Сообщений: 24
Тем: 5
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2012
Цитата:GS когда игроки подключаются ошибку выдаёт
Код: Client: [Character: cxvcv[268479508] - Account: sadasd - IP:] - Failed
running: [C] A7 MultiSellChoose - L2DC Server Version: 746 - DP Revision: null
at com.l2dc.gameserver.network.clientpackets.MultiSellChoose.doExchange(
at com.l2dc.gameserver.network.clientpackets.MultiSellChoose.runImpl(Mul
at com.l2dc.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2Ga
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
WTF? ^^ скорее всего пакет не тот это поправимо? с исходами аа кароч исходники надо ковырять..
Но они подключаются и играют стабильно
Сообщений: 2,444
Тем: 59
Зарегистрирован: May 2010
пакет мультисела смотрите
или попробуйте патч сменить
СЕО Оптимизация сайтов
Сообщений: 608
Тем: 5
Зарегистрирован: Feb 2009
покажите файл l2dc/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java
желательно просто залить его, а сюда ссылку.
Сообщений: 24
Тем: 5
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2012
bloodshed Написал:покажите файл l2dc/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java
желательно просто залить его, а сюда ссылку. Вот http://rghost.ru/43015991
Сообщений: 37
Тем: 8
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2012
пакет мультиселла
Код: package com.l2dc.gameserver.network.clientpackets;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.l2dc.Config;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.Elementals;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.L2Augmentation;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.L2ItemInstance;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.L2Multisell;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.L2Multisell.MultiSellEntry;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.L2Multisell.MultiSellIngredient;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.L2Multisell.MultiSellListContainer;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.PcInventory;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExBrExtraUserInfo;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ItemList;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.network.serverpackets.StatusUpdate;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.network.serverpackets.UserInfo;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.templates.item.L2Armor;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.templates.item.L2Item;
import com.l2dc.gameserver.templates.item.L2Weapon;
import javolution.util.FastList;
public class MultiSellChoose extends L2GameClientPacket
private static final String _C__A7_MULTISELLCHOOSE = "[C] A7 MultiSellChoose";
private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(MultiSellChoose.class.getName());
private int _listId;
private int _entryId;
private long _amount;
private int _enchantment;
private long _transactionTax; // local handling of taxation
private int _unk1;
private int _unk2;
private int _unk3;
private int _unk7;
private int _unk4;
private int _unk5;
private int _unk6;
private int _unk8;
private int _unk9;
private int _unk10;
private int _unk11;
protected void readImpl()
_listId = readD();
_entryId = readD();
_amount = readQ();
_unk1 = readH();
_unk2 = readD();
_unk3 = readD();
_unk4 = readH(); // elemental attributes
_unk5 = readH(); // elemental attributes
_unk6 = readH(); // elemental attributes
_unk7 = readH(); // elemental attributes
_unk8 = readH(); // elemental attributes
_unk9 = readH(); // elemental attributes
_unk10 = readH(); // elemental attributes
_unk11 = readH(); // elemental attributes
_enchantment = _entryId % 100000;
_entryId = _entryId / 100000;
_transactionTax = 0; // initialize tax amount to 0...
public void runImpl()
L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar();
if (player == null)
if (!player.isGM() && !player.getFloodProtectors().getMultiSell().tryPerformAction("multisell choose"))
if (_amount < 1 || _amount > 5000)
MultiSellListContainer list = L2Multisell.getInstance().getList(_listId);
if (list == null)
L2Object target = player.getTarget();
boolean singleMultiSell = false;
if (_listId >= Config.BBS_ALLOWED_MULTISELLS[0] && _listId <= Config.BBS_ALLOWED_MULTISELLS[1])
singleMultiSell = true;
// if ((singleMultiSell ? (_listId != Config.BBS_ALLOWED_MULTISELLS[0]) : (_listId < Config.BBS_ALLOWED_MULTISELLS[0] || _listId > Config.BBS_ALLOWED_MULTISELLS[1])))
// if (//!player.isGM() //&& ((target == null
// || !(target instanceof L2Npc)
// || !list.checkNpcId(((L2Npc)target).getNpcId())
// || !((L2Npc)target).canInteract(player)))
// && !player.isUsingAIOItemMultisell())
// return;
for (MultiSellEntry entry : list.getEntries())
if (entry.getEntryId() == _entryId)
doExchange(player, entry, list.getApplyTaxes(), list.getMaintainEnchantment(), _enchantment,singleMultiSell);
private void doExchange(L2PcInstance player, MultiSellEntry templateEntry, boolean applyTaxes, boolean maintainEnchantment, int enchantment,boolean singleMultiSell)
PcInventory inv = player.getInventory();
// given the template entry and information about maintaining enchantment and applying taxes
// re-create the instance of the entry that will be used for this exchange
// i.e. change the enchantment level of select ingredient/products and adena amount appropriately.
