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Адаптируем SQL
помогите разобраться как адаптировать SQL, скачиваю файлы для сервера захожу в навигат открываю Execute Batch File выбираю sol скаченова файла проверяю пишет такую ошибку Finished - Unsuccessfully как зделать чтоб писало [Msg] Finished - 2 queries executed successfully ?
Открываете таблицу, осматриваете ее структуру и сравниваете с запросом, все колонки должны совпадать, как названием, так и количеством.

> [id]
> [class]
> [name]
> [title]
> [other]
Здесь имеем таблицу, с соответствующими полями, а ниже идут запросы, посмотрите на них и подумайте, какой подойдет, а какой нет и почему. Тут собственно и весь секрет "адаптации".

> [id]
> [class]
> [name]
> [title]
> [other]

> [ids]
> [class]
> [names]
> [title]
> [other]

> [id]
> [class]
> [name]
> [title]
> [other]
> [friend]
скачал я файлы в клиент(system itemname-e etcitemgp) (systextures Euro.utx) и файл в (сервер etcitem тут пишет такую команду)
INSERT INTO `etcitem` VALUES ('700007', 'Euro', 'false', 'none', '0', 'asset', 'gold', 'none', '1-', '0', '0', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'adena', 'none');
убрал пробелы ('700007','Euro','false','none','0','asset','gold','none','-1','0','0','true','true','true','true','adena','none'); добавил его в систем папку сервера SQL etcitem и в навигат прописал запускаю сервер клиент, открываю админ команды пишу id вещи мне ее в рюкзак не добавляет что я тут сделал не так может кто объяснить подробно? а то я что та не догоняю
если проверить файл отдельно через Execute Batch File пишет
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '700007' for key 1
[Err] INSERT INTO `etcitem` VALUES ('700007','Euro','false','none','0','asset','gold','none','-1','0','0','true','true','true','true','adena','none');
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

Добавлено через 8 минут
проверка отдельно SQL с аденой пишет тоже самое но прописываю id адены в игре она появляеться а колы нет
BimBom Написал:[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '700007' for key 1
Слово дубликат, ничего не говорит?

[SOURCE="sql"]-- Delete Duplicate
delete from `etcitem` where `item_id` = 700007 limit 1;[/SOURCE]

Потом выполняйте свой запрос.
сделал пропил все настройки в SQL в навигат добавилось автоматически загружаю сервер захожу в клиент прописываю id вещи мне ее не добавляет в чем может быть причина ?
Для начала проверь, добавился ли в базу твой итем, выполни в навикате запрос:

FROM `etcitem`
WHERE `item_id` =700007;

Если он там есть, значит его нет в твоем клиенте.
ты сказал, что скачал файлы "в клиент(system itemname-e etcitemgp) (systextures Euro.utx)" добавил их уже ??
в навигат добавился, в клиент просто закинул в файлах тхт
BimBom Написал:в навигат добавился, в клиент просто закинул в файлах тхт

Вот мануал, как вписать эти .txt в DAT файлы.

подскажите как правильно вписать файлы txt в DAT чтоб не было ошибок при импорте
файлы в низу краска
# id name additionalname description popup set_ids set_bonus_desc set_extra_id set_extra_desc UNK1_1 UNK1_2 special_enchant_amount special_enchant_desc UNK2
17 Wooden Arrow An arrow made of wood. It is an arrow used for a no grade bow. -1 0 0
57 Adena -1 0 0
65 Red Potion -1 0 0
686 Chair Chair -1 0 0
687 Darin's Letter The love letter that Darin has written to Roxxy. Darin has asked you to deliver this letter to Gatekeeper Roxxy. -1 0 0
688 Roxxy's Kerchief "Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin." -1 0 0
689 Poetry Book A poetry book treasured by Arujien. The book contains poems that he has written. Take this to Greenis. -1 0 0
690 Lyrics Book The lyrics book of Herbien -1 0 0
691 Romance Novel A romance novel -1 0 0
692 Arujien's Letter Arujien's letter -1 0 0
693 Greenis's Letter "Greenis's letter, refusing Arujien's love. Take this to Arujien." -1 0 0
694 Ingredient List "A list of ingredients: 3 omen beast bloods, 2 mana seeker husks, 2 gargoyle horns" -1 0 0
695 Omen Beast's Blood The blood of an omen beast. -1 0 0
696 Mana Seeker's Husk The husk of a mana seeker. -1 0 0
697 Gargoyle's Horn The horn of a gargoyle. -1 0 0
698 Gilbert's List "A list of things to eliminate: orcs, hobgoblins, walking fungus" -1 0 0
699 Orc's Nose The nose of an orc. -1 0 0
700 Hobgoblin Amulet The amulet of a hobgoblin. -1 0 0
701 Fungus Juice The juice of a fungus. -1 0 0
702 Wolf Pelt Gather forty wolf pelts and take them to Trader Lector of the weapons and armor shop. -1 0 0
703 Poison Sac Poison sacs obtained from the dead giant spider. Take this to Priest Yohanes. -1 0 0
704 Fever Medicine A medicine concocted by Priest Yohanes for the students who are ill with fever. Take this to Elias. -1 0 0
705 Orc's Amulet An Orc feather amulet. -1 0 0
706 Basilisk's Claw A basilisk's claw. -1 0 0
707 Spore Sac A sac obtained from the spore fungus. Gather 10 of these and take them to Trader Vollodos. -1 0 0
708 Sylph Headband A Sylph Headband -1 0 0
709 Leather Shirt -1 0 0
710 Hard Leather Shirt -1 0 0
711 Piece Bone Breastplate -1 0 0
712 Half Plate Armor -1 0 0
713 Leather Pants -1 0 0
714 Hard Leather Pants -1 0 0
715 Piece Bone Gaiters -1 0 0
716 Plate Gaiters -1 0 0
717 Leather Gloves -1 0 0
718 Hard Leather Gloves -1 0 0
719 Crafted Leather Gloves -1 0 0
720 Reinforced Gloves -1 0 0
721 Leather Boots -1 0 0
722 Hard Leather Boots -1 0 0
723 Crafted Leather Boots -1 0 0
724 Reinforced Boots -1 0 0
725 Healing Drug "A magical, liquid medicine that restores HP for a certain amount of time." -1 0 0
726 Mana Drug "A magical, liquid medicine that restores MP for a certain amount of time." -1 0 0
727 Healing Potion "A magical, liquid medicine that restores HP for a certain amount of time." -1 0 0
728 Mana Potion "A magical, liquid medicine that restores MP for a certain amount of time." -1 0 0
729 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A) "When enchanted, the P. Atk. of A-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt weapon/one-handed, dagger and spear etc. will increase by 4. The P. Atk of sword/two-handed, blunt weapon/two-handed, dualsword, and fist-fighting weapon/two-handed will increase by 5. The P. Atk. of bow weapons will increase by 8. The M. Atk. of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3." -1 0 0
730 Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A) "Increases the P. Def. of an A-Grade armor or accessory by 1, and from +4, the P. Def will increase by 3. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece type armor can be safely enchanted up to +4." -1 0 0
731 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A) A scroll of enchantment that empowers an A-Grade weapon. -1 0 0
732 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A) A scroll of enchantment that empowers an A-Grade armor. -1 0 0
733 Endeavor Potion "A magical, liquid medicine that increases willpower." -1 0 0
734 Haste Potion A magical potion that increases movement speed -1 0 0
735 Potion of Alacrity A magical potion that increases attack speed -1 0 0
736 Scroll of Escape A scroll of enchantment that relocates you to the nearest village. -1 0 0
737 Scroll of Resurrection A scroll of enchantment that resuscitates a dead person. -1 0 0
739 Broken Sword Handle The handle portion of the sword of solidarity. Take this to Blacksmith Alltran. -1 0 0
740 Broken Blade Bottom "Take this, and the upper portion of the blade to Blacksmith Alltran." -1 0 0
741 Broken Blade Top "Take this, and the lower portion of the blade to Blacksmith Alltran." -1 0 0
742 Altran's Note A letter requesting the handle of the sword from Roien. Take this to Grand Master Roien of Cedric's Training Hall. -1 0 0
745 Cobendell Medicine -1 0 0
