Сообщений: 2,125
Тем: 84
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2010
Grengo, собственно про BBCode SPOILER Mafio уже написал, но впредь постарайтесь вдумчиво прочитать что пишите, как пишите и предварительно постарайтесь полистать другие темы, глазками пробежавшись хотя бы по названию топиков в соответствующем разделе.
А если что не реализовани или надо исправлять можно и самому через IDE(Eclipse или JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA).
Сообщений: 2
Тем: 0
Зарегистрирован: Nov 2012
Друзья, здравия вам желаю!
Подскажите что это за ошибка?
You have chosen the English Language.
Starting Aion-Finish 3.0 Game Server.
?Prompt:The system detects your network problems,the only stand-alone mode!?
[INFO] 2012-11-10 15:59:29 - automatically switch to support 30 people online!
==================================================================-[ DataBase ]
[FATAL] 2012-11-10 15:59:36 - Error with connection string: jdbc:mysql://localho
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not
create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Sou
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:407)
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(Util.java:382)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1013)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:987)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:982)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:927)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectWithRetries(ConnectionImpl.java:
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(ConnectionImpl.java:2168)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.<init>(ConnectionImpl.java:794)
at com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection.<init>(JDBC4Connection.java:47)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Sou
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:407)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(ConnectionImpl.java:378)
at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(NonRegisteringDriver.java
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverManagerConnectionFactory.createConnecti
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory.makeObject(Poolable
at org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(GenericOb
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource.getConnection(PoolingDataSo
at commons.database.DatabaseFactory.getConnection(DatabaseFactory.java:1
at commons.database.DatabaseFactory.init(DatabaseFactory.java:126)
at commons.database.DatabaseFactory.init(DatabaseFactory.java:77)
at gameserver.GameServer.initUtilityServicesAndConfig(Unknown Source)
at gameserver.GameServer.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communicatio
ns link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driv
er has not received any packets from the server.
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Sou
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:407)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createCommunicationsException(SQLError.java:1
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(MysqlIO.java:346)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.coreConnect(ConnectionImpl.java:2334)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectWithRetries(ConnectionImpl.java:
... 21 more
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.connect(StandardSocketFactory.ja
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(MysqlIO.java:295)
... 23 more
[ERROR] 2012-11-10 15:59:37 - Critical Error - Thread: main terminated abnormaly
: java.lang.Error: DatabaseFactory not initialized!
java.lang.Error: DatabaseFactory not initialized!
at commons.database.DatabaseFactory.init(DatabaseFactory.java:136)
at commons.database.DatabaseFactory.init(DatabaseFactory.java:77)
at gameserver.GameServer.initUtilityServicesAndConfig(Unknown Source)
at gameserver.GameServer.main(Unknown Source)
Server terminated abnormaly ...
Server terminated ...
Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
Пытаюсь запустить оную сборку - Aion-Finish 3.0 Core Dev. 899
Установлена jaws6upd31
Буду очень благодарен за поддержку.
Заранее спасибо!
Сообщений: 3,401
Тем: 18
Зарегистрирован: Jan 2012
Could not create connection to database server
Сообщений: 2
Тем: 0
Зарегистрирован: Nov 2012
Romka Написал:Could not create connection to database server
Это я заметил, но как я уже только не пробовал конфигу перекрутить, ничего не получается.
Вот что сейчас у меня в ней есть, подскажите на что внимание обратить?
# Aion-Finish Game Server Configuration#
# To load server on this config file, please use command :
# java -Xms128m -Xmx1536m -ea -Xbootclasspath/p:./libs/jsr166.jar -cp ./libs/*:game.jar gameserver.GameServer /path/to/configuration/file.config > log/console.log &
# ===================================
# ===================================
# JDBC driver to use
database.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# JDBC database URL
database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3316/au_server_gs?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&autoReconnect=true
# Database user
database.user = root
# Database password
database.password =
# JDBC Connection Pool minimum size (concurrent connections)
database.connections.min = 5
# JDBC Connection Pool maximum size
database.connections.max = 10
# DAO Scripts context file
database.scriptcontext.descriptor = ./data/scripts/system/database.xml
# ===================================
# ===================================
# GameServer ID
gameserver.network.login.gsid = 1
# GameServer bind IP address (* for all available IP)
gameserver.network.client.host = *
# GameServer bind TCP port
gameserver.network.client.port = 7777
# Disable RDC server connection
gameserver.disable.rdcserver = false
# RDC (Remote Data Call) bind IP address
gameserver.network.rdc.client.host = *
# RDC bind TCP port
gameserver.network.rdc.client.port = 732
# GeoServer address
gameserver.network.geoserver.address = localhost:5550
# GeoServer password
gameserver.network.geoserver.password = password
# Online players limit
gameserver.network.client.maxplayers = 100
# Required access level to enter gameserver
# If set to bigger than 0 only GM's are able to connect
# and normal players can't see server on serverlist
# Default: 0
gameserver.network.client.requiredlevel = 0
# LoginServer location
gameserver.network.login.address =
# LoginServer password for this GameServer
gameserver.network.login.password = aion
# ChatServer location
gameserver.network.chat.address = localhost:9021
# ChatServer password for this ChatServer
gameserver.network.chat.password = password
# Enable debug information from network layer
gameserver.network.nio.debug = false
# Additional threads that are used to read network data
gameserver.network.nio.threads.read = 1
# Number of retries to do when reading a packet
gameserver.network.nio.threads.read.retries = 8
# Additional threads that are used to write network data
gameserver.network.nio.threads.write = 1
# Number of retries to do when writing a packet
gameserver.network.nio.threads.write.retries = 8
# Enable additional threads (workers) to handle data processing
gameserver.network.nio.threads.workers.enable = false
# Number of workers
gameserver.network.nio.threads.workers = 1
# Number of buffers by worker
gameserver.network.nio.threads.workers.buffers = 16
# Display/hide unknown packets received by server
gameserver.network.display.unknownpackets = false
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Max connection between choosen interval
