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Pvp Script!
I was wondering, if there is possible for someone to create a script for a PvePvp server.
What I am looking for is that I want to make a server where when you pvp the one who dies to have a chance for lets say 30-50% to drop between 1-2 items ( weapons or armors and not pots , mats and so on ) .
Also , I want this to be made only in specific zones like BS and such, where people , will want to pvp and others who just want Pve , to not engage in this pvp zones where you may drop items.
So when people will enter in BS area, a message to be displayed that they entered in a pvp zone where they may or will drop items. In this way, I think the pvp will be a little more enterteining.
I know, server must be balanced ( i am talking about spoil rates ) in order to not make people to quit after they have lose some items.
Anyway , hope you understand what i am saying and if someone can or have any other ideea, please let me know.

PS: English replays will be better, but not neccesary as I can translate with google ( not a good way, but still ) .
Для тех кто не понял - человеку требуется создание сценария для PVE-PVP сервера. Требуется сделать чтобы в определенных локациях, например Blazing Swamp c чаров, которые погибают в PVP выпадало 2-3 итема (не ресурсов, а оружие и броня). В других же местах, не в PVP зонах чтобы все оставалось так же как и на обычном сервере. Так же необходимо делать системное сообщение при входе в PVP зону а ля "Вы вошли в PVP зону, где при смерти можно потерять ценные вещи". Так же вы можете написать если у вас есть какие-то другие идеи. Желательно использование английского языка.

Hi, man. I just translated your post to language, that is most friendly for our users.
Much appreciate it. Hope for some responses.
Thank you.
Открываем исходники, находим класс L2PcInstance.java. Внутри класса находим следующий участок кода:
PHP код:
boolean isKillerNpc
= (killer instanceof L2Npc);
PHP код:
if (getKarma() > 0 && getPkKills() >= pkLimit)
isKarmaDrop = true;
dropPercent = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP;
dropEquip = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;
dropEquipWeapon = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON;
dropItem = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_ITEM;
dropLimit = Config.KARMA_DROP_LIMIT;
else if (
isKillerNpc && getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant())
dropPercent = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP;
dropEquip = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;
dropItem = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ITEM;
dropLimit = Config.PLAYER_DROP_LIMIT;
Меняем код вот так:
PHP код:
boolean isKillerPlayer
= (killer instanceof L2PcInstance);
boolean isInsidePvPZone = isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP);
PHP код:
if (getKarma() > 0 && getPkKills() >= pkLimit)
isKarmaDrop = true;
dropPercent = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP;
dropEquip = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;
dropEquipWeapon = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON;
dropItem = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_ITEM;
dropLimit = Config.KARMA_DROP_LIMIT;
else if (
isKillerPlayer && isInsidePvPZone)
dropPercent = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP;
dropEquip = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;
dropItem = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ITEM;
dropLimit = Config.PLAYER_DROP_LIMIT;

В конфиге rates.properties есть вот такие настройки:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Player Drops (values are set in PERCENTS)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PlayerDropLimit = 0
# in %
PlayerRateDrop = 0
# in %
PlayerRateDropItem = 0
# in %
PlayerRateDropEquip = 0
# in %
PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 0
Настраиваете дроп как Вам нравится.

PS. Оззи, переведите ему на инглиш пожалуйста.
Open source code, find class L2PcInstance.java. And find there the following code:
PHP код:
boolean isKillerNpc
= (killer instanceof L2Npc);
PHP код:
if (getKarma() > 0 && getPkKills() >= pkLimit)
isKarmaDrop = true;
dropPercent = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP;
dropEquip = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;
dropEquipWeapon = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON;
dropItem = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_ITEM;
dropLimit = Config.KARMA_DROP_LIMIT;
else if (
isKillerNpc && getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant())
dropPercent = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP;
dropEquip = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;
dropItem = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ITEM;
dropLimit = Config.PLAYER_DROP_LIMIT;
Change it in a such way:
PHP код:
boolean isKillerPlayer
= (killer instanceof L2PcInstance);
boolean isInsidePvPZone = isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP);
PHP код:
if (getKarma() > 0 && getPkKills() >= pkLimit)
isKarmaDrop = true;
dropPercent = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP;
dropEquip = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;
dropEquipWeapon = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON;
dropItem = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_ITEM;
dropLimit = Config.KARMA_DROP_LIMIT;
else if (
isKillerPlayer && isInsidePvPZone)
dropPercent = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP;
dropEquip = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;
dropItem = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ITEM;
dropLimit = Config.PLAYER_DROP_LIMIT;

In the config rates.properties you have the following settings:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Player Drops (values are set in PERCENTS)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PlayerDropLimit = 0
# in %
PlayerRateDrop = 0
# in %
PlayerRateDropItem = 0
# in %
PlayerRateDropEquip = 0
# in %
PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 0
Configure drop as you like.
Я так понимаю под ZONE_PVP подразумеваются зоны вроде MDT и колизея. Чтобы такая фишка работала просто во всех зонах, где возможно бить персонажей, то вместо boolean isInsidePvPZone = isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP); нужно написать boolean isInsidePvPZone = !isInsideZone(ZONE_PEACE);
DreamTheater Написал:I think, ZONE_PVP zone like MDT and the Coliseum. To do this feature work in all zones, where it is possible to beat the characters, change boolean isInsidePvPZone = isInsideZone (ZONE_PVP); To isInsidePvPZone =! IsInsideZone (ZONE_PEACE);

По-моему, лучше будет изменить тип тех зон, в которых IceAge захочет устроить веселье игрокам. В zone.xml добавить новую зону, поставить её тип="..." (Arena, или лучше сделать новый тип зоны )

I think it would be better to change type of zones, in which IceAge wants to make fun. I mean in zone.xml add a new one, and set type="..." ( Arena? or it would be better to create new type of zone.)
Можно и так Smile
Hm , pretty nice tips you gave me here. I will however try them this week as right now I am currently trying to assamble my server.
Thanks and i'll keep you updated with everything.

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  Script на ребелион demmien 7 3,685 08-16-2008, 10:57 PM
Последний пост: Milldi

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