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Команды GM 2 сорта?
Народ подскажите какие команды желательно поставить?
Цитата:# Character Passkey Reset administration.command.passkeyreset = 3
# Various AI-related tasks gameserver.administration.command.ai = 3
# Adds an item to your inventory gameserver.administration.command.add = 3
# Adds an item set to your inventory gameserver.administration.command.addset = 3
# Adds drop entry gameserver.administration.command.adddrop = 3
# Add target player skill gameserver.administration.command.addskill = 3
# Add title to player gameserver.administration.command.addtitle = 3
# This command send fakeserverpackets to the server for test porpouses, Used by Developers gameserver.administration.command.advsendfakeserverpacket = 3
# The message is sent to all players chatbox gameserver.administration.command.announce = 3
# Announce for only one faction (asmo/ely) gameserver.administration.command.announce_faction = 3
# Announcements gameserver.administration.command.announcements = 3
# All ban and unban commands (//ban, //unban, //banip, //unbanip) gameserver.administration.command.ban = 3
# Bookmark command gameserver.administration.command.bk = 3
# Configures properties on runtime gameserver.administration.command.configure = 3
# Self explanatory gameserver.administration.command.deletespawn = 3
# Command to remove all buff effect of the player gameserver.administration.command.dispel = 3
# Command to manage dredgion instance gameserver.administration.command.dredgion = 3
# Dye a player gameserver.administration.command.dye = 3
# Gag and ungag gameserver.administration.command.gag = 3
# Teleport youself to specified place name
# Example: //goto poeta gameserver.administration.command.goto = 3
# Give missin skills to self gameserver.administration.command.givemissingskills = 3
# Restores target hp/mp/dp gameserver.administration.command.heal = 3 # Print target info gameserver.administration.command.info = 3
# Make you invis/vis gameserver.administration.command.invis = 3
# Switch to Invulnerable / Vulnerable gameserver.administration.command.invul = 3
# Disconnect the player gameserver.administration.command.kick = 3
# Kill target gameserver.administration.command.kill = 3
# Add Kinah to self or target/named player gameserver.administration.command.kinah = 3
# Legion command allows you to disband/setlevel/setpoints of a legion gameserver.administration.command.legion = 3
# Show all connected players from both factions when opening research window gameserver.administration.search.listall = 3
# Morph command gameserver.administration.command.morph = 3
# Move player1 to player2 location gameserver.administration.command.moveplayertoplayer = 3
# Teleport to specified XYZ coordinates gameserver.administration.command.moveto = 3
# Teleport to specified NPC gameserver.administration.command.movetonpc = 3
# Move player to my position gameserver.administration.command.movetome = 3
# Teleport you to player position gameserver.administration.command.movetoplayer = 3
# Command to watch cutscenes. Used by quest writers gameserver.administration.command.movie = 3
# Make yourself appear neutral to both factions gameserver.administration.command.neutral = 3
# The message is sent to all players chatbox and a message appear in center screen gameserver.administration.command.notice = 3
# Who is allowed to handle petitions gameserver.administration.command.petition = 3
# Playerinfo command gameserver.administration.command.playerinfo = 3 # Prison command gameserver.administration.command.prison = 3
# Give admin rights to player gameserver.administration.command.promote = 3
# Quest steps control (admin/GM) gameserver.administration.command.questcommand = 3
# Restart quest (player) default = 3 (turned off) gameserver.administration.command.questcommandplayers = 3
# Command to remove all buff effect of the player gameserver.administration.command.recall = 3
# Reload all command gameserver.administration.command.reload = 3
# Reload all spawn data from files gameserver.administration.command.reloadspawns = 3
# Remove command allow remove an item from player gameserver.administration.command.remove = 3
# Resurrect a target player gameserver.administration.command.resurrect = 3
# Revoke admin rights to player gameserver.administration.command.revoke = 3
# Command to add fly rings gameserver.administration.command.ring = 3 # Save all spawn data to files (Directory to save GameServer/data/static_data/spawns/new) gameserver.administration.command.savespawndata = 3
# Speak as player or a NPC gameserver.administration.command.say = 3
# See the droplsit of target mob gameserver.administration.command.seedroplist = 3
# This commands sends packets to the server for test porpouses, Used by Developers gameserver.administration.command.sendfakeserverpacket = 3 gameserver.administration.command.sendrawpacket = 3
# Set target player ap gameserver.administration.command.setap = 3
# Set target player class gameserver.administration.command.setclass = 3 # Set target player experience amount gameserver.administration.command.setexp = 3
# Sets target player level gameserver.administration.command.setlevel = 3
# Set title target player title gameserver.administration.command.settitle = 3
# Modify current siege values gameserver.administration.command.siege = 3
# Switch to not whisperable / whisperable gameserver.administration.command.silence = 3
# Self explanatory gameserver.administration.command.spawn = 3
# Temporary increases speed of character gameserver.administration.command.speed = 3 gameserver.administration.command.speed.maxvalue = 500
# Show gamestats about selected target gameserver.administration.command.stat = 3
# System commands gameserver.administration.command.system = 3
# Self explanatory gameserver.administration.command.unloadspawn = 3 # Unstuck player gameserver.administration.command.unstuck = 3
# Change weather of a region a reset weather in the world gameserver.administration.command.weather = 3
# Ban / Unban players from .world / .ely / .asmo channels gameserver.administration.command.worldban = 3
# Prints zone info (//zone) or refreshes currect zone (//zone refresh) gameserver.administration.command.zone = 3
# Returns how many players are online gameserver.administration.command.online = 3
# Command to fix Z coordinate of mob gameserver.administration.command.fixz = 3
# Command to fix heading of mob gameserver.administration.command.fixh = 3
# Rename named player to new specified and valid name gameserver.administration.command.rename = 3
# HTML commands gameserver.administration.command.html = 3
# Returns how many players are online and nicks gameserver.administration.command.who = 3
# Make yourself appear as enemy to both factions and/or npcs administration.command.enemy = 3 #Enchant command gameserver.administration.command.enchant = 3
#Socket command gameserver.administration.command.socket = 3 #PowerUp command gameserver.administration.command.powerup = 3 #Godstone command gameserver.administration.command.godstone = 3 #Gmlist command gameserver.administration.command.gmlist = 0 #Appearance command gameserver.administration.command.appearance = 3
#See command gameserver.administration.command.see = 3
# see all commands GM ingame gameserver.administration.command.admin = 1
SkillSk8;118543 Написал:Народ подскажите какие команды желательно поставить?
Вы о чем? может разьясните команды сборок? и почему 2 сорта?...
flashboom777 Написал:Вы о чем? может разьясните команды сборок? и почему 2 сорта?...

я именю в виду под наименованием 2 обыный Gm
када я писал, ваше сообщение оказывается было в редактирование. Но после редакции мне еще хуже не понятнее стало ....
У топик стартера так выглядет конфиг пав для персов разного уровня.

SkillSk8, Вы сами выставляйте каким ГМам какие нужны права. Это всё равно Вы попросите жену Вам выбрать не смотря на неё.

Добавлено через 21 минуту
Не заметил что ветка AION, тем не менее наверно я прав))
SkillSk8 С таким названием темы да и оформлением тебе в курилку. Перенес.
Мы всё сделаем металлом! Чернее чернейшей черноты бесконечности! © Nathan Explotion
Работаю с Aion Java-emu, любой версии. skype: alexsiuss1
Скопируй текст в google translate, переведи и делай выводы

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