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PvPGN для новичков
lesanglier Написал:отключил проверку...

проблема в том что не получается приконектится к созданым играм...
Ещё бы. Лоадер скачивал? С ним должно коннектится.
Array Написал:Ещё бы. Лоадер скачивал? С ним должно коннектится.

Вобщем спасибо за ответ уже разобрался...Smile
Проблема не в лоадере лоадер само сабой был установлен просто у друга порты были не проброшены ...а с сервака как я понял хостить нельзя ???
И всетаки если есть возможность создавать игру на сервере то как это реализовать.
Добрый день, уважаемые форумчане!
ОС: Ubuntu Server 9.10 i386
Платформа: VirtualBox v 3.2.8 (запущена на Core i5 4Gb RAM)
PVPGN: 1.8.5 (http://download.berlios.de/pvpgn/pvpgn-1.8.5.tar.gz)
PVPGN_SUPPORT: 1.2 (http://download.berlios.de/pvpgn/pvpgn-s...1.2.tar.gz)

Описание:поднимаю небольшой игровой сервер на 10-15 человек для игры (в основном Diablo II)с друзьями через интернет и локально. Тестирую всё на виртуальной машине (подключена к реальной через сетевой мост). Коннекчусь с родительской ОС (т.е. с компа на котором запущена виртуалка) и ещё с одного компьютера в сети.

Diablo II v 1.11
1. При запуске Open BalteNet коннектится нормально, выбираю перса, нажимаю "Create" и игра загружается без проблем. Второй геймер так же адекватно коннектится, видит созданную мной игру, жмёт на "Join", после чего выходит надпись: "Подождите". Затем начинается загрузка игры (мужик в балахоне перед дверьми), но как только загрузка доходит то конца пишет "Failed to join game". Кто создаёт - значения не имеет, результат аналогичен т.е. кто создал тот и играет, другие подцепиться не могут.
Пока составлял письмо на форум - эту траблу решил. Вырубил файрвол на родительской ОС (на серваке файрвол ничего не режет), если, что - новичкам вроде меня на заметку. Однако вторая проблема по прежнему актуальна.

2. При входе на закрытый BatleNet, коннектится нормально, реалм видит. Собеседников в чате - тоже видно. Но при создании игры пишет:
[B]You are in line to create game.
Try joining a game to avoid waiting.
Ваше положение: 1[/B]
И игру не создаёт.
Сервер собирал без поддержки MySQL. Собирал по инструкции на сайте производителя (http://developer.berlios.de/docman/displ...2291#Linux).

Файлы конфигурации:

bnetd.conf. Лишние комменты затёр.
Файлы логов:
[SPOILER="bnetd.log Извините, длинноват."]Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] eventlog_startup: logging event levels: fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] give_up_root_privileges: about to give up root privileges
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] pvpgn_greeting: PvPGN BnetD Mod version 1.8.5 process 1234
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] storage_init: initializing storage layer (available drivers: file)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] storage_init: using file storage driver
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] fdw_epoll_init: fdwatch epoll() based layer initialized (max 960 sockets)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] server_set_hostname: set hostname to "gserver"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "The Void" shortname="The Void" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Starcraft-1" shortname="Starcraft" clienttag="STAR" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Brood War-1" shortname="Brood War" clienttag="SEXP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Starcraft Shareware-1" shortname="Starcraft Shareware" clienttag="SSHR" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo Retail-1" shortname="Diablo Retail" clienttag="DRTL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "War2BNE-1" shortname="War2BNE" clienttag="W2BN" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo II-1" shortname="Diablo II" clienttag="D2DV" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo II-1" shortname="Diablo II" clienttag="D2XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Warcraft 3" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Human Castle" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Orc Stronghold" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Undead Necropolis" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Night Elf Tree of Life" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Dragon Roost" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Human Castle" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Orc Stronghold" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Undead Necropolis" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Night Elf Tree of Life" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Dragon Roost" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Chat" shortname="Chat" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Backstage" shortname="Backstage" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Moderated Support" shortname="Support" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 14 0" shortname="Unknown" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 18 0" shortname="GDI Barracks" clienttag="WWOL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 18 1" shortname="NOD Barracks" clienttag="WWOL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 18 2" shortname="GDI Comm. Center" clienttag="WWOL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 33 0" shortname="USA Command" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 33 1" shortname="Korean Bunker" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 41 0" shortname="Unknown" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 41 1" shortname="Unknown" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.smk" extensiontag=0x6b6d732e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client=""
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.smk" extensiontag=0x6b6d732e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client=""
Dec 20 19:00:17 [warn ] news_load: (first) news entry seems to be missing a timestamp, please check your news file on line 1
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] output_init: initializing output file
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "/pvpgn/etc/bnetd_default_user.plain"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] accountlist_create: started creating accountlist
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "/pvpgn/var/users/Den"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "/pvpgn/var/users/Oxy"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "/pvpgn/var/users/kir"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] accountlist_load_all: loaded 3 user accounts in 0 seconds
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 1, startxp: 0 neededxp: 0 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 2, startxp: 100 neededxp: 100 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 3, startxp: 200 neededxp: 200 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 4, startxp: 400 neededxp: 200 lossfactor: 25 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 5, startxp: 600 neededxp: 300 lossfactor: 25 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 6, startxp: 900 neededxp: 300 lossfactor: 43 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 7, startxp: 1200 neededxp: 400 lossfactor: 43 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 8, startxp: 1600 neededxp: 400 lossfactor: 67 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 9, startxp: 2000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 67 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 10, startxp: 2500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 0)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 11, startxp: 3000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 12, startxp: 3500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 13, startxp: 4000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 14, startxp: 4500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 15, startxp: 5000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 16, startxp: 5500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 17, startxp: 6000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 18, startxp: 6500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 19, startxp: 7000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 20, startxp: 7500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 21, startxp: 8000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 22, startxp: 8500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 23, startxp: 9000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 24, startxp: 9500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 25, startxp: 10000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 26, startxp: 10500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 27, startxp: 11000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 28, startxp: 11500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 29, startxp: 12000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 30, startxp: 12500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 31, startxp: 13000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 32, startxp: 13500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 33, startxp: 