Рейтинг темы:
  • 4 Голос(ов) - 5 в среднем
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  • 5
Ghost++ , GhostOne - Скачать - Установить - Настроить
ZerKarah Написал:
### make the ban announcement on one line ( = 0) (if possible) or on two ( = 1)
bot_twolinesbanannouncement = 1

### custom text to add to version.
bot_customversiontext =

### auto ban people who leave during the countdown
bot_autobancountdown = 0

### auto ban people who leave during the game load
bot_autobangameloading = 0

bot_autohostdeniedcountries =

bot_autohostallowedcountries =

### UDP port on which the bot communicates with GHost One GUI, 5868 default
udp_guiport = 5868

# In LAN/GArena show the real number of current/total players in the game, when using !pubg it will be auto activated
lan_showrealslotcount = 0


# Actual Config Below  #

### fake pings for the following players, space separated: ex = nick1 nick2
bot_fakepings =

### when !end is issued, a message is sent to the enemy team and the game ends only if someone accepts, replying with !end (only for 2 team maps)
bot_endreq2ndteamaccept = 0

### normal bans will expire in x days - set to 0 to be permanent
bot_bantime = 180

### normal banlast/bl will expire in x days - set to 0 to be permanent
bot_banlasttime = 30

### tbanlast/tbl will expire in x days - set to 0 to be permanent
bot_tbanlasttime = 30

### how many warns are needed to auto-ban the player. Default: 3.
bot_banthewarnedplayerquota = 3

### how many days will the auto-ban from warns last. 0 - permanent ban. Default: 14.
bot_bantimeofwarnedplayer = 14

### how many days will each warn last. 0 - permanent warn. Default: 14.
bot_warntimeofwarnedplayer = 14

### how many games should the player play (without taking another warn) to make one of his warns inactive. Default: 7
bot_gamenumtoforgetawarn = 7

### if 0, autowarning is off. Default: 0.
bot_autowarnearlyleavers = 0

### Prints the gameloaded.txt message after X seconds. Default: 10.
bot_gameloadedprintout = 10

### handle ip bans: 0 = do nothing, 1 = kick, 2 = announce only (no kick).
bot_ipbanning = 2

### handle name bans: 0 = do nothing, 1 = kick, 2 = announce only (no kick).
bot_banning = 1

# Drop the user if he/she desyncs or not?
bot_dropifdesync = 1

# the log file
bot_log =

# Show a message when a safe/admin/rootadmin/chieftain/shaman joins the channel
bot_channeljoingreets = 1
# Admins will be able to delete only bans they've made
bot_adminslimitedunban = 0

# Announce +1 and +2 (players left to join) in lobby (only if not autohosted)
bot_lobbyannounceunoccupied = 1

# Auto set HCL based on game name,ex: -arso EU pros will set HCL to arso (only if map_defaulthcl is defined, for ex: map_defaulthcl = ar), will set hcl to empty if no mode is detected in the gamename
bot_autohclfromgamename = 1

# whether players who use censored words are auto muted for x seconds
bot_censormute = 0
# also auto mute admins
bot_censormuteadmins = 0
# mute for x seconds, the first time a player curses
bot_censormutefirstseconds = 60
# mute for x seconds, the second time a player curses
bot_censormutesecondseconds = 180
# mute for x seconds, if a player has cursed for 3 or more times
bot_censormuteexcessiveseconds = 360

lan_war3version = 26

# Disable nagle algorithm (TCPIP algorithm that can slow down the network) - may improve latency if you set to 1
tcp_nodelay = 0

# Path to your WC3TVRecorder ex: c:\Program Files\waaaghTV Recorder\
wtv_path = C:\Program Files\WaaaghTV Recorder\
# Use WC3TVRecorder, 1 to enable
wtv_enabled = 0
# WaaaghTV Observer Name
wtv_playername = Waaagh!TV

# for ex: RO, only these countries will be allowed to join a game
bot_allowedcountries =
# for ex: BR, these countries will not be allowed to join a game
bot_deniedcountries =

# milliseconds to wait before sending medium sized packets to bnet when using PVPGN
bot_bnetpacketdelaymediumpvpgn = 2000
# milliseconds to wait before sending big sized packets to bnet when using PVPGN
bot_bnetpacketdelaybigpvpgn = 2500
# milliseconds to wait before sending medium sized packets to bnet (official)
bot_bnetpacketdelaymedium = 3200
# milliseconds to wait before sending big sized packets to bnet (official)
bot_bnetpacketdelaybig = 4000

# Allowed variables: totgames, kills, deaths, assists, creepkills, creepdenies, neutralkills,
# towerkills, raxkills, courierkills, wins, losses, killstotal, deathstotal, creepkillstotal,
# creepdeniestotal,assiststotal, neutralkillstotal, towerkillstotal, raxkillstotal, courierkillstotal
# default formula:
# (((wins-losses)/totgames)+(kills-deaths+assists/2)+(creepkills/100+creepdenies/10+neutralkills/50)+(raxkills/6)+(towerkills/11))
# alternative formula:
# (((kills-deaths+assists*0.7)*0.6+towerkills*0.8+raxkills+creepkills*0.02+creepdenies*0.08+neutralkills*0.03+courierkills*0.04)*0.5+(wins/totgames*2)+(totgames*0.002))

bot_scoreformula = (((wins-losses)/totgames)+(kills-deaths+assists/2)+(creepkills/100+creepdenies/10+neutralkills/50)+(raxkills/6)+(towerkills/11))

# Only players having played this many number of games will be ranked
bot_scoremingames = 5

# default access for owners (use admin access panel to change any admin's access to your liking and see the access code for those commands)
bot_owneraccess = 3965

# default access for admins
bot_adminaccess = 1903

# gamestate for inhouse games
bot_gamestateinhouse = 999

#  will only auto ban if team diff <= with the setting
bot_autobanteamdiffmax = 0

# Only ban players who leave prior to x minutes of game end time.
bot_autobangameendmins = 3

bot_autobantimer = 0
bot_autobanall = 0
bot_autobanfirstxleavers = 0

# the bot will auto rehost the game as gamename + 1 if 60 seconds have passed since last player joined, 0 = disable
bot_autorehostdelay = 61

# the bot will auto rehost the game as gamename + 1 if game name is taken
bot_rehostifnametaken = 1

# if host counter goes over this number it will reset to 1, set to 0 to disable the feature
bot_maxhostcounter = 30

# these words will be edited/censored in game.
bot_censorwords = fuck idiot retarded dick cunt pussy asshole suck shit penis vagina

# load in game feature will be enabled for every map (if set to 1)
bot_forceloadingame = 1

# After a game has ended, if mysql is used, ghost will run update_dota_elo.exe (use either this or score not both!)
bot_updatedotaeloaftergame = 0

# After a game has ended, if mysql is used, ghost will recalculate scores (use either this or elo not both!)
bot_updatedotascoreaftergame = 0

# set to 1 if you are using warcraft 3 patch 1.23 or newer
bot_patch23ornewer = 1

# set to 1 if you are using warcraft 3 patch 1.21
bot_patch21 = 0

# show .sd of anyone who enters the lobby (and has played games with the bot before)
bot_showscoresonjoin = 0

# setting bot_autohostmaximumgames > 0 will make ghost begin autohosting on startup
bot_autohostmaximumgames = 0
bot_autohostautostartplayers = 10
bot_autohostallowstart = 0
bot_autohostlocal = 0
bot_autohostowner = one
bot_autohostmapcfg = map.cfg
bot_autohostgamename = auto -sd EU pros

# If you autohost a even playered two team map and want to auto ban leavers that make the game uneven turn this on. Will not ban admins or root admins. An example map would be DotA or Battleships.
#     0 = off   1 = on
bot_autoban = 0

# set to 1 if you want LAN players to be considered admins
bot_lanadmins = 0

# set to 1 if you want local players (GArena) to be considered admins
bot_localadmins = 0

# the language file

bot_language = language.cfg

# the path to your local Warcraft III directory
#  this path must contain war3.exe, storm.dll, and game.dll
#  this path must end in your system's path seperator (i.e. "\" on Windows or "/" on Linux)
#  if this path contains War3Patch.mpq the bot will attempt to extract "Scripts\common.j" and "Scripts\blizzard.j" on startup and write them to bot_mapcfgpath (which is defined later in this file)
#  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc

bot_war3path = E:\Warcraft III\

# the port GHost++ will host battle.net games on (this must be different from your admingame_port)

bot_hostport = 6112

# maximum number of games to host at once

bot_maxgames = 5

# command trigger for ingame only (battle.net command triggers are defined later)

bot_commandtrigger = !

