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Ваншот от Баюма
Можно ли как-то отключить убийство Баюмом первого ударившего его игрока? Он пробивает даже invul nichoci
Есть файл BaiumManager:
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package bosses;

import static lineage2.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;

import lineage2.commons.threading.RunnableImpl;
import lineage2.commons.util.Rnd;
import lineage2.gameserver.Config;
import lineage2.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import lineage2.gameserver.data.xml.holder.NpcHolder;
import lineage2.gameserver.listener.actor.OnDeathListener;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.SimpleSpawner;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Skill;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Zone;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.actor.listener.CharListenerList;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.BossInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.Earthquake;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;
import lineage2.gameserver.scripts.Functions;
import lineage2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile;
import lineage2.gameserver.tables.SkillTable;
import lineage2.gameserver.templates.npc.NpcTemplate;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Log;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.ReflectionUtils;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.TimeUtils;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import bosses.EpicBossState.State;

* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public final class BaiumManager extends Functions implements ScriptFile, OnDeathListener
    private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaiumManager.class);
     * @author Mobius
    public static class CallArchAngel extends RunnableImpl
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
            for (SimpleSpawner spawn : _angelSpawns)
     * @author Mobius
    public static class CheckLastAttack extends RunnableImpl
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
            if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.ALIVE))
                if ((_lastAttackTime + FWB_LIMITUNTILSLEEP) < System.currentTimeMillis())
                    _sleepCheckTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new CheckLastAttack(), 60000);
     * @author Mobius
    public static class CubeSpawn extends RunnableImpl
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
            _teleportCube = _teleportCubeSpawn.doSpawn(true);
     * @author Mobius
    public static class IntervalEnd extends RunnableImpl
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
     * @author Mobius
    public static class KillPc extends RunnableImpl
        private final BossInstance _boss;
        private final Player _target;
         * Constructor for KillPc.
         * @param target Player
         * @param boss BossInstance
        public KillPc(Player target, BossInstance boss)
            _target = target;
            _boss = boss;
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
            final Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4136, 1);
            if ((_target != null) && (skill != null))
                _boss.doCast(skill, _target, false);
     * @author Mobius
    public static class MoveAtRandom extends RunnableImpl
        private final NpcInstance _npc;
        private final Location _pos;
         * Constructor for MoveAtRandom.
         * @param npc NpcInstance
         * @param pos Location
        public MoveAtRandom(NpcInstance npc, Location pos)
            _npc = npc;
            _pos = pos;
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
            if (_npc.getAI().getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE)
                _npc.moveToLocation(_pos, 0, false);
     * @author Mobius
    public static class SetMobilised extends RunnableImpl
        private final BossInstance _boss;
         * Constructor for SetMobilised.
         * @param boss BossInstance
        public SetMobilised(BossInstance boss)
            _boss = boss;
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
     * @author Mobius
    public static class Social extends RunnableImpl
        private final int _action;
        private final NpcInstance _npc;
         * Constructor for Social.
         * @param npc NpcInstance
         * @param actionId int
        public Social(NpcInstance npc, int actionId)
            _npc = npc;
            _action = actionId;
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
            final SocialAction sa = new SocialAction(_npc.getObjectId(), _action);
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _callAngelTask = null;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _cubeSpawnTask = null;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _intervalEndTask = null;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _killPcTask = null;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _mobiliseTask = null;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _moveAtRandomTask = null;
    static ScheduledFuture<?> _sleepCheckTask = null;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _socialTask = null;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _socialTask2 = null;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> _onAnnihilatedTask = null;
