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PvPGN для новичков
ijusty Написал:Здравствуйте! У меня такая проблема. Сервер стоит .. работает отлично на локальном IP.. Но у меня инет работает через роутер и мне нужно чтобы люди играли по инету я добавил в роутер порт 6112 и 6200 люди заходят но не могут играть быструю игру, игру находит но патом пишет что она не найдена.. также постоянно пишет ошибку [error] handle_init_packet: [264] client requested unknown class 0xf7 (length 1) (closing connection) это когда игра через роутер по инету.. когда по локалке ошибок нет всё гладко и Щикарно. Помогите чем сможете.

Здаствуйте у меня похожая ошибка строит сервак и есть роутер.Внешний ип постояный(белый) Сервер работает нормально к нему все подключаются как из внехи так и из локала но далше идет лажа
когда создает комп на котором стоит сервер то локальный комп его не видит а внешний видит но при заходе не него пишет что сервер к еоторому вы конектитесь отключен
когда создает друг из внехи то тоже самое
а если создаьт игру у локального компа тоо его некто не видит

Пробовал насттройки моста в файле address_translation.conf но не получилось мож мост я неправильно создал или что?

мост имеет вид: NONE <тут мой внешний ип>:6200 NONE ANY
nelegal Написал:Коротко о PvPGN :
В нашем случае для того, чтобы играть на таком сервере потребуется версия 1.21.

скиньте если у кого есть для 1.24c вара. этот PvPGN устаревший ппц

Добавлено через 5 минут
всё, нашёл
Cкажите , можноли поменять баннеры(картинки) на батде ввсерху !? и еще я видел при заходе на батлнет когда раздвигаются двери, на этих дверех админ сделал картинку, как это все зделать !:?
Сам не пробовал, но информация о смене баннеров имеется.
Формат баннеров - MNG
Для начала надо нарисовать баннер с фиксированным размером 468x60, формат любой (png, gif, jpg)

После необходимо конвертировать его в MNG, я пользовался Image Analyzer 1.31(правда в других целях) но и с этой задачей он справится.
Теперь изображение MNG кидаем в папку ".../files".

В файле ad.conf надо указать названия файла и его ссылку (это ведь баннер).

# --file name-- when- time ---------------URL--------------- --next-- --client-- #

"ad000001.mng" init 30 "http://forum.zone-game.info/ 0x000000 "W3XP"
"ad000002.mng" start 30 "http://forum.zone-game.info/ 0x000002 "W3XP"
"ad000003.mng" start 30 "http://forum.zone-game.info/ 0x000001 "W3XP"

init означает, что баннер ad000001.mng будет показан в начале 1 раз
start показывает баннер по кругу

time - интервал смены изображения

В поле --next-- в HEX′e указывается какой баннер будет показан первым. В вышеприведенном примере сначала будет показываться ad000003.mng и уже после него ad000002.mng

*Названия баннеров ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО должны быть типа ad000001.mng, ad000002.mng итд

СКАЧАТЬ Image Analyzer 1.31 + Language Pack
Новая версия PvPGN :
Скачать PvPGN-1.8.5-0-Win32-ODBC-BIN.zip
Доброго времени суток.
Появилась необходимость поставить сервер Bnet в лок. сети. Как человек "адекватен" прогуглил этот вопрос.
Сначала поставил и настроил (как по инструкции, а она во всех мануалах почти идентична) <<PvPGN 1.8.5 (latest stable)>>.
При запуске выдал
Цитата:Apr 14 17:41:44 [error] _get_value: Apr 14 17:41:44 [error] _get_value: extra characters in value after ending quote at line 458
И снова решил спросить совета у великого гугла. Он мне сказал, что проблема в channel.conf (но так как этот ответ был не по серверу, а по чему то там (вникивать не стал) решил что это не так уж и важно.
После двух часового танца с бубном вокруг костра и разделования тортика в качестве жертвы, пришёл к выводу "Возможно это сборка с ошибкой", но как ни странно на офф сайте проекта ничего по этому поводу не нашёл.
Решил попробывать сборку что указана в этом мануале и всё точно так-же.
BNGatewayEditor не пингует Bnet. Ну и в игре соотвественно на буржуйском написано "ХРЕН" (запускал через лаунчер w3l (Acid Loader))
На мускул настраивать не стал, т.к. играть будут меньше сотни...
На офф сайте настройка инсталлером 1.6 версии, тут я его в упор не нашёл о_О
Если кто нибудь сталкивался, отпишитесь плз.
Вот вырезка из чанела.конф если надо
PHP код:
# channel.list - Configuration for permanent channels #
# #
# These are the channels to create when the server starts up. This file does #
# not change the channel that the client requests when it logs in, but it #
# can be used to give that channel a different "official" name. #
# #
# Quotes (") are required around the strings, but they are not allowed #
# inside them. An unquoted NULL means there is no entry for that position. #
# #
# NONE for special name means to use the format "shortname-ctry num realm" #
# e.g. "D2CS-Starcraft USA-1" #
# NULL for country creates non-country specific channels. #
# -1 for max sets no limit to the number of users allowed in the channel #
# #
# ---special name--- -----short name----- cltag bots- -ops- -log- ctry- realm max -mod-#
"The Void" "The Void" NULL true false false NULL NULL -1 true
"Starcraft" STAR true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Brood War" SEXP true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Starcraft Shareware" SSHR true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Diablo Retail" DRTL true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"War2BNE" W2BN true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Diablo II" D2DV true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Diablo II" D2XP true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne" "W3" W3XP true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Warcraft 3" "W3" WAR3 true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Human Castle" "W3" W3XP true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Orc Stronghold" "W3" W3XP true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Undead Necropolis" "W3" W3XP true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Night Elf Tree of Life" "W3" W3XP true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Dragon Roost" "W3" W3XP true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Human Castle" "W3" WAR3 true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Orc Stronghold" "W3" WAR3 true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Undead Necropolis" "W3" WAR3 true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Night Elf Tree of Life" "W3" WAR3 true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Dragon Roost" "W3" WAR3 true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Chat" "Chat" CHAT true false false NULL NULL -1 false
"Backstage" "Backstage" NULL true false false NULL NULL 0 false
"Moderated Support" "Support" NULL true false false NULL NULL -1 true
# #
аццкий Написал:При запуске выдал
Apr 14 17:41:44 [error] _get_value: Apr 14 17:41:44 [error] _get_value: extra characters in value after ending quote at line 458
Это все? Наверняка выше в логах были еще ошибки.
А по одной строчке ничего толком не понятно.
Вот весь лог Smile

