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Анонс о появление рб
Ниже я выделил красным цветом что я добавил в скрипт.
Компилируется без ошибок, но при появление рб нету анонса.
Подскажите что может ещё дописать требуется.
А то я только неделю изучаю яву))
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javolution.util.FastMap;
import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GmListTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Spawn;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2RaidBossInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.StatsSet;
[color=Red]import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.Announcements;[/color]
import net.sf.l2j.util.Rnd;

public class RaidBossSpawnManager {

    private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(RaidBossSpawnManager.class.getName());

    private static RaidBossSpawnManager _instance;
    protected static Map<Integer, L2RaidBossInstance> _bosses;
    protected static Map<Integer, L2Spawn> _spawns;
    protected static Map<Integer, StatsSet> _storedInfo;
    protected static Map<Integer, ScheduledFuture> _schedules;

    public static enum StatusEnum {

    public RaidBossSpawnManager()

    public static RaidBossSpawnManager getInstance()
        if (_instance == null)
            _instance = new RaidBossSpawnManager();

        return _instance;

    private void init()
        _bosses = new FastMap<Integer, L2RaidBossInstance>();
        _schedules = new FastMap<Integer,ScheduledFuture>();
        _storedInfo = new FastMap<Integer, StatsSet>();
        _spawns = new FastMap<Integer, L2Spawn>();

        Connection con = null;

            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();

            PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * from raidboss_spawnlist ORDER BY boss_id");
            ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery();

            L2Spawn spawnDat;
            L2NpcTemplate template;
            long respawnTime;
            while (rset.next())
                template = getValidTemplate(rset.getInt("boss_id"));
                if (template != null)
                    spawnDat = new L2Spawn(template);
                    respawnTime = rset.getLong("respawn_time");

                    addNewSpawn(spawnDat, respawnTime, rset.getDouble("currentHP"), rset.getDouble("currentMP"), false);
                    _log.warning("RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not load raidboss #" + rset.getInt("boss_id") + " from DB");

            _log.info("RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded " + _bosses.size() + " Instances");
            _log.info("RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled " + _schedules.size() + " Instances");

        catch (SQLException e)
            _log.warning("RaidBossSpawnManager: Couldnt load raidboss_spawnlist table");
        catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
            try {con.close();} catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}

    private class spawnSchedule implements Runnable
        private int bossId;

        public spawnSchedule(int npcId)
            bossId = npcId;

        public void run()
            L2RaidBossInstance raidboss = null;

            if (bossId == 25328)
                raidboss = DayNightSpawnManager.getInstance().handleBoss(_spawns.get(bossId));
                raidboss = (L2RaidBossInstance)_spawns.get(bossId).doSpawn();

            if (raidboss != null)

                StatsSet info = new StatsSet();
                info.set("currentHP", raidboss.getCurrentHp());
                info.set("currentMP", raidboss.getCurrentMp());
                info.set("respawnTime", 0L);

                _storedInfo.put(bossId, info);

                GmListTable.broadcastMessageToGMs("Spawning Raid Boss " + raidboss.getName());

                _bosses.put(bossId, raidboss);

[COLOR="red"]               Announcements _an = Announcements.getInstance();
              _an.announceToAll("РаидБосс : " + raidboss.getName() + " Появился, все к нему!!!");[/COLOR]

    public void updateStatus(L2RaidBossInstance boss, boolean isBossDead)
        if (!_storedInfo.containsKey(boss.getNpcId()))

        StatsSet info = _storedInfo.get(boss.getNpcId());

        if (isBossDead)

            long respawnTime;
            int RespawnMinDelay = boss.getSpawn().getRespawnMinDelay();
            int RespawnMaxDelay = boss.getSpawn().getRespawnMaxDelay();
            long respawn_delay = Rnd.get((int)(RespawnMinDelay*1000*Config.RAID_MIN_RESPAWN_MULTIPLIER),(int)(RespawnMaxDelay*1000*Config.RAID_MAX_RESPAWN_MULTIPLIER));
            respawnTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + respawn_delay;

            info.set("currentHP", boss.getMaxHp());
            info.set("currentMP", boss.getMaxMp());
            info.set("respawnTime", respawnTime);

