Сообщений: 313
Тем: 53
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2010
08-23-2010, 02:03 PM
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 08-23-2010, 02:32 PM [Red Dragon].)
Дело в том что подошел взять трансформ у Warshmita но не дало а дало ошибку как это исправить
C:\server\Game\data\scripts\village_master\9002_SubClassCertification вот путь к папке
Сообщений: 313
Тем: 53
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2010
ап темку че не кто незнает (
Сообщений: 1,004
Тем: 48
Зарегистрирован: Jan 2010
скорее всего проблема в ядре сервера
исправляется путём либо скачивании более свежего ядра либо скачиванием сборки от другой команды
а то китайцы уже андроидов в телефоны пихают
Nokia N810
Сообщений: 313
Тем: 53
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2010
а где найти свежее ядро для l2open
Сообщений: 313
Тем: 53
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2010
может кто знает как это исправить думаю не в ядре
Сообщений: 2,444
Тем: 59
Зарегистрирован: May 2010
[Red Dragon];86087 Написал:может кто знает как это исправить думаю не в ядре
тогда 201 строку смотри в файле, там я думаю увидишь на что ссылается)
Сообщений: 313
Тем: 53
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2010
Код: #
# Created by Gigiikun on 2009.06.01.
import sys
from com.l2open.gameserver.datatables import CharTemplateTable
from com.l2open.gameserver.model.base import ClassType
from com.l2open.gameserver.model.base import Race
from com.l2open.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2open.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2open.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
from com.l2open.gameserver.network import SystemMessageId
from com.l2open.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SystemMessage
qn = "9002_SubClassCertification"
NPC = [30026, 30031, 30037, 30066, 30070, 30109, 30115, 30120, 30154, 30174, 30175, 30176, 30187, \
30191, 30195, 30288, 30289, 30290, 30297, 30358, 30373, 30462, 30474, 30498, 30499, 30500, \
30503, 30504, 30505, 30508, 30511, 30512, 30513, 30520, 30525, 30565, 30594, 30595, 30676, \
30677, 30681, 30685, 30687, 30689, 30694, 30699, 30704, 30845, 30847, 30849, 30854, 30857, \
30862, 30865, 30894, 30897, 30900, 30905, 30910, 30913, 31269, 31272, 31276, 31279, 31285, \
31288, 31314, 31317, 31321, 31324, 31326, 31328, 31331, 31334, 31336, 31755, 31958, 31961, \
31965, 31968, 31974, 31977, 31996, 32092, 32093, 32094, 32095, 32096, 32097, 32098, 32145, \
32146, 32147, 32150, 32153, 32154, 32157, 32158, 32160, 32171, 32193, 32199, 32202, 32213, \
32214, 32221, 32222, 32229, 32230, 32233, 32234]
WARRIORCLASSES = [3, 88, 2, 89, 46, 48, 113, 114, 55, 117, 56, 118, 127, 131, 128, 129, 132, 133]
ROGUECLASSES = [9, 92, 24, 102, 37, 109, 130, 134, 8, 93, 23, 101, 36, 108]
KNIGHTCLASSES = [5, 90, 6, 91, 20, 99, 33, 106]
SUMMONERCLASSES = [14, 96, 28, 104, 41, 111]
WIZARDCLASSES = [12, 94, 13, 95, 27, 103, 40, 110]
HEALERCLASSES = [16, 97, 30, 105, 43, 112]
ENCHANTERCLASSES = [17, 98, 21, 100, 34, 107, 51, 115, 52, 116, 135, 136]
0:10281, # Warriors
1:10282, # Knights
2:10283, # Rogues
3:10287, # Enchanters
4:10284, # Wizards
5:10286, # Summoners
6:10285 # Healers
0:10289, # Warriors
1:10288, # Knights
2:10290, # Rogues
3:10293, # Enchanters
4:10292, # Wizards
5:10294, # Summoners
6:10291 # Healers
def isCorrectMaster(npc, player):
charTemp = CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(player.getClassId())
currentRace = charTemp.race
if ((npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.Human) and (currentRace == Race.Human or currentRace == Race.Elf) and npc.getVillageMasterTeachType() == ClassType.Fighter and not player.isMageClass()):
return True
elif ((npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.Human) and (currentRace == Race.Human or currentRace == Race.Elf) and npc.getVillageMasterTeachType() == ClassType.Mystic and player.getClassId().getId() in WIZARDCLASSES):
return True
elif ((npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.Human) and (currentRace == Race.Human or currentRace == Race.Elf) and npc.getVillageMasterTeachType() == ClassType.Mystic and player.getClassId().getId() in SUMMONERCLASSES):
return True
elif ((npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.Human) and (currentRace == Race.Human or currentRace == Race.Elf) and npc.getVillageMasterTeachType() == ClassType.Priest and player.getClassId().getId() in HEALERCLASSES):
return True