14000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 34, startxp: 14500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 35, startxp: 15000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 36, startxp: 15500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 37, startxp: 16000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 38, startxp: 16500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 39, startxp: 17000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 40, startxp: 17500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 41, startxp: 18000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 42, startxp: 18500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 43, startxp: 19000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 44, startxp: 19500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 45, startxp: 20000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 46, startxp: 20500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 47, startxp: 21000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 48, startxp: 21500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 49, startxp: 22000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 50, startxp: 22500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 0
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 1
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 2
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 3
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 4
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 5
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 6
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] ladder_createxptable: set war3 xpcalc maxleveldiff to 6
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] ladders_init: initializing war3 ladders
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/WAR3_SOLO_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/WAR3_TEAM_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/WAR3_FFA_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W3XP_SOLO_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W3XP_TEAM_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W3XP_FFA_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/STAR_AR_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/STAR_AW_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/STAR_AG_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/STAR_CR_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/STAR_CW_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/STAR_CG_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/SEXP_AR_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/SEXP_AW_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/SEXP_AG_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/SEXP_CR_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/SEXP_CW_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/SEXP_CG_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_CR_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_CW_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_CG_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_CRI_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_CWI_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_CGI_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_AR_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_AW_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_AG_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_ARI_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_AWI_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded /pvpgn/var/ladders/W2BN_AGI_LADDER
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] ladders_load_accounts_to_ladderlists: everything went smooth... taking shortcut
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] ladder_update_all_accounts: updating ranking for all accounts
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] ladder_update_all_accounts: finished updating ranking for all accounts
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] aliasfile_load: done loading aliases
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] trans_load: trans file loaded
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)Battleground.w3m" for WAR3
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)PlainsOfSnow.w3m" for WAR3
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)BloodvenomFalls.w3m" for WAR3
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)GardenOfWar.w3m" for WAR3
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)Mur'gulOasis.w3x" for W3XP
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)PlainsOfSnow.w3x" for W3XP
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)RockQuarry.w3x" for W3XP
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)Sanctuary.w3x" for W3XP
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: []
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: [deDE]
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: [zhCN]
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: [ruRU]
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] file_load_clans: start reading clans
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] file_load_clans: finished reading clans
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] file_load_teams: start reading teams
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] file_load_teams: finished reading teams
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] realm_create: created realm "D2CS"
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] topiclist_load: start reading topic file
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] topiclist_load: channel: Chat topic: "This is the public chat channel. Feel free to chat..."
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] topiclist_load: channel: Moderated Support topic: "Support is provided in this channel..."
Dec 20 19:00:17 [trace] topiclist_load: finished reading topic file
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] _setup_listensock: listening for bnet connections on TCP
Dec 20 19:00:17 [info ] _setup_listensock: listening for w3route connections on TCP
Dec 20 19:00:19 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 0, now: 1292850019, now-lc: 1292850019.
Dec 20 19:00:19 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:00:19 [info ] sd_accept: [6] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:00:19 [info ] conn_create: [6][4] sessionkey=0x26842e24 sessionnum=0x00000000
Dec 20 19:00:19 [debug] sd_accept: [6] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:00:19 [info ] handle_init_packet: [6] client initiated d2cs_bnetd connection
Dec 20 19:00:19 [trace] conn_shutdown: [6] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:00:19 [info ] handle_d2cs_init: sent init packet to d2cs (sessionnum=0)
Dec 20 19:00:19 [warn ] on_d2cs_authreply: warn: realm name mismatch D2CS Gothic
Dec 20 19:00:19 [info ] on_d2cs_authreply: d2cs authed
Dec 20 19:00:19 [debug] conn_set_realm: [6] set to "Gothic"
