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Список предметов \ Item List
can you update those resources PROGRAMMATOR
bola, There is nothing to update, packet sniffer, is an example.
Разработка Emu: PiercingBlow 90%, APB Reloaded 100%.
Самый действенный инструмент для самообучения - грабли.
Awiion Написал:bola, There is nothing to update, packet sniffer, is an example.

the problem i'm looking for a item.xml that could have some way to identify later, some like

i'm trying to understand .pef files by the way, the struct of xml i can get via IDA Pro, but i just don't understand how the pef file can be redo to a binary one
Not really so difficult to catch the package store?
There are ID objects. Just the filter to do, get what you need.
Разработка Emu: PiercingBlow 90%, APB Reloaded 100%.
Самый действенный инструмент для самообучения - грабли.
Awiion Написал:bola,
Not really so difficult to catch the package store?
There are ID objects. Just the filter to do, get what you need.

server do not provide all entire content of point blank, i want to get all of it, and at moment i cannot identify the items, and i know pb has so much items that we can see at moment.

almost all games have much more than released to public.
please programmator if possible, share content of equipment.pef, i'm not sure if is this file that have equipments Types related with equipment ID but i need some resource with this identification, i need that to keep working at my emulator
bola, https://forum.zone-game.info/showthread.php?t=39927
PROGRAMMATOR Написал:bola, https://forum.zone-game.info/showthread.php?t=39927

Thank you so much, this is that i needed, ty ty ty ty ty ty.
i'll keep my working now Big Grin

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