Заменил но че за ошибки я виделил их красным
но выходят оч много ошибок вот смотри
вот еще куча ошибок при запуске сервера
но выходят оч много ошибок вот смотри
Making a full backup into 11.04.2010-16'42'09_backup_full.sql
"mysqldump.exe" не является внутренней или внешней
командой, исполняемой программой или пакетным файлом.
Backup complite 11.04.2010-16'42'09_backup_full.sql
Starting L2P Game Server.
16:42:09.312 Loading gameserver config.
16:42:09.468 Gameserver Version: 17352M, build date: 2009.10.22 21:56
16:42:09.500 Abuse: Loaded 18 abuse words.
16:42:09.609 loading xml GMAccess
16:42:09.687 MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
16:42:09.984 Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true
; trace: 10]
16:42:10.171 Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSourc
e [ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 100,
autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure
-> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectio
nTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSource
Name -> oy8qpe871tq8p9hcifs6p|1e87719, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> f
alse, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLoc
ation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> oy8q
pe871tq8p9hcifs6p|1e87719, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 60, initialPoolSize -> 1,
jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jphoenix, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, m
axConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 600, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, max
PoolSize -> 50, maxStatements -> 100, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSi
ze -> 1, numHelperThreads -> 5, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, pref
erredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCy
cle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, u
nreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]
16:42:10.718 Loaded 414 translit entrys
16:42:10.750 Clear characters online status and accesslevel.
16:42:10.765 Total cleaned 0 elements from database.
16:42:10.812 IdFactory: Extracting 0 used id's from data tables...
16:42:10.812 IdFactory: Successfully extracted 0 used id's from data tables.
16:42:10.812 IDFactory: 102912 id's available.
16:42:10.875 CrestCache: Loaded 0 crests
WARNING: Unused table #abnormal_lv for skill 823
WARNING: Unused table #abnormal_lv for skill 824
16:42:18.281 SkillsEngine: Loaded 59239 skill templates from XML files. Max id:
26073, max level: 259
16:42:24.859 PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1888 skills.
WARNING: item 12817 action attached skill not done: Yellow Talisman - Increase F
WARNING: item 14104 action attached skill not done: Agathion Collection[id=5780,
WARNING: item 14027 action attached skill not done: Agathion Collection[id=5780,
WARNING: item 13543 action attached skill not done: Agathion Collection[id=5780,
16:42:26.250 ItemTable: Loaded 2513 Armors.
16:42:26.359 ItemTable: Loaded 9471 Items.
16:42:26.968 ItemTable: Loaded 3337 Weapons.
16:42:27.250 ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 167 armor sets.
16:42:27.703 TradeController: Loaded 4 file(s).
16:42:27.703 TradeController: Loaded 27442 Items.
16:42:27.703 TradeController: Loaded 811 Buylists.
16:42:28.421 RecipeController: Loaded 936 Recipes.
ща еще ошибок выложу backup.sql надо залить говорит и еще
"mysqldump.exe" не является внутренней или внешней
командой, исполняемой программой или пакетным файлом.
вот еще куча ошибок при запуске сервера
16:42:41.968 Players droplist load skipped
16:42:41.984 NpcTable: Loaded 512 Minions.
16:42:41.984 NpcTable: Loaded 1604 SkillLearn entrys.
16:42:42.000 HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
16:42:42.109 HennaTreeTable: Loaded 8134 Henna Tree Templates.
16:42:42.953 LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.
16:42:43.406 Geo Engine: - Loading Geodata...
