02-01-2012, 11:39 PM
дядьки, ну обьясните , или киньте мануал, как всё это делаеццо ..( добавляются импорты и т.д. ) ну не могу же я так всё бросить ....
Бешенство, это не болезнь :di: © Pumo4ka
Seven Sign Seal Of The Emperor
02-01-2012, 11:39 PM
дядьки, ну обьясните , или киньте мануал, как всё это делаеццо ..( добавляются импорты и т.д. ) ну не могу же я так всё бросить ....
Бешенство, это не болезнь :di: © Pumo4ka
файл называется Disciple.java
а выдаёт ошибку при компилировании Код: the public type must be defined in its own file [src=java]public class Disciple extends Quest[/src] :ck::cb::cj: Добавлено через 10 часов 14 минут up up up up up up :cj:
Бешенство, это не болезнь :di: © Pumo4ka
02-07-2012, 05:37 PM
Puma1414 Написал:/topic_update nowЭто жи ява, ну. Файл Disciple.class ему надо. Или что-то в этом роде. Или его нет, или его не видит, или я не прав потому что знаю только С/C++. :cq:
02-07-2012, 06:23 PM
поменял скрипт...теперь
Код: the type Disciple is already defined
Бешенство, это не болезнь :di: © Pumo4ka
02-07-2012, 06:38 PM
Класс уже определён, возможно ли что есть классы с таким же именем?
CSharpRU Написал:Класс уже определён, возможно ли что есть классы с таким же именем? в данном скрипте ? [src=java]/** * @author Skyline * OpenTeamFree 14.09.2010, Based on PTS Freya. * TODO: Disciple - Lilith and Anakim Attack. * TODO: Disciple - Fix in sql rb's 32715,32716,32717,32718,32719,32720,32721 */ package instances.Disciple; import ru.l2open.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention; import ru.l2open.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import ru.l2open.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager; import ru.l2open.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager.InstanceWorld; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.L2Object; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.L2World; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import ru.l2open.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import ru.l2open.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage; public class Disciple extends Quest { private class DiSWorld extends InstanceWorld { public long[] storeTime = {0,0}; public DiSWorld() { InstanceManager.getInstance().super(); } } private static final String qn = "Disciple"; private static final int INSTANCEID = 112; private static final int PROMISE = 32585; private static final int LEON = 32587; private static final int DOOR = 17240111; private static final int GATEKEEPER = 32657; private static final int SEALDEVICE = 27384; //private static final int EINHASAD_STRIKE = 8357; private class teleCoord {int instanceId; int x; int y; int z;} private void teleportplayer(L2PcInstance player, teleCoord teleto) { player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); player.setInstanceId(teleto.instanceId); player.teleToLocation(teleto.x, teleto.y, teleto.z); return; } protected void exitInstance(L2PcInstance player, teleCoord tele) { player.setInstanceId(0); player.teleToLocation(tele.x, tele.y, tele.z); } protected int enterInstance(L2PcInstance player, String template, teleCoord teleto) { int instanceId = 0; InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); if (world != null) { if (!(world instanceof DiSWorld)) { player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER)); return 0; } teleto.instanceId = world.instanceId; teleportplayer(player,teleto); return instanceId; } else { instanceId = InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance(template); world = new DiSWorld(); world.instanceId = instanceId; world.templateId = INSTANCEID; world.status = 0; ((DiSWorld)world).storeTime[0] = System.currentTimeMillis(); InstanceManager.getInstance().addWorld(world); _log.info("Disciple started " + template + " Instance: " + instanceId + " created by player: " + player.getName()); teleto.instanceId = instanceId; teleportplayer(player,teleto); world.allowed.add(player.getObjectId()); return instanceId; } } protected void openDoor(int doorId,int instanceId) { for (L2DoorInstance door : InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(instanceId).getDoors()) { if (door.getDoorId() == doorId) door.openMe(); } } public String onSkillSee(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance caster, L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets, boolean isPet) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof DiSWorld) { for (L2Object obj : targets) { if (npc != obj) return null; } if (skill.getId() == 8357 && npc.getNpcId() == SEALDEVICE) { npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5980, 1)); } } return super.onSkillSee(npc,caster,skill,targets,isPet); } public String onTalk ( L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) st = newQuestState(player); if (npcId == PROMISE) { teleCoord tele = new teleCoord(); tele.x = -89559; tele.y = 216030; tele.z = -7488; enterInstance(player, "Disciple.xml", tele); } else if (npcId == LEON) { InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); world.allowed.remove(world.allowed.indexOf(player.getObjectId())); teleCoord tele = new teleCoord(); tele.instanceId = 0; tele.x = 171782; tele.y = -17612; tele.z = -4901; exitInstance(player,tele); } else if (npcId == GATEKEEPER) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof DiSWorld) { DiSWorld world = (DiSWorld) tmpworld; { openDoor(DOOR,world.instanceId); for(int