# the path to the directory where you keep your map config files (must end in your system's path seperator)
#  this directory can also contain common.j and blizzard.j (extracted from War3Patch.mpq)
#  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc

bot_mapcfgpath = mapcfgs\

# the path to the directory where you keep your savegame files (must end in your system's path seperator)

bot_savegamepath = savegames\

# the path to the directory where you keep your map files (must end in your system's path seperator)
#  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players and automatically calculate most map config values
#  GHost++ will search [bot_mappath + map_localpath] for the map file (map_localpath is set in each map's config file)

bot_mappath = E:\Warcraft III\maps\download\DotA v6.72f\

# whether to save replays or not

bot_savereplays = 0

# the path to the directory where you want GHost++ to save replays (must end in your system's path seperator)

bot_replaypath = replays\

### the Warcraft 3 version to save replays as

replay_war3version = 24

### the Warcraft 3 build number to save replays as (this is specific to each Warcraft 3 version)
###  patch 1.23:  war3version 23, buildnumber 6058
###  patch 1.24:  war3version 24, buildnumber 6059
###  patch 1.24b: war3version 24, buildnumber 6059

replay_buildnumber = 6059

### whether to do automatic spoof checks or not
###  you can always manually spoof check by whispering the bot (and in fact this is required before running admin commands)
###  set to 0 to disable automatic spoof checks
###  set to 1 to enable automatic spoof checks on all players
###  set to 2 to enable automatic spoof checks on potential admins only

bot_spoofchecks = 2

### whether to require spoof checks or not
###  this controls whether the bot will require players to spoof check before starting the game
###  it does NOT control whether the bot will require players to spoof check before running admin commands - spoof checks are ALWAYS required for admin status
###  if you require spoof checks, players will be kicked from the lobby if they haven't spoof checked within 20 seconds of joining (autohosted games only)

bot_requirespoofchecks = 0

# whether to display game refresh messages by default
#  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !refresh command

bot_refreshmessages = 0

# whether to automatically lock games when the owner joins

bot_autolock = 0

# whether to automatically save games when a player disconnects
#  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !autosave command

bot_autosave = 0

# whether to allow map downloads or not
#  set to 0 to disable map downloads
#  set to 1 to enable map downloads
#  set to 2 to enable conditional map downloads (an admin must start each map download with the !download or !dl command)

bot_allowdownloads = 1

# whether to ping players during map downloads or not
#  GHost++ will always stop pinging any players who are downloading the map
#  this config value determines whether GHost++ should stop pinging *all* players when at least one player is downloading the map

bot_pingduringdownloads = 0

# kicked banned people when they enter the channel
bot_kickbannedfromchannel = 0

# Ban banned people when they enter the channel
bot_banbannedfromchannel = 0

# use LC style pings (divide actual pings by two)

bot_lcpings = 1

# auto kick players with ping higher than this

bot_autokickping = 200

# the game latency
#  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !latency command (which enforces a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 500)

bot_latency = 110

# the maximum number of packets a player is allowed to get out of sync by before starting the lag screen
#  before version 8.0 GHost++ did not have a lag screen which is the same as setting this to a very high number
#  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !synclimit command (which enforces a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 10000)

bot_synclimit = 90

# whether votekicks are allowed or not

bot_votekickallowed = 1

# the percentage of players required to vote yes for a votekick to pass
#  the player starting the votekick is assumed to have voted yes and the player the votekick is started against is assumed to have voted no
#  the formula for calculating the number of votes needed is votes_needed = ceil( ( num_players - 1 ) * bot_votekickpercentage / 100 )
#  this means it will round UP the number of votes required
#  if you set it to 100 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 10/11, and 11/12 votes to pass
#  if you set it to 90 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 9/11, and 10/12 votes to pass
#  if you set it to 80 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 4/6, 5/7, 6/8, 7/9, 8/10, 8/11, and 9/12 votes to pass
#  if you set it to 70 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 4/6, 5/7, 5/8, 6/9, 7/10, 7/11, and 8/12 votes to pass
#  if you set it to 60 it will require 2/3, 2/4, 3/5, 3/6, 4/7, 5/8, 5/9, 6/10, 6/11, and 7/12 votes to pass

bot_votekickpercentage = 100

# Just before a game is hosted the creator is added to the bots friends list and removed soon after
bot_addcreatorasfriendonhost = 0

# lobby/game commands are displayed as chat (or hidden)
bot_relaychatcommands = 1

# display information on current downloads (speed, ETA)
bot_showdownloadsinfo = 1

# interval in seconds between download info message
bot_showdownloadsinfotime = 5

# maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
bot_maxdownloaders = 3

# set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
bot_totaldownloadspeed = 1024

# set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
bot_clientdownloadspeed = 512

# initiate game over timer when x seconds have passed since world tree/frozen throne has fallen - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverbasefallen = 20

# initiate game over timer if remaining players are less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminplayers = 0

# initiate game over timer if remaining player percentage is less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminpercent = 0

# initiate game over timer if team difference is bigger than this number, 0 - to disable
bot_gameovermaxteamdifference = 0

# redirect console output to udp
bot_udpconsole = 1

# whether to automatically add the players from last game to the next game's reserved list
bot_holdplayersforrmk = 1

# non admin commands, 1 enable, 0 disable
bot_nonadmincommands = 1

# root admins are required to spoof check if 1, or not if 0
bot_rootadminsspoofcheck = 0

# admins are required to spoof check if 1, or not if 0
bot_adminsspoofcheck = 0

# banned players will be notified with a whisper.
bot_notifybannedplayers = 1

# ghost will find its external ip on startup, disable if you want to play on LAN only
bot_findexternalip = 0

# specify your external ip here if you don't want ghost to auto find it.
bot_externalip =

# use alternative site for external ip finding (if you experience lag (30s) on ghost startup)
bot_altfindip = 0

# bot's additional rootadmins separated by space ex: userone usertwo userthree
bot_rootadmins = ZerKarah

# bot's UDP password
bot_udppassword =

# show autokick denied country or banned player messages
bot_verbose = 0

# bot's virtual host name
bot_virtualhostname = |cFFFFFFFFLOL

# ignore drop request for the first x seconds of lagging.
bot_dropvotetime = 30

# Time limit for hosting a game where no admins enter it
bot_lobbytimelimit = 10

# udp ip
udp_cmdbindip =

# udp port
udp_cmdport = 6969

# udp spoof target
udp_cmdspooftarget =


# whether to create the admin game or not (see readme.txt for more information)

admingame_create = 1

# the port GHost++ will host the admin game on (this must be different from your bot_hostport)

admingame_port = 6113

# the admin game password

admingame_password =


# database type
#  use "sqlite3" for a local SQLite database
#  use "mysql" for any MySQL database

db_type = sqlite3

# sqlite3 database file

db_sqlite3_file = ghost.dbs

# this is only used if your database type is MySQL

db_mysql_server = localhost
db_mysql_database = ghost
db_mysql_user = YOUR_USERNAME
db_mysql_password = YOUR_PASSWORD
db_mysql_port = 0