16:42:43.406 Geo Engine: - Loaded 0 map(s), max layers: 1
16:42:46.531 Geo Engine: - Compacted 0 of 0 blocks... Optimized ~0 Mb of memory
DoorId: 20160009, collision: 315.0, posx: 13841, posy: -51703, xMin: 13526, yMin
: -52034
16:42:47.718 door 20220009 has zero size
16:42:48.062 door 21240005 has zero size
16:42:48.062 door 21240006 has zero size
DoorId: 22130004, collision: 435.0, posx: 80197, posy: -151587, xMin: 79730, yMi
n: -152022
DoorId: 22130005, collision: 429.0, posx: 74915, posy: -151587, xMin: 74229, yMi
n: -152016
16:42:49.328 door 22190007 has zero size
16:42:49.328 door 22190009 has zero size
16:42:49.500 door 22250005 has zero size
16:42:49.984 door 23220007 has zero size
16:42:49.984 door 23220009 has zero size
16:42:50.062 door 23250009 has zero size
DoorId: 24160021, collision: 435.0, posx: 150106, posy: -47523, xMin: 149636, yM
in: -47958
DoorId: 24160022, collision: 435.0, posx: 144824, posy: -47523, xMin: 144182, yM
in: -47958
DoorId: 24180006, collision: 338.0, posx: 145201, posy: 5504, xMin: 144863, yMin
: 5119
DoorId: 24180011, collision: 336.0, posx: 149711, posy: 5504, xMin: 149375, yMin
: 5119
DoorId: 25150052, collision: 340.0, posx: 173402, posy: -76721, xMin: 173050, yM
in: -77061
DoorId: 25150054, collision: 318.0, posx: 174792, posy: -76730, xMin: 174474, yM
in: -77073
DoorId: 25150056, collision: 314.0, posx: 174805, posy: -75336, xMin: 174491, yM
in: -75655
DoorId: 25150058, collision: 323.0, posx: 173416, posy: -75326, xMin: 173071, yM
in: -75649
DoorId: 25150062, collision: 208.0, posx: 174631, posy: -82513, xMin: 174423, yM
in: -82819
16:42:53.484 DoorTable: Loaded 995 doors.
16:42:55.359 TerritoryTable: Loaded 10003 locations
16:42:55.406 Zone for territory 42014 already defined
16:42:55.406 ZoneManager: Loaded 940 zones
16:42:55.500 TerritoryTable: Added 939 locations to L2World
16:42:55.812 Loaded: 9 castles.
Siege of Gludio: Sat Apr 17 20:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Dion: Sat Apr 17 20:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Giran: Sun Apr 18 16:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Oren: Sun Apr 18 16:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Aden: Sat Apr 17 20:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Innadril: Sun Apr 18 16:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Goddard: Sun Apr 18 16:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Rune: Sat Apr 17 20:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Schuttgart: Sat Apr 17 20:00:00 MSD 2010
16:42:55.859 Initializing FortressManager
16:42:56.453 Loaded: 21 fortresses.
16:42:56.484 Error while loading envoy(s) for Western Fortress
16:42:56.484 Error while loading envoy(s) for Western Fortress
16:42:56.484 Error while loading envoy(s) for Western Fortress
16:42:56.484 Not found envoy Npc`s for Western Fortress
16:42:56.500 Initializing ClanHallManager.
16:42:57.953 Loaded: 44 ClanHalls.
16:42:58.031 110 doors attached to ClanHalls
Siege of Fortress of the Dead: Wed Apr 14 18:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Fortress of Resistance: Mon Apr 12 18:00:00 MSD 2010
Siege of Devastated Castle: Tue Apr 13 18:00:00 MSD 2010
16:42:58.031 Manor System: Initializing...
16:42:58.625 Spawned 2000 npc
16:42:58.812 Spawned 4000 npc
16:42:58.906 Spawned 5000 npc
16:42:59.375 Spawned 11000 npc
16:42:59.625 Spawned 14000 npc
16:43:00.421 Spawned 16000 npc
16:43:00.703 Spawned 19000 npc
16:43:00.781 Spawned 20000 npc
16:43:01.015 Spawned 22000 npc
16:43:01.109 Spawned 23000 npc
16:43:01.296 Spawned 25000 npc
16:43:01.515 Spawned 26000 npc
16:43:01.734 Spawned 27000 npc
16:43:03.015 Spawned 30000 npc
16:43:03.296 Spawned 32000 npc
16:43:03.546 Spawned 34000 npc
16:43:03.718 Spawned 36000 npc
16:43:03.718 RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 0 Statuses
16:43:03.843 Spawned 37000 npc
16:43:03.921 Spawned 38000 npc
16:43:04.015 Spawned 39000 npc
16:43:04.140 SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!
16:43:04.140 SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice is currently owned by Revolutionar
ies of Dusk.
16:43:04.140 SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis is currently owned by Lords of Dawn
16:43:04.140 SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife is currently owned by Lords of Dawn
16:43:04.140 SevenSigns: The Competition this week, if the trend continue, will
end with a tie.
16:43:04.140 SevenSigns: Next period begins in 1 days, 1 hours and 17 mins.
16:43:04.156 SpawnTable: Loaded 17842 Npc Spawn Locations. Total NPCs: 39612
16:43:04.156 Monsters inventory loaded, items: 0
Utilites Loaded
Loaded Service: Nick change
Loaded Service: Teleport to catacombs
BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.