objId : world.allowed) { L2PcInstance pl = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(objId); if (pl != null) pl.showQuestMovie(12); } } } } return ""; } public Disciple(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(PROMISE); addTalkId(PROMISE); addTalkId(LEON); addTalkId(GATEKEEPER); addSkillSeeId(SEALDEVICE); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Disciple(-1,qn,"instances"); } } public class Disciple extends Quest { private class DiSWorld extends InstanceWorld { public long[] storeTime = {0,0}; public DiSWorld() { InstanceManager.getInstance().super(); } } private static final String qn = "Disciple"; private static final int INSTANCEID = 112; private static final int PROMISE = 32585; private static final int LEON = 32587; private static final int DOOR = 17240111; private static final int GATEKEEPER = 32657; private static final int SEALDEVICE = 27384; //private static final int EINHASAD_STRIKE = 8357; private class teleCoord {int instanceId; int x; int y; int z;} private void teleportplayer(L2PcInstance player, teleCoord teleto) { player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); player.setInstanceId(teleto.instanceId); player.teleToLocation(teleto.x, teleto.y, teleto.z); return; } protected void exitInstance(L2PcInstance player, teleCoord tele) { player.setInstanceId(0); player.teleToLocation(tele.x, tele.y, tele.z); } protected int enterInstance(L2PcInstance player, String template, teleCoord teleto) { int instanceId = 0; InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); if (world != null) { if (!(world instanceof DiSWorld)) { player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER)); return 0; } teleto.instanceId = world.instanceId; teleportplayer(player,teleto); return instanceId; } else { instanceId = InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance(template); world = new DiSWorld(); world.instanceId = instanceId; world.templateId = INSTANCEID; world.status = 0; ((DiSWorld)world).storeTime[0] = System.currentTimeMillis(); InstanceManager.getInstance().addWorld(world); _log.info("Disciple started " + template + " Instance: " + instanceId + " created by player: " + player.getName()); teleto.instanceId = instanceId; teleportplayer(player,teleto); world.allowed.add(player.getObjectId()); return instanceId; } } protected void openDoor(int doorId,int instanceId) { for (L2DoorInstance door : InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(instanceId).getDoors()) { if (door.getDoorId() == doorId) door.openMe(); } } public String onSkillSee(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance caster, L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets, boolean isPet) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof DiSWorld) { for (L2Object obj : targets) { if (npc != obj) return null; } if (skill.getId() == 8357 && npc.getNpcId() == SEALDEVICE) { npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5980, 1)); } } return super.onSkillSee(npc,caster,skill,targets,isPet); } public String onTalk (L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) st = newQuestState(player); if (npcId == PROMISE) { teleCoord tele = new teleCoord(); tele.x = -89559; tele.y = 216030; tele.z = -7488; enterInstance(player, "Disciple.xml", tele); } else if (npcId == LEON) { InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); world.allowed.remove(world.allowed.indexOf(player.getObjectId())); teleCoord tele = new teleCoord(); tele.instanceId = 0; tele.x = 171782; tele.y = -17612; tele.z = -4901; exitInstance(player,tele); } else if (npcId == GATEKEEPER) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof DiSWorld) { DiSWorld world = (DiSWorld) tmpworld; { openDoor(DOOR,world.instanceId); for(int objId : world.allowed) { L2PcInstance pl = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(objId); if (pl != null) pl.showQuestMovie(12); } } } } return ""; } public Disciple(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(PROMISE); addTalkId(PROMISE); addTalkId(LEON); addTalkId(GATEKEEPER); addSkillSeeId(SEALDEVICE); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Disciple(-1,qn,"instances"); } @Override public String onTalk ( L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) st = newQuestState(player); switch (npc.getNpcId()) { case PROMISE: teleCoord tele = new teleCoord(); tele.x = -89559; tele.y = 216030; tele.z = -7488; enterInstance(player, "Disciple.xml", tele); break; case LEON: InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); world.allowed.remove(world.allowed.indexOf(player.getObjectId())); tele = new teleCoord(); tele.instanceId = 0; tele.x = 171782; tele.y = -17612; tele.z = -4901; exitInstance(player,tele); break; case GATEKEEPER: final InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof DiSWorld) { world = (DiSWorld) tmpworld; openDoor(DOOR,world.instanceId); for (int objId : world.allowed) { final L2PcInstance pl = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(objId); if (pl != null) pl.showQuestMovie(13); } } break; } return ""; } public Disciple(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(PROMISE); addTalkId(PROMISE); addTalkId(LEON); addTalkId(GATEKEEPER); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Disciple(-1, qn, "instances"); } }[/src] Добавлено через 14 часов 0 минут отключил абсолютно все квесты, запустил только дисайпл, та же ошибка . Добавлено через 23 часа 13 минут нашёл рабочий скрипт ... [src=java]/** * @author Skyline * OpenTeamFree 14.09.2010, Based on PTS Freya. * TODO: Disciple - Lilith and Anakim Attack. * TODO: Disciple - Fix in sql rb's 32715,32716,32717,32718,32719,32720,32721 */ package instances.Disciple; import ru.l2open.