gameserver.floodcontrol.maxconnection = 10
# Interval in minutes for max connection
# Ex: If max connexion= 10 and interval is 5, then the user will be able to connect only 10 times in 5 minutes.
gameserver.floodcontrol.interval = 5
# IPs not restricted
# Use "," if there is more than one ip (ex :,
gameserver.floodcontrol.exceptions =
# ===================================
# ===================================
# GameServer Name
gameserver.name = Aion-Finish
# Pattern for player names validation
# To enable UTF support for names - set this parameter to [a-zA-Z\u0410-\u042f\u0430-\u044f]{2,16}
gameserver.character.name.pattern = [a-zA-Z\u4E00-\u9FA5-\u4E00-\u9FFF]{2,20}
# Pattern for pet names validation
# To enable UTF support for names - set this parameter to [a-zA-Z\u0410-\u042f\u0430-\u044f]{2,16}
gameserver.pet.name.pattern = [a-zA-Z\u4E00-\u9FA5-\u4E00-\u9FFF]{2,16}
# Server Country Code(cc) South Korea=0 US=1 France=2 China=5 Taiwan=6
gameserver.country.code = 1
# Server Version
gameserver.version =
# Server Mode
# 1 = user can create characters from both factions
# 34 = user is bound to a faction, can't create more than 2 characters and can't enter the game world (character reservation mode)
# 128 = user is bound to a faction (can't create characters from both factions at the same time)
gameserver.mode = 1
# Character Passkey
# Enable or Disable Character Passkey
# Default: false (US retail is true)
gameserver.passkey.enable = false
# Enter the maximum number of incorrect password set to Character Passkey
# Default: 5 (retail server value)
gameserver.passkey.wrong.maxcount = 5
# Disable chat server connection
gameserver.disable.chatserver = true
# Enable Repurchase
gameserver.enable.repurchase = true
# Enable Purchase Limit
gameserver.enable.purchaselimit = true
# Purchase Limit restock time in hours
# Default: 4
gameserver.purchaselimit.restock.time = 4
# Display the server revision in player MOTD
gameserver.motd.revision.display = false
# Enable ratios limitation
gameserver.factions.ratio.limited = false
# When a faction ratio reach this value, it's not possible to create new characters of this faction
gameserver.factions.ratio.value = 50
# Minimum character level to take into account in ratio calculation
gameserver.factions.ratio.level = 10
# Minimum characters count in each faction needed before limiting ratios
gameserver.factions.ratio.minimum = 50
# Enable ration calculation to count faction characters with last_online limit
gameserver.factions.ratio.lastonline.enable = true
# Ratio calculation last_online limit in days
gameserver.factions.ratio.lastonline.days = 30
# Enable server freefly
gameserver.enable.freefly = true
# Log chat?
gameserver.log.chat = false
# Log item?
gameserver.log.item = false
# Serves internal language choice(Simplified form: cn | Traditional form:tw | English: en | French:fr | Russian:ru)
gameserver.lang = en
# Geo enabled
gameserver.enable.geo = false
# Whether opens the political line announcement prompt information
# Opening: true | Closure: false
gameserver.land.display = true
# BanWord enabled
# Default: true | close: false
gameserver.wordfilter.enabled = true
# BanWord count limit disconnect
gameserver.wordfilter.limittime = 3
# ===================================
# ===================================
# IngameShop Database
# Same database name as in your LS
# Default: au_server_ls
gameserver.aionshop.database = au_server_ls
# Enable IngameShop Gift
# Default: false
gameserver.aionshop.gift.enable = true
# Credits Exchange
# Default: false
gameserver.rate.tollexchange.enable = true
# Credits Exchange Restrictions
# Exchange Restriction available options: none, ap, kinah
# Default: none
gameserver.rate.tollexchange.restriction = none
# Credits Exchange Rate AP
# Default: 10
gameserver.rate.tollexchange.ap = 10
# Credits Exchange Rate Kinah
# Default: 100
gameserver.rate.tollexchange.kinah = 1000
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Display server rates when player enter in world
gameserver.rate.display.rates = false
# Regular experience rate for group members
gameserver.rate.regular.group.xp = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.group.xp = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.group.xp = 3
# Experience rate for single players
gameserver.rate.regular.xp = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.xp = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.xp = 3
# Item drop rate
gameserver.rate.regular.drop = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.drop = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.drop = 3
# Chest drop rate
gameserver.rate.chest.regular.drop = 1
gameserver.rate.chest.premium.drop = 2
gameserver.rate.chest.vip.drop = 3
# Gathering XP rates
gameserver.rate.regular.gathering.xp = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.gathering.xp = 1
gameserver.rate.vip.gathering.xp = 1
# Closure skill locking
# false The skill locking each time skill grows cannot surpass1
# true Each time skill growth number skill percentage influence
# When gathering obtains goods quantity also receives the above influence, manufacture quantity does not affect
# Supposes in advance : false
gameserver.rate.skill.lock = false
# Does not need to make the duty breakthrough manufacture gathering rank
# true Does not need to make the duty
# false Needs to make the duty
gameserver.rate.skill.quest = true
# Gathering Skill point leveling rates
gameserver.rate.regular.gathering.lvl = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.gathering.lvl = 1
gameserver.rate.vip.gathering.lvl = 1
# Crafting XP rates
gameserver.rate.regular.crafting.xp = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.crafting.xp = 1
gameserver.rate.vip.crafting.xp = 1
# Crafting Skill point leveling rates
gameserver.rate.regular.crafting.lvl = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.crafting.lvl = 1
gameserver.rate.vip.crafting.lvl = 1
# Quest XP rates
gameserver.rate.regular.quest.xp = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.quest.xp = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.quest.xp = 3
# Quest Kinah rate
gameserver.rate.regular.quest.kinah = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.quest.kinah = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.quest.kinah = 3