746 Alberius's List "Deliver the medicine to Sentinel Berros, Sentinel Veltress, Sentinel Rayen, and Sentinel Gartrandell." -1 0 0
750 Kinship Crystal -1 0 0
751 Cracked Kinship Crystal -1 0 0
752 Orc Amulet An amulet that the Orcs carry for magical purposes. Take this to Captain Gilbert. -1 0 0
753 Silverleaf Brooch -1 0 0
755 Colleen's Letter -1 0 0
756 Mandragora Root -1 0 0
757 Mandragora Essence -1 0 0
758 Colleen's Receipt -1 0 0
759 Etched Rune Sword -1 0 0
760 Macabre Sword -1 0 0
761 Thanatos Sword -1 0 0
762 Gray Bone Chip -1 0 0
763 Esther's Letter -1 0 0
764 Arbon's Letter -1 0 0
765 Conspirator List -1 0 0
766 Sabrin's Signet -1 0 0
767 Sealed Scroll -1 0 0
768 Oyen's Key -1 0 0
769 Ricardo's Skull -1 0 0
770 Shield of Honor -1 0 0
771 Saythus's Skull -1 0 0
772 Trayer's Skull -1 0 0
773 Falimar's Skull -1 0 0
774 Fallen Sword of Honor -1 0 0
775 Sword of Honor -1 0 0
776 Nameless Sword -1 0 0
777 Sword of Black Ice -1 0 0
778 Arodin's Letter -1 0 0
779 Sabrin's Ring -1 0 0
780 Arbon's Letter -1 0 0
781 Madclaw's Necklace -1 0 0
782 Alex's Letter -1 0 0
783 Alex's Receipt -1 0 0
784 Glass Dagger -1 0 0
785 Broken Glass Dagger -1 0 0
786 Shadowguard Dagger -1 0 0
787 Coroli's Key -1 0 0
788 Midnight Onyx Necklace -1 0 0
789 Song: Moonlight Whisper -1 0 0
790 Bloodsteel Kris -1 0 0
791 Karlun's Skull -1 0 0
792 Karlun's Rib Bone -1 0 0
793 Karlun's Thigh Bone -1 0 0
794 Saint's Ash Urn -1 0 0
795 Mace of Athebaldt -1 0 0
796 Roien's Letter A letter on which Roien summarized the historical information related to the sword of solidarity. Take this to Blacksmith Alltran. -1 0 0
797 Manuel's Letter -1 0 0
798 Varan's Letter -1 0 0
799 Groot's Letter -1 0 0
800 Tome of Nassen -1 0 0
801 Cursed Tome of Nassen -1 0 0
802 Bloodthirsty Dagger -1 0 0
803 Bloody Dagger -1 0 0
804 Staff of Shane -1 0 0
805 Pinter's Bill -1 0 0
806 Drake's Claw -1 0 0
807 Flawless Drake's Claw -1 0 0
808 Pushkin's Letter -1 0 0
809 Bone Fragment Bone fragments obtained from the undead skeletons. Collect ten of these and take to Tetrarch Kaitar. -1 0 0
810 Altran's Letter -1 0 0
811 Oil Paper -1 0 0
812 Adamantium Ore -1 0 0
813 Heart Stone -1 0 0
814 Pushkin's Receipt -1 0 0
815 Leather Strap -1 0 0
816 Widow Maker -1 0 0
817 Mithril Bottle -1 0 0
818 Grace Unicorn's Horn -1 0 0
819 Drake's Bone -1 0 0
820 Zahak Fluids -1 0 0
821 Bone Knife -1 0 0
822 Drake Knife -1 0 0
823 Dull Dagger -1 0 0
824 Siriel's Note -1 0 0
825 Raien's Letter -1 0 0
826 Silver Spores -1 0 0
827 Star Dust -1 0 0
828 Song of Awakening -1 0 0
829 Spirit Dagger -1 0 0
830 Medallion of Kwyllinas -1 0 0
831 Echo Crystal -1 0 0
832 Green Echo Crystal -1 0 0
833 Red Echo Crystal -1 0 0
834 Aquamarine Echo Crystal -1 0 0
835 Blue Echo Crystal -1 0 0
836 Book of Kwyllinas -1 0 0
837 Fairy Dust -1 0 0
838 Vellior's Letter -1 0 0
839 Icarus's Letter -1 0 0
840 Drevanul Skull -1 0 0
841 Icarus's Order Form -1 0 0
842 Basilisk Ink -1 0 0
843 Book of Aklantoth -1 0 0
844 Book of Aklantoth P1 ~ P10 -1 0 0
937 Directions to Ruins "Follow the northwestern path from the village, and head west when you meet the Obelisk of Victory. The entrance to the ruins lies at the slope of the mountain." -1 0 0
938 Deck -1 0 0
939 Gara's Quest Item #11 -1 0 0
940 Gara's Quest Item #12 -1 0 0
941 Gara's Proof of Bravery -1 0 0
942 Gara's Proof of Justice -1 0 0
943 Gara's Proof of Despair -1 0 0
944 Deathknight Skull -1 0 0
947 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) "When enchanted, the P. Atk. of B-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 3. The P. Atk of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 4. The P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 6. The M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 3. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3." -1 0 0
948 Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B) "Increases P. Def. of a B-Grade armor or accessory by 1, and from +4, the P. Def will increase by 3. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece type armor can be safely enchanted up to +4." -1 0 0
949 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) A scroll of enchantment that empowers a B-Grade weapon. -1 0 0
950 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B) A scroll of enchantment that empowers a B-Grade armor. -1 0 0
951 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) "When enchanted, the P. Atk. of C-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 3. The P. Atk of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 4. The P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 6. The M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 3. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3." -1 0 0
952 Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C) "Increases P. Def. of a C-Grade armor or accessory by 1, and from +4, the P. Def will increase by 3. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece type armor can be safely enchanted up to +4." -1 0 0
953 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) A scroll of enchantment that empowers a C-Grade weapon. -1 0 0
954 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C) A scroll of enchantment that empowers a C-Grade armor. -1 0 0
955 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) "When enchanted the P. Atk. of all D-Grade weapons will increase by 2 with the exception of bows, which will increase by 4. The M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 2. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3." -1 0 0
956 Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) "Increases P. Def. of a D-Grade armor or accessory by 1, and from +4, the P. Def will increase by 3. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece type armor can be safely enchanted up to +4." -1 0 0
957 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) A scroll of enchantment that empowers a D-Grade weapon. -1 0 0
958 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) A scroll of enchantment that empowers a D-Grade armor. -1 0 0
959 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) "When enchanted, the P. Atk. of S grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 5. The P. Atk of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 6. The P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 10. The M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 4. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3." -1 0 0
960 Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S) "When enchanted, increases P. Def. of S grade armor or accessory by 1, and from +4, the P. Def increases by 3. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4." -1 0 0
961 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) A scroll of enchantment that empowers a S Grade weapon. -1 0 0
962 Crystal Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S) A scroll of enchantment that empowers a S Grade armor -1 0 0
963 Orcish Arrowhead An arrowhead that Turath orc marksmen use on Talking Island. Collect these and take to Master Minia. -1 0 0
964 Alberius's Letter A letter from Alberius. Take this to Master Cobendell. -1 0 0
965 Evergreen Amulet A necklace set with a green elemental stone. You must possess this to slay the dryad and obtain the dryad's tears. -1 0 0
966 Dryad's Tears A jewel that contains the essence of a dryad's soul. Gather ten of these and take them to Master Cobendell. -1 0 0
967 Cobendell Medicine Cobendell's medicine -1 0 0
968 Karrod's Letter A letter written by Blacksmith Karrod. Take this to the Abyssal Celebrant Cecktinon in the Shilen Temple. -1 0 0