Loaded Boss: Baium. Next spawn date: Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 MSK 1970
Loaded Quest: 1001: Wake Up Baium
Loaded Service: Evolve Improved Baby Cougar
Loaded Service: Mana Regen
Warning: non-quest item Gazkh Fragment (8782) in quest drop in _641_AttackSailre
Loaded Event: Christmas [state: deactivated]
Loaded Event: Gludin Arena
Loaded Quest: 1202: Crystal Caverns
Loaded Service: Villagemasters [Changing occupations]
Warning: non-quest item Contaminated Kasha Spider Venom (10869) in quest drop in
Loaded Service: Subclass Skills
Loaded Event: The Flow Of The Horror [state: deactivated]
Loaded Event: Tournament [state: deactivated]
Loaded Service: NPC RemoveDeathPenalty
Loaded Service: Rate bonus
Loaded Service: Summon a corpse
Loaded Quest: 999: T1 Tutorial Quest
Loaded Service: NPCBuffer [state: deactivated]
Loaded Event: Coffer of Shadows [state: deactivated]
Warning: non-quest item Dinosaur Fang Necklace (8785) in quest drop in _688_Defe
SailrenManager : State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.
SailrenManager : Next spawn date of Sailren is Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 MSK 1970.
Loaded Service: Evolve Wolf
Loaded Service: Hero Items
Warning: non-quest item Orc Grave Goods (8088) in quest drop in _644_GraveRobber
Warning: non-quest item Neti's Bow (1181) in quest drop in _403_PathToRogue
Warning: non-quest item Neti's Dagger (1182) in quest drop in _403_PathToRogue
Loaded Event: Transport [state: deactivated]
Kamaloka Gate Loaded
Warning: non-quest item Bones of a Plains Dinosaur (8776) in quest drop in _643_
Warning: non-quest item Dinosaur Tissue (8774) in quest drop in _642_APowerfulPr
Warning: non-quest item Dinosaur Egg (8775) in quest drop in _642_APowerfulPrime
Loaded Event: The Fall Harvest [state: deactivated]
Loaded Event: TvT Arena 3 [state: deactivated]
Loaded Event: TvT Arena 2 [state: deactivated]
Loaded Event: TvT Arena 1 [state: deactivated]
Warning: Excuro's Skin (2779) multiple times in quest drop in _222_TestOfDuelist
Warning: Krator's Shard (2780) multiple times in quest drop in _222_TestOfDuelis
Warning: Grandi's Skin (2781) multiple times in quest drop in _222_TestOfDuelist
Warning: Timak Orc's Belt (2782) multiple times in quest drop in _222_TestOfDuel
Warning: Lakin's Mace (2783) multiple times in quest drop in _222_TestOfDuelist
Loaded Service: Pagan Doormans
Warning: non-quest item Rusted Bronze Sword (1142) in quest drop in _401_PathToW
Loaded Service: Fantasy Isle
Loaded Service: Evolve Improved Baby Kookaburra
Warning: non-quest item Attribute Master's Sword (male) (13845) in quest drop in
Warning: non-quest item Attribute Master's Sword (female) (13881) in quest drop
in _10275_ContainingTheAttributePower
Warning: non-quest item Red Gem (8765) in quest drop in _662_AGameOfCards
Loaded Event: L2 Medal Collection Event [state: deactivated]
Loaded Service: Teleport to Fantasy Isle
16:43:06.234 ManorManager: Loaded 266 seeds
Loaded Service: Expand CWH
Loaded Service: Caravan
Loaded Quest: 1003: Sailren
AntharasManager : State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.
AntharasManager : Next spawn date of Antharas is Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 MSK 1970.
Loaded Event: Dion Arena
Loaded Service: Expand Inventory
Loaded Event: Last Hero
Loaded Service: 1103: Oracle Teleport
Warning: non-quest item Crescent Moon Bow (3028) in quest drop in _224_TestOfSag
Loaded Service: Expand Warehouse
Warning: non-quest item Penitent's Manacles (4425) in quest drop in _422_RepentY
Warning: non-quest item Thief Guild's Mark (8099) in quest drop in _649_ALootera
Loaded Event: l2day [state: deactivated]
OnActionShift Loaded
Loaded Service: ClanHall Pet Evolution
Warning: non-quest item Pipette Knife (4665) in quest drop in _234_FatesWhisper
16:43:06.671 PetDataTable: Loaded 1516 pets.
Loaded Service: Villagemasters [Clan Operations]
Loaded Service: Window
Loaded Service: Ride Hire
16:43:06.734 Unevenly distributed hash code - Degraded Preformance
Loaded Service: Bash [enabled]
Service: Bash - RSS data download completed.
Service: Bash - RSS data parsed: loaded 100 quotes.
ValakasManager : State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.
