Рейтинг темы:
  • 0 Голос(ов) - 0 в среднем
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
Проблемы с установкой
Здраствуйте уважаемые форумчане ! Помогите пожалуйста сделать сервер , делал вроде всё как надо , но при выборе сервера в айоне статус сервера "Недоступен" .

Вот лог GS
Starting www.Aion-Base.Ru Game Server.

============================================================-[ Administration ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/administration/admin.properties
======================================================================-[ Main ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/legion.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/rates.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/cache.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/shutdown.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/taskmanager.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/group.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/custom.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/enchants.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/falldamage.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/npcmovement.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/periodicsave.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/prices.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/siege.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/main/thread.properties
===================================================================-[ Network ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
==================================================================-[ DataBase ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:20 - Successfully connected to database
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:21 - Loaded 25 DAO implementations.
===================================================================-[ Threads ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:21 - ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with 7 scheduler, 3
instant, 0 long, 4 disconnection running thread(s).
=====================================================================-[ World ]
===============================================================-[ StaticDatas ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:21 - ##### STATIC DATA [section beginning] #####
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded world maps data: 62 maps
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded player exp table: 51 levels
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 384 player stat templates
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 243 summon stat templates
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 46132 item templates
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 26564 npc templates
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 4 initial player templates
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 459 trade lists
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 74 npc teleporter templates
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 88 teleport locations
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 6105 skill templates
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 7001 skill learn entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 7 cube expand entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 18 warehouse expand entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 44 bind point entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 3726 quest data entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 410 gatherable entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 148 title entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 49 walker routes
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 443 zone entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 986 goodslist entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 67261 spawn entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 293 tribe relation entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 5071 recipe entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 45 portal entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 128 item set entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 395 npc skill list entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 17 pet skill list entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - Loaded 54 siege location entries
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - ##### [load time: 18 seconds] #####
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - ##### STATIC DATA [section end] #####
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - IDFactory: 1 id's used.
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:40 - World: 62 worlds map created.
====================================================================-[ Spawns ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:41 - 4642 npc drops loaded
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:42 - Spawned 110010000 [1] : 258
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:42 - Spawned 110020000 [1] : 3
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:42 - Spawned 120010000 [1] : 294
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:42 - Spawned 120020000 [1] : 19
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:42 - Spawned 210010000 [1] : 1128
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:42 - Spawned 210010000 [2] : 1128

Лог LS
Starting www.Aion-Base.Ru Login Server.

===================================================================-[ Network ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:30 - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:30 - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
==================================================================-[ DataBase ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:31 - Successfully connected to database
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:33 - Loaded 4 DAO implementations.
====================================================================-[ KeyGen ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:33 - Initializing Key Generator...
===================================================================-[ GSTable ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - GameServerTable loaded 1 registered GameServers.
==================================================================-[ BannedIP ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - BannedIpController loaded 0 IP bans.
==================================================================-[ IOServer ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Server listening on IP: Port 9014 for Gs
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Server listening on IP: Port 2106 for Aio
n Connections
====================================================================-[ System ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - OS: Windows XP Build: 5.1
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - OS Arch: x86
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - ..................................................
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - ..................................................
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Avaible CPU(s): 2
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Processor(s) Identifier: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Step
ping 13, GenuineIntel
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - ..................................................
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - ..................................................
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Java Platform Information
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Java Runtime Name: Java™ SE Runtime Environment

[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Java Version: 1.6.0_20
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Java Class Version: 50.0
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - ..................................................
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - ..................................................
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - JVM Name: Java HotSpot™ Client VM
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\j
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - JVM version: 16.3-b01
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - JVM Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - JVM Info: mixed mode
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - ..................................................
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - ..................................................
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - +----
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | Global Memory Informations at 0:27:36:
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | |
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | Allowed Memory: 31680 KB
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | |= Allocated Memory: 14768 KB (46,6162%)
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | |= Non-Allocated Memory: 16912 KB (53,3838%)
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | Allocated Memory: 14768 KB
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | |= Used Memory: 8248 KB (26,0354%)
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | |= Unused (cached) Memory: 6520 KB (20,5808%)
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - | Useable Memory: 23432 KB (73,9646%)
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - +----
============================================================-[ LoginServerLog ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:27:36 - AE Login Server started in 5 seconds.
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:13 - connection from:
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:13 - recived packet: [C] 0x07 CM_AUTH_GG
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:13 - recived packet: [C] 0x0B CM_LOGIN
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:13 - sending packet: [S] 0x01 SM_LOGIN_FAIL and closing
connection after that.
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:17 - connection from:
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:17 - recived packet: [C] 0x07 CM_AUTH_GG
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:17 - recived packet: [C] 0x0B CM_LOGIN
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:17 - recived packet: [C] 0x05 CM_SERVER_LIST
[INFO] 2010-07-17 00:28:19 - recived packet: [C] 0x02 CM_PLAY

Помогите !
гениально, лог ГС не весь, а второе по сто раз проверь, что ты забыл!
Абсолютно счастливый человек лишь тот, который ни о чем не думает.
Вот именно лог GS это весь ! Тормозит прям на спауне ! Уже задалбался делать сервер ! То что то в яве не нарвится то в базе ! Ошибку на ошибку прям ! Ошибки не выходят значит надо тормознуть на спауне . Какие варианты есть ? Можешь написать пожалуйста .