969 Cecktinon's First Voucher An introduction letter from the Abyssal Celebrant Cecktinon. Take this and seek Magister Harne in the village. -1 0 0
970 Cecktinon's Second Voucher "An introduction letter from the Abyssal Celebrant Cecktinon. Go to the School of Dark Arts, hunt skeletons, and gather 10 bone fragments." -1 0 0
971 Soul Catcher An item used during the exorcism ritual to call upon a spirit of the dead. Take this to the Abyssal Celebrant Cecktinon. -1 0 0
972 Preserving Oil "An oil that when used, prevents the rotting of corpses. Take this and go hunt zombies in the swamps." -1 0 0
973 Zombie Head The head of tree Elf zombies that have been cut after they are defeated. Take this to the abyssal celebrant Cecktinon. -1 0 0
974 Steelbender Head "Please, I beg of you! Don't take me to that brutal blacksmith!" -1 0 0
976 1st Mark of Sentinel A mark that certifies that its bearer is an Elven Sentinel. Destroy an orc Tanuki skullcrusher and report to Sentinel Kendell. -1 0 0
977 2nd Mark of Sentinel A mark that certifies that its bearer is an Elven Sentinel. Destroy an orc Bhato bloodspear and report to Sentinel Kendell. -1 0 0
978 Skullcrusher Amulet The amulet that represents the Skullcrusher Orc tribe. Take this to Sentinel Kendell. -1 0 0
979 Bloodspear Amulet The amulet that represents the Bloodspear Orc tribe. Take this to Sentinel Kendell. -1 0 0
980 0 0 -1 0 0
982 Esrandell's Letter Esrandell's introduction -1 0 0
983 Kendell's Letter Kendell's letter -1 0 0
984 1st Onyx Talisman A necklace crafted of onyx. Take this to Abyssal Celebrant Kartia. -1 0 0
985 2nd Onyx Talisman A necklace crafted of onyx. Recover the original scrolls from the blackskull Orcs and bring them to Abyssal Celebrant Kartia. -1 0 0
986 Ancient Scroll An ancient scroll called Kaysha's Revelation. Take it along with the clay tablet to Abyssal Celebrant Kartia. -1 0 0
987 Ancient Clay Tablet An ancient clay tablet engraved with text. Take it along with the ancient scroll to Abyssal Celebrant Kartia. -1 0 0
988 Kartia's Translation Kartia's translation of Kaysha's Revelations. Take it to Tetrarch Thifiell. -1 0 0
1001 Book of Aklantoth - Part 4 -1 0 0
1002 Book of Aklantoth - Part 5 -1 0 0
1003 Book of Aklantoth - Part 6 -1 0 0
1004 Book of Aklantoth - Part 7 -1 0 0
1005 Book of Aklantoth - Part 8 -1 0 0
1006 Book of Aklantoth - Part 9 -1 0 0
1007 Book of Aklantoth - Part 10 -1 0 0
1008 Harrys's 1st Receipt A receipt Harrys received after ordering tools. Take this and go to Blacksmith Alltran. -1 0 0
1009 Harrys's 2nd Receipt The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool. -1 0 0
1010 Golem Shard Shards of rock that have fallen from the golem's body. Gather five of these and take them to Blacksmith Alltran. -1 0 0
1011 Tool Box A toolbox containing the tools that Blacksmith Alltran has forged. Take this to Magister Harrys at the temple. -1 0 0
1012 Delivery List Take the heavy wooden box to Trader Jackson. The bolts of cloth to Trader Silvia. Take the clay pot to the warehouse keeper Rant. -1 0 0
1013 Heavy Wood Box The wooden box to be delivered to Trader Jackson of the weapons shop. -1 0 0
1014 Cloth Bundle Bolts of cloth that need to be delivered to Trader Silvia of the grocery store. -1 0 0
1015 Clay Pot The clay pot that must be delivered to the warehouse keeper Rant. -1 0 0
1016 Jackson's Receipt The receipt that Jackson has issued upon receiving his wooden box. Take this to Guard Arnold. -1 0 0
1017 Silvia's Receipt The receipt that Silvia has issued upon receiving her bolts of cloth. Take this to Guard Arnold. -1 0 0
1018 Rant's Receipt The receipt issued by Rant upon his receiving of the clay pot. Take this to Guard Arnold. -1 0 0
1019 official Letter "An official letter that the Lord of Gludio has sent to Sir Colin Windawood, calling a meeting. Deliver this to Sir Windawood." -1 0 0
1020 Flame Shard A fragment of soul ore of fire. Can be taken from the fire spirit salamander. Give it to Trader Katerina. -1 0 0
1021 Ice Shard A fragment of elemental stone of water. Can be taken from the water spirit undine. Give to Trader Katerina. -1 0 0
1022 Lilith's Letter "A letter written by Lilith in longing for her lover, separated a thousand years ago. Find out news about her lover for her." -1 0 0
1023 Theon's Diary "A diary written by Theon in longing for his lover, separated a thousand years ago. Take this to Lilith." -1 0 0
1024 Adamantite Ore Adamantite ore. All of it is imported from Gracia. Gather 20 of these and take them to Warehouse Keeper Wilford. -1 0 0
1025 Clay Tablet A tablet praising Beleth that the devil Nerkas possessed. Deliver this to High Priest Biotin. -1 0 0
1026 Silvery Spidersilk The spider silk of the silver spider. Take this to Trader Unoren of the weapons shop. -1 0 0
1027 Unoren's Receipt The receipt issued by the magic shop. Take this and go to Trader Creamees. -1 0 0
1028 Creamees's Ticket A ticket issued by the warehouse. Take this and go to Warehouse Keeper Julia. -1 0 0
1029 Nightshade Leaf The leaf of the nightshade plant. Take this to Nerupa. -1 0 0
1030 Cracked Skull The cracked skull of the Dark Horror. Take this to Magister Vlasty. -1 0 0
1031 Perfect Skull Skull of the dark horror. Take this to Magister Vlasty. -1 0 0
1032 Fox Fur "A mane of keltirs. It is soft and luxurious, and used to spin thread and yarn. Take this to Cristel." -1 0 0
1033 Fox Fur Yarn "Yarn spun out of the fur of keltirs. Take this to the former tailor Warehouse Keeper Rolfe, and he will make it into the doll's hair." -1 0 0
1034 Maiden Doll A doll resembling a Human maiden. Take this to Lighthouse Keeper Rockswell. -1 0 0
1035 Plague Dust A powder obtained from the plague zombie. Take this to Hierarch Asterios. -1 0 0
1036 Andellia's Letter A letter from Andellia asking her sister Thalia to send her the fruit of the Mother Tree. -1 0 0
1037 Fruit of The Mother Tree Fruit that the Mother Tree bears once every few years. Take this to Andellia. -1 0 0
1038 Rumiel's 1st Poem The scroll containing Rumiel Moonshine's first poem. Gather all four and take them to Sentinel Starden. -1 0 0
1039 Rumiel's 2nd Poem The scroll containing Rumiel Moonshine's second poem. Gather all four and take them to Sentinel Starden. -1 0 0
1040 Rumiel's 3rd Poem The scroll containing Rumiel Moonshine's third poem. Gather all four and take them to Sentinel Starden. -1 0 0
1041 Rumiel's 4th Poem The scroll containing Rumiel Moonshine's fourth poem. Gather all four and take them to Sentinel Starden. -1 0 0
1042 Wererat's Fang The fang of a dead ratman. Collect these to take to Master Ellenia. -1 0 0
1043 Varool Foulclaw's Fang "The fang of Varool Foulclaw, leader of the ratmen. Take this to Master Ellenia." -1 0 0
1044 Kirunak Skull "Kirunak's skull obtained after killing Kirunak, the leader of the drevanuls. Take this to Trader Creamees." -1 0 0
1045 Zombie's Skin A skin obtained from marshland zombies. Collect five and go to Trader Minaless. -1 0 0
1046 Nightmare Crystal A crystal used by the succubus Merkenis to cast nightmares. Take this to Tetrarch Vellior. -1 0 0
1047 Spellbook: Light Spellbook needed to learn Light. -1 0 0
1048 Spellbook: Might "Spellbook needed to learn Might. Used by Human Mystics, Elven Mystics and Dark Mystics." -1 0 0
1049 Spellbook: Ice Bolt "Spellbook needed to learn Ice Bolt. Used by Human Mystics, Elven Mystics and Dark Mystics." -1 0 0
1050 Spellbook: Battle Heal "Spellbook needed to learn Battle Heal. Used by Human Mystics, Elven Mystics and Dark Mystics." -1 0 0
1051 Spellbook: Vampiric Touch Spellbook needed to learn Vampiric Touch. Used by Human Mystics and Dark Mystics. -1 0 0
1052 Spellbook: Flame Strike "Spellbook needed to learn Flame Strike. Used by Human Wizards, Elven Wizards and Dark Wizards." -1 0 0