# which battle.net server to connect to
#  1.) useast.battle.net
#  2.) uswest.battle.net
#  3.) asia.battle.net
#  4.) europe.battle.net
# note that each banned player is tied to the realm it was created on and the realm is case sensitive
# so if you change your realm from useast.battle.net to USEAST.BATTLE.NET it'll still connect but anyone previously banned will not be counted as banned until you change it back

bnet_server = war3.alkar.net

# your Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos CD key


# your Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne CD key


# your battle.net username

bnet_username = ZerKarah1

# your battle.net password

bnet_password = ZerKarah

# the first channel to join upon entering battle.net

bnet_firstchannel = CoR

# the root admin on this battle.net server only

bnet_rootadmin = ZerKarah

# command trigger for this battle.net server only

bnet_commandtrigger = !

# whether to automatically add your friends list to each game's reserved list

bnet_holdfriends = 1

# whether to automatically add your clan members list to each game's reserved list

bnet_holdclan = 1

# you will need to edit this section of the config file if you're connecting to a PVPGN server
#  your PVPGN server operator will tell you what to put here

bnet_custom_war3version = 26
bnet_custom_exeversion = 1 0 26 1
bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 194 206 231 242
bnet_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn

# BNLS Settings
bnet_bnlsserver =
bnet_bnlsport = 9367
bnet_bnlswardencookie = 1

# example configuration for connecting to a official battle.net server (second server)

# bnet2_server = uswest.battle.net
# bnet2_username =
# bnet2_password =
# bnet2_firstchannel = The Void
# bnet2_rootadmin =
# bnet2_commandtrigger = !
# bnet2_holdfriends = 1
# bnet2_holdclan = 1

# example configuration for connecting to a PVPGN battle.net (third server)

# bnet3_server = pvpgn.boredaussie.com
# bnet3_username =
# bnet3_password =
# bnet3_firstchannel = The Void
# bnet3_rootadmin =
# bnet3_commandtrigger = !
# bnet3_holdfriends = 1
# bnet3_holdclan = 1
# bnet3_custom_war3version = 22
# bnet3_custom_exeversion = 184 0 22 1
# bnet3_custom_exeversionhash = 219 152 153 144
# bnet3_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn

Вот конфиг

Методом тыка узнал, что надо писать пароль маленькими буквами!
[Изображение: 1.png]
Есть другая проблема, когда я захожу в свою комнату, набирается фулл, нажимаю !start начинается отсчёт до 1 и потом игра виснет, после чего через минуты 2-3 включается экран загрузки, и загрузочная полоса продвигается до конца минут с 30, почему такая долгая загрузка? Или в чём беда?
bnet2_serveralias = playground я так понимаю,это то что должно выводить,когда игрок присоединился с данного сервера,но нечего не выводит,что нужно поставить и где,что бы выводило?
ZerKarah Написал:Есть другая проблема, когда я захожу в свою комнату, набирается фулл, нажимаю !start начинается отсчёт до 1 и потом игра виснет, после чего через минуты 2-3 включается экран загрузки, и загрузочная полоса продвигается до конца минут с 30, почему такая долгая загрузка? Или в чём беда?

Проблема с картой или игрой.

С остальными игроками что там?

Скинь лог старта игры.
[Изображение: 1.png]
Где найти лог я не знаю, но когда я создаю то-же самое, но не участвую в этой игре, тогда всё норм, и никто ни на что не жалуется, играют спокойно
P.S. Как мне сказали, все загрузились сразу, и ждали меня, потом я отконектился и всех выкинуло
ZerKarah Написал:Где найти лог я не знаю, но когда я создаю то-же самое, но не участвую в этой игре, тогда всё норм, и никто ни на что не жалуется, играют спокойно
P.S. Как мне сказали, все загрузились сразу, и ждали меня, потом я отконектился и всех выкинуло

Переустанови Варкрафт. МБ что-то с версией или патчем.
[Изображение: 1.png]
apachiwar Написал:bnet2_serveralias = playground я так понимаю,это то что должно выводить,когда игрок присоединился с данного сервера,но нечего не выводит,что нужно поставить и где,что бы выводило?

apachiwar, смотри тут в конце страницы Wink
[Изображение: qvAG.jpg]
Помогите пожалуйста, читал долго и кропотливо, но ответа точного не нашел. У меня такая проблема. На PG сам я без бота спокойно создаю игру, в нее спокойно все заходят. И вот я решил сделать бота, скачал последнюю версию Ghost, сделал все настройки так как и нужно, бот спокойно заходит на батлу, все отлично, но только когда нажимаю создать игру, никто ее не видит и по названию тоже зайти не удается,как мне так и никому. Порты пробовал менять от 6112 6113 6114 как в варке так и в настройках бота. Еще раз затем проверил у себя с помощью функции Telnet порт 6112, он открыт. Но игры не видны и зайти в них нельзя. Перечитал везде - и везде говорят что порты закрыты. У меня он не закрыт. В чем может быть проблема? Подскажите пожалуйста! Вот мои настройки!

# Actual Config Below  #

### if enabled, on GArena will hide the bot from normal users (admins will still see the commands/messages)
bot_hidebotfromnormalusersingarena = 1

### if = 0, will not broadcast the game in LAN (only bnet)
bot_broadcastlan = 1

### show .note of anyone who enters the lobby
bot_shownotesonjoin = 0

### only owners can swap other admins
bot_onlyownerscanswapadmins = 1

### !statsdota will be disabled if set to 1 (!sd will still work)
bot_nostatsdota = 0

### !top/!rank will be disabled if set to 1
bot_norank = 0

### add a list of ips you want the bot to send the game (to be seen in LAN) to, ex:
bot_ipusers =

### lan players will be rootadmins
bot_lanrootadmins = 0

### if set to 1, blue player is considered the owner
bot_blueisowner = 0

### if enabled, any user can !pub/!map/!unhost
bot_userscanhost = 0

### if enabled, any safelisted player can !pub/!map/!unhost
bot_safecanhost = 0

### if enabled, will greet every player who joins the channel with channelwelcome.txt
bot_channeljoinmessage = 0

### specify which players won't be greeted when joining the channel.
bot_channeljoinexceptions =

### will allow admins and safelisted players to download even if downloads are disabled
bot_adminsandsafecandownload = 1

### will replace every !ban/!bl with !warn/!wl
bot_replacebanwithwarn = 0

# In LAN/GArena show the real number of current/total players in the game, when using !pubg it will be auto activated
lan_showrealslotcount = 0

### all the bots messages will only be seen by admins (bot will be practicly hidden)
bot_detourallmessagestoadmins = 0

### 0 - ghost countdown, 1 - warcraft countdown
bot_normalcountdown = 0

# when you !unban player, the bot also issues an /unban player
bot_unbanremoveschannelban = 0

# Time limit for hosting a game
bot_lobbytimelimitmax = 15

### enable dynamic latency, lowers or even increases latency as needed
bot_usedynamiclatency = 1

### how many milliseconds to add to the normal latency if the players lag
bot_dynamiclatencymaxtoadd = 30

### milliseconds to add to highest ping as base dynamic latency
bot_dynamiclatencyaddedtoping = 25

### dynamic latency will be increased when a lobby is active
bot_dynamiclatencyincreasewhenlobby = 1

### dynamic latency will try not to go over 2.2x highest ping, recommended
bot_dynamiclatency2.2xhighestpingmax = 1

### all messages will be answered with a whisper
bot_whisperallmessages = 0

### if 1 - no admin can start the game if the owner is in the lobby
bot_onlyownerscanstart = 1

### allow only players with score>=x to join the lobby
bot_allowedscores = 0

### in autohosted games, allow only players with score>=x to join the lobby
bot_autohostallowedscores = 0

### if set to 1, if using bot_allowedscores, players having an unknown score will be allowed
bot_allownullscoredplayers = 1