# Abyss points rate (can be 0.5 etc.)
# For PvE
gameserver.rate.regular.ap.npc = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.ap.npc = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.ap.npc = 3
# Abyss points rate (can be 0.5 etc.)
# For PvP
gameserver.rate.regular.ap.player = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.ap.player = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.ap.player = 3
# Abyss points lose rate (can be 0.5 etc.)
# For PvP
gameserver.rate.regular.ap.lost_player = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.ap.lost_player = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.ap.lost_player = 3
# Kinah rate
gameserver.rate.regular.kinah = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.kinah = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.kinah = 3
# Empyrean Crucible insignia reward rate
gameserver.rate.regular.insignia = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.insignia = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.insignia = 3
# DPGain percentage
gameserver.rate.regular.dp = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.dp = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.dp = 3
# PVP DpGain percentage
gameserver.rate.regular.pvpdp = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.pvpdp = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.pvpdp = 3
# Kills strange or the murder obtains the integral the percentage(The distinction is in turn plays the family, the member ordinary,VIPMember)
gameserver.rate.regular.gainjf = 1
gameserver.rate.premium.gainjf = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.gainjf = 3
# PVPAfter the death falls the goods the probability(The distinction is in turn plays the family, the member ordinary,VIPMember)
gameserver.rate.regular.pvpdrop = 3
gameserver.rate.premium.pvpdrop = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.pvpdrop = 1
# PVEAfter the death falls the goods the probability(The distinction is in turn plays the family, the member ordinary,VIPMember)
gameserver.rate.regular.pvedrop = 3
gameserver.rate.premium.pvedrop = 2
gameserver.rate.vip.pvedrop = 1
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Drop chance increasing formulas. There are 2 of them:
# 0 - slow growth up to 70 kills, then going very fast, 100% chance reached after 100 kills, takes more CPU resources
# 1 - adds 5% to previous chance (chance become 10 times bigger after each 50 kills)
# Default: 0
gameserver.drop.chance.formula = 0
# Number of NPCs to store in player's kill history to use in more precise drop calculations
# Default: 20
gameserver.drop.player.history = 20
# Minutes until NPC kill stats are reset for each player if not killed during that time
# Value -1 makes the stats to not expire, 0 - expires immediately (to use old calculation)
# Default: 15
gameserver.drop.history.expire = 15
# World drop chance for common quality items in %
# Default: 0.01
gameserver.world.drop.common = 0.01
# World drop chance for rare quality items in %
# Default: 0.005
gameserver.world.drop.rare = 0.005
# World drop chance for legendary quality items in %
# Default: 0.003
gameserver.world.drop.legendary = 0.003
# World drop chance for unique quality items in %
# Default: 0.003
gameserver.world.drop.unique = 0.003
# Disable drop rate reduction based on level difference between players and mobs
# Default: false
gameserver.disable.drop.reduction = false
# Enable or not the Drop quantity restriction based on item quality
# Default: false
gameserver.dropquantity.restriction.enabled = false
# Drop quantity restriction for blue items
# Default: 3
gameserver.dropquantity.restriction.blue = 3
# Drop quantity restriction for gold items
# Default: 2
gameserver.dropquantity.restriction.gold = 2
# Drop quantity restriction for orange items
# Default: 1
gameserver.dropquantity.restriction.orange = 1
# Chances are lowered with next item from the same item category
# Default: false
gameserver.itemcategory.restriction.enabled = false
# ===================================
# ===================================
# This parameter says what kind of cache should be used
# in CacheMap that is used for caching many things.
# Setting this value to true means that cache will be using
# soft references - what means, that objects will be in memory as long as possible
# and would be removed when there is little of memory.
# Setting this value to false mans that cache will be using
# weak references - what means, that objects will be in memory as long as they are
# strong achievable to
# Default: false
gameserver.cache.softcache = false
# If true then whole Player objects (with inventory etc) are cached as long
# as there is memory for them
# Default: false
gameserver.cache.players = false
# If true then whole PlayerCommonData are cached as long
# as there is memory for them
# Default: false
gameserver.cache.pcd = false
# If true then Account objects are cached as long as there is memory for them
# Default: false
gameserver.cache.accounts = false
# ===================================
# ===================================
# After the occupation of the fortress you can enter galleries
gameserver.enable.isNeedSiege = false
# Magic increases force setting
gameserver.magicalskill.max = 2700
# Speaking mode between factions
# 0 = default, factions can't speak together
# 1 = all players can speak to all others
# Default: 0
gameserver.factions.speaking.mode = 0
# Whisper mode between factions
# 0 = default, factions can't whisper each other
# 1 = all players can speak to one another
# Default: 0
gameserver.factions.whisper.mode = 0
# Searching players of opposite faction
# false : factions can't search each other
# true: factions can search each other
# Default: false
gameserver.factions.search.mode = false
# Skill auto learn mode
# true = no skill books are required
# false = need skill books to learn lvl1 skill
# Default: false
gameserver.skill.autolearn = false
# Stigma skills auto learn mode
# true = no stigma stones are required
# false = need stigma stones to learn this skills
# Default: false
gameserver.stigma.autolearn = false
# Retail like character deletion times
# true = it takes 7 days to delete a character that is level 20+
# false = characters get deleted in 5 minutes
# Default: true
gameserver.character.delete.retail = true
# Retail like emotions
# true = Players need to buy emotions
# false = Players have all emotions
# Default: true
gameserver.emotions.retail = false
# Retail like custom motion
# true = Players need to buy custom motions books
# false = Players have all custom motions
# Default: true
gameserver.motion.retail = true
# Disable aggressive behavior from monsters
# Default: false
gameserver.disable.mob.aggro = false
# Disable aggressive monsters following players in the sky
# Default: true
gameserver.disable.flyaggro.move = true
# Disable aggressive monsters following gliding players
# Default: false
gameserver.disable.glideaggro.move = false
# Use a specific skill to counter attack flying targets
# Default: false
gameserver.flyaggro.counterattack = false
# Skill to use for counter attacking
# Default: 17091 (Powerful Wind)
gameserver.flyaggro.counterskill = 17091
# Login level
# Default: 1
gameserver.Login.level = 1
# StartingClass level
# Default: 10
gameserver.StartingClass.level = 10
# Cube Size
# Default: 0
gameserver.Cube.size = 0
# Warehouse Size
# Default: 0
gameserver.Warehouse.size = 0
# Enable 2nd class change simple mode
# Default: false
gameserver.enable.simple.2ndclass = false
# Unstuck delay in seconds
# Default: 3600 (1 hour)
gameserver.unstuck.delay = 3600
# Enable instances (temporary config till instances will be mature)
# Default: true
gameserver.instances.enable = true
# Default Fly Time
# Default: 60 (60 seconds)
gameserver.base.flytime = 60
# Cross-Faction Binding
# Allows opposite factions to bind in enemy territories
# Default: false
gameserver.cross.faction.binding = false
# Enable/Disable Dredgion
gameserver.dredgion.enable = true
# Dredgion AP Bonus
gameserver.dredgion.ap.win.bonus = 3000
gameserver.dredgion.ap.lose.bonus = 1000
gameserver.chantradredgion.ap.win.bonus = 5000
gameserver.chantradredgion.ap.lose.bonus = 2500
# NPC relation aggresive
# This enables/disables the agression between NPCs
# Default: true
gameserver.npc.relation.aggro = true
# Maximum number of pvp kills on one player before receiving 1AP per kill in a time period.
# Default: 5
gameserver.pvp.maxkills = 5
# Time period in hours
# Default: 24
gameserver.pvp.period = 24
# Enable .ely, .asmo, .both chat channels
# Default: false
gameserver.channels.all.enabled = true
# Enable .world chat channel
# Default: false
gameserver.channels.world.enabled = false
# Time in seconds anti spam by Khaos
# Default: 30
gameserver.chat.talkdelay = 30
# Restriction level for use the global channel (higher then)
# Level restriction channel .world
# DefaultValue: 55
gameserver.channels.level.restriction = 55
