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ошибка при компиляции
   [delete] Deleting directory C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\build


    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\build
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\build\classes
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\build\dist
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\build\dist\login
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\build\dist\gameserver


    [javac] C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\build.xml:79: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
    [javac] Compiling 1604 source files to C:\sourse\branches\la2vt-core\build\classes
    [javac] C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\java\com\l2j\gameserver\scripts\ZakenDaydream.java:355: contains(int[],int) in com.l2j.gameserver.util.Util cannot be applied to (com.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc[],com.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc)
    [javac]             if (Util.contains(world.blueCandles, npc))
    [javac]                     ^
    [javac] 1 error

C:\sourse\branches\l2j-core\build.xml:79: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 35 seconds

ошибка возникла при адаптации этого:http://trac.assembla.com/jump-in-the-wor...ngeset/166
Ипорты сменили? Проверяли?
Web программист\разработчик

— Есть только один способ проделать большую работу — полюбить ее. Если вы к этому не пришли, подождите. Не беритесь за дело.
да импорты сменил.вот полный код:
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package com.l2j.scripts.instances;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;

import com.l2j.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention;
import com.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager;
import com.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager.InstanceWorld;
import com.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.L2CommandChannel;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Party;
//import com.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Spawn;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.L2World;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Attackable;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState;
import com.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
import com.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExShowScreenMessageNPCString;
import com.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket;
import com.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;
import com.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
import com.l2j.gameserver.skills.AbnormalEffect;
import com.l2j.gameserver.util.Util;
import com.l2j.util.Rnd;

public class ZakenDaydream extends Quest
    private static final boolean debug = true;
    private static final String qn = "ZakenDaydream";
    private static final String INSTANCE_XML = "ZakenDaydream.xml";

    private static final boolean CONFIG_ALONE_PLAYER = true;
    private static final int MAX_PLAYERS = 27;
    private static final int[] RESET_DAY_OF_WEEK = { Calendar.MONDAY, Calendar.WEDNESDAY, Calendar.FRIDAY };
    private static final int   RESET_HOUR_OF_DAY = 6;
    private static final int   RESET_MINUTE = 30;
    private static final int EXIT_TIME = 600000;
    private static final int MIN_LEVEL_LO = 55;
    private static final int MAX_LEVEL_LO = 65;
    private static final int INSTANCE_ID_LO = 133;
    private static final int ZAKEN_LO = 29176;
    private static final int MIN_LEVEL_HI = 78;    //TODO: zone.xml <zone id="12020" type="EffectZone"... >
    private static final int MAX_LEVEL_HI = 85;
    private static final int INSTANCE_ID_HI = 135;
    private static final int ZAKEN_HI = 29181;
    private static final int ZAKENS_CANDLE = 32705;
    private static final int PATHFINDER_WORKER = 32713;
    private static final int[] RED_CANDLE_MOBS = { 29023, 29024, 29026, 29027, 21637 };    /*FIXME*/
    private static final int NOTSPAWN = 0, SPAWNED = 1, DEAD = 2;
    // item
    private static final int CANDLE_FUSE = 15280;
    private static final int CANDLE_BLUE = 15302;
    private static final int CANDLE_RED = 15281;
    // coord
    private static final int[] FLOOR_Z = { -3488, -3216, -2944 };
    private static final int[] VOID = null;
    private static final int[][][] CANDLE_COORD = {
        {     VOID     ,{54240,217155},     VOID     ,{56288,217155},     VOID     },
        {{53320,218080},    (null)    ,{55265,218170},    (null)    ,{57220,218080}},
        {     VOID     ,{54340,219105},    (null)    ,{56195,219105},     VOID     },
        {{53320,220125},    (null)    ,{55265,220040},    (null)    ,{57210,220125}},
        {     VOID     ,{54240,221050},     VOID     ,{56288,221050},     VOID     },
    private static final int[][][] ZAKEN_COORD = {
        {     VOID     ,    (null)    ,     VOID     ,    (null)    ,     VOID     },
        {    (null)    ,{54240,218100},    (null)    ,{56290,218080},    (null)    },
        {     VOID     ,    (null)    ,{55255,219100},    (null)    ,     VOID     },
        {    (null)    ,{54250,220130},    (null)    ,{56280,220115},    (null)    },
        {     VOID     ,    (null)    ,     VOID     ,    (null)    ,     VOID     },
    private static final int[][] ZAKEN_ROOM_TO_CANDLE_MATRIX = {