1053 Spellbook: Cure Poison "Spellbook needed to learn Cure Poison. Used by Human Mystics, Elven Mystics and Dark Mystics." -1 0 0
1054 Spellbook: Group Heal "Spellbook needed to learn Group Heal. Used by Human Mystics, Elven Mystics and Dark Mystics." -1 0 0
1055 Spellbook: Curse: Poison Spellbook needed to learn Curse: Poison. Used by Human Mystics and Dark Mystics. -1 0 0
1056 Spellbook: Curse: Weakness Spellbook needed to learn Curse: Weakness. Used by Human Mystics and Elven Mystics. -1 0 0
1057 Spellbook: Summon Meal Spellbook needed to learn Summon Meal. Used by Human Mystics and Elven Mystics. -1 0 0
1058 Spellbook: Shield "Spellbook needed to learn Shield. Used by Human Mystics, Elven Mystics and Dark Mystics." -1 0 0
1059 Spellbook: Know Enemy Spellbook needed to learn Know Enemy. -1 0 0
1060 Lesser Healing Potion A magical potion that slowly restores HP. Low endurance. -1 0 0
1061 Healing Potion A magical potion that slowly restores HP. High endurance. -1 0 0
1062 Haste Potion A magical potion that increases speed. -1 0 0
1063 Tutorial Parchment Take the tutorial parchment to Grand Master Roien. -1 0 0
1064 Tutorial Parchment Take the tutorial parchment to Grand Master Roien. -1 0 0
1065 Tutorial Parchment Take the tutorial parchment to Nerupa. -1 0 0
1066 Tutorial Parchment "Take the tutorial parchment to Mitraell, the chief of Dark Elves." -1 0 0
1067 Recommendation Take the recommendation to Grand Master Roien. -1 0 0
1068 Recommendation Take the recommendation to Grand Magister Gallint. -1 0 0
1069 Leaf of the Mother Tree Take the leaf of the Mother Tree to Nerupa. -1 0 0
1070 Blood of Mitraell Take the blood of Mitraell to Hierarch Mitraell. -1 0 0
1071 Hyacinth Charm A charm given by Hierarch Asterios. Go to the water source to seek those who pollute the waters of the elven village. -1 0 0
1072 Hyacinth Charm A charm given by Hierarch Asterios. Go to the water source and obtain five handfuls of plague dust from the zombies. -1 0 0
1073 Beginner's Potion A magical potion that slowly restores HP. Low endurance. -1 0 0
1074 Boat Ticket: Talking Island to Gludin Boat Ticket: Depart Talking Island - Arrive Gludin Harbor -1 0 0
1075 Boat Ticket: Gludin to Talking Island Boat Ticket: Depart Gludin Harbor - Arrive Talking Island -1 0 0
1076 Carlon's Letter First half year financial summary of the Iron Gate Guild: balance sheet and profit and loss statement of the Dark Elf Village guild. -1 0 0
1077 Venom Sac A poison sac of poisonous spider. Gather ten of these and take to Astaron. -1 0 0
1078 Wind Shard "A fragment of the elemental stone of wind. You can get them from lirein, the wind spirits. Collect these to take to Rizraell." -1 0 0
1079 Darin's Receipt A receipt for a magical potion Darin received after paying Baulro. This must be handed to Baulro. -1 0 0
1080 Baulro's Potion "A potion of courage that Baulro has created for the shy Darin, but its effects are unknown. This must be delivered to Darin." -1 0 0
1081 Omen Beast's Eye The first of three materials Tetrarch Talloth asked you to collect. -1 0 0
1082 Taint Stone The second of three materials Tetrarch Talloth asked you to collect. -1 0 0
1083 Succubus Blood The third of three materials Tetrarch Talloth asked you to collect. -1 0 0
1084 Gludio Lord's Mark A mark indicating that the bearer is carrying out the orders of the lord. Keep this in your possession and hunt Orcs or werewolves. -1 0 0
1085 Orc's Necklace A bone necklace that Orc fighters possess on their bodies for magic purposes. Take this to Captain Gilbert. -1 0 0
1086 Werewolf's Fang Fangs from a dead werewolf. Take this to Captain Gilbert. -1 0 0
1087 Giant Spider Leg The legs cut off from a giant spider. Collect 8 of these and take them to Alshupes. -1 0 0
1088 Undrias's Letter "Abyssal Celebrant Undrias's letter. Take this letter to Trader Iria, Warehouse Keeper Dorankus, and Master Trudy." -1 0 0
1089 Ceremonial Dagger A ceremonial dagger used during the mass of darkness. Take this to Abyssal Celebrant Undrias. -1 0 0
1090 Dreviant Wine Holy wine used in the mass of darkness. Take this to Abyssal Celebrant Undrias. -1 0 0
1091 Garmiel's Scripture The scripture used during the mass of darkness. Take this to Abyssal Celebrant Undrias. -1 0 0
1092 Arujien's Letter The letter that Arujien has written in longing for Greenis. Show this to Gatekeeper Mirabel. -1 0 0
1093 Arujien's Letter The letter that Arujien has written in longing for Greenis. Show this to Trader Herbiel. -1 0 0
1094 Arujien's Letter "Arujien's love letter. Since you have shown this to Mirabel and Herbiel, you must go back to Arujien." -1 0 0
1095 Spellbook: Attack Aura Spellbook needed to learn Attack Aura. Used by Elven Fighters and Dark Fighters. -1 0 0
1096 Spellbook: Elemental Heal Spellbook needed to learn Elemental Heal. Used by Elven Fighters. -1 0 0
1097 Spellbook: Drain Health Spellbook needed to learn Drain Health. Used by Human Knights and Dark Fighters. -1 0 0
1098 Spellbook: Wind Walk "Spellbook needed to learn Wind Walk. Used by Clerics, Elven Oracles and Shillien Oracles." -1 0 0
1099 Spellbook: Wind Shackle Spellbook needed to learn Wind Shackle. Used by Elven Mystics and Dark Mystics. -1 0 0
1106 Norman's Letter First half year financial summary of the Iron Gate guild: balance sheet and profit and loss statement of the Gludio region guild. -1 0 0
1107 Bone Fragment Bone fragments of the undead skeletons. Collect ten of these and go back to Magister Harne. -1 0 0
1108 Arbon's Letter -1 0 0
1109 Roien's Letter -1 0 0
1110 Bone Fragment -1 0 0
1111 Adamantite Ore -1 0 0
1112 Leaf of the Mother Tree -1 0 0
1113 Blood of Mitraell -1 0 0
1114 Orc Amulet An amulet possessed by Kaboo Orcs for magic purposes. Take it to Sentinel Rayen. -1 0 0
1115 Orc's Necklace A bone necklace possessed by Kaboo Orc fighters for magic purposes. Take it to Sentinel Rayen. -1 0 0
1116 Orc Amulet An amulet that the balor Orcs possess for magical purposes. Take this to Sentry Kayleen. -1 0 0
1117 Orc's Necklace A bone necklace that the balor Orc fighters carry for magical purposes. Take this to Sentry Kayleen. -1 0 0
1118 Spore Sac A sac containing spore pollen. Give 10 spore sacs to Herbiel. -1 0 0
1130 Cobendell's Medicine A fever medicine concocted by Master Cobendell. -1 0 0
1131 Cobendell's Medicine A fever medicine concocted by Master Cobendell. -1 0 0
1132 Cobendell's Medicine A fever medicine concocted by Master Cobendell. -1 0 0
1133 Cobendell's Medicine A fever medicine concocted by Master Cobendell. -1 0 0
1134 Cobendell's Medicine A fever medicine concocted by Master Cobendell. -1 0 0
1135 Spiritbound Wand The wand where the spirit of mirrors is bound to. Trap all three spirits of mirrors into the wand and take it to Grand Magister Gallint. -1 0 0
1136 Spiritbound Wand The wand where the spirit of mirrors is bound to. Trap all three spirits of mirrors into the wand and take it to Grand Magister Gallint. -1 0 0
1137 Spiritbound Wand The wand where the spirit of mirrors is bound to. Trap all three spirits of mirrors into the wand and take it to Grand Magister Gallint. -1 0 0
1138 Auron's Letter A letter written by Master Auron. Take this to Trader Simplon in the Town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1139 Warrior Guild Mark A mark that shows that player is a member of the Warrior Guild. Take this to the Ruins of Agony and kill tracker skeletons. -1 0 0
1140 Rusted Bronze Sword An old bronze sword used by tracker skeletons. Collect ten and give them to Trader Simplon. -1 0 0
1141 Rusted Bronze Sword "An old and rusted bronze sword given by Trader Simplon, who said it was a 'Sword of Trial'.Take this to Master Auron." -1 0 0