elif ((npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.Human) and (currentRace == Race.Human or currentRace == Race.Elf) and npc.getVillageMasterTeachType() == ClassType.Priest and player.getClassId().getId() in ENCHANTERCLASSES and player.isMageClass()):
return True
elif (npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.DarkElf and currentRace == Race.DarkElf):
return True
elif (npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.Orc and currentRace == Race.Orc):
return True
elif (npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.Dwarf and currentRace == Race.Dwarf):
return True
elif (npc.getVillageMasterRace() == Race.Kamael and currentRace == Race.Kamael):
return True
return False
def getClassIndex(player):
if player.getClassId().getId() in WARRIORCLASSES:
return 0
if player.getClassId().getId() in KNIGHTCLASSES:
return 1
if player.getClassId().getId() in ROGUECLASSES:
return 2
if player.getClassId().getId() in ENCHANTERCLASSES:
return 3
if player.getClassId().getId() in WIZARDCLASSES:
return 4
if player.getClassId().getId() in SUMMONERCLASSES:
return 5
if player.getClassId().getId() in HEALERCLASSES:
return 6
return - 1
def getCertified(player, itemId, var):
st = player.getQuestState(qn)
qvar = st.getGlobalQuestVar(var)
if qvar != "" and qvar != "0" :
return ""
item = player.getInventory().addItem("Quest", itemId, 1, player, player.getTarget())
st.saveGlobalQuestVar(var, str(item.getObjectId()))
smsg = SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM)
class Quest (JQuest) :
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr)
def onAdvEvent (self, event, npc, player) :
st = player.getQuestState(qn)
htmltext = event
if event == "GetCertified":
if player.isSubClassActive():
if isCorrectMaster(npc, player):
if player.getLevel() >= 65:
return "CertificationList.htm"
return "9002-08.htm"
return "9002-04.htm"
return "9002-03.htm"
elif event == "Obtain65":
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are trying to obtain level %level% certification of %class%, %skilltype%. Remember that once this subclass is certified, it cannot be re-certified -- even if you delete this class and develop another one -- without a special and expensive cancellation process.<br>Do you still want to be certified?<br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification %event%\">Obtain certification.</a><br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification 9002-05.htm\">Do not obtain certification.</a></body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", "65").replace("%class%", str(CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(player.getActiveClass()))).replace("%skilltype%", "common skill").replace("%event%", "lvl65Emergent")
elif event == "Obtain70":
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are trying to obtain level %level% certification of %class%, %skilltype%. Remember that once this subclass is certified, it cannot be re-certified -- even if you delete this class and develop another one -- without a special and expensive cancellation process.<br>Do you still want to be certified?<br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification %event%\">Obtain certification.</a><br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification 9002-05.htm\">Do not obtain certification.</a></body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", "70").replace("%class%", str(CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(player.getActiveClass()))).replace("%skilltype%", "common skill").replace("%event%", "lvl70Emergent")
elif event == "Obtain75":
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are trying to obtain level %level% certification of %class%, %skilltype%. Remember that once this subclass is certified, it cannot be re-certified -- even if you delete this class and develop another one -- without a special and expensive cancellation process.<br>Do you still want to be certified?<br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification %event1%\">Obtain class specific skill certification.</a><br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification %event2%\">Obtain master skill certification.</a><br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification 9002-05.htm\">Do not obtain certification.</a></body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", "75").replace("%class%", str(CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(player.getActiveClass()))).replace("%skilltype%", "common skill or special skill").replace("%event1%", "lvl75Class").replace("%event2%", "lvl75Master")