Network GS
# ----------------------------
# Network Config http://www.Aion-Base.Ru
# ----------------------------

# Port that will be used to listen for client connections
gameserver.network.client.port = 2106

# Host that will be used to listen for client connections
gameserver.network.client.host =

# Maximum online players on the server
gameserver.network.client.maxplayers = 100

# Address of login server
gameserver.network.login.address = localhost:9014

# Id of this game server
gameserver.network.login.gsid = 1

# Password of this game server
gameserver.network.login.password = 1579748

# Address of chat server
# Ip and port of chat server should be accessible from
# 1) game server
# 2) all connected clients
gameserver.network.chat.address = localhost:9021

# Password of this game server for chat server
gameserver.network.chat.password = password

# Additional threads that are used to read network data
gameserver.network.nio.threads.read = 0

# Additional threads that are used to write network data
gameserver.network.nio.threads.write = 0

# This will enable or disable the messages for unknown packets
gameserver.network.display.unknownpackets = false

Network LS
# LoginServer will listen for connections on specified port

# LoginServer will bind specified network interface
# * - bind all interfaces

# How many times player can try to login before he get's banned for bruteforcing

# For what time in minutes player should be banned in case of bruteforcing

# Host that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections

# Port that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections

# Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only reading

# Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only writing

# Create accounts automatically or not?

Где может быть ещё ошибка ?
проверь правильность написания пароля в базе и в конфиге
Абсолютно счастливый человек лишь тот, который ни о чем не думает.
Да это всё правельно с поролями иначе бы ошибки выходили бы в гс и лс , тут что то другое !
spellbound Скока у тебя оперативной памяти, скока прописано в StartGS.bat. У меня останавливался так гс когда я прописывал 128мб
У меня тама было прописано 64 , но при 64 у меня гс вообще не грузился , поставил 128 бит , стал грузится , но вот тормознул на спауне .

Добавлено через 4 минуты
Вот такая трабла выходит при 64 , типо памяти чтоли нехватает и ошибку выдаёт .
Starting www.Aion-Base.Ru Game Server.

============================================================-[ Administration ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/administration/admin.properties
======================================================================-[ Main ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/legion.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/rates.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/cache.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/shutdown.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/taskmanager.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/group.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/custom.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/enchants.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/falldamage.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/npcmovement.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/periodicsave.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/prices.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/siege.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/main/thread.properties
===================================================================-[ Network ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/network/database.properties
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Loading: ./config/network/network.properties
==================================================================-[ DataBase ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:12 - Successfully connected to database
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:13 - Loaded 25 DAO implementations.
===================================================================-[ Threads ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:13 - ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with 7 scheduler, 3
instant, 0 long, 4 disconnection running thread(s).
=====================================================================-[ World ]
===============================================================-[ StaticDatas ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:14:13 - ##### STATIC DATA [section beginning] #####
[ERROR] 2010-07-17 21:14:44 - Critical Error - Thread: main terminated abnormaly
: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.String.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.StringBuilder.toString(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeBuiltinLeafInfoImpl$1.
parse(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeBuiltinLeafInfoImpl$1.
parse(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.TextLoader.text(Unk
nown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallingContex
t.text(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.ValidatingUnmarshal
ler.text(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.SAXConnector.proces
sText(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.SAXConnector.endEle
ment(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endEleme
nt(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImp
l.scanEndElement(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImp
l$FragmentContentDriver.next(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl.next(U
nknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.next
(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImp
l.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(U
nknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(U
nknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown So
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Un
known Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.p
arse(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.un
marshal0(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.un
marshal(Unknown Source)
at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(Unknown Sou
at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(Unknown Sou
at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(Unknown Sou
at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(Unknown Sou
at com.aionemu.gameserver.dataholders.loadingutils.XmlDataLoader.loadSta
at com.aionemu.gameserver.dataholders.DataManager.<init>(DataManager.jav
at com.aionemu.gameserver.dataholders.DataManager.<init>(DataManager.jav
at com.aionemu.gameserver.dataholders.DataManager$SingletonHolder.<clini
at com.aionemu.gameserver.dataholders.DataManager.getInstance(DataManage
[ERROR] 2010-07-17 21:14:44 - Out of memory! You should get more memory!

Добавлено через 15 минут
упс сорри , сделал 512 сервер пошёл , но опять так же без ошибок не обойтись , вышла вот такая ошибка :

=============================================================-[ GameServerLog ]
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:20:55 - AE Game Server started in 25 seconds.
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:20:55 - Server listening on IP: Port 2106 for Gam
e Connections
[FATAL] 2010-07-17 21:20:55 - NioServer Initialization Error: java.net.BindExcep
tion: Address already in use: bind
java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind
at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.bind(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(Unknown Source)
at com.aionemu.commons.network.NioServer.connect(NioServer.java:130)
at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.startServers(GameServer.java:182)
at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:152)
[ERROR] 2010-07-17 21:20:55 - Critical Error - Thread: main terminated abnormaly
: java.lang.Error: NioServer Initialization Error!
java.lang.Error: NioServer Initialization Error!
at com.aionemu.commons.network.NioServer.connect(NioServer.java:143)
at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.startServers(GameServer.java:182)
at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:152)
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:20:59 - Spawning rift : ELTNEN_EM
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:20:59 - Spawning rift : HEIRON_CM
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:20:59 - Spawning rift : MORHEIM_CM
[INFO] 2010-07-17 21:20:59 - Spawning rift : BELUSLAN_AM

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