1143 Simplon's Letter A letter written by Trader Simplon. Take this to Master Auron. -1 0 0
1144 Poison Spider's Leg A cut leg of a dead poison spider or an arachnid tracker. Collect twenty of these and take to Master Auron. -1 0 0
1145 Medallion of Warrior Take this medallion and go to the Grand Master of the Warrior's Guild to change your occupation to a Warrior. -1 0 0
1150 Spellbook: Wind Strike Spellbook needed to learn Wind Strike. -1 0 0
1151 Spellbook: Self Heal Spellbook needed to learn Self Heal. -1 0 0
1152 Spellbook: Heal "Spellbook needed to learn Heal. Used by Human Mystics, Elven Mystics and Dark Mystics." -1 0 0
1153 Jenna's Letter A letter from Sentry Jenna to Master Harant. -1 0 0
1154 Sentry Blade An adamantite sword newly issued to sentries. -1 0 0
1155 Sentry Blade An adamantite sword newly issued to sentries. -1 0 0
1156 Sentry Blade An adamantite sword newly issued to sentries. -1 0 0
1157 Old Bronze Sword A bronze sword used in the past by sentries. Recover this and take it to Sentry Jenna. -1 0 0
1158 Bone Fragment "A bone fragment obtained from the undead skeletons. Gather 10 bone fragments and 3 Elf skulls, and take them to Unoren." -1 0 0
1159 Elf Skull "The skull of an undead Elf. Gather 10 bone fragments and 3 Elf skulls, and take them to Unoren." -1 0 0
1160 Dark Bezoar Gather 13 dark bezoars and take them to Sentry Nelsya. -1 0 0
1161 Sword of Ritual Take this sword to the Grand Master of the Fighter Guild to change your occupation to a Knight. -1 0 0
1162 Coin of Lords A gold coin engraved with the mark of the lord of Gludio. Gather three or more of these to end the Trial of the Esquire. -1 0 0
1163 Coin of Lords A gold coin engraved with the mark of the lord of Gludio. Gather three or more of these to end the Trial of the Esquire. -1 0 0
1164 Coin of Lords A gold coin engraved with the mark of the lord of Gludio. Gather three or more of these to end the Trial of the Esquire. -1 0 0
1165 Coin of Lords A gold coin engraved with the mark of the lord of Gludio. Gather three or more of these to end the Trial of the Esquire. -1 0 0
1166 Coin of Lords A gold coin engraved with the mark of the lord of Gludio. Gather three or more of these to end Trial of the Esquire. -1 0 0
1167 Coin of Lords A gold coin engraved with the mark of the lord of Gludio. Gather three or more of these to end the Trial of the Esquire. -1 0 0
1168 Gludio Guard's 1st Badge "A mark that proves guard membership. As Captain Bathia requested, hunt bugbear raiders." -1 0 0
1169 Bugbear Necklace A necklace worn by bugbears for incantation purposes. Collect ten of these and visit Captain Bathia. -1 0 0
1170 Einhasad's 1st Temple Badge "As High Priest Raimund requested, go to the Ruins of Despair, defeat the departed spirits of priests, and collect 12 Einhasad crucifixes." -1 0 0
1171 Einhasad's Crucifix "A holy symbol of Einhasad, the goddess of light. Collect 12 of these and go to High Priest Raimund." -1 0 0
1172 Gludio Guard's 2nd Badge "The mark that distinguishes guard membership. As Captain Bezique requested, hunt giant spiders." -1 0 0
1173 Poison Spider Leg A severed leg of a dead poison spider. Collect twenty of these and go to Captain Bezique. -1 0 0
1174 Einhasad's 2nd Temple Badge "As High Priest Levian requested, kill Langk lizardmen and collect the proof." -1 0 0
1175 Lizardman's Totem A small sculpture Langk lizardmen carry with them. Collect twenty of these and take them to High Priestess Levian. -1 0 0
1176 Gludio Guard's 3rd Badge "A mark that proves guard membership. As Captain Gilbert requested, hunt giant spiders." -1 0 0
1177 Giant Spider's Husk The husk of a giant spider that you peeled off. Collect twenty of these and take them to Captain Gilbert. -1 0 0
1178 Einhasad's 3rd Temple Badge "As High Priest Biotin requested, hunt silent horrors in the Elven Ruins." -1 0 0
1179 Skull of Silent Horror The skull of a long-dead Elf. Collect 10 and take them to High Priest Biotin. -1 0 0
1180 Bezique's Letter Captain Bezique's letter to Neti. Find Neti in the Village of Gludin and give her the letter. -1 0 0
1183 Spartoi's Bones Undead bone pieces. Collect 10 and take them to Neti. -1 0 0
1184 Horseshoe of Light A proof you received after passing Neti's test. You must take it to Captain Bezique. -1 0 0
1185 Most Wanted List It is written that whoever does away with the Cat's Eye bandits and recovers the stolen goods will be rewarded. -1 0 0
1186 Stolen Jewelry A fair amount of jewelry the Cat's Eye bandits stole. You must take them to Captain Bezique. -1 0 0
1187 Stolen Tomes A rare tome the Cat's Eye bandits stole. You must take it to Captain Bezique. -1 0 0
1188 Stolen Ring An expensive necklace that the Cat's Eye bandits have stolen. You must take it back to Captain Bezique. -1 0 0
1189 Stolen Necklace An expensive necklace the Cat's Eye bandits stole. You must take it to Captain Bezique. -1 0 0
1190 Bezique's Recommendation Take this medallion to the Grand Masters of the Fighter Guild to change your occupation to a Rogue. -1 0 0
1191 1st Letter of Order A certificate of forbidden book collection given by Priest Zigaunt. Carry this around and collect all the forbidden books. -1 0 0
1192 2nd Letter of Order A certificate that proves that you represent the religious body. This certificate is given by Priest Zigaunt. Take this to Lionel for covenant. -1 0 0
1193 Lionel's Book The last book of Lioniel. Hand this book to Grand Magister Gallint in the Einhovant School of Magic. -1 0 0
1194 Book of Vivyan A forbidden book Simplon sold to Vivyan. Collect five forbidden books and take them to Priest Zigaunt. -1 0 0
1195 Book of Simplon The rest of Simplon's forbidden books. Collect 5 forbidden books and take them to Priest Zigaunt. -1 0 0
1196 Book of Praga A forbidden book Simplon sold to Praga. Collect 5 forbidden books and take them to Priest Zigaunt. -1 0 0
1197 Certificate of Gallint A certificate that Gallint gives for safekeeping of forbidden books. Give to Lionel and receive covenant. -1 0 0
1198 Pendant of Mother The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book. -1 0 0
1199 Necklace of Mother A necklace chain where a pendant used to hang. Recover the pendant from the zombies in the Ruins of Agony to make it complete. -1 0 0
1200 Lionel's Covenant Lionel's pledge not to use the forbidden book again. Give it to Priest Zigaunt and receive the mark of faith. -1 0 0
1201 Mark of Faith Take this token to the high priest of the temple to change your occupation to a Cleric. -1 0 0
1202 Sorius's Letter A letter received from Master Sorius to be given to Blacksmith Kluto in the Village of Gludin. -1 0 0
1203 Kluto Box A box that Kluto asked to give to Master Sorius. -1 0 0
1204 Elven Knight Brooch Take this brooch to the Grand Master of the Fighter Guild and he will change your occupation to a Knight. -1 0 0
1205 Topaz Piece A piece of topaz obtained from the undead in the ruins. Collect 20 to take to Master Sorius. -1 0 0
1206 Emerald Piece A piece of emerald obtained from the Ol Mahum Novices. Collect 20 of these to take to Blacksmith Kluto. -1 0 0
1207 Reisa's Letter Master Reisa's letter to Guard Moretti. Find Guard Moretti and give him the letter. -1 0 0
1208 Prias's 1st Torn Letter A torn piece of letter written by Prias and is not legible. Collect all four torn pieces and take them to Guard Moretti. -1 0 0
1209 Prias's 2nd Torn Letter A torn piece of letter written by Prias and is not legible Collect all four torn pieces and take them to Guard Moretti. -1 0 0
1210 Prias's 3rd Torn Letter A torn piece of letter written by Prias and is not legible. Collect all four torn pieces and take them to Guard Moretti. -1 0 0