### 0 - auto timer resolution (as low as possible), 1-5 - if you want it to be less accurate
bot_newTimerResolution = 0

### 0 - old timer on windows (gettickcount), 1 - new timer
bot_newTimer = 0

### 0 - old latency system, 1 - as close to the set latency as possible
bot_newLatency = 0

### set to 1 if you want admins to be autoplaced higher only in dota games
bot_placeadminshigheronlyindota = 0

### force auto hcl from gamename in dota games (even when bot_defaulthcl is not set)
bot_forceautohclindota = 1

### set !autostart 10 automatically in dota games
bot_autostartdotagames = 0

### safelisted players are immune to ban/warn
bot_safelistedbanimmunity = 1

### send admin messages or not (if using the admin game)
bot_adminmessages = 0

### send local admin messages or not (if using the admin game)
bot_localadminmessages = 0

### fake pings for the following players, space separated: ex = nick1 nick2
bot_fakepings =

### when !end is issued, a message is sent to the enemy team and the game ends only if someone accepts, replying with !end (only for 2 team maps)
bot_endreq2ndteamaccept = 0

### normal bans will expire in x days - set to 0 to be permanent
bot_bantime = 180

### normal banlast/bl will expire in x days - set to 0 to be permanent
bot_banlasttime = 180

### tbanlast/tbl will expire in x days - set to 0 to be permanent
bot_tbanlasttime = 30

### how many warns are needed to auto-ban the player. Default: 3.
bot_banthewarnedplayerquota = 3

### how many days will the auto-ban from warns last. 0 - permanent ban. Default: 14.
bot_bantimeofwarnedplayer = 14

### how many days will each warn last. 0 - permanent warn. Default: 14.
bot_warntimeofwarnedplayer = 14

### how many games should the player play (without taking another warn) to make one of his warns inactive. Default: 7
bot_gamenumtoforgetawarn = 7

### if 0, autowarning is off. Default: 0.
bot_autowarnearlyleavers = 0

### Prints the gameloaded.txt message after X seconds. Default: 10.
bot_gameloadedprintout = 10

### handle ip bans: 0 = do nothing, 1 = kick, 2 = announce only (no kick).
bot_ipbanning = 2

### handle name bans: 0 = do nothing, 1 = kick, 2 = announce only (no kick).
bot_banning = 1

# Drop the user if he/she desyncs or not?
bot_dropifdesync = 1

# the log file
bot_log = ghost.log

# Show a message when a safe/admin/rootadmin/chieftain/shaman joins the channel
bot_channeljoingreets = 1
# Admins will be able to delete only bans they've made
bot_adminslimitedunban = 0

# Announce +1 and +2 (players left to join) in lobby (only if not autohosted)
bot_lobbyannounceunoccupied = 1

# Auto set HCL based on game name,ex: -arso EU pros will set HCL to arso (only if map_defaulthcl is defined, for ex: map_defaulthcl = ar), will set hcl to empty if no mode is detected in the gamename
bot_autohclfromgamename = 1

# whether players who use censored words are auto muted for x seconds
bot_censormute = 0
# also auto mute admins
bot_censormuteadmins = 0
# mute for x seconds, the first time a player curses
bot_censormutefirstseconds = 60
# mute for x seconds, the second time a player curses
bot_censormutesecondseconds = 180
# mute for x seconds, if a player has cursed for 3 or more times
bot_censormuteexcessiveseconds = 360

lan_war3version = 24

# Disable nagle algorithm (TCPIP algorithm that can slow down the network) - may improve latency if you set to 1
tcp_nodelay = 0

# Path to your WC3TVRecorder ex: c:\Program Files\waaaghTV Recorder\
wtv_path = C:\Program Files\WaaaghTV Recorder\
# Use WC3TVRecorder, 1 to enable
wtv_enabled = 0
# WaaaghTV Observer Name
wtv_playername = Waaagh!TV

# for ex: RO, only these countries will be allowed to join a game
bot_allowedcountries =
# for ex: BR, these countries will not be allowed to join a game
bot_deniedcountries =

# milliseconds to wait before sending medium sized packets to bnet when using PVPGN
bot_bnetpacketdelaymediumpvpgn = 2000
# milliseconds to wait before sending big sized packets to bnet when using PVPGN
bot_bnetpacketdelaybigpvpgn = 2500
# milliseconds to wait before sending medium sized packets to bnet (official)
bot_bnetpacketdelaymedium = 3200
# milliseconds to wait before sending big sized packets to bnet (official)
bot_bnetpacketdelaybig = 4000

# Allowed variables: totgames, kills, deaths, assists, creepkills, creepdenies, neutralkills,
# towerkills, raxkills, courierkills, wins, losses, killstotal, deathstotal, creepkillstotal,
# creepdeniestotal,assiststotal, neutralkillstotal, towerkillstotal, raxkillstotal, courierkillstotal
# default formula:
# (((wins-losses)/totgames)+(kills-deaths+assists/2)+(creepkills/100+creepdenies/10+neutralkills/50)+(raxkills/6)+(towerkills/11))
# alternative formula:
# (((kills-deaths+assists*0.7)*0.6+towerkills*0.8+raxkills+creepkills*0.02+creepdenies*0.08+neutralkills*0.03+courierkills*0.04)*0.5+(wins/totgames*2)+(totgames*0.002))

bot_scoreformula = (((wins-losses)/totgames)+(kills-deaths+assists/2)+(creepkills/100+creepdenies/10+neutralkills/50)+(raxkills/6)+(towerkills/11))

# Only players having played this many number of games will be ranked
bot_scoremingames = 5

# default access for owners (use admin access panel to change any admin's access to your liking and see the access code for those commands)
bot_owneraccess = 3965

# default access for admins
bot_adminaccess = 1903

# gamestate for inhouse games
bot_gamestateinhouse = 999

#  will only auto ban if team diff <= with the setting
bot_autobanteamdiffmax = 0

# Only ban players who leave prior to x minutes of game end time.
bot_autobangameendmins = 3

bot_autobantimer = 0
bot_autobanall = 0
bot_autobanfirstxleavers = 0

# the bot will auto rehost the game as gamename + 1 if 60 seconds have passed since last player joined, 0 = disable
bot_autorehostdelay = 60

# the bot will auto rehost the game as gamename + 1 if game name is taken
bot_rehostifnametaken = 1

# if host counter goes over this number it will reset to 1, set to 0 to disable the feature
bot_maxhostcounter = 30

# these words will be edited/censored in game.
bot_censorwords = fuck idiot retarded dick cunt pussy asshole suck shit penis vagina

# load in game feature will be enabled for every map (if set to 1)
bot_forceloadingame = 1

# After a game has ended, if mysql is used, ghost will run update_dota_elo.exe (use either this or score not both!)
bot_updatedotaeloaftergame = 0

# After a game has ended, if mysql is used, ghost will recalculate scores (use either this or elo not both!)
bot_updatedotascoreaftergame = 0