boolean _singleMultiSell = singleMultiSell;
L2Npc merchant = (player.getTarget() instanceof L2Npc) ? (L2Npc) player.getTarget() : null;
if (!_singleMultiSell)
// singleMultiSell = true;
if (merchant == null && !player.isUsingAIOItemMultisell() && (singleMultiSell ? (_listId != Config.BBS_ALLOWED_MULTISELLS[0]) : (_listId < Config.BBS_ALLOWED_MULTISELLS[0] || _listId > Config.BBS_ALLOWED_MULTISELLS[1])))
MultiSellEntry entry = prepareEntry(merchant, templateEntry, applyTaxes, maintainEnchantment, enchantment);
int slots = 0;
int weight = 0;
for (MultiSellIngredient e : entry.getProducts())
if (e.getItemId() < 0)
L2Item template = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(e.getItemId());
if (template == null)
if (!template.isStackable())
slots += e.getItemCount() * _amount;
else if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(e.getItemId()) == null)
weight += e.getItemCount() * _amount * template.getWeight();
if (!inv.validateWeight(weight))
if (!inv.validateCapacity(slots))
// Generate a list of distinct ingredients and counts in order to check if the correct item-counts
// are possessed by the player
FastList<MultiSellIngredient> _ingredientsList = FastList.newInstance();
boolean newIng = true;
for (MultiSellIngredient e : entry.getIngredients())
newIng = true;
// at this point, the template has already been modified so that enchantments are properly included
// whenever they need to be applied. Uniqueness of items is thus judged by item id AND enchantment level
for (MultiSellIngredient ex : _ingredientsList)
// if the item was already added in the list, merely increment the count
// this happens if 1 list entry has the same ingredient twice (example 2 swords = 1 dual)
if ((ex.getItemId() == e.getItemId()) && (ex.getEnchantmentLevel() == e.getEnchantmentLevel()))
if ((double) ex.getItemCount() + e.getItemCount() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
_ingredientsList = null;
ex.setItemCount(ex.getItemCount() + e.getItemCount());
newIng = false;
if (newIng)
// if it's a new ingredient, just store its info directly (item id, count, enchantment)
_ingredientsList.add(L2Multisell.getInstance().new MultiSellIngredient(e));
// now check if the player has sufficient items in the inventory to cover the ingredients' expences
for (MultiSellIngredient e : _ingredientsList)
if ((double) e.getItemCount() * _amount > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
_ingredientsList = null;
switch (e.getItemId())
case -200: // Clan Reputation Score
if (player.getClan() == null)
if (!player.isClanLeader())
if (player.getClan().getReputationScore() < e.getItemCount() * _amount)
case -300: // Player Fame
if (player.getFame() < e.getItemCount() * _amount)
// if this is not a list that maintains enchantment, check the count of all items that have the given id.
// otherwise, check only the count of items with exactly the needed enchantment level
if (inv.getInventoryItemCount(e.getItemId(), maintainEnchantment ? e.getEnchantmentLevel() : -1, false) < ((Config.ALT_BLACKSMITH_USE_RECIPES || !e.getMantainIngredient()) ? (e.getItemCount() * _amount) : e.getItemCount()))
_ingredientsList = null;
FastList<L2Augmentation> augmentation = FastList.newInstance();
Elementals elemental = null;
/** All ok, remove items and add final product */
for (MultiSellIngredient e : entry.getIngredients())
switch (e.getItemId())
case -200: // Clan Reputation Score
int repCost = (int) (e.getItemCount() * _amount);
player.getClan().takeReputationScore(repCost, true);
SystemMessage smsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DEDUCTED_FROM_CLAN_REP);
smsg.addItemNumber(e.getItemCount() * _amount);
case -300: // Player Fame
int fameCost = (int) (player.getFame() - (e.getItemCount() * _amount));
player.sendPacket(new UserInfo(player));
player.sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(player));
L2ItemInstance itemToTake = inv.getItemByItemId(e.getItemId()); // initialize and initial guess for the item to take.