1211 Prias's 4th Torn Letter A torn piece of letter written by Prias and is not legible. Collect all four torn pieces and take them to Guard Moretti. -1 0 0
1212 Moretti's Herb An herb that Guard Moretti asked to give to Prias. -1 0 0
1214 Moretti's Letter An urgent letter from Guard Moretti to Prias. -1 0 0
1215 Prias's Letter A reply of Prias to the letter from Guard Moretti. Hand this to Moretti. -1 0 0
1216 Honorary Guard A letter written by Guard Moretti to Master Reisa. Take it to Master Reisa. -1 0 0
1217 Reisa's Recommendation Take this recommendation to the Grand Master of the Fighter Guild to change your occupation to an Elven Scout. -1 0 0
1218 Rosella's Letter "A letter from Rosella to Elven Magister Greenis. Related to ruby, the symbol of fire." -1 0 0
1219 Red Down Material needed to make ruby of magical powers. Collect 5 and take them to Magister Greenis for the magical power ruby. -1 0 0
1220 Magical Powers Ruby Ruby that symbolizes fire. Gather 4 jewels that symbolize nature and take them to Rosella for a token to change occupations. -1 0 0
1221 Pure Aquamarine Aquamarine that symbolizes water. Gather the 4 jewels that symbolize nature and take them to Rosella for a token to change occupations. -1 0 0
1222 Appetizing Apple A very ripe apple. Give it to Thalia for information on the aquamarine of water. -1 0 0
1223 Gold Leaves Leaves used as fertilizer for the Mother Tree. Collect five leaves and give them to Thalia for an aquamarine. -1 0 0
1224 Immortal Love "A book Northwind wanted to borrow. If you give this book to Northwind, you can obtain information on the amethyst." -1 0 0
1225 Amethyst An amethyst obtained by killing sukar wererat. Give two to Northwind for nobility amethyst. -1 0 0
1226 Nobility Amethyst Amethyst that symbolizes wind. Gather 4 jewels that symbolize nature and take them to Rosella for a token to change occupations. -1 0 0
1227 Rosella's Recommendation "Rosella's recommendation. If you show this to Varsak, you can get information on the fertility peridot." -1 0 0
1228 Peridot "A peridot you can get if you kill a sniper skeleton. If you collect 3 and show them to Varsak, you can get the fertility peridot." -1 0 0
1229 Fertility Peridot A peridot that symbolizes the earth. Gather 4 jewels that symbolize nature and take them to Rosella for a token to change occupations. -1 0 0
1230 Eternity Diamond Take this token to the Grand Master of the Magician Guild to change your occupation to an Elven Wizard. -1 0 0
1231 Crystal Medallion A necklace given by Priest Manuel. Take this and go to the port Gludin to find the girl who works miracles. -1 0 0
1232 Swindler's Money Money from Perrin's swindling. Give it to Allana. -1 0 0
1233 Allana's Diary A diary with records of fraud miracle. Show this to Priest Manuel as proof. -1 0 0
1234 Lizard Captain Order An order of lizard captain to kidnap the sacred flame of prophecy. -1 0 0
1235 Leaf of Oracle Take this to the high priest to change your occupation to an Oracle. -1 0 0
1236 Half of Diary Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary. -1 0 0
1237 Palus Talisman A talisman inscribed with palus runes that symbolize a deep lake. Carry this and hunt lycanthrope in the Neutral Zone. -1 0 0
1238 Lycanthrope Skull A skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil. -1 0 0
1239 Virgil's Letter A letter written by Master Virgil. Take this to Abyssal Celebrant Kalinta of the village of Gludin. -1 0 0
1240 Morte Talisman "A talisman with inscription of rune of Morte, symbol of death. Carry this and find materials needed for coffin." -1 0 0
1241 Predator's Carapace The hard carapace of a poison spider. Take this and five arachnid tracker silk threads to Abyssal Celebrant Kalinta. -1 0 0
1242 Arachnid Tracker Silk Arachnid tracker web threads. Take five of these and a giant poison spider carapace to Abyssal Celebrant Kalinta. -1 0 0
1243 Coffin of Eternal Rest A coffin used in funeral of Dark Elven Knight. Take this to Master Virgil. -1 0 0
1244 Gaze of Abyss Take this token to the Grand Master of the Fighter Guild to change your occupation to a Knight. -1 0 0
1245 Shilen's Call A letter received from Triskel. Go to Witch Arkenia of the Altar of Rites. -1 0 0
1246 Arkenia's Letter A letter received from Arkenia. Take this to Guard Leikan to obtain information about the thief. -1 0 0
1247 Leikan's Note A simple contract given by Guard Leikan. Must hunt moonstone beasts and collect their molars. -1 0 0
1248 Moonstone Beast's Molar A molar obtained after killing a moonstone beast. Collect 10 of these to take to Guard Leikan. -1 0 0
1249 Leikan's Knife A knife received as present from Leikan. They say it works well against the Calpicos. -1 0 0
1250 Shilen's Tears Magic liquid stolen from the Altar of Rites. Give this to Witch Arkenia. -1 0 0
1251 Arkenia's Recommendation A token of thanks received from Arkenia. Take this to Triskel. -1 0 0
1252 Iron Heart Take this to the Grand Master of the Dark Elf Guild to change your occupation to an Assassin. -1 0 0
1253 Seed of Anger "A seed obtained from Charkeren, who is full of anger. Take this to Witch Varika." -1 0 0
1254 Seed of Despair A seed obtained from Witch Varika. You must obtain all four seeds to earn the Jewel of Darkness. -1 0 0
1255 Seed of Horror "A seed obtained from Annika, who is full of horror. Take this to Witch Varika." -1 0 0
1256 Seed of Lunacy A seed obtained from a lunatic. Take this to Witch Varika. -1 0 0
1257 Family's Remains Remains of Charkeren's slain family. Find 3 and return to Charkeren. -1 0 0
1258 Varika's Liquor "A medicine Varika made for the son of Duchess Dwell. If you give it to Duchess, you can obtain the Seed of Despair." -1 0 0
1259 Knee Bone The knee bone of undead that Annika was looking for. Give this to Annika to obtain the Seed of Horror. -1 0 0
1260 Heart of Lunacy The hearts of those who have been turned into skeletons by a sorcerer of lunacy. Collect 3 Hearts of Lunacy and take them to Arkenia. -1 0 0
1261 Jewel of Darkness Take this token to the Grand Master of the Dark Elf guild to change your occupation to a Dark Wizard. -1 0 0
1262 Sidra's Letter The letter of introduction written by Magister Sidra. Take this to Magister Talbot. -1 0 0
1263 Blank Sheet A blank scroll. Take this and hunt dark succubus to obtain bloody runes. -1 0 0
1264 Bloody Rune Runes written with the blood of dark succubus. Collect 5 and take to Magister Talbot. -1 0 0
1265 Garmiel Book "The sacred book of Gran Kain, god of darkness, written in elven language. One of two books Sidra told you to find." -1 0 0
1266 Prayer of Adonius The widely beloved prayer book. Take this to Priest Adonius in the village of Gludin. -1 0 0
1267 Penitent's Mark The mark that shows one is in the course of repenting one's sins. Carry this and hunt skeletons and zombies in the Ruins of Despair. -1 0 0
1268 Ashen Bones Bones from the skeletons and zombies in the Ruins of Despair. Gather 10 and take them to Priest Adonius. -1 0 0
1269 Andariel Book "The sacred book of Einhasad, goddess of light, written in the Elven language. One of two books Sidra told you to find." -1 0 0
1270 Orb of Abyss Take this token to a Grand Master of a Dark Elf Guild in any major city to change your occupation to a Shillien Oracle. -1 0 0
1271 Mark of Esquire A mark that indicates an esquire. Wander around the villages in Gludio and meet with guard captains and high priests. -1 0 0
1272 Charm of Grain Greenis's good luck charm. Kill pincer spiders and give 5 red down to Greenis. -1 0 0
1273 Sap of the Mother Tree Sap of Mother Tree that dryad elders like. Find 5 gold leaves and give them to Thalia. -1 0 0
