UTF-8',
'ReturnDatesAsStrings' => true

// Make sure the SQLSRV extension for PHP is installed and enabled.
if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_connect')) {

// Legacy error handling switch based on the JError::$legacy switch.
// @deprecated 12.1
if (JError::$legacy) {
$this->errorNum = 1;
else {
throw new

// Attempt to connect to the server.
if (!($this->connection = @ sqlsrv_connect($options['host'], $config))) {

// Legacy error handling switch based on the JError::$legacy switch.
// @deprecated 12.1
if (JError::$legacy) {
$this->errorNum = 2;
else {
throw new

// Make sure that DB warnings are not returned as errors.
sqlsrv_configure('WarningsReturnAsErrors', 0);

// Finalize initialisation

// If auto-select is enabled select the given database.
if ($options['select'] && !empty($options['database'])) {

* Destructor.
* @return void
* @since 11.1
public function __destruct()
if (
is_resource($this->connection)) {

* Get table constraints
* @param string $tableName The name of the database table.
* @return Any constraints available for the table
* @since 11.1
protected function _get_table_constraints($tableName)
$query = $this->getQuery(true);

' WHERE TABLE_NAME = '.$query->quote($tableName)


* @param array $constraints Array(strings) of table constraints
* @param string $prefix A string
* @param string $backup A string
* @return void
* @since 11.1
protected function _renameConstraints($constraints = array(), $prefix = null, $backup = null)
$constraints as $constraint)
$this->setQuery('sp_rename '.$constraint.','.str_replace($prefix, $backup, $constraint));

* Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
* The escaping for MSSQL isn't handled in the driver though that would be nice. Because of this we need
* to handle the escaping ourselves.
* @param string $text The string to be escaped.
* @param boolean $extra Optional parameter to provide extra escaping.
* @return string The escaped string.
* @since 11.1
public function escape($text, $extra = false)
// TODO: MSSQL Compatible escaping
$result = addslashes($text);
$result = str_replace("\'", "''", $result);
$result = str_replace('\"', '"', $result);
//$result = str_replace("\\", "''", $result);

if ($extra) {
// We need the below str_replace since the search in sql server doesnt recognize _ character.
$result = str_replace('_', '[_]', $result);


* Test to see if the SQLSRV connector is available.
* @return boolean True on success, false otherwise.
* @since 11.1
public static function test()
return (

* Determines if the connection to the server is active.
* @return boolean True if connected to the database engine.
* @since 11.1
public function connected()
// TODO: Run a blank query here
return true;

* Drops a table from the database.
* @param string $tableName The name of the database table to drop.
* @param boolean $ifExists Optionally specify that the table must exist before it is dropped.
* @return JDatabaseSQLSrv Returns this object to support chaining.
* @since 11.1
function dropTable($tableName, $ifExists = true)
$query = $this->getQuery(true);

$query->quote($tableName).') DROP TABLE'



* Get the number of affected rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
* @return integer The number of affected rows.
* @since 11.1
public function getAffectedRows()

* Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
* @return mixed The collation in use by the database or boolean false if not supported.
* @since 11.1
public function getCollation()
// TODO: Not fake this
return 'MSSQL UTF-8 (UCS2)';

* Gets an exporter class object.
* @return JDatabaseExporterSQLAzure An exporter object.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function getExporter()
// Make sure we have an exporter class for this driver.
if (!class_exists('JDatabaseExporterSQLAzure')) {
throw new

$o = new JDatabaseExporterSQLAzure;


* Gets an importer class object.
* @return JDatabaseImporterSQLAzure An importer object.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function getImporter()
// Make sure we have an importer class for this driver.
if (!class_exists('JDatabaseImporterSQLAzure')) {
throw new

$o = new JDatabaseImporterSQLAzure;


* Get the number of returned rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
* @param resource $cursor An optional database cursor resource to extract the row count from.
* @return integer The number of returned rows.
* @since 11.1
public function getNumRows($cursor = null)
sqlsrv_num_rows($cursor ? $cursor : $this->cursor);