# set to 1 if you are using warcraft 3 patch 1.23 or newer
bot_patch23ornewer = 1

# set to 1 if you are using warcraft 3 patch 1.21
bot_patch21 = 0

# show .sd of anyone who enters the lobby (and has played games with the bot before)
bot_showscoresonjoin = 0

# setting bot_autohostmaximumgames > 0 will make ghost begin autohosting on startup
bot_autohostmaximumgames = 0
bot_autohostautostartplayers = 10
bot_autohostallowstart = 0
bot_autohostlocal = 0
bot_autohostowner = one
bot_autohostmapcfg = map.cfg
bot_autohostgamename = auto -sd EU pros

# If you autohost a even playered two team map and want to auto ban leavers that make the game uneven turn this on. Will not ban admins or root admins. An example map would be DotA or Battleships.
#     0 = off   1 = on
bot_autoban = 0

# set to 1 if you want LAN players to be considered admins
bot_lanadmins = 0

# set to 1 if you want local players (GArena) to be considered admins
bot_localadmins = 0

# the language file

bot_language = language.cfg

# the path to your local Warcraft III directory
#  this path must contain war3.exe, storm.dll, and game.dll
#  this path must end in your system's path seperator (i.e. "\" on Windows or "/" on Linux)
#  if this path contains War3Patch.mpq the bot will attempt to extract "Scripts\common.j" and "Scripts\blizzard.j" on startup and write them to bot_mapcfgpath (which is defined later in this file)
#  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc

bot_war3path = D:\Games\WarCraft III

# the port GHost++ will host battle.net games on (this must be different from your admingame_port)

bot_hostport = 6112

# maximum number of games to host at once

bot_maxgames = 5

# command trigger for ingame only (battle.net command triggers are defined later)

bot_commandtrigger = !

# the path to the directory where you keep your map config files (must end in your system's path seperator)
#  this directory can also contain common.j and blizzard.j (extracted from War3Patch.mpq)
#  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc

bot_mapcfgpath = mapcfgs\

# the path to the directory where you keep your savegame files (must end in your system's path seperator)

bot_savegamepath = savegames\

# the path to the directory where you keep your map files (must end in your system's path seperator)
#  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players and automatically calculate most map config values
#  GHost++ will search [bot_mappath + map_localpath] for the map file (map_localpath is set in each map's config file)

bot_mappath = D:\Games\WarCraft III\maps\download\

# whether to save replays or not

bot_savereplays = 0

# the path to the directory where you want GHost++ to save replays (must end in your system's path seperator)

bot_replaypath = replays\

### the Warcraft 3 version to save replays as

replay_war3version = 24

### the Warcraft 3 build number to save replays as (this is specific to each Warcraft 3 version)
###  patch 1.23:  war3version 23, buildnumber 6058
###  patch 1.24:  war3version 24, buildnumber 6059
###  patch 1.24b: war3version 24, buildnumber 6059

replay_buildnumber = 6059

### whether to do automatic spoof checks or not
###  you can always manually spoof check by whispering the bot (and in fact this is required before running admin commands)
###  set to 0 to disable automatic spoof checks
###  set to 1 to enable automatic spoof checks on all players
###  set to 2 to enable automatic spoof checks on potential admins only

bot_spoofchecks = 2

### whether to require spoof checks or not
###  this controls whether the bot will require players to spoof check before starting the game
###  it does NOT control whether the bot will require players to spoof check before running admin commands - spoof checks are ALWAYS required for admin status
###  if you require spoof checks, players will be kicked from the lobby if they haven't spoof checked within 20 seconds of joining (autohosted games only)

bot_requirespoofchecks = 0

# whether to display game refresh messages by default
#  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !refresh command

bot_refreshmessages = 0

# whether to automatically lock games when the owner joins

bot_autolock = 0

# whether to automatically save games when a player disconnects
#  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !autosave command

bot_autosave = 0

# whether to allow map downloads or not
#  set to 0 to disable map downloads
#  set to 1 to enable map downloads
#  set to 2 to enable conditional map downloads (an admin must start each map download with the !download or !dl command)

bot_allowdownloads = 1

# whether to ping players during map downloads or not
#  GHost++ will always stop pinging any players who are downloading the map
#  this config value determines whether GHost++ should stop pinging *all* players when at least one player is downloading the map

bot_pingduringdownloads = 0

# kicked banned people when they enter the channel
bot_kickbannedfromchannel = 0

# Ban banned people when they enter the channel
bot_banbannedfromchannel = 0

# use LC style pings (divide actual pings by two)

bot_lcpings = 1

# auto kick players with ping higher than this

bot_autokickping = 200

# the game latency
#  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !latency command (which enforces a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 500)

bot_latency = 110

# the maximum number of packets a player is allowed to get out of sync by before starting the lag screen
#  before version 8.0 GHost++ did not have a lag screen which is the same as setting this to a very high number
#  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !synclimit command (which enforces a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 10000)

bot_synclimit = 90

# whether votekicks are allowed or not

bot_votekickallowed = 1

# the percentage of players required to vote yes for a votekick to pass
#  the player starting the votekick is assumed to have voted yes and the player the votekick is started against is assumed to have voted no
#  the formula for calculating the number of votes needed is votes_needed = ceil( ( num_players - 1 ) * bot_votekickpercentage / 100 )
#  this means it will round UP the number of votes required
#  if you set it to 100 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 10/11, and 11/12 votes to pass
#  if you set it to 90 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 9/11, and 10/12 votes to pass
#  if you set it to 80 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 4/6, 5/7, 6/8, 7/9, 8/10, 8/11, and 9/12 votes to pass
#  if you set it to 70 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 4/6, 5/7, 5/8, 6/9, 7/10, 7/11, and 8/12 votes to pass
#  if you set it to 60 it will require 2/3, 2/4, 3/5, 3/6, 4/7, 5/8, 5/9, 6/10, 6/11, and 7/12 votes to pass

bot_votekickpercentage = 100

# Just before a game is hosted the creator is added to the bots friends list and removed soon after
bot_addcreatorasfriendonhost = 0

# lobby/game commands are displayed as chat (or hidden)
bot_relaychatcommands = 1

# display information on current downloads (speed, ETA)
bot_showdownloadsinfo = 1

# interval in seconds between download info message
bot_showdownloadsinfotime = 5

# maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
bot_maxdownloaders = 3

# set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
bot_totaldownloadspeed = 1024

# set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
bot_clientdownloadspeed = 512

# initiate game over timer when x seconds have passed since world tree/frozen throne has fallen - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverbasefallen = 20

# initiate game over timer if remaining players are less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminplayers = 0

# initiate game over timer if remaining player percentage is less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminpercent = 0

# initiate game over timer if team difference is bigger than this number, 0 - to disable
bot_gameovermaxteamdifference = 0