# Show all connected players from both factions in research window
gameserver.search.listall = false
# Enable/Disable instance cooldown
gameserver.instance.cooldown = true
# Open / closed 2.5 copy into whether key is required ( not needed : 1 | Need to Preset: 0 or other value)
gameserver.staticdoortemplete.keyid = 0
# Announce for rare drops
# Shown message only for players that are situated on the same faction and location.
# Default: false
gameserver.announce.raredrops = false
# Kick players using speed hack
# Default: true
gameserver.kick.speedhack.enable = true
# Toggle CASTSPELL hack detection
# Default: true (active)
gameserver.log.castspell.targethack = true
gameserver.log.castspell.speedhack = true
gameserver.log.castspell.cooldownhack = true
# Ping minimun Interval to consider speed hack
# Default: 100000
gameserver.kick.speedhack.pinginterval = 100000
# Chain Trigger
# true = Chain Trigger Rate is enabled
# false = Chain Trigger Rate is disabled, Retail
# Default: false
gameserver.skill.chain.trigger = true
# Chain Trigger Rate
# 75 = 75% Trigger Rate
# Default: 75
gameserver.skill.chain.rate = 75
# Surveys
# true = Surveys is enabled and you can integrate with Web Shops(Players receive items on logon).
# false = Surveys is disabled.
# Default: true
gameserver.enable.surveys = true
# Enable the rewards for pvp kills
# Default: false
# (Reset all_kill from abyss_rank table before activate it)
gameserver.pvpreward.enable = false
# Set the kills needed to get a reward (do NOT set config to 0)
# Default: 5
gameserver.pvpreward.kills.needed1 = 5
# Default: 10
gameserver.pvpreward.kills.needed2 = 10
# Default: 15
gameserver.pvpreward.kills.needed3 = 15
# Select the item reward for pvp kills
# Default: 186000031 (Silver Medal)
gameserver.pvpreward.item.reward1 = 186000031
# Default: 186000030 (Golden Medal)
gameserver.pvpreward.item.reward2 = 186000030
# Default: 186000096 (Platinum Medal)
gameserver.pvpreward.item.reward3 = 186000096
# Minimum level to use search.
# Default: 10
search.level.restriction = 10
# Minimum level to use whisper.
# Default: 10
whisper.level.restriction = 10
# Allow players to control their experience gain with xpon / xpoff commands
# Default: false
gameserver.player.experience.control = false
# Time in seconds which character stays online
# after closing client window
# Default: 10
gameserver.disconnect.time = 10
# Disable rifts for opposing race.
# Default: false
gameserver.rift.race = false
# Minimum level for using rift.
# Default: 25
gameserver.rift.minimum.level = 25
# Calculate NPC stats based on level/rank
# Default: false
gameserver.npc.dynamicstat = false
# Set odd Basque limits
# False = unlimited
# Preset: false
gameserver.kisk.restriction = false
# ===========================
# Dark Poeta
# ===========================
# Point-factor setting
# Preset: 1
gameserver.darkpoeta.reward.point.rate = 1
# Level settings
# Time settings
# S class
# The preset time : 7200
# Preset points : 19643
gameserver.darkpoeta.grade.S.time = 7200
gameserver.darkpoeta.grade.S.points = 19643
# A class
# The preset time : 5400
# Preset points : 17046
gameserver.darkpoeta.grade.A.time = 5400
gameserver.darkpoeta.grade.A.points = 17046
# B class
# The preset time : 3600
# Preset points : 13055
gameserver.darkpoeta.grade.B.time = 3600
gameserver.darkpoeta.grade.B.points = 13055
# C class
# The preset time : 1800
# Preset points : 9334
gameserver.darkpoeta.grade.C.time = 1800
gameserver.darkpoeta.grade.C.points = 9334
# ----------------------------
# HTML Welcome Message
# ----------------------------
# Enable or Disable HTML Welcome Message
# To Edit this file, go to /data/static_data/HTML
# and open welcome.html
# remember to edit the messages just after <![CDATA[ tag
enable.html.welcome = true
# ----------------------------
# HTML Config
# ----------------------------
# Default: ./data/static_data/HTML/
html.root = ./data/static_data/HTML/
# Default: ./cache/html.cache
html.cache.file = ./cache/html.cache
# Default: UTF-8
html.encoding = UTF-8
# ----------------------------
# Top Ranking
# ----------------------------
# Time at what top ranking is updated.
# Default: 0:00:00
gameserver.topranking.time = 0:00:00
# Delay between two updates in hours
# Default: 24
gameserver.topranking.delay = 24
# ----------------------------
# Daily Quests
# ----------------------------
# Time at what daily quest is sent
# Default: 9:00:00
gameserver.dailyquest.time = 9:00:00
# ----------------------------
# Crafting settings
# ----------------------------
# SpeedUp, Regular and Critical Crafting Success chance Config
# SpeedUp default: 15
# Regular default: 33 (lower, easier)
# Critical default: 30
gameserver.crafting.speedupchance = 15
gameserver.regular.crafting.success = 33
gameserver.critical.crafting.success = 30
# Work Order collect items leftovers deleted or keeped as bonus
# Default: false
gameserver.workorder.bonus = false
# Only 2 Expert and Top Expert crafts and 1 Master craft available by default
# if true no limets at all.
# Default: false
gameserver.mastercraft.limit.disable = false
# ----------------------------
# Launch effects on critical
# ----------------------------
# Enable or Disable launching effects on critical
# Default: false
gameserver.criticaleffect = false
# ----------------------------
# Skills related to geodata
# ----------------------------
# Enable or Disable launching effects related to geodata
# Default: false(disabled)
gameserver.geodata.related.effects = false
# ----------------------------
# Advanced Stigma Slots on level up
# ----------------------------
# Automatic adv.stigmas (follow lvls of quests)
# level slots
# 45 2
# 50 3
# 52 4
# 55 5
# Default: false
gameserver.advstigmaslot.onlvlup = false
# ----------------------------
# Droplist Master Data Source
# xml : XML drops have precedence (SQL duplicates will get discarded)
# sql : SQL drops have precedence (XML duplicates will get overwritten by SQL values)
# ----------------------------
gameserver.droplist.master.source = xml
# ----------------------------
# Abyss Xform after logout
# ----------------------------
# Enable or Disable counting down of duration after logout on Abyss transformations
# Default: false
gameserver.abyssxform.afterlogout = false
# ----------------------------
# Pvp damage reduction
# ----------------------------
# Enable or Disable pvp damage reduction according to difference between attacker and targets level
# Default: false
gameserver.dmgreduction.lvldiffpvp = false
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Default: 98
gameserver.manastone.percent.slot1 = 98
# Default: 85
gameserver.manastone.percent.slot2 = 85
# Default: 75
gameserver.manastone.percent.slot3 = 75