    class TheWorld extends InstanceWorld
        final int ZAKEN_ID;
        L2MonsterInstance zaken;
        final int zakenFloor, zakenWE, zakenNS;
        L2Npc[][][] candleMatrix = {
                {new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5]},
                {new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5]},
                {new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5], new L2Npc[5]},
        final L2Npc[] blueCandles;
        final long startTime;
        TheWorld(int instanceId, int templateId, int ZAKEN_ID)
            this.instanceId = instanceId;
            this.templateId = templateId;
            this.ZAKEN_ID = ZAKEN_ID;
            // spawn candles
            for (int floor = 0; floor < 3; floor++)
                for (int ns = 0; ns < 5; ns++)
                    for (int we = 0; we < 5; we++)
                        int[]coord = CANDLE_COORD[ns][we];
                        if (coord != null)
                            int x = coord[0];
                            int y = coord[1];
                            int z = FLOOR_Z[floor];
                            int h = 0;    //TODO:
                            candleMatrix[floor][ns][we] = addSpawn(ZAKENS_CANDLE, x, y, z, h, false, 0, false, instanceId);
            zakenFloor = Rnd.get(3);
            int[] coord = ZAKEN_ROOM_TO_CANDLE_MATRIX[Rnd.get(5)];
            zakenWE = coord[0];
            zakenNS = coord[1];
            blueCandles = new L2Npc[]{
                candleMatrix[zakenFloor][zakenNS-1][zakenWE  ],
                candleMatrix[zakenFloor][zakenNS  ][zakenWE-1],
                candleMatrix[zakenFloor][zakenNS+1][zakenWE  ],
                candleMatrix[zakenFloor][zakenNS  ][zakenWE+1],
            if (debug) for (L2Npc m : blueCandles) m.setTitle("!");
            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        //spawn zaken
        void spawnBoss()
            status = SPAWNED;
            int[] coord = ZAKEN_COORD[zakenNS][zakenWE];
            int x = coord[0];
            int y = coord[1];
            int z = FLOOR_Z[zakenFloor];
            zaken = (L2MonsterInstance)addSpawn(ZAKEN_ID, x, y, z, 0, true, 0, false, instanceId);
            broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(1, "BS02_A", 1, zaken.getObjectId(), x, y, z));
        void broadcastPacket(L2GameServerPacket packet)
            for (int objectId : allowed)
                L2PcInstance member = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(objectId);
                if (member.isOnline() == 1)
        void addItemRandom(int chance, int itemId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean announce)
            if (chance == 0)
            for (int objectId : allowed)
                L2PcInstance member = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(objectId);
                if (member.isOnline() == 1)
                    if (Rnd.get(100) < chance)
                        member.addItem("Quest", itemId, 1, reference, !announce);
                        if (announce)
                            //SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ANNOUNCEMENT_C1_PICKED_UP_S2);
                            member.broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ANNOUNCEMENT_C1_PICKED_UP_S2).addCharName(member).addItemName(itemId));
        void setInstanceTime(long instanceTime)
            SystemMessage zoneRestrictedMessage = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INSTANT_ZONE_S1_RESTRICTED)
            for (int objectId : allowed)
                L2PcInstance member = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(objectId);
                if (member.isOnline() == 1)
                    InstanceManager.getInstance().setInstanceTime(member.getObjectId(), templateId, instanceTime);
    private void burnFuse(L2Npc candle)
    private void burnBlue(L2Npc candle)
    private void burnRed(L2Npc candle)
    private boolean isBurning(L2Npc candle)
        return candle.getRightHandItem() != 0;
    private boolean isBurningBlue(L2Npc candle)
        return candle.getRightHandItem() == CANDLE_BLUE;
    private void enterInstance(L2PcInstance player)
        if (InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player) != null)
            player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER));
        L2Party party = player.getParty();
        if (party == null)
        if (!CONFIG_ALONE_PLAYER) {{
            player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NOT_IN_PARTY_CANT_ENTER));
        else if (party.getLeader() != player)
            player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ONLY_PARTY_LEADER_CAN_ENTER));
        List<L2PcInstance> partyMembers = getPartyMembers(player);
        int average = 0;
        for (L2PcInstance member : partyMembers)
            average += member.getLevel();
        average /= partyMembers.size();
        if (partyMembers.size() > MAX_PLAYERS)