# redirect console output to udp
bot_udpconsole = 1

# whether to automatically add the players from last game to the next game's reserved list
bot_holdplayersforrmk = 1

# non admin commands, 1 enable, 0 disable
bot_nonadmincommands = 1

# root admins are required to spoof check if 1, or not if 0
bot_rootadminsspoofcheck = 0

# admins are required to spoof check if 1, or not if 0
bot_adminsspoofcheck = 0

# banned players will be notified with a whisper.
bot_notifybannedplayers = 1

# ghost will find its external ip on startup, disable if you want to play on LAN only
bot_findexternalip = 1

# specify your external ip here if you don't want ghost to auto find it.
bot_externalip =

# use alternative site for external ip finding (if you experience lag (30s) on ghost startup)
bot_altfindip = 0

# bot's additional rootadmins separated by space ex: userone usertwo userthree
bot_rootadmins =

# bot's UDP password
bot_udppassword =

# show autokick denied country or banned player messages
bot_verbose = 0

# bot's virtual host name
bot_virtualhostname = |cFF483D8BMax

# ignore drop request for the first x seconds of lagging.
bot_dropvotetime = 30

# Time limit for hosting a game where no admins enter it
bot_lobbytimelimit = 10

# udp ip
udp_cmdbindip =

# udp port
udp_cmdport = 6969

# udp spoof target
udp_cmdspooftarget =


# whether to create the admin game or not (see readme.txt for more information)

admingame_create = 0

# the port GHost++ will host the admin game on (this must be different from your bot_hostport)

admingame_port = 6114

# the admin game password

admingame_password = 111


# database type
#  use "sqlite3" for a local SQLite database
#  use "mysql" for any MySQL database

db_type = sqlite3

# sqlite3 database file

db_sqlite3_file = ghost.dbs

# this is only used if your database type is MySQL

db_mysql_server = localhost
db_mysql_database = ghost
db_mysql_user = YOUR_USERNAME
db_mysql_password = YOUR_PASSWORD
db_mysql_port = 0


# which battle.net server to connect to
#  1.) useast.battle.net
#  2.) uswest.battle.net
#  3.) asia.battle.net
#  4.) europe.battle.net
# note that each banned player is tied to the realm it was created on and the realm is case sensitive
# so if you change your realm from useast.battle.net to USEAST.BATTLE.NET it'll still connect but anyone previously banned will not be counted as banned until you change it back

bnet_server = playground.ru

# your Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos CD key


# your Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne CD key


# your battle.net username

bnet_username =

# your battle.net password

bnet_password =

# the first channel to join upon entering battle.net

bnet_firstchannel = W3-bots

# the root admin on this battle.net server only

bnet_rootadmin =

# command trigger for this battle.net server only

bnet_commandtrigger = !

# whether to automatically add your friends list to each game's reserved list

bnet_holdfriends = 1

# whether to automatically add your clan members list to each game's reserved list

bnet_holdclan = 1

# you will need to edit this section of the config file if you're connecting to a PVPGN server
#  your PVPGN server operator will tell you what to put here

bnet_custom_war3version = 24
bnet_custom_exeversion =
bnet_custom_exeversionhash =
bnet_custom_passwordhashtype =

# BNLS Settings
bnet_bnlsserver =
bnet_bnlsport = 9367
На ПГ 26 вроде как патч, у тя в конфиге указан 24... Игра то создаётся, но присоединиться к ней можно только с 24 версией клиента... Исправь все 24 в конфиге на 26 и юзай на здоровье Smile
[Изображение: qvAG.jpg]
Всем привет!
Прошу помочь проблема такая:
Цитата:[ BNET: BOT] refreshed ban list (0 -> 0 bans)
[ BNET: BOT] connecting to server [war.livezone.uz] on port 6112
[ BNET: BOT] resolved and cached server IP address
[ GHOST] External IP is
[ GHOST] Country is UZ
[ BNET: BOT] connected
[ BNET: BOT] using custom exe version bnet_custom_exeversion = 1 0 26 1
[ BNET: BOT] using custom exe version hash bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 194 206 231 242
[ BNET: BOT] creating BNLS client
[ BNLSC: localhost:9367:C1] connecting to server [localhost] on port 9367
[ BNET: BOT] logon failed - game version is invalid, disconnecting
[ BNET: BOT] disconnected from battle.net due to socket not connected
[ BNET: BOT] waiting 30 seconds to reconnect

Версия правильная прошу помочь...

Вот конфиг:
### Управление банами по ip: 0 = ничего не делать, 1 = кик, 2 = только оповещение(не кикать).
bot_ipbanning = 1

### оповещение о бане в одну строку( = 0) (если возможно) или в две строки ( = 1)
bot_twolinesbanannouncement = 1

### текст, который добавляется к версии
bot_customversiontext =

### автоматически банить игроков, которые выходят во время отсчета начала игры
bot_autobancountdown = 1

### автоматически банить игроков, которые выходят во время загрузки игры
bot_autobangameloading = 1

### запрещенные страны при использовании автохоста
bot_autohostdeniedcountries =

### разрешенные страны при использовании автохоста
bot_autohostallowedcountries =

### UDP порт, по которому консоль общается с оболчкой GHost One GUI, по умолчанию 5868
udp_guiport = 5868

# в LAN/GArena показывать реальное количество игроков (текущее/общее) в игре, при использовании команды !pubg он автоматически включается
lan_showrealslotcount = 1


# Actual Config Below  #

# путь к файлу логов и его название
bot_log = log.txt

# показывать сообщение когда safe/admin/rootadmin/chieftain/shaman заходят на канал
bot_channeljoingreets = 1

# админы могут удалять только те баны, которые сделали они
bot_adminslimitedunban = 0

# Оповещение +1 и +2 (игроков осталось до фулла) в лобби (не используется при автохосте)
bot_lobbyannounceunoccupied = 1

# автоматическая установка режима HCL(бот будет сам прописывать игровой мод) , основанная на названии игры(пример: -arso EU pros установит мод -arso)(только если определен параметр map_defaulthcl, пример: map_defaulthcl=ar). Установит пустой режим HCL если в названии игры не обнаружит мод
bot_autohclfromgamename = 1

# включить молчанку игроку, который использовал запрещенные слова, на X секунд
bot_censormute = 3
# также автоматически ставить молчанку админам
bot_censormuteadmins = 0
# молчанка игроку на X секунд при первом нарушении
bot_censormutefirstseconds = 60
# молчанка игроку на X секунд при втором нарушении
bot_censormutesecondseconds = 180
# молчанка игроку на X секунд при 3 и более нарушениях
bot_censormuteexcessiveseconds = 360

lan_war3version = 26

# Отключить алгоритм nagle (алгоритмы TCPIP могут снижать скорость и вызывать лаги в игре) - может улучшить latency
tcp_nodelay = 1

# путь к вашему WC3TVRecorder, пример: c:\Program Files\waaaghTV Recorder\
wtv_path = C:\Program Files\WaaaghTV Recorder\
# использование WC3TVRecorder, "1", чтобы включить
wtv_enabled = 0
# WaaaghTV Observer Name
wtv_playername = Waaagh!TV

# для примера: RO, только этим странам разрешено подсоединяться к игре
bot_allowedcountries =
# для примера: RO, этим странам запрещено подсоединяться к игре
bot_deniedcountries =

# ждать Х мс до отправки пакета среднего размера бнету, когда используется PVPGN
bot_bnetpacketdelaymediumpvpgn = 2000
# ждать Х мс до отправки пакета большого размера бнету, когда используется PVPGN
bot_bnetpacketdelaybigpvpgn = 2500
# ждать Х мс до отправки пакета среднего размера бнету(офф)
bot_bnetpacketdelaymedium = 3200
# ждать Х мс до отправки пакета большого размера бнету(офф)
bot_bnetpacketdelaybig = 4000

# Формула для расчета статистики
# Разрешенные переменные: totgames, kills, deaths, assists, creepkills, creepdenies, neutralkills,
# towerkills, raxkills, courierkills, wins, losses, killstotal, deathstotal, creepkillstotal,
# creepdeniestotal,assiststotal, neutralkillstotal, towerkillstotal, raxkillstotal, courierkillstotal
# Формула по умолчанию:
# (((wins-losses)/totgames)+(kills-deaths+assists/2)+(creepkills/100+creepdenies/10+neutralkills/50)+(raxkills/6)+(towerkills/11))
# Альтернативная формула:
# (((kills-deaths+assists*0.7)*0.6+towerkills*0.8+raxkills+creepkills*0.02+creepdenies*0.08+neutralkills*0.03+courierkills*0.04)*0.5+(wins/totgames*2)+(totgames*0.002))

bot_scoreformula = (((wins-losses)/totgames)+(kills-deaths+assists/2)+(creepkills/100+creepdenies/10+neutralkills/50)+(raxkills/6)+(towerkills/11))