* Get the current or query, or new JDatabaseQuery object.
* @param boolean $new False to return the last query set, True to return a new JDatabaseQuery object.
* @return mixed The current value of the internal SQL variable or a new JDatabaseQuery object.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function getQuery($new = false)
if (
$new) {
// Make sure we have a query class for this driver.
if (!class_exists('JDatabaseQuerySQLAzure')) {
throw new
return new
else {

* Retrieves field information about the given tables.
* @param mixed $tables A table name or a list of table names.
* @param bool $typeOnly True to only return field types.
* @return array An array of fields by table.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function getTableColumns( $tables, $typeOnly = true )
// Initialise variables.
$result = array();

// Sanitize input to an array and iterate over the list.
settype($tables, 'array');
foreach (
$tables as $table)
// Set the query to get the table fields statement.
'SELECT column_name as Field, data_type as Type, is_nullable as \'Null\', column_default as \'Default\'' .
' FROM information_schema.columns' .
' WHERE table_name = '.$this->quote($table)
$fields = $this->loadObjectList();

// If we only want the type as the value add just that to the list.
if ($typeOnly) {
foreach (
$fields as $field)
$result[$table][$field->Field] = preg_replace("/[(0-9)]/",'', $field->Type);
// If we want the whole field data object add that to the list.
else {
foreach (
$fields as $field)
$result[$table][$field->Field] = $field;


* Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
* This is unsupported by MSSQL.
* @param mixed $tables A table name or a list of table names.
* @return array A list of the create SQL for the tables.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function getTableCreate($tables)

* Get the details list of keys for a table.
* @param string $table The name of the table.
* @return array An arry of the column specification for the table.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function getTableKeys($table)
// TODO To implement.
return array();

* Method to get an array of all tables in the database.
* @return array An array of all the tables in the database.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function getTableList()
// Set the query to get the tables statement.
$this->setQuery('SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = \'U\';');
$tables = $this->loadColumn();


* Get the version of the database connector.
* @return string The database connector version.
* @since 11.1
public function getVersion()
//TODO: Don't hardcode this.
return '5.1.0';

* Determines if the database engine supports UTF-8 character encoding.
* @return boolean True if supported.
* @since 11.1
public function hasUTF()

* Method to get the auto-incremented value from the last INSERT statement.
* @return integer The value of the auto-increment field from the last inserted row.
* @since 11.1
public function insertid()
$this->setQuery('SELECT @@IDENTITY');
return (int)

* Execute the SQL statement.
* @return mixed A database cursor resource on success, boolean false on failure.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function query()
if (!
is_resource($this->connection)) {

// Legacy error handling switch based on the JError::$legacy switch.
// @deprecated 12.1
if (JError::$legacy) {

if (
$this->debug) {
JError::raiseError(500, 'JDatabaseDriverSQLAzure::query: '.$this->errorNum.' - '.$this->errorMsg);
else {
JLog::add(JText::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), JLog::ERROR, 'database');
throw new

// Take a local copy so that we don't modify the original query and cause issues later
$sql = $this->replacePrefix((string) $this->sql);
if (
$this->limit > 0 || $this->offset > 0) {
$sql = $this->_limit($sql, $this->limit, $this->offset);

// If debugging is enabled then let's log the query.
if ($this->debug) {

// Increment the query counter and add the query to the object queue.
$this->log[] = $sql;

JLog::add($sql, JLog::DEBUG, 'databasequery');

// Reset the error values.
$this->errorNum = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';

// sqlsrv_num_rows requires a static or keyset cursor.
if (JString::startsWith(ltrim(strtoupper($sql)), 'SELECT')) {
$array = array('Scrollable' => SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET);
else {
$array = array();

// Execute the query.
$this->cursor = sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $sql, array(), $array);

// If an error occurred handle it.
if (!$this->cursor) {

// Populate the errors.
$errors = sqlsrv_errors();
$this->errorNum = $errors[0]['SQLSTATE'];
$this->errorMsg = $errors[0]['message'].'SQL='.$sql;

// Legacy error handling switch based on the JError::$legacy switch.
// @deprecated 12.1
if (JError::$legacy) {

if (
$this->debug) {
JError::raiseError(500, 'JDatabaseDriverSQLAzure::query: '.$this->errorNum.' - '.$this->errorMsg);
else {
JLog::add(JText::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), JLog::ERROR, 'databasequery');
throw new


