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Включил сервер l2wt когда создаю персонажа не получается пишет Не удалось создать персонажа.. Помогите, что я сделал ни так?Sad
Экстрасенсы в отпуске...
Сервера ругаются?
Что до этого делали?
Web программист\разработчик

— Есть только один способ проделать большую работу — полюбить ее. Если вы к этому не пришли, подождите. Не беритесь за дело.
Настраивал сервер и еще что бы ники на русском работали там изменил

Добавлено через 1 час 50 минут
Эхх.... Кто знает в чем может быть проблема??

Добавлено через 2 часа 39 минут
INFO: BootManager: Creating Boot Folders and Files.
10.05.2011 23:24:14 com.l2emu.gameserver.util.BootManager createBootDirs
INFO: BootManager: All Directories and Files Created!
10.05.2011 23:24:14 com.l2emu.gameserver.util.BootManager <init>
INFO: BootManager: Initalizing Versionning.
10.05.2011 23:24:14 com.l2emu.gameserver.util.BootManager <init>
INFO: BootManager: Initializing Logging.
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] BootManager: Initializing Configs.
================================================-[ Network ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] Loading: ./config/network/hexid.txt
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] Loading: ./config/network/network.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] Loading: ./config/network/telnet.ini
===================================================-[ Main ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/id_factory.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/geodata.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/rates.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:14: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/pvp.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/enchant.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/flood_protector.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/olympiad.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/manor.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/lottery.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/NPC.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/skills.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/clans.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/alt_settings.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/options.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/mmocore.ini.
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/vitality.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/grand_boss.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/custom.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/protection.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/ConquerableHallSiege.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/L2-WT.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/Balans.ini
=========================================-[ Administration ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/administration/gm_access.ini
===================================================-[ Mods ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/Champion.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/Wedding.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/fun_events.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/jail.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/TownWar.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/CommunityBoard.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/offline_trade.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/class_master.ini
================================================-[ Scripts ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/scripts/delevel_npc.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/scripts/serverinfo_npc.ini
============================================-[ Versionning ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/versionning/commons-version.xml.
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/versionning/game-version.xml.
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/versionning/datapack-version.xml.
=================================================-[ PCBang ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/main/pccafe.ini
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Loading: ./config/mods/BestPvP.ini
===========================================-[ Boot Manager ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] BootManager: Config Sucessffully Loaded.
=================================================-[ Telnet ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Telnet Server is currently disabled.
===========================================-[ L2GameServer ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] BootManager: Preparations Done. Staring GameServer!
=====================================================-[ БД ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Initializing c3p0-0.9.1-pre6 [built 23-March-2006 16:11:
59 +0200; debug? true; trace: 10]
10 ьрщ 23:24:15: [INFO] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPoole
dDataSource@13f5d07[ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRe
tryDelay -> 500, allUsers -> [], autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -
> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0
, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester,
dataSourceName -> 1ea2dfe, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.D
river, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false,
identityToken -> 13f5d07, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize ->
10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2wt?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF
-8, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 100, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerCo
nnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, preferredTestQuery ->
null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 300, testC
onnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, usesTraditionalR
eflectiveProxies -> false ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:16: [INFO] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPoole
dDataSource@1893efe[ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRe
tryDelay -> 500, allUsers -> [], autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -
> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0
, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester,
dataSourceName -> 789144, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Dr
iver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false,
identityToken -> 1893efe, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize -> 1
0, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2wt, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 100,
maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHe
lperThreads -> 3, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, passwo
rd=******}, propertyCycle -> 300, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnecti
onOnCheckout -> false, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]
==============================================-[ IDFactory ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:16: [INFO] Updated characters online status.
10 ьрщ 23:24:16: [INFO] Cleaned 0 elements from database.
10 ьрщ 23:24:16: [INFO] Cleaned 0 expired timestamps from database.
10 ьрщ 23:24:16: [INFO] IDFactory: 268480448 id's available.
10 ьрщ 23:24:16: [INFO] IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 2147483645
====================================================-[ Мир ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:16: [INFO] L2World: Setting up World Regions
10 ьрщ 23:24:16: [INFO] L2World: (136 by 136) World Region Grid set up.
===========================================-[ Скилы и вещи ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:17: [INFO] SkillTreeTable: Loaded: 103 skill(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:17: [INFO] FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded: 109 fishing skill(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:17: [INFO] DwarvenCraftSkillTreeTable: Loaded: 8 dwarven skill(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:17: [INFO] EnchantSkillTreeTable: Loaded: 1 enchant skill(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:17: [INFO] PledgeSkillTreeTable: Loaded: 44 pledge skill(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:17: [INFO] TransformSkillTreeTable: Loaded: 50 transform skill(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:17: [INFO] SpecialSkillTreeTable: Loaded: 3 special skill(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:25: [INFO] ResidentialSkillTable: Loaded: 29 entities with associat
ed skill(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:26: [INFO] PetSkillsTable: Loaded: 1972 skill(s).
============================================-[ Статы вещей ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:27: [INFO] ItemTable: Loaded: 2509 Armor(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:27: [INFO] ItemTable: Loaded: 9486 Item(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] ItemTable: Loaded: 3336 Weapon(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] Highest item id used:22172
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] ArmorSetsTable: Loaded: 184 armor set(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] ArmorSetsTable: Loaded: 0 Custom armor set(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] Initializing AugmentationData.
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 24 accessory augmentation stat
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 0
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 1
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 2
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 3
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 4
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 5
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 6
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 7
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 8
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red
skill(s) for lifeStoneLevel 9
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] SummonItemsData: Loaded: 36 Summon Item(s) from summon_i
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] ExtractableItemsData: Loaded: 225 extractable item(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] ExtractableSkillsData: Loaded: 347 extractable skill(s).