# Счет будет высчитываться только для тех игроков, которые сыграли Х игр
bot_scoremingames = 1

# Доступ владельца игры по умолчанию (используйте панель доступа чтобы сменить уровень доступа админов на ваше усмотрение и посмотреть коды доступа для этих команд)
bot_owneraccess = 3965

# Доступ админов по умолчанию
bot_adminaccess = 1903

# состояние игры для домашних игр
bot_gamestateinhouse = 999

#  автоматически банить только тех игроков, которые нарушают баланс команд(пример: игра 5-5. при 5-4 банить ливера, при 4-4 не банить, если этот параметр равен 1)
bot_autobanteamdiffmax = 1

# Банить игроков, которые покинули игру за Х минут до конца игры
bot_autobangameendmins = 1

# Банить игроков до Х минут игры
bot_autobantimer = 0

# Банить всех ливеров вне зависимости от карты
bot_autobanall = 0

# Автоматически банить первых Х ливеров
bot_autobanfirstxleavers = 0

# бот автоматически пересоздаст игру с названием [название#номер] если прошло Х секунд с момента присоединения последнего игрока, 0=отключить
bot_autorehostdelay = 120

# бот автоматически пересоздаст игру с названием [название#номер] если имя занято
bot_rehostifnametaken = 1

# если счетчик игр превысит этот предел, то автоматически сбросится до 1. 0=отключить
bot_maxhostcounter = 30

# эти слова будут запрещены в игре
bot_censorwords =

# load in game feature will be enabled for every map (if set to 1)
bot_forceloadingame = 1

# после окончания игры при использовании мускула бот запустит update_dota_elo.exe (НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ВМЕСТЕ)
bot_updatedotaeloaftergame = 0

# после окончания игры при использовании мускула бот пересчитает очки (score)  (НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ВМЕСТЕ)
bot_updatedotascoreaftergame = 0

# "1", если вы используете патч версии 1.23 или выше
bot_patch23ornewer = 1

# "1", если используется патч 1.21
bot_patch21 = 0

# показывать счет каждого вошедшего игрока и игравшего на этом боте раньше
bot_showscoresonjoin = 0

# установка значения bot_autohostmaximumgames > 0 приведет к автозапуску автохоста(извиняюсь за тавтологию)
bot_autohostmaximumgames = 0
bot_autohostautostartplayers = 10
bot_autohostallowstart = 0
bot_autohostlocal = 0
bot_autohostowner = one
bot_autohostmapcfg = DotA v6.72f
bot_autohostgamename = WoU

# при автохосте включает автобан игрокам нарушившим равновесие игры в картах с 2 командами. Не банит админов и главных админов.
#     0 = off   1 = on
bot_autoban = 0

# делать ли всех игроков, заходящих с локальной сети, алминами?
bot_lanadmins = 0

# делать ли локальных игроков админами автоматически (например игроков с гарены)
bot_localadmins = 0

# языковой файл

bot_language = Languages\Russian.cfg

### укажите путь к папке warcraft
### эта папка должна содержать следующие файлы: war3.exe, storm.dll и game.dll
### для того, чтобы бот автоматически высчитывал значения для карт, в этой папке также должен находиться файл War3Patch.mpq, из которого бот попытается вытащить "Scripts\common.j" and "Scripts\blizzard.j" при загрузке, и положит их в bot_mapcfgpath (который определен в этом конфиге ниже)

bot_war3path = E:\Games\Warcraft III - Frozen Throne\

### порт, на котором GHost++ будет хостить игры в battle.net (должен отличаться от стандартного порта warcraft и порта админ игры(прописан ниже))

bot_hostport = 6113

### максимальное количество игр, которые могут хоститься одновременно

bot_maxgames = 5

### триггер, используемый в игре (триггер battle.net определен ниже в этом конфиге)
### Триггер - специальный символ, который позволяет боту определять, что данное предложение после триггера должно обработаться как команда(если такая существует)

bot_commandtrigger = !

### путь к директории, в которой лежат ваш конфиги для карт
###  эта папка также может содержать файлы common.j и blizzard.j (извленченные из War3Patch.mpq)
###  Файлы common.j and blizzard.j требуются только для автоматического расчета map_crc ваших карт

bot_mapcfgpath = mapcfgs\

### путь к директории, в которой лежат ваши сохраненные игры

bot_savegamepath = savegames\

### путь к директории, в которой лежат ваши карты
###  GHost++ не требует наличия карт, но если он имеет доступ к ним, то может отправить их игрокам и автоматически расчитать значения большинства карт
###  GHost++ ищет карту в директориях, прописанных в следующих параметрах [bot_mappath + map_localpath] (map_localpath определено в каждом конфиге карты)

bot_mappath = E:\Games\Warcraft III - Frozen Throne\Maps\Download\

### сохранять реплеи или нет

bot_savereplays = 0

### директория для сохранения реплеев

bot_replaypath = E:\Games\Warcraft III - Frozen Throne\replay\

### версия Warcraft 3, для которой бот будет сохранять реплеи

replay_war3version = 26

### номер билда Warcraft 3 для сохранения реплеев
###  patch 1.23:  war3version 23, buildnumber 6058
###  patch 1.24:  war3version 24, buildnumber 6059
###  patch 1.24b: war3version 24, buildnumber 6059

replay_buildnumber = 6059

### проводить автоматическую проверку на подмену ника или нет
###  0 отключает проверку
###  1 производит проверку автоматически для всех игроков
###  2 производит проверку только для потенциальных администраторов.

bot_spoofchecks = 2

### Требуется ли для игры автоматическая проверка ника или нет ?
###  Данная настройка контролируется нужно-ли перед началом игры игрокам пройти проверку на подмену ника
###  если данная настройка включена (1) то для начала игры, если не включена автоматическая проверка игроки должны будут отправить боту команду вида /r !spoofcheck
### иначе игрок не прошедший проверку через 20 секунд будет выкинут.
### Если же автоматическая проверка включена, то бот автоматически проверит и толлько после проверки всех игроков начнет игру.

bot_requirespoofchecks = 0

### Отображать ли сообщение об обновлении игры

bot_refreshmessages = 0

### блокировать ли автоматически игру когда подключился владелец игры (только админ и владелец смогут вводить команды боту)

bot_autolock = 0

### проводить ли автоматическое сохранение игры при отключении игры

bot_autosave = 0

### разрешить скачивание карты или нет
###  0 запрещает скачивание карты
###  1 разрешает скачивание карты
###  2 разрешает скачивание карты по указке администратора (администратор должен прописать !download или !dl )

bot_allowdownloads = 1

### Пинговать ли игроков при закачке игроком карты ?
###  если да то при скачивании игроки пинговатся не будут

bot_pingduringdownloads = 0

# кикать забаненных игроков с канала
bot_kickbannedfromchannel = 0

# банить на канале забаненных игроков
bot_banbannedfromchannel = 0

# ### использовать ли стиль пинга LC? (делит актуальный пинг на 2)

bot_lcpings = 1

### Автоматический кик игроков пинг которых выше

bot_autokickping = 1010

### игровая задержка ( у Battle.net по умолчанию стоит 250 в LAN играх 100)
###  также может быть установлена для каждой игры через !latency команду (в пределах от 50 до максимума в 500)