* Select a database for use.
* @param string $database The name of the database to select for use.
* @return bool True if the database was successfully selected.
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function select($database)
if (!
$database) {

if (!
sqlsrv_query($this->connection, 'USE '.$database, null, array('scrollable' => SQLSRV_CURSOR_STATIC))) {

// Legacy error handling switch based on the JError::$legacy switch.
// @deprecated 12.1
if (JError::$legacy) {
$this->errorNum = 3;
else {
throw new


* Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @since 11.1
public function setUTF()
// TODO: Remove this?

* Method to commit a transaction.
* @return void
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function transactionCommit()
$this->setQuery('COMMIT TRANSACTION');

* Method to roll back a transaction.
* @return void
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function transactionRollback()
$this->setQuery('ROLLBACK TRANSACTION');

* Method to initialize a transaction.
* @return void
* @since 11.1
* @throws DatabaseException
public function transactionStart()
$this->setQuery('START TRANSACTION');

* Method to fetch a row from the result set cursor as an array.
* @param mixed $cursor The optional result set cursor from which to fetch the row.
* @return mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows.
* @since 11.1
protected function fetchArray($cursor = null)
sqlsrv_fetch_array($cursor ? $cursor : $this->cursor, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC);

* Method to fetch a row from the result set cursor as an associative array.
* @param mixed $cursor The optional result set cursor from which to fetch the row.
* @return mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows.
* @since 11.1
protected function fetchAssoc($cursor = null)
sqlsrv_fetch_array($cursor ? $cursor : $this->cursor, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);

* Method to fetch a row from the result set cursor as an object.
* @param mixed $cursor The optional result set cursor from which to fetch the row.
* @param string $class The class name to use for the returned row object.
* @return mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows.
* @since 11.1
protected function fetchObject($cursor = null, $class = 'stdClass')
sqlsrv_fetch_object($cursor ? $cursor : $this->cursor, $class);

* Method to free up the memory used for the result set.
* @param mixed $cursor The optional result set cursor from which to fetch the row.
* @return void
* @since 11.1
protected function freeResult($cursor = null)
sqlsrv_free_stmt($cursor ? $cursor : $this->cursor);

* Diagnostic method to return explain information for a query.
* @return string The explain output.
* @deprecated 12.1
* @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa259203%28SQL.80%29.aspx
* @since 11.1
public function explain()
// Deprecation warning.
JLog::add('JDatabase::explain() is deprecated.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');

// Backup the current query so we can reset it later.
$backup = $this->sql;

// SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON - will make sqlsrv to show some explain of query instead of run it
$this->setQuery('SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON');

// Execute the query and get the result set cursor.
if (!(
$cursor = $this->query())) {

// Build the HTML table.
$first = true;
$buffer = '<table id="explain-sql">';
$buffer .= '<thead><tr><td colspan="99">'.$this->getQuery().'</td></tr>';
while (
$row = $this->fetchAssoc($cursor))
if (
$first) {
$buffer .= '<tr>';
foreach (
$row as $k => $v)
$buffer .= '<th>'.$k.'</th>';
$buffer .= '</tr></thead>';
$first = false;
$buffer .= '<tbody><tr>';
foreach (
$row as $k => $v)
$buffer .= '<td>'.$v.'</td>';
$buffer .= '</tr>';
$buffer .= '</tbody></table>';

// Free up system resources and return.

