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Сборка сервера от AionEngine под клиент
Rev.124 Скачать

Сборка от команды которая ушла с AL
svn на aion Enigie напиши пожал.. на форуме левый какой-то, на AL дали!
[Изображение: 3c926d95b821.png]
rev.169+ Скачать

[169] - Fix Inggison Passage - Fix Gelkmaros Passage
[178] - Add Quest 10001 by Dta3000
[179] - Tribe Relation for General Aggros
[179] - clean up some code by sphinx
- major clean up
- moved legion warehouse disabler to NpcController
- refactored changesex and plastic surgery
- refactored onAttack()
disabling using skill and fly while transforming, except Mauform and Abyss skill.
- more info see TransformEffect.java
removed armfusion stuff from StatFunctions.java -- will be redone later - sphinx
support for multiple walker files - catdefault
GM-Tag added + Updated admincommands/Admin.java - Altrec
SpellAtkDrainInstantEffect -- added log to check - sphinx
BrokerService.java - sphinx
- add null check on buyBrokerItem()
- fix broker item dupe
fix dupe in split item and warehouse - sphinx
Inggison Gather retail 90% Like (still 2 zones i didnt finish but wont be long for me scan it) - Magenik
adding some missing AI state - sphinx

New Npc_templates with our fix and more info like name - thanks atracer for the parse
New system for walker route sanctum is our main example for futures upgrate
Remove Monsters xml from inggison time we split the new npc one and remove monsters from it (90% of retaill inggison spawn)
removed route and will work on it as soon we fix as much as possible npc template - catdefault + magenik
many npc Height Fix on npc_templates.xml
Fix Dark Poeta: Tahabata Abyss Gate thanks Jandri and some NPCs (commit personna)
Some Portal id fixes
And our final release of Windstream - vyaslav & kaipo & magenik
Majors data fix

+ Little fix about silentera : its not an instance but a real map
+ Fix on udas Exit template
+ Fix on Obelix id for ishalgen
MiR @ Aion Emu
Продам сборки v2.7 v3.9 v4.7 v4.8 v4.9 v5.1 , сборки мастер сервера v1.9 и v2.7 ,пишу  скрипты и квесты на заказ , правки ядра  , правки даты , писать в ПМ
aspalt, кто же тебе напишет, SVN же закрытый
Исходники закрыты но есть свн ихних релизов, сразу скомпиленый сервер остается только залить базу и настроить его
Мы всё сделаем металлом! Чернее чернейшей черноты бесконечности! © Nathan Explotion
Работаю с Aion Java-emu, любой версии. skype: alexsiuss1
REV.308+ Скачать

[308] Fix on boost skill / npc , players
[306] MoveToHomeDesire.java
[305] AttackedEventHandler.java
[304] [skill engine] assassin ambush skill with 50% rate of stun
[303] its little fix which solve problem with when you unequipe fusioned weapon but...
[302] item mask update
[301] fix CheckWeapon.java package
[299] Implementation of Attack Speed limit on certain class as Archer = 1.2 his max...
[298] fix ArmsfusionService
[297] not need optionalFusionSocket
[296] new pack 4/56 inggison quest 11022 to 110030 maybe tomorow i will send other ...
[292] Creaturecontroller cleaned up.
[285] PetitionService concurrent
[282] Welcome html changed to the right version and changed the txt a little so it ...
[281] Duplicate! Already added in Rev113_inventory.sql ALTER TABLE `inventory` ADD ...
[279] fix #277 pet rename
[278] player and legion rename
[277] pet rename
[276] armfusion and itemCreator
[275] Implementing Character Count at Server list The code is not finished so we sk...
[274] npc teleporter controller for teleporter kaisinel marchutan inggison gelkmaro...
[273] - Fix the Portales - Fix Stat Taloc's Hollow
[272] Some portals fix
[271] fix for bind_point "Undirborg Observation Post" - Thanks Whitestar
[268] New Drop list + beshmundir one and some addon on droplist2
[267] Improve PetitionService
[264] Fix BOOST_CASTING_TIME, it's upside down.. Becouse all boost is change stat ...
[263] Revert Npc_Walker system it was the cause of all those errors we have on mons...
[262] Skill.java - dont send skill use observer if passive skill is on
[288] secret of inggison first campaigne quest in inggison
[286] boost casting calculation fix
[261] Fix on Omega/Ragnarok Skill cast Seems we need /2 almost all Timer from clien...
[260] Once again if i catch someone change cc : 2 to cc : 1 i will kick him from co...
[259] PetitionService - test ConcurrentSkipListMap
[258] PetitionService -- synchronized SortedMap
[257] several client packet player null check
[256] Skill on omega (its not full just for testing
[255] - Fix Skill - Fix Portal Inggison Passage
[254] Re-upload r251, portals and spawns added
[253] Revert SVN (undo changes) tutorial
[251] Some portals and spawns fix
[249] [skill engine] Dispel Debuff Mental Effect
[248] [skill engine] Dispel Debuff Physical Effect
[247] [skill engine] Fear Effect - improve duration calculation and fear resist
[246] [skill engine] check for abyss skill, those can only be use in abyss or in ba...
[245] [skill engine] onFly Effect Passive skills implemented
[244] Little fix on balaur abyss gate ( 700478 )
[243] fix on drop import
MiR @ Aion Emu
Продам сборки v2.7 v3.9 v4.7 v4.8 v4.9 v5.1 , сборки мастер сервера v1.9 и v2.7 ,пишу  скрипты и квесты на заказ , правки ядра  , правки даты , писать в ПМ

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