            _log.info("RaidBossSpawnManager: Updated " + boss.getName() + " respawn time to " + respawnTime);

            ScheduledFuture futureSpawn;
            futureSpawn = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new spawnSchedule(boss.getNpcId()), respawn_delay);

            _schedules.put(boss.getNpcId(), futureSpawn);
            //To update immediately Database uncomment on the following line, to post the hour of respawn raid boss on your site for example or to envisage a crash landing of the waiter.

            info.set("currentHP", boss.getCurrentHp());
            info.set("currentMP", boss.getCurrentMp());
            info.set("respawnTime", 0L);

        _storedInfo.put(boss.getNpcId(), info);

    public void addNewSpawn(L2Spawn spawnDat, long respawnTime, double currentHP, double currentMP, boolean storeInDb)
        if (spawnDat == null) return;
        if (_spawns.containsKey(spawnDat.getNpcid())) return;

        int bossId = spawnDat.getNpcid();
        long time = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();

        SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawnDat, false);

        if (respawnTime == 0L || (time > respawnTime))
            L2RaidBossInstance raidboss = null;

            if (bossId == 25328)
                raidboss = DayNightSpawnManager.getInstance().handleBoss(spawnDat);
                raidboss = (L2RaidBossInstance)spawnDat.doSpawn();

            if (raidboss != null)

                _bosses.put(bossId, raidboss);

                StatsSet info = new StatsSet();
                info.set("currentHP", currentHP);
                info.set("currentMP", currentMP);
                info.set("respawnTime", 0L);

                _storedInfo.put(bossId, info);
            ScheduledFuture futureSpawn;
            long spawnTime = respawnTime - Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();

            futureSpawn = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new spawnSchedule(bossId), spawnTime);

            _schedules.put(bossId, futureSpawn);

        _spawns.put(bossId, spawnDat);

        if (storeInDb)
            java.sql.Connection con = null;

                con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
                PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO raidboss_spawnlist (boss_id,amount,loc_x,loc_y,loc_z,heading,respawn_time,currentHp,currentMp) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
                statement.setInt(1, spawnDat.getNpcid());
                statement.setInt(2, spawnDat.getAmount());
                statement.setInt(3, spawnDat.getLocx());
                statement.setInt(4, spawnDat.getLocy());
                statement.setInt(5, spawnDat.getLocz());
                statement.setInt(6, spawnDat.getHeading());
                statement.setLong(7, respawnTime);
                statement.setDouble(8, currentHP);
                statement.setDouble(9, currentMP);
            catch (Exception e)
                // problem with storing spawn
                _log.warning("RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not store raidboss #" + bossId + " in the DB:" + e);
                try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}

    public void deleteSpawn(L2Spawn spawnDat, boolean updateDb)
        if (spawnDat == null) return;
        if (!_spawns.containsKey(spawnDat.getNpcid())) return;

        int bossId = spawnDat.getNpcid();

        SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(spawnDat, false);

        if (_bosses.containsKey(bossId))

        if (_schedules.containsKey(bossId))
               ScheduledFuture f = _schedules.get(bossId);

        if (_storedInfo.containsKey(bossId))

        if (updateDb)
            java.sql.Connection con = null;

                con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
                PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM raidboss_spawnlist WHERE boss_id=?");
                statement.setInt(1, bossId);
            catch (Exception e)
                // problem with deleting spawn
                _log.warning("RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not remove raidboss #" + bossId + " from DB: " + e);
                try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}

    private void updateDb()
        for (Integer bossId : _storedInfo.keySet())
            Connection con = null;

                con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();

                L2RaidBossInstance boss = _bosses.get(bossId);

                if (boss == null) continue;

                if (boss.getRaidStatus().equals(StatusEnum.ALIVE))
                    updateStatus(boss, false);