Dec 20 19:00:19 [info ] realm_active: realm Gothic actived
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850019, now: 1292850082, now-lc: 63.
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] sd_accept: [7] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] conn_create: [7][4] sessionkey=0x2933f3eb sessionnum=0x00000001
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] sd_accept: [7] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] handle_init_packet: [7] client initiated bnet connection
Dec 20 19:01:22 [trace] conn_shutdown: [7] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [7] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0xfffffe98(-360) lcid=1049 langid=1049 arch="IX86" client="D2XP" versionid=0x0000000b gamelang="ruRU"
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [7] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from "Russia" "RUS"
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [7] setting client arch to "IX86"
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [7] setting client type to "D2XP"
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] conn_set_gamelang: [7] setting client gamelang to "ruRU"
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [7] selecting version check
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=WAR3
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=D2XP
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [7] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850082, now: 1292850082, now-lc: 0.
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] sd_accept: [8] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] conn_create: [8][4] sessionkey=0x39bfb7d3 sessionnum=0x00000002
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] sd_accept: [8] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] handle_init_packet: [8] client initiated file download connection
Dec 20 19:01:22 [trace] conn_shutdown: [8] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] file_send: [8] sending file "IX86ver1.mpq" of length 6963
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [8] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] conn_destroy: [8] closed file connection
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] _client_authreq109: [7] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x564bf1a3, verstr= exeinfo="Game.exe 08/17/05 01:12:37 2129920" versionid=0x0000000b gameversion=0x01000b00 checksum=0xbfc36199
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] versioncheck_validate: got a matching entry: D2XP_111B
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] _client_authreq109: [7] client matches versiontag "D2XP_111B"
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] _client_authreq109: [7] no upgrade for D2XP_111B is available
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [7] TOS requested: "bnserver-D2DV.ini" - type = 0x80000004
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850082, now: 1292850082, now-lc: 0.
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] sd_accept: [8] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] conn_create: [8][4] sessionkey=0x67e7ffc8 sessionnum=0x00000003
Dec 20 19:01:22 [debug] sd_accept: [8] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] handle_init_packet: [8] client initiated file download connection
Dec 20 19:01:22 [trace] conn_shutdown: [8] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:01:22 [info ] file_send: [8] sending file "bnserver-D2DV.ini" of length 336
Dec 20 19:01:23 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [8] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:01:23 [info ] conn_destroy: [8] closed file connection
Dec 20 19:01:25 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "/pvpgn/var/users/kir"
Dec 20 19:01:25 [info ] _client_loginreq2: [7] "kir" logged in (correct password)
Dec 20 19:01:32 [debug] _client_progident2: [7] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Dec 20 19:01:32 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [7] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo=",Dunadan"
Dec 20 19:01:32 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1292850017 news_time 0
Dec 20 19:01:32 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850082, now: 1292850092, now-lc: 10.
Dec 20 19:01:32 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:01:32 [info ] sd_accept: [8] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:01:32 [info ] conn_create: [8][4] sessionkey=0x0be71741 sessionnum=0x00000004
Dec 20 19:01:32 [debug] sd_accept: [8] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:01:32 [info ] handle_init_packet: [8] client initiated file download connection
Dec 20 19:01:32 [trace] conn_shutdown: [8] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:01:32 [info ] file_send: [8] sending file "ad000001.smk" of length 18560
Dec 20 19:01:32 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [8] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:01:32 [info ] conn_destroy: [8] closed file connection
Dec 20 19:01:45 [info ] handle_bnet: Told Mutual Friends your in game Game1
Dec 20 19:01:45 [debug] _client_startgame4: [7] got startgame4 status for game "Game1" is 0x00000000 (gametype=0x0008 option=0x0000, flag=0x0000)
Dec 20 19:01:45 [info ] game_create: game "Game1" (pass "") type 18(Diablo II (open)) startver 4 created
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850082, now: 1292850136, now-lc: 54.
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] sd_accept: [8] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] conn_create: [8][4] sessionkey=0x1d71bc13 sessionnum=0x00000005
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] sd_accept: [8] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] handle_init_packet: [8] client initiated bnet connection
Dec 20 19:02:16 [trace] conn_shutdown: [8] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [8] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0xfffffe98(-360) lcid=1049 langid=1049 arch="IX86" client="D2XP" versionid=0x0000000b gamelang="ruRU"
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [8] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from "Russia" "RUS"
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [8] setting client arch to "IX86"
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [8] setting client type to "D2XP"
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] conn_set_gamelang: [8] setting client gamelang to "ruRU"
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [8] selecting version check
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=WAR3
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=D2XP
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [8] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850136, now: 1292850136, now-lc: 0.
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] sd_accept: [9] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] conn_create: [9][4] sessionkey=0x0cb87543 sessionnum=0x00000006