// This is a cheat, transaction will be aborted and if any items already taken will not be returned back to inventory!
if (itemToTake == null)
_log.severe("Character: " + player.getName() + " is trying to cheat in multisell, merchatnt id:" + merchant.getNpcId());
// Player trying to buy something from the Multisell store with an item that's just being used from the Wear option from merchants.
if (itemToTake.isWear())
_log.severe("Character: " + player.getName() + " is trying to cheat in multisell, merchatnt id:" + merchant.getNpcId());
if (Config.ALT_BLACKSMITH_USE_RECIPES || !e.getMantainIngredient())
// If it's a stackable item, just reduce the amount from the first (only) instance that is found in the inventory
if (itemToTake.isStackable())
if (!player.destroyItem("Multisell", itemToTake.getObjectId(), (e.getItemCount() * _amount), player.getTarget(), true))
// for non-stackable items, one of two scenaria are possible:
// a) list maintains enchantment: get the instances that exactly match the requested enchantment level
// b) list does not maintain enchantment: get the instances with the LOWEST enchantment level
// a) if enchantment is maintained, then get a list of items that exactly match this enchantment
if (maintainEnchantment)
// loop through this list and remove (one by one) each item until the required amount is taken.
L2ItemInstance[] inventoryContents = inv.getAllItemsByItemId(e.getItemId(), e.getEnchantmentLevel(), false);
for (int i = 0; i < (e.getItemCount() * _amount); i++)
if (inventoryContents[i].isAugmented())
if (inventoryContents[i].getElementals() != null)
elemental = inventoryContents[i].getElementals();
if (!player.destroyItem("Multisell", inventoryContents[i].getObjectId(), 1, player.getTarget(), true))
// b) enchantment is not maintained. Get the instances with the LOWEST enchantment level
/* NOTE: There are 2 ways to achieve the above goal.
* 1) Get all items that have the correct itemId, loop through them until the lowest enchantment
* level is found. Repeat all this for the next item until proper count of items is reached.
* 2) Get all items that have the correct itemId, sort them once based on enchantment level,
* and get the range of items that is necessary.
* Method 1 is faster for a small number of items to be exchanged.
* Method 2 is faster for large amounts.
* Worst case scenario for algorithm 1 will make it run in a number of cycles given by:
* m*(2n-m+1)/2 where m is the number of items to be exchanged and n is the total
* number of inventory items that have a matching id.
* With algorithm 2 (sort), sorting takes n*log(n) time and the choice is done in a single cycle
* for case b (just grab the m first items) or in linear time for case a (find the beginning of items
* with correct enchantment, index x, and take all items from x to x+m).
* Basically, whenever m > log(n) we have: m*(2n-m+1)/2 = (2nm-m*m+m)/2 >
* (2nlogn-logn*logn+logn)/2 = nlog(n) - log(n*n) + log(n) = nlog(n) + log(n/n*n) =
* nlog(n) + log(1/n) = nlog(n) - log(n) = (n-1)log(n)
* So for m < log(n) then m*(2n-m+1)/2 > (n-1)log(n) and m*(2n-m+1)/2 > nlog(n)
* In order to best optimize the performance, choose which algorithm to run, based on whether 2^m > n
* if ( (2<<(e.getItemCount() * _amount)) < inventoryContents.length )
* // do Algorithm 1, no sorting
* else
* // do Algorithm 2, sorting
* In general, it is going to be very rare for a person to do a massive exchange of non-stackable items
* For this reason, we assume that algorithm 1 will always suffice and we keep things simple.
* If, in the future, it becomes necessary that we optimize, the above discussion should make it clear
* what optimization exactly is necessary (based on the comments under "IDEALLY").