            player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.PARTY_EXCEEDED_THE_LIMIT_CANT_ENTER));
        boolean partyCondition = true;
        for (L2PcInstance member : partyMembers)
            int level;
            if ((level = member.getLevel()) < MIN_LEVEL || level > MAX_LEVEL)
                player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT)
                partyCondition = false;
            if (!Util.checkIfInRange(1000, player, member, true))
                player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_IS_IN_LOCATION_THAT_CANNOT_BE_ENTERED)
                partyCondition = false;
            if (System.currentTimeMillis() < InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstanceTime(member.getObjectId(), INSTANCE_ID))
                player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_MAY_NOT_REENTER_YET)
                partyCondition = false;
        if (!partyCondition)
        int instanceId = InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance(INSTANCE_XML);
        TheWorld world = new TheWorld(instanceId, INSTANCE_ID, ZAKEN_ID);
        // teleport players
        //long instanceTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 43200000;    //TODO
        for (L2PcInstance member : partyMembers)
            //InstanceManager.getInstance().setInstanceTime(member.getObjectId(), INSTANCE_ID, instanceTime);    //TODO
            member.teleToLocation(52560 + Rnd.get(-100, 100), 219100 + Rnd.get(-50, 50), -3235);
    private long calculateNextInstanceTime()
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        GregorianCalendar reset = new GregorianCalendar();
        reset.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
        reset.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
        reset.set(Calendar.MINUTE, RESET_MINUTE);
        reset.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, RESET_HOUR_OF_DAY);
        while (reset.getTimeInMillis() < now)
            reset.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
        while (! Util.contains(RESET_DAY_OF_WEEK, reset.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)))
            reset.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
        return reset.getTimeInMillis();
    public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
        if (event == "burn")
            TheWorld world = (TheWorld) InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId());
            if (Util.contains(world.blueCandles, npc))
                int count = world.blueCandles.length;
                for (L2Npc blueCandle : world.blueCandles)
                    if (isBurningBlue(blueCandle))
                if (count == 0)
                    startQuestTimer("spawnBoss", 3000, npc, player);
                    startQuestTimer("spawnMobs", 5000, npc, player);
                    world.broadcastPacket(new ExShowScreenMessageNPCString(1800867, 10000));
                if (Rnd.get(100) < 33)
                    startQuestTimer("sayHint", 3000, npc, player);
                startQuestTimer("spawnMobs", 5000, npc, player);
        else if (event == "spawnMobs")
            int x = npc.getX();
            int y = npc.getY();
            int z = npc.getZ();
            int instanceId = npc.getInstanceId();
            for (int npcId : RED_CANDLE_MOBS)
                for (int n = Rnd.get(1, 3); --n >= 0; )
                    L2MonsterInstance mob = (L2MonsterInstance) addSpawn(npcId, x, y, z, 0, true, 0, false, instanceId);
                    mob.addDamageHate(player, 1, 1);
        else if (event == "spawnBoss")
            TheWorld world = (TheWorld) InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId());
        else if (event == "onKillZakenLO")
            TheWorld world = (TheWorld) InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId());
            world.addItemRandom(2, 6659, 1, npc, true);        
            world.addItemRandom(50, 6569, 1, npc, false);    
            world.addItemRandom(50, 6570, 1, npc, false);    
            world.addItemRandom(40, 729, 1, npc, false);    
            world.addItemRandom(40, 730, 1, npc, false);    
            world.broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL));
            world.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(1, "BS01_D", 1, npc.getObjectId(), npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ()));
        else if (event == "onKillZakenHI")
            TheWorld world = (TheWorld) InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId());
            int time, rate;
            time = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() - world.startTime) / 60000;
            if (time <= 5)
                rate = 100;
            else if (time <= 10)
                rate = 75;
            else if (time <= 15)
                rate = 50;
            else if (time <= 20)
                rate = 25;
            else if (time <= 25)