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] sd_accept: [9] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] handle_init_packet: [9] client initiated file download connection
Dec 20 19:02:16 [trace] conn_shutdown: [9] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] file_send: [9] sending file "IX86ver1.mpq" of length 6963
Dec 20 19:02:16 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [9] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:02:16 [info ] conn_destroy: [9] closed file connection
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] _client_authreq109: [8] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x4ecc4284, verstr= exeinfo="Game.exe 08/17/05 01:12:37 2129920" versionid=0x0000000b gameversion=0x01000b00 checksum=0xbfc36199
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] versioncheck_validate: got a matching entry: D2XP_111B
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] _client_authreq109: [8] client matches versiontag "D2XP_111B"
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] _client_authreq109: [8] no upgrade for D2XP_111B is available
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [8] TOS requested: "bnserver-D2DV.ini" - type = 0x80000004
Dec 20 19:02:17 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850136, now: 1292850137, now-lc: 1.
Dec 20 19:02:17 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] sd_accept: [9] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] conn_create: [9][4] sessionkey=0x384a8aff sessionnum=0x00000007
Dec 20 19:02:17 [debug] sd_accept: [9] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] handle_init_packet: [9] client initiated file download connection
Dec 20 19:02:17 [trace] conn_shutdown: [9] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] file_send: [9] sending file "bnserver-D2DV.ini" of length 336
Dec 20 19:02:17 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [9] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:02:17 [info ] conn_destroy: [9] closed file connection
Dec 20 19:02:21 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "/pvpgn/var/users/Oxy"
Dec 20 19:02:21 [info ] _client_loginreq2: [8] "Oxy" logged in (correct password)
Dec 20 19:02:25 [debug] _client_progident2: [8] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Dec 20 19:02:25 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [8] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo=",Denourin"
Dec 20 19:02:25 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1292850017 news_time 0
Dec 20 19:02:26 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850136, now: 1292850146, now-lc: 10.
Dec 20 19:02:26 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:02:26 [info ] sd_accept: [9] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:02:26 [info ] conn_create: [9][4] sessionkey=0x5f2f6396 sessionnum=0x00000008
Dec 20 19:02:26 [debug] sd_accept: [9] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:02:26 [info ] handle_init_packet: [9] client initiated file download connection
Dec 20 19:02:26 [trace] conn_shutdown: [9] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:02:26 [info ] file_send: [9] sending file "ad000001.smk" of length 18560
Dec 20 19:02:26 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [9] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:02:26 [info ] conn_destroy: [9] closed file connection
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: GAMELISTREPLY looking for public games tag="D2XP" bngtype=0x00000000 gtype=18
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] _glist_cb: [8] considering listing game="Game1", pass="" clienttag="D2XP" gtype=18
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] trans_net: no match found for (not translated)
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: [8] GAMELISTREPLY sent 1 of 1 games
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: GAMELISTREPLY looking for public games tag="D2XP" bngtype=0x00000000 gtype=18
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] _glist_cb: [8] considering listing game="Game1", pass="" clienttag="D2XP" gtype=18
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] trans_net: no match found for (not translated)
Dec 20 19:02:28 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: [8] GAMELISTREPLY sent 1 of 1 games
Dec 20 19:03:15 [info ] _client_closegame: [8] client closing game
Dec 20 19:03:15 [info ] _client_closegame: [8] client closing game
Dec 20 19:03:16 [debug] _client_progident2: [8] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Dec 20 19:03:16 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [8] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo=",Denourin"
Dec 20 19:03:16 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1292850017 news_time 0
Dec 20 19:03:20 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [8] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:03:20 [info ] conn_destroy: [8] "Oxy" logged out
Dec 20 19:03:20 [info ] conn_destroy: [8] closed bnet connection
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850136, now: 1292850204, now-lc: 68.
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] sd_accept: [8] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] conn_create: [8][4] sessionkey=0x52198214 sessionnum=0x00000009
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] sd_accept: [8] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] handle_init_packet: [8] client initiated bnet connection
Dec 20 19:03:24 [trace] conn_shutdown: [8] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [8] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0xfffffe98(-360) lcid=1049 langid=1049 arch="IX86" client="D2XP" versionid=0x0000000b gamelang="ruRU"
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [8] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from "Russia" "RUS"
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [8] setting client arch to "IX86"
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [8] setting client type to "D2XP"
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] conn_set_gamelang: [8] setting client gamelang to "ruRU"
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [8] selecting version check
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=WAR3
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=D2XP
Dec 20 19:03:24 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [8] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] _client_authreq109: [8] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x9d998c6a, verstr= exeinfo="Game.exe 08/17/05 01:12:37 2129920" versionid=0x0000000b gameversion=0x01000b00 checksum=0xbfc36199
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] versioncheck_validate: got a matching entry: D2XP_111B
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] _client_authreq109: [8] client matches versiontag "D2XP_111B"
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] _client_authreq109: [8] no upgrade for D2XP_111B is available