// choice 1. Small number of items exchanged. No sorting.
for (int i = 1; i <= (e.getItemCount() * _amount); i++)
L2ItemInstance[] inventoryContents = inv.getAllItemsByItemId(e.getItemId(), false);
itemToTake = inventoryContents[0];
// get item with the LOWEST enchantment level from the inventory...
// +0 is lowest by default...
if (itemToTake.getEnchantLevel() > 0)
for (L2ItemInstance item : inventoryContents)
if (item.getEnchantLevel() < itemToTake.getEnchantLevel())
itemToTake = item;
// nothing will have enchantment less than 0. If a zero-enchanted
// item is found, just take it
if (itemToTake.getEnchantLevel() == 0)
if (!player.destroyItem("Multisell", itemToTake.getObjectId(), 1, player.getTarget(), true))
// Generate the appropriate items
for (MultiSellIngredient e : entry.getProducts())
switch (e.getItemId())
case -200: // Clan Reputation Score - now not supported
//player.getClan().setReputationScore((int)(player.getClan().getReputationScore() + e.getItemCount() * _amount), true);
case -300: // Player Fame
player.setFame((int) (player.getFame() + e.getItemCount() * _amount));
player.sendPacket(new UserInfo(player));
player.sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(player));
L2ItemInstance tempItem = ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(e.getItemId());
if (tempItem == null)
_log.severe("Problem with multisell ID:" + _listId + " entry ID:" + _entryId + " - Product ID:" + e.getItemId() + " not exist.");
if (tempItem.isStackable())
inv.addItem("Multisell", e.getItemId(), (e.getItemCount() * _amount), player, player.getTarget());
L2ItemInstance product = null;
for (int i = 0; i < (e.getItemCount() * _amount); i++)
product = inv.addItem("Multisell", e.getItemId(), 1, player, player.getTarget());
if (maintainEnchantment)
if (i < augmentation.size())
product.setAugmentation(new L2Augmentation(augmentation.get(i).getAugmentationId(), augmentation.get(i).getSkill()));
if (elemental != null)
product.setElementAttr(elemental.getElement(), elemental.getValue());
// msg part
SystemMessage sm;
if (e.getItemCount() * _amount > 1)
sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S);
sm.addItemNumber(e.getItemCount() * _amount);
sm = null;
if (maintainEnchantment && e.getEnchantmentLevel() > 0)
sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ACQUIRED_S1_S2);
sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM);
sm = null;
player.sendPacket(new ItemList(player, false));
StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(player.getObjectId());
su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, player.getCurrentLoad());
su = null;
// finally, give the tax to the castle...
if (!_singleMultiSell)
if (merchant.getIsInTown() && merchant.getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0)
merchant.getCastle().addToTreasury(_transactionTax * _amount);
// Regarding taxation, the following appears to be the case:
// a) The count of aa remains unchanged (taxes do not affect aa directly).
// b) 5/6 of the amount of aa is taxed by the normal tax rate.
// c) the resulting taxes are added as normal adena value.
// d) normal adena are taxed fully.
// e) Items other than adena and ancient adena are not taxed even when the list is taxable.
// example: If the template has an item worth 120aa, and the tax is 10%,
// then from 120aa, take 5/6 so that is 100aa, apply the 10% tax in adena (10a)
// so the final price will be 120aa and 10a!
