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Как правильно скомпилить новую сборку AL
Лог в консоли показывает.
Web программист\разработчик

— Есть только один способ проделать большую работу — полюбить ее. Если вы к этому не пришли, подождите. Не беритесь за дело.
[STIGMATED], я просто думал что он де-та отдельно еще дублируется)

* This file is part of aion-unique <aion-unique.org>.
*  aion-unique is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*  (at your option) any later version.
*  aion-unique is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with aion-unique.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.aionemu.gameserver.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.aionemu.commons.network.DisconnectionTask;
import com.aionemu.commons.network.DisconnectionThreadPool;
import com.aionemu.commons.utils.concurrent.AionRejectedExecutionHandler;
import com.aionemu.commons.utils.concurrent.ExecuteWrapper;
import com.aionemu.commons.utils.concurrent.ScheduledFutureWrapper;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.configs.main.ThreadConfig;

* @author -Nemesiss-, NB4L1, MrPoke, lord_rex
public final class ThreadPoolManager implements DisconnectionThreadPool
    private static final Logger                    log                = Logger.getLogger(ThreadPoolManager.class);

    public static final long MAXIMUM_RUNTIME_IN_MILLISEC_WITHOUT_WARNING = 5000;

    private static final long                    MAX_DELAY        = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(Long.MAX_VALUE - System.nanoTime()) / 2;

    private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor    scheduledPool;
    private final ThreadPoolExecutor            instantPool;
    private final ThreadPoolExecutor            longRunningPool;

     * Disconnection scheduled threads pool
    private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor    disconnectionScheduledThreadPool;

     * @return ThreadPoolManager instance.
    private static final class SingletonHolder
        private static final ThreadPoolManager INSTANCE = new ThreadPoolManager();
    public static ThreadPoolManager getInstance()
        return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;

     * Constructor.
    private ThreadPoolManager()
        final int instantPoolSize = Math.max(1, ThreadConfig.THREAD_POOL_SIZE / 3);

        scheduledPool = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(ThreadConfig.THREAD_POOL_SIZE - instantPoolSize);
        scheduledPool.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new AionRejectedExecutionHandler());

        instantPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(instantPoolSize, instantPoolSize, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
            new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(100000));
        instantPool.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new AionRejectedExecutionHandler());

        longRunningPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
            new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>());
        longRunningPool.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new AionRejectedExecutionHandler());

        disconnectionScheduledThreadPool = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(4);
        disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new AionRejectedExecutionHandler());

        scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable(){
            public void run()
        }, 150000, 150000);

        log.info("ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with " + scheduledPool.getPoolSize() + " scheduler, "
            + instantPool.getPoolSize() + " instant, " + longRunningPool.getPoolSize() + " long, "
            + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getPoolSize() + " disconnection running thread(s).");

    private final long validate(long delay)
        return Math.max(0, Math.min(MAX_DELAY, delay));

    private static final class ThreadPoolExecuteWrapper extends ExecuteWrapper
        private ThreadPoolExecuteWrapper(Runnable runnable)

        protected long getMaximumRuntimeInMillisecWithoutWarning()

    // ===========================================================================================

    public final ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(Runnable r, long delay)
        r = new ThreadPoolExecuteWrapper(r);
        delay = validate(delay);

        return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(scheduledPool.schedule(r, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

    public final ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleEffect(Runnable r, long delay)
        return schedule(r, delay);

    public final ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleGeneral(Runnable r, long delay)
        return schedule(r, delay);

    public final ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAi(Runnable r, long delay)
        return schedule(r, delay);

    // ===========================================================================================

    public final ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period)
        r = new ThreadPoolExecuteWrapper(r);
        delay = validate(delay);
        period = validate(period);

        return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(scheduledPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(r, delay, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

    public final ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleEffectAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period)
        return scheduleAtFixedRate(r, delay, period);

    public final ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period)
        return scheduleAtFixedRate(r, delay, period);

    public final ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAiAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period)
        return scheduleAtFixedRate(r, delay, period);

    // ===========================================================================================

    public final void execute(Runnable r)
        r = new ThreadPoolExecuteWrapper(r);


    public final void executeTask(Runnable r)

    public final void executeLongRunning(Runnable r)
        r = new ExecuteWrapper(r);


    // ===========================================================================================

    public final Future<?> submit(Runnable r)
        r = new ThreadPoolExecuteWrapper(r);

        return instantPool.submit(r);

    public final Future<?> submitLongRunning(Runnable r)
        r = new ExecuteWrapper(r);

        return longRunningPool.submit(r);

    // ===========================================================================================

     * Executes a loginServer packet task
     * @param pkt
     *            runnable packet for Login Server
    public void executeLsPacket(Runnable pkt)

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @seecom.aionemu.commons.network.DisconnectionThreadPool#scheduleDisconnection(com.aionemu.commons.network.
     * DisconnectionTask, long)
    public final void scheduleDisconnection(DisconnectionTask dt, long delay)
        schedule(dt, delay);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.aionemu.commons.network.DisconnectionThreadPool#waitForDisconnectionTasks()
    public void waitForDisconnectionTasks()
            disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.awaitTermination(6, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
        catch(Exception e)

     * TaskManager schedulers
     * @param <T>
     *            Template for Runnable
     * @param r
     *            runnable task
     * @param delay
     *            wait before task execution
     * @return scheduled task
    public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleTaskManager(Runnable r, long delay)
        return schedule(r, delay);

    public void purge()

