12-22-2008, 11:49 PM
Помогите с возникшей проблемой. У меня стоит сервер L2Emu x300 на Windows 2003 Server. всё отлично работает, игроки подключаются через интернет без проблем. Наша команда решила запустить ещё один сервер с другими Рэйтами на отдельной машине и вот возникла проблема подключения игроков к новому серверу. Дело в том, что подключится к серверу могу только я с локальной машины и всё, больше никто не может подключится. Загрузка останавливается на выборе сервера.
Вот мои настройки:
# ==========
# Connection
# ==========
# Bind ip of the loginserver, use to bind on all available IPs
LoginServerHostName = La2Style.no-ip.biz
LoginServerPort = 2106
# The port, ip on which login will listen for GameServers
LoginPort = 9014
LoginHostName = La2Style.no-ip.biz
# The delay between IP Update Time.
# set this delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's
# (usefull when ip is dynamic)
# (0 = disabled) in Minutes
IpUpdateTime = 10
GameServer на второй машине:
# ---------------------------------
# Section: Network Connection Setup
# ---------------------------------
# Bind ip of the gameserver, use to bind on all available IPs
# This is The IP/Port Gameserver will Assume and Use.
GameServerHostName =
GameServerPort = 7778
# this is the Loginserver host and port that this gameserver will try to connect to.
LoginPort = 9014
LoginHost = La2Style.no-ip.biz
# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network,
# so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname.
ExternalHostname = La2Style.no-ip.biz
# This is transmitted to the client from the same network,
# so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname
InternalHostname =
# Network traffic optimization:
NetworkTrafficOptimization = true
# Minimum time between sending char's hp/mp status update packet
NetworkTrafficOptimizationMs = 400
# Minimum time between broadcast packets (charinfo,movement)
NetworkTrafficOptimizationBroadCastMs = 800
# ------------------------------------
# Section: Subnets & Advanced Routing
# ------------------------------------
# Define optional networks and router IPs
# Format:
# Subnet = host, net/mask; host, net/mask, net/mask
# host - IP address ( or
# fully qualified domain name (example.org)
# net/mask - mask or
# would be 192.168.*.*
# External - external hostname, you defined in server.properties
# Internal - internal hostname, you defined in server.properties
# Example:
# Subnet =,, 111.222.333.0/
InternalNetworks =
OptionalNetworks =
Subnet = Internal,,,,
Subnet = External,
# ---------------
# Section: Telnet
# ---------------
# Enables /Disables Telnet Server.
EnableTelnet = false
# This is the port telnet server will bind to
# default 23, telnet port.
StatusPort = 23
# If the following is not set, a random password is generated on server startup.
# default l2emuproject, fell free to change it.
StatusPW = l2emuproject
# Use alternative telnet, requiring to do a real login with a GM so your GM-name can be used for messaged instead of "telnet".
AltTelnet = true
# if a password is not set, telnet server will generate a random one, so you define the size of it.
TelnetPasswordLength = 10
# Hosts must be resolvable to an IP.
# define here the IPs allowed to connect to your server via Telnet.
# The format is as follows:
# ListOfHosts =,host,,host2,host3,host4,
# NOTE: Make sure there are no spaces between hosts/ips !
ListOfHosts =,localhost
Огромная просьба помоч мне с этой проблемой.
Вот мои настройки:
# ==========
# Connection
# ==========
# Bind ip of the loginserver, use to bind on all available IPs
LoginServerHostName = La2Style.no-ip.biz
LoginServerPort = 2106
# The port, ip on which login will listen for GameServers
LoginPort = 9014
LoginHostName = La2Style.no-ip.biz
# The delay between IP Update Time.
# set this delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's
# (usefull when ip is dynamic)
# (0 = disabled) in Minutes
IpUpdateTime = 10
GameServer на второй машине:
# ---------------------------------
# Section: Network Connection Setup
# ---------------------------------
# Bind ip of the gameserver, use to bind on all available IPs
# This is The IP/Port Gameserver will Assume and Use.
GameServerHostName =
GameServerPort = 7778
# this is the Loginserver host and port that this gameserver will try to connect to.
LoginPort = 9014
LoginHost = La2Style.no-ip.biz
# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network,
# so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname.
ExternalHostname = La2Style.no-ip.biz
# This is transmitted to the client from the same network,
# so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname
InternalHostname =
# Network traffic optimization:
NetworkTrafficOptimization = true
# Minimum time between sending char's hp/mp status update packet
NetworkTrafficOptimizationMs = 400
# Minimum time between broadcast packets (charinfo,movement)
NetworkTrafficOptimizationBroadCastMs = 800
# ------------------------------------
# Section: Subnets & Advanced Routing
# ------------------------------------
# Define optional networks and router IPs
# Format:
# Subnet = host, net/mask; host, net/mask, net/mask
# host - IP address ( or
# fully qualified domain name (example.org)
# net/mask - mask or
# would be 192.168.*.*
# External - external hostname, you defined in server.properties
# Internal - internal hostname, you defined in server.properties
# Example:
# Subnet =,, 111.222.333.0/
InternalNetworks =
OptionalNetworks =
Subnet = Internal,,,,
Subnet = External,
# ---------------
# Section: Telnet
# ---------------
# Enables /Disables Telnet Server.
EnableTelnet = false
# This is the port telnet server will bind to
# default 23, telnet port.
StatusPort = 23
# If the following is not set, a random password is generated on server startup.
# default l2emuproject, fell free to change it.
StatusPW = l2emuproject
# Use alternative telnet, requiring to do a real login with a GM so your GM-name can be used for messaged instead of "telnet".
AltTelnet = true
# if a password is not set, telnet server will generate a random one, so you define the size of it.
TelnetPasswordLength = 10
# Hosts must be resolvable to an IP.
# define here the IPs allowed to connect to your server via Telnet.
# The format is as follows:
# ListOfHosts =,host,,host2,host3,host4,
# NOTE: Make sure there are no spaces between hosts/ips !
ListOfHosts =,localhost
Огромная просьба помоч мне с этой проблемой.