    public static EpicBossState _state;
    static long _lastAttackTime = 0;
    private static NpcInstance _npcBaium;
    static SimpleSpawner _statueSpawn = null;
    static NpcInstance _teleportCube = null;
    static SimpleSpawner _teleportCubeSpawn = null;
    private static final List<NpcInstance> _monsters = new ArrayList<>();
    private static final Map<Integer, SimpleSpawner> _monsterSpawn = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    static final List<NpcInstance> _angels = new ArrayList<>();
    static final List<SimpleSpawner> _angelSpawns = new ArrayList<>();
    private static Zone _zone;
    private final static int ARCHANGEL = 29021;
    private final static int BAIUM = 29020;
    private final static int BAIUM_NPC = 29025;
    private static boolean Dying = false;
    private final static Location[] ANGEL_LOCATION = new Location[]
        new Location(113004, 16209, 10076, 60242),
        new Location(114053, 16642, 10076, 4411),
        new Location(114563, 17184, 10076, 49241),
        new Location(116356, 16402, 10076, 31109),
        new Location(115015, 16393, 10076, 32760),
        new Location(115481, 15335, 10076, 16241),
        new Location(114680, 15407, 10051, 32485),
        new Location(114886, 14437, 10076, 16868),
        new Location(115391, 17593, 10076, 55346),
        new Location(115245, 17558, 10076, 35536)
    private final static Location CUBE_LOCATION = new Location(115203, 16620, 10078, 0);
    private final static Location STATUE_LOCATION = new Location(115996, 17417, 10106, 41740);
    private final static int TELEPORT_CUBE = 31759;
    private final static int FWB_LIMITUNTILSLEEP = 30 * 60000;
    private final static int FWB_FIXINTERVALOFBAIUM = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60000;
    private final static int FWB_RANDOMINTERVALOFBAIUM = 8 * 60 * 60000;
     * Method banishForeigners.
    private static void banishForeigners()
        for (Player player : getPlayersInside())
     * @author Mobius
    public static class onAnnihilated extends RunnableImpl
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
     * Method checkAnnihilated.
    private synchronized static void checkAnnihilated()
        if ((_onAnnihilatedTask == null) && isPlayersAnnihilated())
            _onAnnihilatedTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new onAnnihilated(), 5000);
     * Method deleteArchangels.
    private static void deleteArchangels()
        for (NpcInstance angel : _angels)
            if ((angel != null) && (angel.getSpawn() != null))
     * Method getPlayersInside.
     * @return List<Player>
    private static List<Player> getPlayersInside()
        return getZone().getInsidePlayers();
     * Method getZone.
     * @return Zone
    public static Zone getZone()
        return _zone;
     * Method init.
    private void init()
        _state = new EpicBossState(BAIUM);
        _zone = ReflectionUtils.getZone("[baium_epic]");
            final SimpleSpawner tempSpawn;
            _statueSpawn = new SimpleSpawner(NpcHolder.getInstance().getTemplate(BAIUM_NPC));
            tempSpawn = new SimpleSpawner(NpcHolder.getInstance().getTemplate(BAIUM));
            _monsterSpawn.put(BAIUM, tempSpawn);
        catch (Exception e)
            final NpcTemplate Cube = NpcHolder.getInstance().getTemplate(TELEPORT_CUBE);
            _teleportCubeSpawn = new SimpleSpawner(Cube);
        catch (Exception e)
            final NpcTemplate angel = NpcHolder.getInstance().getTemplate(ARCHANGEL);
            SimpleSpawner spawnDat;
            final List<Integer> random = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                int r = -1;
                while ((r == -1) || random.contains(r))
                    r = Rnd.get(10);
            for (int i : random)
                spawnDat = new SimpleSpawner(angel);
        catch (Exception e)
        _log.info("BaiumManager: State of Baium is " + _state.getState() + ".");
        if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.NOTSPAWN))
        else if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.ALIVE))
        else if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.INTERVAL) || _state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.DEAD))
        _log.info("BaiumManager: Next spawn date: " + TimeUtils.toSimpleFormat(_state.getRespawnDate()));
     * Method isPlayersAnnihilated.
     * @return boolean
    private static boolean isPlayersAnnihilated()
        for (Player pc : getPlayersInside())
            if (!pc.isDead())
                return false;
        return true;
     * Method onDeath.
     * @param self Creature
     * @param killer Creature
     * @see lineage2.gameserver.listener.actor.OnDeathListener#onDeath(Creature, Creature)
    public void onDeath(Creature self, Creature killer)
        if (self.isPlayer() && (_state != null) && (_state.getState() == State.ALIVE) && (_zone != null) && _zone.checkIfInZone(self))
        else if (self.isNpc() && (self.getId() == BAIUM))
     * Method onBaiumDie.
     * @param self Creature
    public static void onBaiumDie(Creature self)
        if (Dying)
        Dying = true;