private MultiSellEntry prepareEntry(L2Npc merchant, MultiSellEntry templateEntry, boolean applyTaxes, boolean maintainEnchantment, int enchantLevel)
MultiSellEntry newEntry = L2Multisell.getInstance().new MultiSellEntry();
long totalAdenaCount = 0;
boolean hasIngredient = false;
for (MultiSellIngredient ing : templateEntry.getIngredients())
// load the ingredient from the template
MultiSellIngredient newIngredient = L2Multisell.getInstance().new MultiSellIngredient(ing);
if (newIngredient.getItemId() == 57 && newIngredient.isTaxIngredient())
double taxRate = 0.0;
if (applyTaxes)
if (merchant != null && merchant.getIsInTown())
taxRate = merchant.getCastle().getTaxRate();
_transactionTax = Math.round(newIngredient.getItemCount() * taxRate);
totalAdenaCount += _transactionTax;
continue; // do not yet add this adena amount to the list as non-taxIngredient adena might be entered later (order not guaranteed)
else if (ing.getItemId() == 57) // && !ing.isTaxIngredient()
totalAdenaCount += newIngredient.getItemCount();
continue; // do not yet add this adena amount to the list as taxIngredient adena might be entered later (order not guaranteed)
// if it is an armor/weapon, modify the enchantment level appropriately, if necessary
// not used for clan reputation and fame
else if (maintainEnchantment && newIngredient.getItemId() > 0)
L2Item tempItem = ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(newIngredient.getItemId()).getItem();
if ((tempItem instanceof L2Armor) || (tempItem instanceof L2Weapon))
hasIngredient = true;
// finally, add this ingredient to the entry
// Next add the adena amount, if any
if (totalAdenaCount > 0)
newEntry.addIngredient(L2Multisell.getInstance().new MultiSellIngredient(57, totalAdenaCount, false, false));
// Now modify the enchantment level of products, if necessary
for (MultiSellIngredient ing : templateEntry.getProducts())
// load the ingredient from the template
MultiSellIngredient newIngredient = L2Multisell.getInstance().new MultiSellIngredient(ing);
if (maintainEnchantment && hasIngredient)
// if it is an armor/weapon, modify the enchantment level appropriately
// (note, if maintain enchantment is "false" this modification will result to a +0)
L2Item tempItem = ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(newIngredient.getItemId()).getItem();
if ((tempItem instanceof L2Armor) || (tempItem instanceof L2Weapon))
return newEntry;
public String getType()
Сообщений: 608
Тем: 5
Зарегистрирован: Feb 2009
01-14-2013, 11:17 AM
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 01-14-2013, 11:19 AM bloodshed.)
// finally, give the tax to the castle...
if (!_singleMultiSell)
if (merchant.getIsInTown() && merchant.getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0)
merchant.getCastle().addToTreasury(_transactionTax * _amount);
поменяй на
// finally, give the tax to the castle...
if (!_singleMultiSell)
if (merchant != null && merchant.getIsInTown() && merchant.getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0)
merchant.getCastle().addToTreasury(_transactionTax * _amount);
Хотя вроде выше есть проверка на мультиселы из коммьюнити, возможно с ними какая то проблема, может ты не указал какой-то как разрешённый.
Добавлено через 1 минуту
Если ошибка останется, значит merchant.getCastle() возвращает null
Сообщений: 24
Тем: 5
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2012
bloodshed Написал:[src=java]
// finally, give the tax to the castle...
if (!_singleMultiSell)
if (merchant.getIsInTown() && merchant.getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0)
merchant.getCastle().addToTreasury(_transactionTax * _amount);
поменяй на
// finally, give the tax to the castle...
if (!_singleMultiSell)
if (merchant != null && merchant.getIsInTown() && merchant.getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0)
merchant.getCastle().addToTreasury(_transactionTax * _amount);
Хотя вроде выше есть проверка на мультиселы из коммьюнити, возможно с ними какая то проблема, может ты не указал какой-то как разрешённый.
Добавлено через 1 минуту
Если ошибка останется, значит merchant.getCastle() возвращает null ошибка осталась, что делать ?
Сообщений: 608
Тем: 5
Зарегистрирован: Feb 2009
изменяйте на:
if (merchant != null && merchant.getCastle() != null
но стоит посмотреть почему merchant.getCastle() возвращает null
Сообщений: 1,485
Тем: 12
Зарегистрирован: Mar 2010
Интересный вопрос, игрок не вызывает мультисел, а просто заходит в игру - а идет ошибка мультисела - или я не понял 1 пост?
Сообщений: 2,267
Тем: 6
Зарегистрирован: Aug 2009
Visor Написал:Интересный вопрос, игрок не вызывает мультисел, а просто заходит в игру - а идет ошибка мультисела - или я не понял 1 пост?
Ну судя по написанному именно так и есть.
Тогда тут пакет непричем, скорее всего либо в EW косяк, либо перепутаны какие-то опкоды.