1274 Lucky Potpourri Northwind's lucky potpourri. Give Northwind 2 amethysts obtained from killing sukar wererats. -1 0 0
1275 Tamil's Necklace Tamil's necklace. Show it to Perrin. -1 0 0
1276 Kluto's Memo A memo from Blacksmith Kluto asking to defeat the Ol Mahum Novices. -1 0 0
1277 Lucky Key "A bronze key. Hunt zombies in the swamp area, collect 3 remains, and take them to Charkeren." -1 0 0
1278 Candle A candle that lights up the dark. Collect 2 knee bones from the undead and give them to Annika for the Seed of Horror. -1 0 0
1279 Hub Scent Fragrant herb potpourri. Obtain 3 Hearts of Lunacy from a skeleton scout and take them to Arkenia. -1 0 0
1280 Map of Luster A map given by the Flame Salamander. Kill ratman fighters and give the key of flame to the salamander in exchange for the token of fire. -1 0 0
1281 Key of Flame "The key that can be obtained by killing a ratman fighter. When you give it to a salamander, he will give you the token of fire." -1 0 0
1282 Flame Earring The token of fire given by fire spirit salamander. Collect four tokens and give them to Parina to receive the token that enables changing occupations. -1 0 0
1283 Broken Bronze Mirror The mirror given by the Wind Sylph. Go to the lizardmen of the Wastelands and obtain the Wind Feather and return it to the Wind Sylph. -1 0 0
1284 Wind Feather The feather hidden by the Wind Sylph near the Wastelands. Return this to the Wind Sylph to receive a Wind Token. -1 0 0
1285 Wind Bangle The Wind Token given to you by the Wind Spirit Sylph. Collect all four tokens and give them to Parina to receive a special token that will enable you to change occupations. -1 0 0
1286 Rama's Diary Kill water seer and take two sparkle pebbles to water Undine for the token of water. -1 0 0
1287 Sparkle Pebble "Kill water seer in Lake Fellmere for stones. If you give this to Water Undine, she will give you the token of water." -1 0 0
1288 Water Necklace The token of water given by water spirit Undine. Collect four tokens and give them to Parina to receive the token that enables changing occupations. -1 0 0
1289 Rust Gold Coin The coin given by earth snake. Kill red bear and give red soil to earth snake for Token of Earth. -1 0 0
1290 Red Soil The soil obtained from killing red bear. Give to the earth snake for the token of earth. -1 0 0
1291 Earth Ring Token of Earth given by earth snake. Collect 4 tokens and give them to Parina to receive the token that enables changing occupations. -1 0 0
1292 Bead of Season Take this bead to the high priest of the temple to change your occupation to a Wizard. -1 0 0
1293 Rusted Key The key that unlocks Prias's shackles. Take this and go to Prias. -1 0 0
1294 Spellbook: Defense Aura Spellbook needed to learn Defense Aura. Used by Elven Fighters and Dark Fighters. -1 0 0
1334 Predator's Fang Collect 100 predator's fangs and take them to Pixy Murika. -1 0 0
1335 Goblin Club A sturdy club made from thick tree branches and carried by goblins. Take this to Treant Bremac. -1 0 0
1336 Glass Shard A broken glass piece. Can be sold in any shop for a low price. -1 0 0
1337 Emerald Can be sold in any shop for a high price. -1 0 0
1338 Blue Onyx A blue jewel. Can be sold in any shop. -1 0 0
1339 Onyx A black jewel. Can be sold in any shop. -1 0 0
1340 Silvery Leaf The leaf of a silvery mistletoe. Can be sold in any shop. -1 0 0
1341 Bone Arrow An arrow made from a piece of sharpened bone. It is used as an arrow for a D-Grade bow. -1 0 0
1342 Fine Steel Arrow A powerful arrow made of steel. It is used as an arrow for a C-Grade bow. -1 0 0
1343 Silver Arrow A steel arrow plated with silver. -1 0 0
1344 Mithril Arrow A steel arrow plated with mithril. -1 0 0
1345 Shining Arrow The most powerful arrow. Unknown material. -1 0 0
1346 Golem's Stoneheart A stone found within the remains of a destroyed golem. Take this to Trader Rorento. -1 0 0
1347 Monster Eye Carcass The carcass of monster eye. Take this to Trader Sarien. -1 0 0
1348 Basilisk's Gizzard The digestive organ of a basilisk. Take this to Trader Sarien. -1 0 0
1349 Anatomy Diagram A diagram designed by Avella physicians for human anatomy. Use this to perform Samed's request. -1 0 0
1350 Zombie Head A head of zombie from ruins. Take this to Samed of the town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1351 Zombie Heart A heart of zombie from ruins. Take this to Samed in the Town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1352 Zombie Liver A liver of zombie from ruins. Take this to Samed in the town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1353 Skull A skull of skeleton from ruins. Take this to Samed in the town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1354 Rib Bone A rib of skeleton from ruins. Take this to Samed in the town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1355 Spine A spine of skeleton from ruins. Take this to Samed in the town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1356 Arm Bone An arm bone of skeleton from ruins. Take this to Samed in the town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1357 Thigh Bone A thigh bone of skeleton from ruins. Take this to Samed in the town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1358 Complete Skeleton A complete skeleton put together with bone pieces by undertaker Varsak. Take this to Samed in the town of Gludio. -1 0 0
1359 Red Cross Badge A soldier badge of foreign troops. Take this to Leopold in Gludin. -1 0 0
1360 Blue Cross Badge A badge of high ranking of Gracian foreign troops. Take this to Leopold in Gludin. -1 0 0
1361 Black Cross Badge A badge of captain ranking of Gracian foreign troops. Take this to Leopold in Gludin. -1 0 0
1362 Spider's Carapace The hard carapace of a spider. Often used to coat a shield or a helmet. Take this to Trader Arodin. -1 0 0
1363 Spider Silk "Tough, stretchy spider web. Used to make bowstrings. Take this to Trader Arodin." -1 0 0
1364 Spider Venom Sac A sac with a spider's deadly poison in it. Can be sold to Trader Cullinas in Gludin. -1 0 0
1365 Broken Stoneheart A small pieces of stone found within the remains of a destroyed golem. Take this to Trader Rorento. -1 0 0
1366 Monster Eye's Lens The transparent part of monster eye. Take this to Trader Sarien. -1 0 0
1367 Wolf Claw Collect 50 wolf claws and take them to Trader Payne of the weapons and armor shop. -1 0 0
1368 Imp Shackles The metal shackles attached around the neck of the imp race. Take this to Sentry Kristin. -1 0 0
1369 Black Lion Mark The mark that indicates one is a member of the Black Lion troop. -1 0 0
1370 Spellbook: Aqua Swirl Spellbook needed to learn Aqua Swirl. Used by Elven Wizards. -1 0 0
1371 Spellbook: Twister Spellbook needed to learn Twister. Used by Dark Wizards. -1 0 0
1372 Spellbook: Blaze Spellbook needed to learn Blaze. Used by Human Wizards. -1 0 0
1373 Magic Gem An ingredient needed for certain magic. -1 0 0
1374 Greater Haste Potion A magical potion that increases movement speed dramatically -1 0 0
1375 Greater Swift Attack Potion A magical potion that increases attack speed dramatically -1 0 0
1377 Spellbook: Poison Recovery Spellbook needed to learn Poison Recovery. Used by Elven Knights and Elven Scouts. -1 0 0
1378 Spellbook: Divine Heal Spellbook needed to learn Divine Heal. Used by Human Knights. -1 0 0
1379 Spellbook: Cure Bleeding Spellbook needed to learn Cure Bleeding. Used by Elven Scouts and Elven Knights. -1 0 0
1380 Spellbook: Entangle Spellbook needed to learn Entangle. Used by Elven Knights and Elven Scouts. -1 0 0
1381 Spellbook: Freezing Strike Spellbook needed to learn Freezing Strike. Used by Palus Knights and Assassins. -1 0 0
1382 Spellbook: Power Break Spellbook needed to learn Power Break. Used by Palus Knights and Assassins. -1 0 0