ValakasManager : Next spawn date of Valakas is Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 MSK 1970.
Warning: non-quest item Hestia's Fairy Stone (8490) in quest drop in _509_TheCla
Warning: non-quest item Nucleus of Lesser Golem (8491) in quest drop in _509_The
Loaded Event: TvT
Loaded Service: Birthday
Loaded Service: Obtain Talisman
Loaded Event: Change of Heart[state: deactivated]
Loaded Service: Villagemasters [Alliance Operations]
Loaded Service: Border Outpost Doormans
Loaded Service: Enter Hellbound Island
Warning: non-quest item Sword of Binding (3029) in quest drop in _229_TestOfWitc
Loaded Service: Evolve Improved Baby Buffalo
Loaded Service: Evolve Fenrir
Loaded Event: Underground Arena #1
Warning: non-quest item Symbol of Loyalty (3837) in quest drop in _501_ProofOfCl
Warning: non-quest item Herb of Vanor (3833) in quest drop in _501_ProofOfClanAl
Warning: non-quest item Herb of Harit (3832) in quest drop in _501_ProofOfClanAl
Warning: non-quest item Herb of Oel Mahum (3834) in quest drop in _501_ProofOfCl
Warning: non-quest item Old Knight's Sword (3027) in quest drop in _212_TrialOfD
Loaded Service: Nobless sell
Loaded Service: Pushkin
Loaded Event: Final Shop [state: deactivated]
Loaded Event: Giran Arena
Warning: non-quest item Cursed Grave Goods (8089) in quest drop in _645_GhostsOf
Warning: non-quest item Cybellin's Dagger (3471) in quest drop in _335_TheSongOf
Loaded Event: AutoAnnouncer [state: deactivated]
Loaded Service: Bonus [state: deactivated]
Warning: non-quest item Energy Ore (10866) in quest drop in _269_InventionAmbiti
Loaded Quest: 1002: Antharas
Loaded Service: Grand Isle of Prayer Race
Loaded Service: Item Broker
Warning: non-quest item Rider's Mark (13856) in quest drop in _10273_GoodDayToFl
Loaded Service: Enter Nornils Garden
16:43:23.078 FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
16:43:23.093 FishRewardsTable: Loaded 919 FishRewards.
Loaded Quest: 1201: Dark Cloud Mansion
Loaded Service: Nick color change
Loaded Service: Teleport to Race Track
16:43:23.203 DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
16:43:23.203 DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 150 dimensional rift spawns, 0 erro
16:43:23.250 InstancedZoneManager: Loaded 35 zones with 35 rooms.
16:43:23.250 InstancedZoneManager: Loaded 74 instanced location spawns, 0 error
16:43:23.250 Lottery: Starting ticket sell for lottery #18.
16:43:23.265 Initializing AugmentationData.
16:43:23.531 AugmentationData: Loaded: 34 augmentation file stats.
16:43:23.531 AugmentationData: Loaded: 1780 skills
16:43:23.546 StaticObject: Loaded 29 StaticObject Templates.
16:43:23.593 AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 50 handlers in total.
16:43:23.609 AutoChatHandler: Loaded 14 handlers in total.
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: Period Ends....
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: In 19 days, 7 hours and 17 mins.
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in....
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: In 7 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Noblesses
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 1 hours and
17 mins.
16:43:23.609 Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sun Apr 11 18:00:23 MSD 20
16:43:23.625 Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
16:43:23.625 Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
16:43:23.625 CursedWeaponsManager: Initializing
16:43:23.640 CursedWeaponsManager: Loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).
16:43:23.640 ItemHandler: Loaded 2341 handlers.
16:43:23.640 AdminCommandHandler: Loaded 312 handlers.
16:43:23.640 UserCommandHandler: Loaded 15 handlers.
16:43:23.640 VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 23 handlers.
16:43:23.656 MercTicketManager: Initializing
16:43:23.656 MercTicketManager: Loaded 0 Mercenary Tickets
16:43:23.656 Initializing L2VehicleManager
16:43:23.671 L2VehicleManager: Loaded 6 vehicles.
16:43:23.687 IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879003701
16:43:23.687 Initializing AuctionManager
16:43:23.765 Loaded: 38 auction(s)
16:43:23.781 TeleportController: Loaded 591 locations.
16:43:23.781 AutoRestart scheduled through 14h 17m
16:43:23.781 GameServer Started
16:43:23.781 Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 3000
16:43:27.484 GameServer: Connecting to LoginServer on
16:43:27.750 Restored 0 offline traders
16:43:33.875 Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz
16:43:42.625 Free memory 1037 Mb of 1380 Mb