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Непрочитано 20.11.2014, 13:10   #109
Аватар для Xeonc

Автор темы (Топик Стартер) Re: ПТС сборки от команды AdvExt64

Анонсируем новое крупное обновление для HF экстендера:
Core Changes.
1) * summons receive buffs after summoning
* added addiotional optional parameter to i_summon (in HF by default=1, other =0) which indicate does summon will receive master buffs or not

2) + AI func: int CNPC::IsVipUser(CSharedCreatureData *c); With this function you may detect Vip user.

3) fix: "Ability to get player in clan during Territory War". Now you can't invite player during TW.

4) new effect p_magical_attack_by_weapon
now when summon under effect p_block_act he cannot be unsumoned
fix: "Issue with damaging low level RB's.For now exist an exploit, that if high level character or summon will attack Raid Boss - as first it will bring damage,
as second - get paralyse. That brings an issue - that summoner can attack low level raid boss, or epic boss like AQ, summon get paralyse, he unsummon it,
summon again - and attack again."

5) + fix summon lifetime bar
+ when summon die his saved info will be delete
+ sql for save summon status
+ summons now save hp,mp and abnormal status
+ system message when summon cannot be unsummoned

6) + skill effect: p_block_pc_buff_in_peace_zone
This will help to realise Block Buff skill

7) New configurations to prevent attack and debuff of ally and Command Channel members

8) New Ai function which can detect items with augmentation

__int64 OwnItemCount2(CSharedCreatureData *c, int nItemClassId, int bFindAugment);
__int64 OwnItemCountEx2(CSharedCreatureData *c, int nItemClassId, int nEnchantLevel, int bFindAugment);
bFindAugment == 0 // not-augmented only
bFindAugment == 1 // augmented only
bFindAugment == 2 // not-augmented and augmented

9) new AI-function
void CNPC::SetVipUser(CSharedCreatureData *c, int nDuration, int nParam1, int nParam2, wchar_t* pwsParam3);

10) New parameter in GeneralSettings where you can adjust min and max Z coordinates for mass skills

; Here you can adjust the Minimum and Maximum Z Axis Range for affect scopes = Party, Pledge,DeadPledge, PartyPledge
; Note 1 : Setting 0 on all axis, will disable this adjustment for that axis.

11) New chat-command: ".pledgeannounce"
; Manipulate with pledge announce without running Comm service

12) SPAWN PROTECT fro summons/pets

13) Fix Multisell bug(with changing multisell ID in memory or with packethack)

14) on territory wars players can attack enemies without penalties on any areas (not battle zone only)

15) Added support to new protection Smart-Guard

16) GeneralSettings.ini
; Deny/allow removal wards(ownthings) from battle zone
; Return ward to the base, when player out of battle zone

17) Fixed points for new nobless character, 10 instead of 18.

18) Reworked Olympiad algorithms, now players are chosen more random then before.

19) Now all mobs will not see character in Hide, previously some of them could do it

20) Fix server Crash connected with HyperThreading, now server will not crash on CreatureSharedFactoryEx::AddById()

21) fix: "It is impossible to use some skills while in hide. For example Heals, song, dance, aura flash... It should be possible to use them and when activated, Hide should be canceled."

22) GeneralSettings.ini
; Olympiad Start Time in minutes. By default 18:00 (18 hours * 60 min per hour = 1080)
; Olympiad Stop Competition Timeout in seconds. By default time = 23:50, timeout before next day = 10 min (10 min * 60 sec per min)
; Olympiad Stop Registration Timeout in seconds. By default time = 23:40, timeout before stop competition = 10 min (10 min * 60 sec per min)
; Olympiad competitors are will be selected with/without similar Olympiad points (true by default for HF, false by default for GF)
; parameter "SELECT_COMPETITORS_HF" is depreceated
; Allow/deny select competitors with same IP-address (allow by default)
; Randomize participants queue before fetching competitors

23) fix: active Talisman skills after removing talismans

Исправлены Destruction заточки (возможность передачи и заточки)
Исправлена возможность снятия Nobless Blessing
Исправлена ошибка в AI Beleth
Исправлены quest-статус различных итемов. (медали. итемы за количество боев и побед)
Исправлен AI Drakos. Теперь монстры адекватно реагируют на агр.
Исправлен AI Naia cube. Теперь есть лимит в 36 игроков.
Исправлен AI Scorpion bones. Теперь монстры адекватно реагируют на атаку.
Исправлен шанс появления монстров в ЛоА (Кровавые карики, каринессы и берсерки).10%
Warrior T-Shirt теперь дает 39 А кристаллов при поломке.
Исправлены базовые параметры монстров в ЛоА и ДВ.
Исправлен AI Dragon Guard и Dragon Mage (теперь после потери агра они возвращаются на место)
Исправлена возможность передачи непередаваемых итемов
Исправлена возможность прохождения через двери на олимпиаде до их фактического открытия
Исправлена html у Newbie helper (возможность бафа саммонов)
Добавлены недостающие AI
Исправлены сообщения в общий чат об олимпиаде (классовые, внеклассовые, коммандные)
Исправлена выдача наград за квесты на олимпиаде
Добавлено логирование статуса Белефа
Изменено расположение кнопок регистрации на олимпиаду
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