1383 Spellbook: Poison Spellbook needed to learn Poison. Used by Palus Knights and Assassins. -1 0 0
1384 Spellbook: Sprint Spellbook needed to learn Sprint. Used by Elven Knights and Elven Scouts. -1 0 0
1385 Spellbook: Recharge Spellbook needed to learn Recharge. Used by Elven Oracles and Shillien Oracles. -1 0 0
1386 Spellbook: Disrupt Undead "Spellbook needed to learn Disrupt Undead. Used by Clerics, Elven Oracles and Shillien Oracles." -1 0 0
1387 Spellbook: Resist Poison Spellbook needed to learn Resist Poison. Used by Prophets and Elven Oracles. -1 0 0
1388 Spellbook: Mental Shield "Spellbook needed to learn Mental Shield. Used by Clerics, Elven Oracles and Shillien Oracles." -1 0 0
1389 Spellbook: Holy Weapon Spellbook needed to learn Holy Weapon. Used by Clerics and Elven Oracles. -1 0 0
1390 Spellbook: Regeneration Spellbook needed to learn Regeneration. Used by Clerics and Elven Oracles. -1 0 0
1391 Spellbook: Empower Spellbook needed to learn Empower. Used by Shillien Oracles. -1 0 0
1392 Spellbook: Berserker Spirit Spellbook needed to learn Berserker Spirit. Used by Clerics. -1 0 0
1393 Spellbook: Quickness Spellbook needed to learn Quickness. -1 0 0
1394 Spellbook: Sleep "Spellbook needed to learn Sleep. Used by Human Wizards, Clerics, Elven Wizards, Elven Oracles, Dark Wizards, and Shillien Oracles." -1 0 0
1395 Spellbook: Surrender to Water Spellbook needed to learn Surrender to Water. -1 0 0
1396 Spellbook: Surrender to Wind Spellbook needed to learn Surrender to Water -1 0 0
1397 Spellbook: Peace Spellbook needed to learn Peace. Used by Clerics. -1 0 0
1398 Spellbook: Focus Spellbook needed to learn Focus. Used by Clerics and Shillien Oracles. -1 0 0
1399 Spellbook: Concentration "Spellbook needed to learn Concentration. Used by Human Wizards, Clerics, Elven Wizards, Elven Oracles, Dark Wizards, and Shillien Oracles." -1 0 0
1400 Spellbook: Surrender To Fire Spellbook needed to learn Surrenders To Fire. Used by Human Wizards. -1 0 0
1401 Spellbook: Acumen Spellbook needed to learn Acumen. Used by Clerics. -1 0 0
1402 Spellbook: Agility Spellbook needed to learn Agility. Used by Elven Oracles. -1 0 0
1403 Spellbook: Summon Kat the Cat Spellbook needed to learn Summon Kat the Cat. Used by Human Wizards. -1 0 0
1404 Spellbook: Servitor Recharge "Spellbook needed to learn Servitor Recharge. Used by Human Wizards, Elven Wizards, and Dark Wizards." -1 0 0
1405 Spellbook: Servitor Heal "Spellbook needed to learn Servitor Heal. Used by Human Wizards, Elven Wizards, and Dark Wizards." -1 0 0
1406 Spellbook: Servitor Wind Walk Spellbook needed to learn Servitor Wind Walk. Used by Human Wizards. -1 0 0
1407 Spellbook: Servitor Magic Boost Spellbook needed to learn Bright Servitor. Used by Elven Wizards. -1 0 0
1408 Spellbook: Mighty Servitor Spellbook needed to learn Mighty Servitor. Used by Dark Wizards. -1 0 0
1409 Spellbook: Slow Spellbook needed to learn Slow. Used by Human Wizards and Dark Wizards. -1 0 0
1410 Spellbook: Poisonous Cloud Spellbook needed to learn Poisonous Cloud. Used by Human Wizards and Dark Wizards. -1 0 0
1411 Spellbook: Aura Burn "Spellbook needed to learn Aura Burn. Used by Human Wizards, Elven Wizards and Dark Wizards." -1 0 0
1412 Spellbook: Resist Aqua Spellbook needed to learn Resist Aqua. Used by Prophets and Elven Wizards. -1 0 0
1413 Spellbook: Resist Wind Spellbook needed to learn Resist Wind. Used by Prophets and Shillien Oracles. -1 0 0
1414 Spellbook: Resist Fire Spellbook needed to learn Resist Fire. Used by Clerics. -1 0 0
1415 Spellbook: Dryad Root "Spellbook needed to learn Dryad Root. Used by Clerics, Elven Oracles and Shillien Oracles." -1 0 0
1416 Spellbook: Curse of Chaos Spellbook needed to learn Curse of Chaos. Used by Human Wizards and Dark Wizards. -1 0 0
1417 Spellbook: Surrender To Earth Spellbook needed to learn Surrender To Earth. Used by Elven Wizards. -1 0 0
1418 Spellbook: Surrender To Poison Spellbook needed to learn Surrender To Poison. Used by Dark Wizards. -1 0 0
1419 Blood Mark An item needed to upgrade a clan to level three. -1 0 0
1420 Ingredient List A list of cooking ingredients from Jonas. Mandragora essence. Honey. Dionian potato. Marsh moss. Floating eye meat. -1 0 0
1421 Sonia's Botany Book A picture that shows what a mandragora looks like. You need this to get mandragora roots. -1 0 0
1422 Red Mandragora Root Red mandragora root. Collect these to take them to Trader Sonia. -1 0 0
1423 White Mandragora Root Rare white mandragora root. Collect these to take them to Trader Sonia. -1 0 0
1424 Red Mandragora Sap Red mandragora sap. One of the five ingredients needed for Jonas's cooking. -1 0 0
1425 White Mandragora Sap Transparent mandragora sap. One of the ingredients needed for Jonas's cooking. -1 0 0
1426 Jacob's Insect Book A diagram that depicts the drawing of a bee. You must possess this in order to obtain nectar and royal jelly from the bloody bee or the stinger wasp. -1 0 0
1427 Nectar Honey water taken from a giant bee. Collect 20 of these to take them to Guard Jaycub. -1 0 0
1428 Royal Jelly A rare ingredient that can be taken only from newborn working bees. Collect these and take them to Guard Jaycub. -1 0 0
1429 Honey Honey made from the nectar you collected from bees. One of the five ingredients needed for Jonas's cooking. -1 0 0
1430 Golden Honey Golden honey made from the nectar and the royal jelly you collected from bees. One of the five ingredients needed for Jonas's cooking. -1 0 0
1431 Pano's Contract "A contract Grocer Pano gave you. It says, if you kill Hobgoblins and bring 30 pieces of proof, he will give you potatoes as a reward." -1 0 0
1432 Hobgoblin Amulet An amulet made of a feather that Hobgoblins carry on their bodies. Collect 30 of these and take them to Grocer Pano. -1 0 0
1433 Dionian Potato The highest-quality potatoes grown in the rich soil of southern Dion. One of the five ingredients needed for Jonas's cooking. -1 0 0
1434 Glyvka's Botany Book A picture that explains how to collect moss. You need this to collect marsh moss from grey ants or crimson ants. -1 0 0
1435 Green Marsh Moss Green marsh moss is sometimes used in cooking. Collect this and take it to Priestess Glyvka. -1 0 0
1436 Brown Marsh Moss "Rare brown marsh moss, its flavors are superior to the green ones. Collect this and take it to Priestess Glyvka." -1 0 0
1437 Green Moss Bundle "A bundle of well-cared-for moss, collected from a marshy place for cooking. One of the five ingredients needed for Jonas's cooking." -1 0 0
1438 Brown Moss Bundle "A bundle of well-cared-for moss, collected from a marshy place for cooking. One of the five ingredients needed for Jonas's cooking." -1 0 0
1439 Rollant's Creature Book A picture that shows what a monster eye looks like. You need this to collect the right monster eye searcher or the monster eye gazer. -1 0 0
1440 Body of Monster Eye Severed flesh of the dead body of monster eye. Take this to Magister Rollant. -1 0 0
1441 Meat of Monster Eye "The dead body of a monster eye, ready to cook. One of the five ingredients needed for Jonas's cooking." -1 0 0
1442 Jonas's 1st Steak Dish A plate that contains Jonas's monster eye steak. Take this to Magister Mirien. -1 0 0
1443 Jonas's 2nd Steak Dish A plate that contains Jonas's monster eye steak. Take this to Magister Mirien. -1 0 0
1444 Jonas's 3rd Steak Dish A plate that contains Jonas's monster eye steak. Take this to Magister Mirien. -1 0 0
1445 Jonas's 4th Steak Dish A plate that contains Jonas's monster eye steak. Take this to Magister Mirien. -1 0 0
1446 Jonas's 5th Steak Dish A plate that contains Jon...

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