10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] FishTable: Loaded: 270 Fishes.
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.
===================================================-[ Зоны ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] Loading zones...
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] Initializing ClanHallManager
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] Loaded: 0 clan halls
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] Loaded: 44 free clan halls
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] Initializing GrandBossManager
10 ьрщ 23:24:28: [INFO] GrandBossManager: Loaded 13 Instances
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] Done: loaded 771 zones.
================================================-[ Аннонсы ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] AutoAnnoucements: Loaded 0 Auto Annoucement Data.
================================================-[ ГеоДата ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] GeoEngine: GeoData is disabled.
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] StaticObject: Loaded: 29 StaticObject Template(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] TeleportLocationTable: Loaded: 865 Teleport Location Tem
=====================================-[ Мерчанты и заточка ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] MerchantPriceConfigTable: Loaded: 28 merchant price conf
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] EnchantHPBonusData: Loaded: Enchant HP Bonus registered
for 1513 item(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] EnchantItemData: Loaded: 25 EnchantBlackList Item(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:29: [INFO] EnchantItemData: Loaded: 47 enchant scroll(s) and 20 enc
hant support item(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:30: [INFO] TradeController: Loaded 662 Buylists.
10 ьрщ 23:24:30: [INFO] TradeController: Loaded 0 Custom Buylists.
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] L2Multisell: Loaded 197 lists.
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] RecipeController: Loaded 936 recipes.
=========================================-[ Уровни доступа ]
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] AccessLevels: Loaded: 6 from database.
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] AdminCommandAccessRights: Loaded: 412 from database.
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] CharTemplateTable: Loaded: 0 Character Template(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 0
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 0
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 0
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 0
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 10
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 10
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 10
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 18
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 18
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 18
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 18
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 25
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 25
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 25
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 31
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 31
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 31
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 31
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 38
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 38
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 38
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 44
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 44
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 44
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 44
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 49
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 49
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 49
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 53
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 53
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 53
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 53
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 123
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 123
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 123
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 123
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 124
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 124
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 124
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [WARNING] char_creation_items: Entry for undefined class, class
Id: 124
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] LevelUpData: Loaded: 103 Character Level Up Template(s).

10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] HelperBuffTable: Loaded: 17 Template(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] HennaTable: Loaded: 180 Template(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] HennaTreeTable: Loaded: 8136 Henna Tree Template(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] L2JMOD: Initializing CoupleManager
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] Loaded: 0 couples(s)
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] Initializing CursedWeaponsManager
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] Loaded : 2 cursed weapon(s).
10 ьрщ 23:24:31: [INFO] Loaded 4 forums. Last forum id used: 4
Service: Bash - RSS data parsed: loaded 100 quotes.
10 ьрщ 23:24:33: [INFO] Restored 0 clans from the database.
10 ьрщ 23:24:33: [INFO] Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0)
10 ьрщ 23:24:33: [INFO] Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
10 ьрщ 23:24:33: [INFO] Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
===================================================-[ NPCs ]

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