        self.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(PlaySound.Type.MUSIC, "BS02_D", 1, 0, self.getLoc()));
        Log.add("Baium died", "bosses");
        _cubeSpawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new CubeSpawn(), 10000);
     * Method getRespawnInterval.
     * @return int
    private static int getRespawnInterval()
     * Method setIntervalEndTask.
    private static void setIntervalEndTask()
        if (!_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.INTERVAL))
        _intervalEndTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new IntervalEnd(), _state.getInterval());
     * Method setLastAttackTime.
    public static void setLastAttackTime()
        _lastAttackTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
     * Method setUnspawn.
    public static void setUnspawn()
        for (NpcInstance mob : _monsters)
        if (_teleportCube != null)
            _teleportCube = null;
        if (_cubeSpawnTask != null)
            _cubeSpawnTask = null;
        if (_intervalEndTask != null)
            _intervalEndTask = null;
        if (_socialTask != null)
            _socialTask = null;
        if (_mobiliseTask != null)
            _mobiliseTask = null;
        if (_moveAtRandomTask != null)
            _moveAtRandomTask = null;
        if (_socialTask2 != null)
            _socialTask2 = null;
        if (_killPcTask != null)
            _killPcTask = null;
        if (_callAngelTask != null)
            _callAngelTask = null;
        if (_sleepCheckTask != null)
            _sleepCheckTask = null;
        if (_onAnnihilatedTask != null)
            _onAnnihilatedTask = null;
     * Method sleepBaium.
    static void sleepBaium()
        Log.add("Baium going to sleep, spawning statue", "bosses");
     * @author Mobius
    public static class EarthquakeTask extends RunnableImpl
        private final BossInstance baium;
         * Constructor for EarthquakeTask.
         * @param _baium BossInstance
        public EarthquakeTask(BossInstance _baium)
            baium = _baium;
         * Method runImpl.
        public void runImpl()
            final Earthquake eq = new Earthquake(baium.getLoc(), 40, 5);
     * Method spawnBaium.
     * @param NpcBaium NpcInstance
     * @param awake_by Player
    public static void spawnBaium(NpcInstance NpcBaium, Player awake_by)
        Dying = false;
        _npcBaium = NpcBaium;
        final SimpleSpawner baiumSpawn = _monsterSpawn.get(BAIUM);
        final BossInstance baium = (BossInstance) baiumSpawn.doSpawn(true);
        Log.add("Spawned Baium, awake by: " + awake_by, "bosses");
        baium.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(PlaySound.Type.MUSIC, "BS02_A", 1, 0, baium.getLoc()));
        baium.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(baium.getObjectId(), 2));
        _socialTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Social(baium, 3), 15000);
        ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new EarthquakeTask(baium), 25000);
        _socialTask2 = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Social(baium, 1), 25000);
        _killPcTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new KillPc(awake_by, baium), 26000);
        _callAngelTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new CallArchAngel(), 35000);
        _mobiliseTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SetMobilised(baium), 35500);
        final Location pos = new Location(Rnd.get(112826, 116241), Rnd.get(15575, 16375), 10078, 0);
        _moveAtRandomTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new MoveAtRandom(baium, pos), 36000);
        _sleepCheckTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new CheckLastAttack(), 600000);
     * Method onLoad.
     * @see lineage2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile#onLoad()
    public void onLoad()
     * Method onReload.
     * @see lineage2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile#onReload()
    public void onReload()
     * Method onShutdown.
     * @see lineage2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile#onShutdown()
    public void onShutdown()
        // empty method


В вашем случае, вариант просто закоментировать строку:
_killPcTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new KillPc(awake_by, baium), 26000); // Именно этот таск запускается и дёргает мтеод с убийством игрока. Хотя использовать такую громосткость для реализации ИИ босса баюма, это серьёзно.

А ещё лучше, удалить всё что связано с _killPcTask и его использованием, тогда 100% авейкенер не будет умирать при ресе баюма да ещё и через 26. сек.
[SRC="java"] _killPcTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new KillPc(awake_by, baium), 26000);[/SRC]
Удали эту строчку.

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[Изображение: 4e38c909fcd08c5fcdf363b54a62.png]
papkapapka Написал:Можно ли как-то отключить убийство Баюмом первого ударившего его игрока? Он пробивает даже invul nichoci
Есть файл BaiumManager:

_killPcTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new KillPc(awake_by, baium), 26000);
удалить или заккоментировать.

ух сколько нас откомментило сразу.
Спасибо, разобрался
пипец что только непридумывают яверы чтобы поиздеватся над игроками
в птс такой херни нету дахе на неоригинальном баюме

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