Dec 20 19:03:24 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [8] TOS requested: "bnserver-D2DV.ini" - type = 0x80000004
Dec 20 19:03:29 [info ] _client_loginreq2: [8] "Oxy" logged in (correct password)
Dec 20 19:03:29 [debug] conn_set_realm: [8] set to "Gothic"
Dec 20 19:03:29 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Dec 20 19:03:29 [debug] trans_net: no match found for (not translated)
Dec 20 19:03:29 [debug] on_d2cs_accountloginreq: user Oxy loggedin on d2cs
Dec 20 19:03:33 [debug] on_d2cs_charloginreq: loaded portrait for character vedma
Dec 20 19:03:34 [debug] _client_progident2: [8] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Dec 20 19:03:34 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [8] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo="Gothic,vedma"
Dec 20 19:03:34 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1292850017 news_time 0
Dec 20 19:04:01 [info ] _client_closegame: [7] client closing game
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_del_player: game "Game1" has ref=1, count=1; trying to remove player "kir"
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_del_player: removing player #0 "kir" from "Game1", 0 players left
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_del_player: player "kir" left without reporting (valid) results
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_del_player: player deleted... (ref=1)
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_del_player: no more players, reporting game
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_report: realcount=0 count=1
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_report: game report saved as "/pvpgn/var/reports/gr_20101220190401_000001"
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_del_player: no more players, destroying game
Dec 20 19:04:01 [debug] game_destroy: game "Game1" (count=1 ref=1) removed from list...
Dec 20 19:04:01 [info ] game_destroy: game deleted
Dec 20 19:04:02 [info ] _client_closegame: [7] client closing game
Dec 20 19:04:02 [debug] _client_progident2: [7] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Dec 20 19:04:02 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [7] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo=",Dunadan"
Dec 20 19:04:03 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1292850017 news_time 0
Dec 20 19:04:06 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: GAMELISTREPLY looking for public games tag="D2XP" bngtype=0x00000000 gtype=18
Dec 20 19:04:06 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: [7] GAMELISTREPLY sent 0 of 0 games
Dec 20 19:04:06 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: GAMELISTREPLY looking for public games tag="D2XP" bngtype=0x00000000 gtype=18
Dec 20 19:04:06 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: [7] GAMELISTREPLY sent 0 of 0 games
Dec 20 19:04:11 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [7] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:04:11 [info ] conn_destroy: [7] "kir" logged out
Dec 20 19:04:11 [info ] conn_destroy: [7] closed bnet connection
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1292850204, now: 1292850253, now-lc: 49.
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] sd_accept: [7] accepted connection from on
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] conn_create: [7][4] sessionkey=0x40e21e4e sessionnum=0x0000000a
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] sd_accept: [7] client connected to a bnet listening address
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] handle_init_packet: [7] client initiated bnet connection
Dec 20 19:04:13 [trace] conn_shutdown: [7] connection allready closed
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [7] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0xfffffe98(-360) lcid=1049 langid=1049 arch="IX86" client="D2XP" versionid=0x0000000b gamelang="ruRU"
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [7] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from "Russia" "RUS"
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [7] setting client arch to "IX86"
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [7] setting client type to "D2XP"
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] conn_set_gamelang: [7] setting client gamelang to "ruRU"
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [7] selecting version check
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=WAR3
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=D2XP
Dec 20 19:04:13 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [7] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] _client_authreq109: [7] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0xac9a7f07, verstr= exeinfo="Game.exe 08/17/05 01:12:37 2129920" versionid=0x0000000b gameversion=0x01000b00 checksum=0xbfc36199
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] versioncheck_validate: got a matching entry: D2XP_111B
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] _client_authreq109: [7] client matches versiontag "D2XP_111B"
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] _client_authreq109: [7] no upgrade for D2XP_111B is available
Dec 20 19:04:13 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [7] TOS requested: "bnserver-D2DV.ini" - type = 0x80000004
Dec 20 19:04:16 [info ] _client_loginreq2: [7] "kir" logged in (correct password)
Dec 20 19:04:16 [debug] conn_set_realm: [7] set to "Gothic"
Dec 20 19:04:16 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Dec 20 19:04:16 [debug] trans_net: no match found for (not translated)
Dec 20 19:04:16 [debug] on_d2cs_accountloginreq: user kir loggedin on d2cs
Dec 20 19:04:21 [debug] on_d2cs_charloginreq: loaded portrait for character Kirill
Dec 20 19:04:21 [debug] _client_progident2: [7] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Dec 20 19:04:21 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [7] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo="Gothic,Kirill"
Dec 20 19:04:21 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1292850017 news_time 0
Dec 20 19:04:35 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [7] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:04:35 [info ] conn_destroy: [7] "kir" logged out
Dec 20 19:04:35 [info ] conn_destroy: [7] closed bnet connection
Dec 20 19:04:37 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [8] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Dec 20 19:04:37 [info ] conn_destroy: [8] "Oxy" logged out
Dec 20 19:04:37 [info ] conn_destroy: [8] closed bnet connection
Dec 20 19:10:17 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\passhash1" val="dab182b5a6a7e88b46579292556c55ef7e47a2b8"
Dec 20 19:10:17 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\email" val=""
Dec 20 19:10:17 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\ctime" val="1292824201"
Dec 20 19:10:17 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\userid" val="3"...
кто хочет открывать проэкт помогу с настройкой установкой доты и ботов + php статистика для доты и д.р. (старик варик и деабло)