# Default: 65
gameserver.manastone.percent.slot4 = 65
# Default: 55
gameserver.manastone.percent.slot5 = 55
# Default: 45
gameserver.manastone.percent.slot6 = 45
# Default: 35
gameserver.manastone.percent7.slot7 = 35
# Supplement Additional Success Rates
# Default: 10
gameserver.supplement.lesser = 10
# Default: 15
gameserver.supplement.regular = 15
# Default: 20
gameserver.supplement.greater = 20
# ===================================
# ===================================
# By Khaos
# Success Socketing (Fabled)
# Default: 100
gameserver.success.socketing.fabled = 100
# By Khaos
# Success Socketing (Eternal)
# Default: 100
gameserver.success.socketing.eternal = 100
# ===============================
# "High fall setting"
# ===============================
# Enable fall damage
gameserver.fall.damage.active = true
# The damage percentage per meter.
gameserver.fall.damage.percentage = 1.0
# Minimum fall height to receive damage.
gameserver.fall.damage.distance.minimum = 10
# Maximum fall height on which you will die when you hit the ground.
gameserver.fall.damage.distance.maximum = 50
# Maximum fall height after which you will die in mid air.
gameserver.fall.damage.distance.midair = 200
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Time in seconds after a group member is removed after he/she disconnected
gameserver.playergroup.removetime = 600
# Maximum distance in meters between killed monster and party member to receive XP
gameserver.playergroup.maxdistance = 100
# Time in seconds after a alliance member is removed after he/she disconnected
gameserver.playeralliance.removetime = 600
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Character patterns
gameserver.legion.pattern = [a-zA-Z\u0410-\u042f\u0430-\u044f 123456789]{2,16}
gameserver.legion.selfintropattern = [a-zA-Z\u0410-\u042f\u0430-\u044f 123456789]{2,25}
gameserver.legion.nicknamepattern = [a-zA-Z\u0410-\u042f\u0430-\u044f 123456789]{2,10}
gameserver.legion.announcementpattern = [A-Za-z0-9\-\\[\\u3002\uff0c\uff1b\uff1a\u201c\u201d\uff1f\uff01\uff5e\uff08\uff09\u3010\u3011\u300a\u300b\\]\<\>\(\)\!\?\?\|\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\+\=\/\,\.\'\"\;\:\_\{\}\~\`\u4E00-\u9FA5-\u4E00-\u9FFF]{2,120}
# Disband settings
gameserver.legion.disbandtime = 86400
gameserver.legion.disbanddifference = 604800
# Required Kinah to create a legion
gameserver.legion.creationrequiredkinah = 10000
# Legion Emblem settings
gameserver.legion.emblemrequiredkinah = 10000
# Legion level up settings
gameserver.legion.level2requiredkinah = 100000
gameserver.legion.level3requiredkinah = 1000000
gameserver.legion.level4requiredkinah = 5000000
gameserver.legion.level5requiredkinah = 25000000
gameserver.legion.level2requiredmembers = 10
gameserver.legion.level3requiredmembers = 20
gameserver.legion.level4requiredmembers = 30
gameserver.legion.level5requiredmembers = 40
gameserver.legion.level2requiredcontribution = 0
gameserver.legion.level3requiredcontribution = 20000
gameserver.legion.level4requiredcontribution = 100000
gameserver.legion.level5requiredcontribution = 500000
# Legion member settings
gameserver.legion.level1maxmembers = 30
gameserver.legion.level2maxmembers = 60
gameserver.legion.level3maxmembers = 90
gameserver.legion.level4maxmembers = 120
gameserver.legion.level5maxmembers = 150
# Legion functions
gameserver.legion.warehouse = false
gameserver.legion.inviteotherfaction = false
# Time in seconds for updating legion ranking
gameserver.legion.ranking.periodicupdate = 1200
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Enable NPC movement
gameserver.npc.movement.active = true
# The minimum time in seconds that the NPC waits before moving again.
gameserver.npc.movement.delay.minimum = 3
# The maximum time in seconds that the NPC waits before moving again.
gameserver.npc.movement.delay.maximum = 15
# ===================================
# ===================================
# With 500 player online saving can be up to 10 seconds
# (it depends on hardware, changes in item locations, new acquisitions etc)
# Generally accepted interval is 15-20 minutes
# Time in seconds for saving player data (player, abyss rank, quests, skills)
gameserver.periodicsave.player.general = 900
# Time in seconds for saving player items and item stones
gameserver.periodicsave.player.items = 900
# Time in seconds for saving legion wh items and item stones
gameserver.periodicsave.legion.items = 1200
# Time in seconds for saving broker
gameserver.periodicsave.broker = 1500
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Controls the "Prices:" value in influence tab.
gameserver.prices.default.prices = 100
# Hidden modifier for all prices.
gameserver.prices.default.modifier = 100
# Taxes: value = 100 + tax %
gameserver.prices.default.taxes = 100
gameserver.prices.vendor.buymod = 100
gameserver.prices.vendor.sellmod = 20
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Shutdown Settings.
# NOTE: This settings works only if shutdown is used from console.
# Shutdown Hook Mode. 1 = Shutdown, 2 = Restart.
gameserver.shutdown.mode = 1
# Shutdown Hook delay.
gameserver.shutdown.delay = 60
# Shutdown announce interval.
gameserver.shutdown.interval = 1
# This is a safe reboot mode.
# All action is disabled in shutdown progress.
gameserver.shutdown.safereboot = true
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Enable/Disable Siege Engine
gameserver.siege.enabled = true
# Siege schedule type.
# 1 for PVE schedule (daily vulnerable state)
# 2 for PVP oriented schedule (multiple vulnerables fortress at same time)
# any other value for test purpose (all fortress vulnerable)
gameserver.siege.schedule.type = 1
# Points Per Fortress
gameserver.siege.influence.fortress = 10
# Points Per Artifact
gameserver.siege.influence.artifact = 1
# Custom Abyss point reward when general is killed for default forteress
# Default: 20000
# Advised: 20000
gameserver.siege.apreward.default = 20000
# Custom Abyss point reward when general is killed for divine forteress
# Default: 40000
# Advised: 40000
gameserver.siege.apreward.divine = 40000
# Custom Abyss point reward when NPC guards is killed for all forteress
# Default: 100
# Advised: 250
gameserver.siege.apreward.npc = 250
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Item which is given by NPCs Laylin and Ronya
# Default: 160009017 (Vinna Juice)
gameserver.events.givejuice.elyos = 160009017
gameserver.events.givejuice.asmos = 160009017
# Item which is given by NPCs Brios and Bothen
# Default: 160009017 ([Event] Piece of Cake)
gameserver.events.givecake.elyos = 160010073
gameserver.events.givecake.asmos = 160010073
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Enable/disable deadlock detector (true/false)