elif event == "Obtain80":
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are trying to obtain level %level% certification of %class%, %skilltype%. Remember that once this subclass is certified, it cannot be re-certified -- even if you delete this class and develop another one -- without a special and expensive cancellation process.<br>Do you still want to be certified?<br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification %event%\">Obtain certification.</a><br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9002_SubClassCertification 9002-05.htm\">Do not obtain certification.</a></body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", "80").replace("%class%", str(CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(player.getActiveClass()))).replace("%skilltype%", "transformation skill").replace("%event%", "lvl80Class")
elif event.startswith("lvl"):
level = int(event[3:5])
type = event.replace(event[0:5], "")
prefix = "-" + str(player.getClassIndex())
if type == "Emergent":
isAvailable65 = st.getGlobalQuestVar("EmergentAbility65" + prefix)
isAvailable70 = st.getGlobalQuestVar("EmergentAbility70" + prefix)
if event == "lvl65Emergent":
if isAvailable65 == "" or isAvailable65 == "0":
if player.getLevel() > 64:
var = "EmergentAbility" + str(level) + prefix
getCertified(player, itemId, var)
return "9002-07.htm"
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are not yet ready to receive your level %level% certification. Work hard and come back later.</body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", (event[3:5]))
return htmltext
return "9002-06.htm"
elif event == "lvl70Emergent":
if isAvailable70 == "" or isAvailable70 == "0":
if player.getLevel() > 69:
var = "EmergentAbility" + str(level) + prefix
getCertified(player, itemId, var)
return "9002-07.htm"
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are not yet ready to receive your level %level% certification. Work hard and come back later.</body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", (event[3:5]))
return htmltext
return "9002-06.htm"
elif type == "Master":
isAvailable = st.getGlobalQuestVar("ClassAbility75" + prefix)
if isAvailable == "" or isAvailable == "0":
if player.getLevel() > 74:
var = "ClassAbility" + str(level) + prefix
getCertified(player, itemId, var)
return "9002-07.htm"
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are not yet ready to receive your level %level% certification. Work hard and come back later.</body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", (event[3:5]))
return htmltext
return "9002-06.htm"
elif type == "Class":
if level == 75:
isAvailable = st.getGlobalQuestVar("ClassAbility75" + prefix)
if isAvailable == "" or isAvailable == "0":
if player.getLevel() > 74:
itemId = CLASSITEMS[getClassIndex(player)]
var = "ClassAbility" + str(level) + prefix
getCertified(player, itemId, var)
return "9002-07.htm"
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are not yet ready to receive your level %level% certification. Work hard and come back later.</body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", (event[3:5]))
return htmltext
return "9002-06.htm"
elif level == 80:
isAvailable = st.getGlobalQuestVar("ClassAbility80" + prefix)
if isAvailable == "" or isAvailable == "0":
if player.getLevel() > 79:
itemId = TRANSFORMITEMS[getClassIndex(player)]
var = "ClassAbility" + str(level) + prefix
getCertified(player, itemId, var)
return "9002-07.htm"
html = "<html><body>Subclass Skill Certification:<br>You are not yet ready to receive your level %level% certification. Work hard and come back later.</body></html>"
htmltext = html.replace("%level%", (event[3:5]))
return htmltext
return "9002-06.htm"
return htmltext
def onTalk (Self, npc, player):
st = player.getQuestState(qn)
npcId = npc.getNpcId()
if npcId in NPC:
st.set("cond", "0")
return "9002-01.htm"
QUEST = Quest(-1, qn, "village_master")
for item in NPC:
в этом файле искать ?
Сообщений: 2,444
Тем: 59
Зарегистрирован: May 2010
itemId = TRANSFORMITEMS[getClassIndex(player)]
вот 201 строка.
как понимаю недаёт итем
Сообщений: 313
Тем: 53
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2010
Сообщений: 2,444
Тем: 59
Зарегистрирован: May 2010
[Red Dragon];86510 Написал:да не дает книгу
ну вот ошибка на лицо)
itemId = TRANSFORMITEMS[getClassIndex(player)]
ковыряй тут) что именно незнаю)