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention; import ru.l2open.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import ru.l2open.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager; import ru.l2open.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager.InstanceWorld; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.L2Object; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.L2World; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import ru.l2open.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import ru.l2open.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import ru.l2open.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage; public class Disciple extends Quest { private class DiSWorld extends InstanceWorld { public long[] storeTime = {0,0}; public DiSWorld() { InstanceManager.getInstance().super(); } } private static final String qn = "Disciple"; private static final int INSTANCEID = 112; private static final int PROMISE = 32585; private static final int LEON = 32587; private static final int DOOR = 17240111; private static final int GATEKEEPER = 32657; private static final int SEALDEVICE = 27384; private static final int EINHASAD_STRIKE = 8357; private class teleCoord {int instanceId; int x; int y; int z;} private void teleportplayer(L2PcInstance player, teleCoord teleto) { player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); player.setInstanceId(teleto.instanceId); player.teleToLocation(teleto.x, teleto.y, teleto.z); return; } protected void exitInstance(L2PcInstance player, teleCoord tele) { player.setInstanceId(0); player.teleToLocation(tele.x, tele.y, tele.z); } protected int enterInstance(L2PcInstance player, String template, teleCoord teleto) { int instanceId = 0; InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); if (world != null) { if (!(world instanceof DiSWorld)) { player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER)); return 0; } teleto.instanceId = world.instanceId; teleportplayer(player,teleto); return instanceId; } else { instanceId = InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance(template); world = new DiSWorld(); world.instanceId = instanceId; world.templateId = INSTANCEID; world.status = 0; ((DiSWorld)world).storeTime[0] = System.currentTimeMillis(); InstanceManager.getInstance().addWorld(world); _log.info("Disciple started " + template + " Instance: " + instanceId + " created by player: " + player.getName()); teleto.instanceId = instanceId; teleportplayer(player,teleto); world.allowed.add(player.getObjectId()); return instanceId; } } protected void openDoor(int doorId,int instanceId) { for (L2DoorInstance door : InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(instanceId).getDoors()) { if (door.getDoorId() == doorId) door.openMe(); } } public String onSkillSee(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance caster, L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets, boolean isPet) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof DiSWorld) { for (L2Object obj : targets) { if (npc != obj) return null; } if (skill.getId() == EINHASAD_STRIKE && npc.getNpcId() == SEALDEVICE) { npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5980, 1)); } } return super.onSkillSee(npc,caster,skill,targets,isPet); } public String onTalk (L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) st = newQuestState(player); if (npcId == PROMISE) { teleCoord tele = new teleCoord(); tele.x = -89559; tele.y = 216030; tele.z = -7488; enterInstance(player, "Disciple.xml", tele); } else if (npcId == LEON) { InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); world.allowed.remove(world.allowed.indexOf(player.getObjectId())); teleCoord tele = new teleCoord(); tele.instanceId = 0; tele.x = 171782; tele.y = -17612; tele.z = -4901; exitInstance(player,tele); } else if (npcId == GATEKEEPER) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof DiSWorld) { DiSWorld world = (DiSWorld) tmpworld; { openDoor(DOOR,world.instanceId); for(int objId : world.allowed) { L2PcInstance pl = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(objId); if (pl != null) pl.showQuestMovie(12); } } } } return ""; } public Disciple(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(PROMISE); addTalkId(PROMISE); addTalkId(LEON); addTalkId(GATEKEEPER); addSkillSeeId(SEALDEVICE); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Disciple(-1,qn,"instances"); } }[/src] Добавлено через 23 часа 24 минуты и я даже попал в данж, но тут проблемка , не открываются двери .. скил у сворда работает(на мобов, не на двери), а вот холи ватер , ваще по нулям ...пошёл искать ....http://l2kc.ru/item/13808 и вот тут вопрос ... у меня в хмл , нету в такого номера, есть только : 13000-13099.xml дальше такой идёт 14600-14699.xml вопрос, почему мне собсно ДАЮТ по квесту этот итем если его нету нигде.. и могу ли я его как то добавить ?
Бешенство, это не болезнь :di: © Pumo4ka
02-08-2012, 09:28 PM
не работают двери ? удалить :cw2:
зато квест работает:dk: и всего то неделю с ним копался):loltt0:
Бешенство, это не болезнь :di: © Pumo4ka
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