// Remove the explain status.
$this->setQuery('SET SHOWPLAN_ALL OFF');

// Restore the original query to its state before we ran the explain.
$this->sql = $backup;


* Execute a query batch.
* @return mixed A database resource if successful, false if not.
* @since 11.1
* @deprecated 12.1
public function queryBatch($abortOnError=true, $transactionSafe = false)
// Deprecation warning.
JLog::add('JDatabase::queryBatch() is deprecated.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');

$sql = $this->replacePrefix((string) $this->sql);
$this->errorNum = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';

// If the batch is meant to be transaction safe then we need to wrap it in a transaction.
if ($transactionSafe) {
$this->_sql = 'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'.$this->sql.'; COMMIT TRANSACTION;';

$queries = $this->splitSql($sql);
$error = 0;
foreach (
$queries as $query)
$query = trim($query);

if (
$query != '') {
$this->cursor = sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $query, null, array('scrollable' => SQLSRV_CURSOR_STATIC));
if (
$this->_debug) {
$this->log[] = $query;
if (!
$this->cursor) {
$error = 1;
$errors = sqlsrv_errors();
$this->errorNum = $errors[0]['sqlstate'];
$this->errorMsg = $errors[0]['message'];

if (
$abortOnError) {
$error ? false : true;

* Method to check and see if a field exists in a table.
* @param string $table The table in which to verify the field.
* @param string $field The field to verify.
* @return boolean True if the field exists in the table.
* @since 11.1
protected function _checkFieldExists($table, $field)
$table = $this->replacePrefix((string) $table);
" WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$table' AND COLUMN_NAME = '$field'".

if (
$this->loadResult()) {
else {

* Method to wrap an SQL statement to provide a LIMIT and OFFSET behavior for scrolling through a result set.
* @param string $sql The SQL statement to process.
* @param integer $offset The affected row offset to set.
* @param integer $limit The maximum affected rows to set.
* @return string The processed SQL statement.
* @since 11.1
protected function _limit($sql, $limit, $offset)
$orderBy = stristr($sql, 'ORDER BY');
if (
is_null($orderBy) || empty($orderBy)) {
$orderBy = 'ORDER BY (select 0)';
$sql = str_ireplace($orderBy, '', $sql);

$rowNumberText = ',ROW_NUMBER() OVER ('.$orderBy.') AS RowNumber FROM ';

$sql = preg_replace('/\\s+FROM/','\\1 '.$rowNumberText.' ', $sql, 1);
$sql = 'SELECT TOP '.$this->limit.' * FROM ('.$sql.') _myResults WHERE RowNumber > '.$this->offset;


epmak Написал:способ авторизации с ява вариантом или нет (чтение/хранение паролей)

Если я Вас правильно поняла, то к серверу авторизации от ява C5 - ПТС не соединяется.

epmak Написал:а не рассматривался вариант, что в mssql просто поле меньше? по идее оно должнобыть бинари или варбинари...

Аккаунты регистрируются свободно через логин сервер, размер полей тут не причем получается.

epmak Написал:профайлером надо заюзаться и посмотреть, что не так, если нет логов.

Через профайлер не понимаю что тут делать, если есть возможность посмотреть через тим вивер - пожалуйста посмотрите [Изображение: 06.gif]
[Изображение: Z.png][Изображение: S.gif]
Krasavella Написал:А разве нужна поддержка в php.ini для работы с MSSQL? В Joomla своя библиотека для работы с MSSQL:
вообще, драйвер нужен. более чем уверен, что библиотека джумлы писана также на базе обычного драйвера(точнее использует оный для работы), если он выключен - то ничего аботать не будет.

Цитата:Аккаунты регистрируются свободно через логин сервер, размер полей тут не причем получается.
тогда профайлер

Цитата:Через профайлер не понимаю что тут делать, если есть возможность посмотреть через тим вивер - пожалуйста посмотрите
принцип работы: подключится, выбрать базу нажать на пуск и смотреть запросы и как сервер на них реагирует.

Но все-таки начните с проверки, включен ли драйвер mssql. (если выключен, веб сервер после включения не забудьте перезапустить)
epmak Написал:Но все-таки начните с проверки, включен ли драйвер mssql. (если выключен, веб сервер после включения не забудьте перезапустить)

Жду ответа, скоро скажут, но смотря на библиотеку Joomla, там нет не единого использования mssql_query

Используется SQLSRV Driver API.


epmak Написал:тогда профайлер

принцип работы: подключится, выбрать базу нажать на пуск и смотреть запросы и как сервер на них реагирует.

Запустила, вижу активные запросы, сейчас посмотрю что будет происходить при регистрации!

thx [Изображение: 08.gif]
[Изображение: Z.png][Изображение: S.gif]

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