bot_latency = 110

### максимальное число пакетов которое не дошло до игрока прежде чем появится лагскрин ( экран после которого игрока выкинет из игры)
###  ниже 8.0 версии GHost++ не имел лагскрина и эта опция имела максимальное значения
###  также значение можно изменить во время игры используя !synclimit команду (в пределах от  10 до максимума в 10000)

bot_synclimit = 90

# whether votekicks are allowed or not

bot_votekickallowed = 1

### процент голосов нужный для срабатывания votekick
###  предпологается что игрок стартовавший Голосование проголосовал ДА и если он стартовал Голосование опять то предпологается что он проголосовал НЕТ
###  формула для расчета количества необходимых голосов votes_needed = ceil( ( num_players - 1 ) * bot_votekickpercentage / 100 )
###  это значит что он будет округлять нужное число голосов в высшую сторону
###  если вы установите 100 это требует 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 10/11, и 11/12 голосов для результата
###  если вы установите 90 это требует 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 9/11, и 10/12 голосов для результата
###  если вы установите 80 это требует 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 4/6, 5/7, 6/8, 7/9, 8/10, 8/11, и 9/12 голосов для результата
###  если вы установите 70 это требует 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 4/6, 5/7, 5/8, 6/9, 7/10, 7/11, и 8/12 голосов для результата
###  если вы установите 60 это требует 2/3, 2/4, 3/5, 3/6, 4/7, 5/8, 5/9, 6/10, 6/11, и 7/12 голосов для результата

bot_votekickpercentage = 100

# "1" - на время игры бот добавляет создателя в друзья и удаляет его после окончания игры
bot_addcreatorasfriendonhost = 0

# показывать команды, направленные боту, в лобби/игре или нет
bot_relaychatcommands = 1

# показывать информацию о текущих загрузках карт или нет(скорость, процент загрузки)
bot_showdownloadsinfo = 0

# интервал между сообщениями о загрузках
bot_showdownloadsinfotime = 5

# максимум одновременных скачиваний
bot_maxdownloaders = 3

# общая максимальная скорость загрузки
bot_totaldownloadspeed = 1024

# макс скорость загрузки дял каждого игрока
bot_clientdownloadspeed = 512

# иницировать таймер завершения игры если количество игроков меньше указанного  - 0 выключить завершение игры
bot_gameoverminplayers = 0

# иницировать таймер завершения игры если процент оставшихся игроков составляет меньше указанного  - 0 выключить завершение игры
bot_gameoverminpercent = 0

#  иницировать таймер завершения игры если разница между количеством игроков разных команд больше указанного  - 0 выключить завершение игры
bot_gameovermaxteamdifference = 0

# перенаправление вывода консоли на порт UDP
bot_udpconsole = 1

# резервировать ли игроков из прошлой игры?
bot_holdplayersforrmk = 1

# включить ли не админ комманды? 1 включить, 0 отключить
bot_nonadmincommands = 1

# требовать ли от рутадминов проверку ника или нет
bot_rootadminsspoofcheck = 0

# требовать ли от рутадминов проверку ника или нет
bot_adminsspoofcheck = 0

# если 1, забаненные игроки будут оповещены о бане
bot_notifybannedplayers = 0

# бот будет искать внешний ip при загрузке. отключите если хотите играть только по сети
bot_findexternalip = 1

# впишите свой внешний IP если не хотите, чтобы бот его искал при загрузке
bot_externalip =

# использовать ли альтернативный сайт для поиска внешнего IP? (при наличии > 30 сек задержки при запуске бота)
bot_altfindip = 0

# Рутадмины(вписывать через пробел: userone usertwo userthree)
bot_rootadmins = NAME

# UDP пароль бота
bot_udppassword =

# показывать ли сообщения автоматического удаления игроков забаненных или из запрещенных стран
bot_verbose = 0

# виртуальное имя бота
bot_virtualhostname = BrazeBOT

# игнорировать лаг скрин в первые X секунд игры
bot_dropvotetime = 30

# автоматически закрывает игровую прихожую если не подключается необходимое количество игроков или админ за указаное кол. минут
bot_lobbytimelimit = 10

# udp ip
udp_cmdbindip =

# udp port
udp_cmdport = 6969

# udp spoof target
udp_cmdspooftarget =


### Создание админ игры

admingame_create = 0

### порт админ игры

admingame_port = 6114

### пароль админ игры

admingame_password =


### тип БД
###  "sqlite3" для локальной БД SQLite
###  "mysql" для БД MySQL

db_type = sqlite3

### конфигурация БД SQLite

db_sqlite3_file = ghost.dbs

### конфигурация БД MySQL

db_mysql_server = localhost
db_mysql_database = ghost
db_mysql_user = YOUR_USERNAME
db_mysql_password = YOUR_PASSWORD
db_mysql_port = 3306

#  Конфигурация Battle.Net     #

### Адрес подключения к сервреру BATTLE.NET

bnet_server = war.livezone.uz

### Синоним сервера для отображения в логах и на консоли бота

bnet_serveralias = BOT

### ваш Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos CD key
### внимание если вы играете на оффициальном сервере, то вы не сможете одновременно с ботом подключатся к сервреру по одному и тому-же ключу.


### ваш Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne CD key
### внимание если вы играете на оффициальном сервере, то вы не сможете одновременно с ботом подключатся к сервреру по одному и тому-же ключу.


### Ваш логин подключения к батл нет

bnet_username = NAME

### пароль для входа на батл нет

bnet_password = *******

### исходный канал на который подключится ваш бот после входа на сервер
### в данном месте убедительно хотелось бы , чтобы не указывали общие каналы, ибо срачь получается страшный, смотреть тошно(Comment by Tsukasa-mixer)

bnet_firstchannel = warcraft

### Ник Самого главного админа )

bnet_rootadmin =

### тригер распознавания команд для данного battle.net сервера

bnet_commandtrigger = !

### добавлять ли ваших друзей в сейф лист(даст вашим друзьям заходить, даже если в лобби набран фул) ?

bnet_holdfriends = 1

### добавлять ли ваших соклановцев в сейф лист(даст вашим друзьям заходить, даже если в лобби набран фул) ?

bnet_holdclan = 1

### позволить ли игрокам(не админам) использовать некоторые команды, такие как !stats and !statsdota в этом соединении батл нет?

bnet_publiccommands = 1

### BNLS сервер (подробности в readme.txt)
###  вам необходим реальный BNLS сервер еслы вы хотите подключится к оффициальному battle.net серверу , в противном случае вас выкинут через 2 минуты

bnet_bnlsserver = localhost
bnet_bnlsport = 9367
bnet_bnlswardencookie = 1

### вы должны отредактировать данную секцию для подключения к PvPGN сервреру
###  спрашивайте информацию у администрации =) PvPGN сервера =) - если не забанят раньше.(comment by Tsukasa-mixer)

lan_war3version = 26
replay_war3version = 26
bnet_custom_war3version = 26
bnet_custom_exeversion = 1 0 26 1
bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 194 206 231 242  - [color=Red][size=4]и что тут писать!?[/size][/color]
bnet_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn

### пример настройки второго соединения батл нет

# bnet2_server = uswest.battle.net
# bnet2_serveralias = USWest
# bnet2_username =
# bnet2_password =
# bnet2_firstchannel = The Void
# bnet2_rootadmin =
# bnet2_commandtrigger = !
# bnet2_holdfriends = 1
# bnet2_holdclan = 1
# bnet2_publiccommands = 1
# bnet2_bnlsserver = localhost
# bnet2_bnlsport = 9367
# bnet2_bnlswardencookie = 2

Заранее спс!

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