gameserver.deadlock.enable = false
# Interval for deadlock detector run schedule (seconds)
gameserver.deadlock.interval = 300
# ===================================
# ===================================
thread.basepoolsize = 2
thread.threadpercore = 4
# Default: 5000
thread.runtime = 5000
# ===================================
# ===================================
# GM Level.
gameserver.administration.gmlevel = 5
# Display or not gm tags for different levels of admins/gms
# Default: true
gameserver.gmtag.display = true
# Different tags for gms according to AccessLevel
# Tag for Access Level 1
# Default: <SUPPORT>
gameserver.gmtag.level1 = SUPPORT
# Tag for Access Level 2
# Default: <ANIM>
gameserver.gmtag.level2 = ANIM
# Tag for Access Level 3
# Default: <GM>
gameserver.gmtag.level3 = GM
# Tag for Access Level 4
# Default: <HEADGM>
gameserver.gmtag.level4 = HEADGM
# Tag for Access Level 5
# Default: <ADMIN>
gameserver.gmtag.level5 = ADMIN
# Announce on GM connection
# GM name is announced to players on login
gameserver.announce.gm.connection = false
# Invisible on GM connection
# GM login invisible
gameserver.invis.gm.connection = false
# Invulnerable on GM connection
# GM login invulnerable
gameserver.invul.gm.connection = false
# Neutral on GM connection
# GM login neutral
gameserver.neutral.gm.connection = true
# Silent on GM connection
# GM login in whisper refusal mode
gameserver.silence.gm.connection = false
# Speed Up on GM connection
# Gm logins with setted speed stats value
gameserver.speed.gm.connection = 0
# Unlimited Flight Time for GMs
gameserver.administration.flight.unlimited = 5
# Free Flight Everywhere for GMs
gameserver.administration.flight.freefly = 5
# Shields hurt players with this access level and below
gameserver.administration.shield.vulnerable = 0
# Minimum required level for being able to enter instances without group
gameserver.administration.instancenogroup = 5
# Special skill
gameserver.administration.special.skill = 3
# ===================================
# ===================================
# Various AI-related tasks
gameserver.administration.command.ai = 5
# Adds an item to your inventory
gameserver.administration.command.add = 5
# Adds an item set to your inventory
gameserver.administration.command.addset = 5
# Adds drop entry
gameserver.administration.command.adddrop = 5
# Add emotion
gameserver.administration.command.addemotion = 5
# Add target player skill
gameserver.administration.command.addskill = 5
# All Commads
gameserver.administration.command.allcommads = 5
# Remove target player skills
gameserver.administration.command.delskill = 5
# Add title to player
gameserver.administration.command.addtitle = 5
# This command send fakeserverpackets to the server for test porpouses, Used by Developers
gameserver.administration.command.advsendfakeserverpacket = 5
# The message is sent to all players chatbox
gameserver.administration.command.announce = 5
# Announce for only one faction (asmo/ely)
gameserver.administration.command.announce_faction = 5
# Announcements
gameserver.administration.command.announcements = 5
# All ban and unban commands (//ban, //unban, //banip, //unbanip)
gameserver.administration.command.ban = 5
# Bookmark command
gameserver.administration.command.bk = 5
# Configures properties on runtime
gameserver.administration.command.configure = 5
# Charge level of Conditioning
gameserver.administration.command.charge = 5
# Self explanatory
gameserver.administration.command.deletespawn = 5
# Command to remove all buff effect of the player
gameserver.administration.command.dispel = 5
# Command to manage dredgion instance
gameserver.administration.command.dredgion = 5
# Dye a player
gameserver.administration.command.dye = 5
# Dye amount if normal player
gameserver.administration.command.dyeamount = 1000000
# Gag and ungag
gameserver.administration.command.gag = 5
# Find a location GPS
gameserver.administration.command.gps = 5
# Give missing skills to self
gameserver.administration.command.givemissingskills = 5
# Teleport youself to specified place name
# Example: //goto poeta
gameserver.administration.command.goto = 5
# Restores target hp/mp/dp
gameserver.administration.command.heal = 5
# Print target info
gameserver.administration.command.info = 5
# Make you invis/vis
gameserver.administration.command.invis = 5
# Switch to Invulnerable / Vulnerable
gameserver.administration.command.invul = 5
# Disconnect the player
gameserver.administration.command.kick = 5
# Kill target
gameserver.administration.command.kill = 5
# Add Kinah to self or target/named player
gameserver.administration.command.kinah = 5
# Legion command allows you to disband/setlevel/setpoints of a legion
gameserver.administration.command.legion = 5
# Show all connected players from both factions when opening research window
gameserver.administration.search.listall = 5
# Morph command
gameserver.administration.command.morph = 5
# Move player1 to player2 location
gameserver.administration.command.moveplayertoplayer = 5
# Move player to location XYZ
gameserver.administration.command.moveplayerto = 5
# Teleport to specified XYZ coordinates
gameserver.administration.command.moveto = 5
# Teleport to specified NPC
gameserver.administration.command.movetonpc = 5
# Move player to my position
gameserver.administration.command.movetome = 5
# Transfer team to your location
gameserver.administration.command.grouptome = 5
# Teleport you to player position
gameserver.administration.command.movetoplayer = 5
# Command to watch cutscenes. Used by quest writers
gameserver.administration.command.movie = 5
# Make yourself appear neutral to both factions
gameserver.administration.command.neutral = 5
# The message is sent to all players chatbox and a message appear in center screen
gameserver.administration.command.notice = 5
# Who is allowed to handle petitions
gameserver.administration.command.petition = 5
# Playerinfo command
gameserver.administration.command.playerinfo = 5
# Prison command
gameserver.administration.command.prison = 5
# Give admin rights to player
gameserver.administration.command.promote = 5
# Quest steps control (admin/GM)
gameserver.administration.command.questcommand = 5
# Restart quest (player)
# Default: 5 (turned off)
gameserver.administration.command.questcommandplayers = 5