                StatsSet info = _storedInfo.get(bossId);

                if (info == null) continue;

                PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE raidboss_spawnlist set respawn_time = ?, currentHP = ?, currentMP = ? where boss_id = ?");
                statement.setLong(1, info.getLong("respawnTime"));
                statement.setDouble(2, info.getDouble("currentHP"));
                statement.setDouble(3, info.getDouble("currentMP"));
                statement.setInt(4, bossId);

            catch (SQLException e){ _log.warning("RaidBossSpawnManager: Couldnt update raidboss_spawnlist table");}
                try {con.close();} catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}

    public String[] getAllRaidBossStatus()
        String[] msg = new String[_bosses == null ? 0 : _bosses.size()];

        if (_bosses == null)
            msg[0] = "None";
            return msg;

        int index = 0;

        for (int i : _bosses.keySet())
            L2RaidBossInstance boss = _bosses.get(i);

            msg[index] = boss.getName() + ": " + boss.getRaidStatus().name();

        return msg;

    public String getRaidBossStatus(int bossId)
        String msg = "RaidBoss Status....\n";

        if (_bosses == null)
            msg += "None";
            return msg;

        if (_bosses.containsKey(bossId))
            L2RaidBossInstance boss = _bosses.get(bossId);

            msg += boss.getName() + ": " + boss.getRaidStatus().name();

        return msg;

    public StatusEnum getRaidBossStatusId(int bossId)
        if (_bosses.containsKey(bossId))
            return _bosses.get(bossId).getRaidStatus();
            if (_schedules.containsKey(bossId))
                return StatusEnum.DEAD;
                return StatusEnum.UNDEFINED;

    public L2NpcTemplate getValidTemplate(int bossId)
        L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(bossId);
        if (template == null) return null;
        if (!template.type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2RaidBoss")) return null;
        return template;

    public void notifySpawnNightBoss(L2RaidBossInstance raidboss)
        StatsSet info = new StatsSet();
        info.set("currentHP", raidboss.getCurrentHp());
        info.set("currentMP", raidboss.getCurrentMp());
        info.set("respawnTime", 0L);


        _storedInfo.put(raidboss.getNpcId(), info);

        GmListTable.broadcastMessageToGMs("Spawning Raid Boss " + raidboss.getName());

        _bosses.put(raidboss.getNpcId(), raidboss);

    public boolean isDefined(int bossId)
        return _spawns.containsKey(bossId);

    public Map<Integer, L2RaidBossInstance> getBosses()
        return _bosses;

    public Map<Integer, L2Spawn> getSpawns()
        return _spawns;

    public void reloadBosses()

     * Saves all raidboss status and then clears all info from memory,
     * including all schedules.

    public void cleanUp()


        if (_schedules != null)
            for (Integer bossId : _schedules.keySet())
                ScheduledFuture f = _schedules.get(bossId);

Прикольно тож такое хачю Smile а в какой файле дописывать ?
[Изображение: fa00553fe148.jpg]
Зачем создавать объект? Если можно и так нормально сделать.
хм, а вывод именни рб откуда братся будет))

p.s если глуплю извиняйте))
Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("РэйдБосс " + raidboss.getName() + " Появился, все к нему!!!");
Что-то типа этого.
Всё по прежнему.
рб появляется, а анонса нетуSad((

Плюсик,благодарность кинул, за точто попробовал помочь)
Перенеси эту строчку под
GmListTable.broadcastMessageToGMs("Spawning Raid Boss " + raidboss.getName());

Тоесть будет выглядить так:
GmListTable.broadcastMessageToGMs("Spawning Raid Boss " + raidboss.getName());

Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("РэйдБос с " + raidboss.getName() + " Появился, все к нему!!!");
я скоро смеяться буду)) но тоже не пашет))

Добавлено через 7 часов 1 минуту
больше не кто не знает?
P.S если сутки тема ещё провесит прикройте тогда...

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