это платно >>> //создать тему в разделе биржа и сюда ссылку на неё.

тема биржа Smile
а че платно узнаите когда напишите Smile
скайп r45support или в л/с на форуме редко бываю этом

патчи д2[/URL]
несколько патчей на веши чармы и т.д

Denourin ну ты и пашутил у тебя стоит Gothic реалам в d2cs.conf
а в realm.conf D2CS как же ты так по инструкции настраивал ? Smile
Добрый день, uneee!
Цитата:у тебя стоит Gothic реалам в d2cs.conf
а в realm.conf D2CS
Шутка - она жизнь продлевает! Выставил в обоих файлах значение D2CS. Абсолютно ничего не изменилось (кроме отображаемого названия реалма в самом Diablo II), игра по прежнему не создаётся и пишет ровно тоже самое.
Цитата:как же ты так по инструкции настраивал ?
Настраивал так, что настроил вот так. Все настройки выложил. Помогите настроить правильно. Надеюсь на оперативную помощь и жду очередных ценных указаний. Спасибо.
С уважением, Denourin.

P.S. Выкладываю изменённые конфиги и логи. Забирать тут.
на данный момент есть 3 причины это

1 не тот патч запихнул или библиотеки от диабло
как узнать? проц грузится сильно около 100 или больше 50

2 ну и сам d2gs не запущен
3 да и еше в фаилике d2gs.reg
"D2CSIP"="Свой IP"
"D2DBSIP"="Свой IP"

если не помогло напиши какой у тебя стоит d2gs и версия клиента(сам сервер находится здесь)
и чтобы не вазникало ошибок с сокетами
струтура каталога:
список фаилов необхадимые серверу d2gs (с клиента)
Всем доброго времени суток! И с Новым Годом!
Я разобрался с предыдущей проблемой и за одно перебрался на другую систему:
ОС: MS Windows 2003 Server
CPU: 1.6 GHz
RAM: 512 Mb
PVPGN: 1.8.5 + MySQL 5.0.77
Игра: Diablo II 1.11
Сервер базируется на стареньком ноуте, ноут базируется в локальной сетке. Все домашние заходят на сервер без проблем - всё работает, создаётся, видится и играется, нареканий - пока не вызывает.
Удалённые пользователи заходят так:
В конфигах Diablo II прописан сервер: $server_name.dyndns.org
При коннекте - попадают на ADSL Router (D-Link 2520U), там стоит переброска портов 6112-6114 и 4000 на внутренний сервер.
На внутреннем сервере стоит переброска этих же портов на ноутбук с сервером pvpgn.
Удалённый пользователь заходит на сервак, создаёт аккаунт, но при попытке создать персонажа, сервер пишет "Соединение...", а затем "Королевству конец". Аналогичная ситуация происходит даже если войти под чужим аккаунтом и попытаться выбрать готового персонажа.
Логи и конфиги тут.
Огромная просьба, помогите дожать, очень хочется поиграть. Спасибо!

Цитата:ну и сам d2gs не запущен
Именно так. Не работал этот сервер. Я про него тупо забыл. А потом выяснил, что под Linux в "чистом" виде вообще его поднять невозможно, т.к. он использует исключительно виндовые файлы. Не имея особого желания работать через эмулятор просто перешёл на Windows. Спасибо!
Всем добрый день! С праздником!
Проблему решил. Нужно было настроить трансляцию в файле address_translation.conf

Всем спасибо, новичкам - удачи!
У меня такой вопрос!
У меня стоит 2 строки serveraddrs я так и не понял что в 2 строки пихать IP??
и суда тоже IP? w3routeaddr
ко мне пытался заходит друг, но у него пишет
Сервер временно не работает!
Что делать? у меня заходит на серв, а у него такое пишет =(
Помогите , сделал все правильно все работает , но работает только на внешнем айпи , можно на внутренний перенести?
PS делал по инструкции PuShKinG на 8 стр.

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