# Command to remove all buff effect of the player
gameserver.administration.command.recall = 5
# Reload all command
gameserver.administration.command.reload = 5
# Reload all spawn data from files
gameserver.administration.command.reloadspawns = 5
# Remove command allow remove an item from player
gameserver.administration.command.remove = 5
# Resurrect a target player
gameserver.administration.command.resurrect = 5
# Revoke admin rights to player
gameserver.administration.command.revoke = 5
# Command to add fly rings
gameserver.administration.command.ring = 5
# Save all spawn data to files (Directory to save GameServer/data/static_data/spawns/new)
gameserver.administration.command.savespawndata = 5
# Speak as player or a NPC
gameserver.administration.command.say = 5
# This commands sends packets to the server for test porpouses, Used by Developers
gameserver.administration.command.sendfakeserverpacket = 5
gameserver.administration.command.sendrawpacket = 5
# Set target player ap
gameserver.administration.command.setap = 5
# Set target player class
gameserver.administration.command.setclass = 5
# Set target player experience amount
gameserver.administration.command.setexp = 5
# Sets target player level
gameserver.administration.command.setlevel = 5
# Set title target player title
gameserver.administration.command.settitle = 5
# Modify current siege values
gameserver.administration.command.siege = 5
# Switch to not whisperable / whisperable
gameserver.administration.command.silence = 5
# Self explanatory
gameserver.administration.command.spawnnpc = 5
# Temporary increases speed of character
gameserver.administration.command.speed = 5
gameserver.administration.command.speed.maxvalue = 500
# Spy command
gameserver.administration.command.spy = 5
# Show gamestats about selected target
gameserver.administration.command.stat = 5
# Sent email
gameserver.administration.command.sysmail = 5
# System commands
gameserver.administration.command.system = 5
# Self explanatory
gameserver.administration.command.unloadspawn = 5
# Unstuck player
gameserver.administration.command.unstuck = 5
# Change weather of a region a reset weather in the world
gameserver.administration.command.weather = 5
# Ban / Unban players from .world / .ely / .asmo channels
gameserver.administration.command.worldban = 5
# Prints zone info (//zone) or refreshes currect zone (//zone refresh)
gameserver.administration.command.zone = 5
# Returns how many players are online
gameserver.administration.command.online = 5
# Command to fix Z coordinate of mob
gameserver.administration.command.fixz = 5
# Command to fix heading of mob
gameserver.administration.command.fixh = 5
# Rename named player to new specified and valid name
gameserver.administration.command.rename = 5
# HTML commands
gameserver.administration.command.html = 5
# Adds 9 slots expansion to player inventory
gameserver.administration.command.addcube = 5
# Npc is moved to admin and saved to DB
gameserver.administration.command.recallnpc = 5
# Removes skill/item cooldowns from player
gameserver.administration.command.removecd = 5
# Set the seestate of target to allow him to see player in hide or gms
gameserver.administration.command.see = 5
# List GMs online
gameserver.administration.command.gmonline = 0
# Character Passkey Reset
gameserver.administration.command.passkey = 5
# Player Power Up
gameserver.administration.command.powerup = 5
# Returns who is online
gameserver.administration.command.who = 5
# Applies appearance preset on the selected player
gameserver.administration.command.preset = 5
# Print target Drop info
gameserver.administration.command.dropinfo = 5
# Enchant item
gameserver.administration.command.enchant = 5
# Insert godstone to item
gameserver.administration.command.godstone = 5
# Socket command
gameserver.administration.command.socket = 5
# Add a specified effect to a target
gameserver.administration.command.addeffect = 5
# Add Credits
gameserver.administration.command.addcredits = 5
# Transfer a duel
gameserver.administration.command.gotoarena = 5
# The prohibition of MAC
gameserver.administration.command.banmac = 5
# ===================================
# Custom NO Retail Functions
# ===================================
# command to reset motion on yourself and OTHERS
# This command can reset all motion types while leaving them learned, or can wipe them completely (you have to re-purchase)
# Allowing regular users this command variant is not adviseable. It is very powerful!
# Default: 5
gameserver.administration.command.resetmotion.full = 5
# Allow remodel all (Excludes items blocked by client)
# Default: false
gameserver.item.remodel_all = false
# Custom PVP Command
# Default: 5
gameserver.administration.command.pvp = 5
# Game groupmembers size
# Default: 6
# Event or test purpose 6+
gameserver.groupmembers.size = 6
# ===================================
# Wedding
# ===================================
# Wedding System
# GM must be online to wed the couple
# Default: 5
gameserver.administration.command.wedding = 5
# Cooldown on GotoLove Command in Seconds
# Default: 3600 (1 hour) to prevent exploitation
gameserver.enable.gotolove.cooldown = 3600
# Teleport Delay for GotoLove Command in seconds
gameserver.enable.gotolove.telelportdelay = 10
# ===================================
# Events
# ===================================
# Command for teleport all Players who have sub to event
gameserver.administration.command.startevent = 5
# Command for subscribe to an event
gameserver.administration.command.goevent = 0
# Command to manage Team vs Team
gameserver.administration.command.tvt = 5
# Active Battlegrounds
# Default: true
gameserver.battlegrounds.enable = true
# Active Arena Teams
# Default: true
gameserver.arenateam.enable = true
Сообщений: 1,314
Тем: 38
Зарегистрирован: Mar 2010
[SRC="java"]# ===================================
# ===================================
# JDBC driver to use
database.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# JDBC database URL
database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3316/au_server_gs?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&autoReconnect=true
# Database user
database.user = root
# Database password
database.password =[/SRC]
1. БД установлена?
2. порт точно 3316
3. пароль то введите