                rate = 12;
                rate = 6;
            world.addItemRandom(10 * rate / 100, 6659, 1, npc, true);    
            world.addItemRandom(50 * rate / 100, 15763, 1, npc, true);    
            world.addItemRandom(50 * rate / 100, 15764, 1, npc, true);    
            world.addItemRandom(50 * rate / 100, 15765, 1, npc, true);    
            world.broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL));
            world.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(1, "BS01_D", 1, npc.getObjectId(), npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ()));
        else if (event == "sayHint")
            TheWorld world = (TheWorld) InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId());
            sayHint(world, npc);
        return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player);
    public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
        QuestState st = player.getQuestState(getName());
        if (st == null)
            Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest(getName());
            st = q.newQuestState(player);
        switch (npc.getNpcId())
            case PATHFINDER_WORKER:
                return "32713.htm";
            case ZAKENS_CANDLE:
                synchronized (InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()))
                    if (!isBurning(npc))
                        startQuestTimer("burn", 10000, npc, player);
                return null;
        throw new RuntimeException();
    public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance talker)
        switch (npc.getNpcId())
            case PATHFINDER_WORKER:
                //32713-2.htm <a action="bypass -h Quest ZakenDaydream">���̃U�P������ɍs��</a>
        return super.onTalk(npc, talker);
    public String onSpawn(L2Npc npc)
        switch (npc.getNpcId())
            case ZAKEN_LO:
            case ZAKEN_HI:
                ((L2Attackable)npc).setOnKillDelay(100);    //Default 5000ms.
        return super.onSpawn(npc);
    public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isPet)
        TheWorld world = (TheWorld) InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId());
        switch (npc.getNpcId())
            case ZAKEN_LO:
                world.status = DEAD;
                startQuestTimer("onKillZakenLO", 777, npc, killer);
            case ZAKEN_HI:
                world.status = DEAD;
                startQuestTimer("onKillZakenHI", 777, npc, killer);
        return super.onKill(npc, killer, isPet);
    private void cancelAllQuestTimers(int instanceId)
    //    cancelQuestTimers("xxx", instanceId);
    //    cancelQuestTimers("yyy", instanceId);
    //    cancelQuestTimers("zzz", instanceId);
    private void sayHint(TheWorld world, L2Npc candle)
        if (world.status != NOTSPAWN)
        for (int floor = 0; floor < 3; floor++)
            for (int ns = 0; ns < 5; ns++)
                for (int we = 0; we < 5; we++)
                    if (world.candleMatrix[floor][ns][we] == candle)
                        final int say;
                        if (floor < world.zakenFloor)
                            say = 1800868;
                        else if (floor > world.zakenFloor)
                            say = 1800870;
                            say = 1800869;
                        world.broadcastPacket(new ExShowScreenMessageNPCString(say, 10000));
    private List<L2PcInstance> getPartyMembers(L2PcInstance player)
        L2Party party;
        L2CommandChannel commandChannel;
        if ((party = player.getParty()) == null)
            List<L2PcInstance> m = new ArrayList<L2PcInstance>(1);
            return m;
        else if ((commandChannel = party.getCommandChannel()) == null)
            return party.getPartyMembers();
            List<L2PcInstance> m = new ArrayList<L2PcInstance>(27);
            for (L2Party pp : commandChannel.getPartys())
            return m;
    private ZakenDaydream(int questId, String name, String descr)
        super(questId, name, descr);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new ZakenDaydream(-1, qn, "instances");
Так показываешь, как будто я знаю какие импорты должны быть... Импорт это путь к классу, проверяйте.
Web программист\разработчик

— Есть только один способ проделать большую работу — полюбить ее. Если вы к этому не пришли, подождите. Не беритесь за дело.
импорты все сменены правильно, еще раз перепроверил

360 строка.
сделал.ошибка таже

Добавлено через 20 часов 50 минут
все разобрался.большое спасибо всем
Скорей в яве дело, бывало такое
если линукс
if (Util.contains(world.blueCandles, npc.[color=Red]getNpcId[/color]()))

в массиве blueCandles так же должны находится элементы типа int (т.е. ид-шники нпц, которые вы в этот массив добавляете.)
DarkFall Написал:все разобрался.большое спасибо всем

А можно решение проблемы опубликовать, может и поможет кому....

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