     * Shutdown all thread pools.
    public void shutdown()
        final long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();

        log.info("ThreadPoolManager: Shutting down.");
        log.info("\t... executing " + getTaskCount(scheduledPool) + " scheduled tasks.");
        log.info("\t... executing " + getTaskCount(instantPool) + " instant tasks.");
        log.info("\t... executing " + getTaskCount(longRunningPool) + " long running tasks.");


        boolean success = false;
            success |= awaitTermination(5000);


            success |= awaitTermination(10000);
        catch(InterruptedException e)

        log.info("\t... success: " + success + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - begin) + " msec.");
        log.info("\t... " + getTaskCount(scheduledPool) + " scheduled tasks left.");
        log.info("\t... " + getTaskCount(instantPool) + " instant tasks left.");
        log.info("\t... " + getTaskCount(longRunningPool) + " long running tasks left.");

    private int getTaskCount(ThreadPoolExecutor tp)
        return tp.getQueue().size() + tp.getActiveCount();
    public List<String> getStats()
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        list.add("Scheduled pool:");
        list.add("\tgetActiveCount: ...... " + scheduledPool.getActiveCount());
        list.add("\tgetCorePoolSize: ..... " + scheduledPool.getCorePoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetPoolSize: ......... " + scheduledPool.getPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetLargestPoolSize: .. " + scheduledPool.getLargestPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetMaximumPoolSize: .. " + scheduledPool.getMaximumPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetCompletedTaskCount: " + scheduledPool.getCompletedTaskCount());
        list.add("\tgetQueuedTaskCount: .. " + scheduledPool.getQueue().size());
        list.add("\tgetTaskCount: ........ " + scheduledPool.getTaskCount());
        list.add("Instant pool:");
        list.add("\tgetActiveCount: ...... " + instantPool.getActiveCount());
        list.add("\tgetCorePoolSize: ..... " + instantPool.getCorePoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetPoolSize: ......... " + instantPool.getPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetLargestPoolSize: .. " + instantPool.getLargestPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetMaximumPoolSize: .. " + instantPool.getMaximumPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetCompletedTaskCount: " + instantPool.getCompletedTaskCount());
        list.add("\tgetQueuedTaskCount: .. " + instantPool.getQueue().size());
        list.add("\tgetTaskCount: ........ " + instantPool.getTaskCount());
        list.add("Long running pool:");
        list.add("\tgetActiveCount: ...... " + longRunningPool.getActiveCount());
        list.add("\tgetCorePoolSize: ..... " + longRunningPool.getCorePoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetPoolSize: ......... " + longRunningPool.getPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetLargestPoolSize: .. " + longRunningPool.getLargestPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetMaximumPoolSize: .. " + longRunningPool.getMaximumPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetCompletedTaskCount: " + longRunningPool.getCompletedTaskCount());
        list.add("\tgetQueuedTaskCount: .. " + longRunningPool.getQueue().size());
        list.add("\tgetTaskCount: ........ " + longRunningPool.getTaskCount());
        list.add("Disconnection running pool:");
        list.add("\tgetActiveCount: ...... " + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getActiveCount());
        list.add("\tgetCorePoolSize: ..... " + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getCorePoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetPoolSize: ......... " + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetLargestPoolSize: .. " + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getLargestPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetMaximumPoolSize: .. " + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getMaximumPoolSize());
        list.add("\tgetCompletedTaskCount: " + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getCompletedTaskCount());
        list.add("\tgetQueuedTaskCount: .. " + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getQueue().size());
        list.add("\tgetTaskCount: ........ " + disconnectionScheduledThreadPool.getTaskCount());
        return list;

    private boolean awaitTermination(long timeoutInMillisec) throws InterruptedException
        final long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();

        while(System.currentTimeMillis() - begin < timeoutInMillisec)
            if(!scheduledPool.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) && scheduledPool.getActiveCount() > 0)

            if(!instantPool.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) && instantPool.getActiveCount() > 0)

            if(!longRunningPool.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) && longRunningPool.getActiveCount() > 0)

            return true;

        return false;

Добавлено через 1 час 17 минут
при выходе из игры новый ГС(х64) выдает такую ошибку(происходит только при корректном выходе - через кнопочку, а при закрытии через "крестик", ошибки нет):
эт что? чего ему не хватает?
И еще заметил такое:
[WARN] <date> <time> - class com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.gametime.GameTimeUpdater - execution time: 89050msec
[WARN] <date> <time> - class com.aionemu.gameserver.network.aion.clientpackets.CM_ENTER_WORLD - execution time:6981msec
[WARN] <date> <time> - class com.aionemu.gameserver.network.aion.AionConnection$1 - execution time 7173msec
Логи смотрим в папке gameserver/log/
Все суета.
Shamanidze Написал:Логи смотрим в папке gameserver/log/

я не о этих логах, я о логах компиляци. но все равно спасибо Smile
что мешает сделать перенаправление вывода в файл?
TieLay Написал:что мешает сделать перенаправление вывода в файл?

ничего Smile просто я думал что есть файл хранящий лог

Добавлено через 2 минуты
а по проблеме решения еще нет?

Добавлено через 6 минут
упс, заметил что уже поправили
Выложите пожалуйста куда-нибудь ANTbuilder - никак найти не могу.
Philomat, http://narod.ru/disk/26217843000/ant.zip.html
просто разархивируй
Philomat, похоже кого-то забанили на гугле и яндексе...
вот держи ссылка на сайт проекта
[Изображение: ae999874dbfc.jpg]
почему error ??
компилю через консоль. "Выполнить"
[Изображение: 3c926d95b821.png]

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