PHP код:
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [error] _get_value: Apr 14 20:23:30 [error] _get_value: extra characters in value after ending quote at line 458

Apr 14 20
:23:30 [info ] eventlog_startup: logging event levels: fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] give_up_root_privileges: about to give up root privileges
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [info ] pvpgn_greeting: PvPGN BnetD Mod version 1.8.2 process 3708
You are currently Running PvPGN BnetD Mod 1.8.2
you need support:
READ the documentation at http://pvpgndocs.berlios.de/
* you can subscribe to the pvpgn-users mailing list at
* you can try our wiki page at http://wiki.pvpgn.org
* check out the forums at https://forums.pvpgn.org
* visit us on IRC on irc.pvpgn.org channel #pvpgn

Server is now running.
Apr 14 20:23:30 [info ] storage_init: initializing storage layer (available drivers: file, sql, sql2)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [info ] storage_init: using file storage driver
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [info ] fdw_select_init: fdwatch select() based layer initialized (max 1000 sockets)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [info ] server_set_hostname: set hostname to "home-a057699b25"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "The Void" shortname="The Void" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Starcraft-1" shortname="Starcraft" clienttag="STAR" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Brood War-1" shortname="Brood War" clienttag="SEXP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Starcraft Shareware-1" shortname="Starcraft Shareware" clienttag="SSHR" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo Retail-1" shortname="Diablo Retail" clienttag="DRTL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "War2BNE-1" shortname="War2BNE" clienttag="W2BN" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo II-1" shortname="Diablo II" clienttag="D2DV" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo II-1" shortname="Diablo II" clienttag="D2XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Warcraft 3" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Human Castle" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Orc Stronghold" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Undead Necropolis" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Night Elf Tree of Life" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Dragon Roost" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Human Castle" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Orc Stronghold" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Undead Necropolis" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Night Elf Tree of Life" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Dragon Roost" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Chat" shortname="Chat" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Backstage" shortname="Backstage" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Moderated Support" shortname="Support" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 18 0" shortname="GDI Barracks" clienttag="WWOL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 18 1" shortname="NOD Barracks" clienttag="WWOL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 18 2" shortname="GDI Comm. Center" clienttag="WWOL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 33 0" shortname="USA Command" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 33 1" shortname="Korean Bunker" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 41 0" shortname="Unknown" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Lob 41 1" shortname="Unknown" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Apr 14 20
:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.smk" extensiontag=0x6b6d732e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client=""
Apr 14 20:23:30 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.smk" extensiontag=0x6b6d732e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client=""
Apr 14 20:23:30 [info ] output_init: initializing output file
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "conf\bnetd_default_user.plain"
Apr 14 20:23:31 [info ] accountlist_create: started creating accountlist
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] accountlist_load_all: loaded 0 user accounts in 0 seconds
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 1, startxp: 0 neededxp: 0 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 2, startxp: 100 neededxp: 100 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 3, startxp: 200 neededxp: 200 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 4, startxp: 400 neededxp: 200 lossfactor: 25 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 5, startxp: 600 neededxp: 300 lossfactor: 25 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 6, startxp: 900 neededxp: 300 lossfactor: 43 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 7, startxp: 1200 neededxp: 400 lossfactor: 43 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 8, startxp: 1600 neededxp: 400 lossfactor: 67 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 9, startxp: 2000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 67 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 10, startxp: 2500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 0)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 11, startxp: 3000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 12, startxp: 3500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 13, startxp: 4000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 14, startxp: 4500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 15, startxp: 5000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 16, startxp: 5500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 17, startxp: 6000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 18, startxp: 6500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 19, startxp: 7000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 20, startxp: 7500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 21, startxp: 8000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 22, startxp: 8500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 23, startxp: 9000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 24, startxp: 9500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 25, startxp: 10000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 26, startxp: 10500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 27, startxp: 11000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 28, startxp: 11500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 29, startxp: 12000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 30, startxp: 12500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 31, startxp: 13000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 32, startxp: 13500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 33, startxp: 14000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 34, startxp: 14500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 35, startxp: 15000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 36, startxp: 15500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 37, startxp: 16000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 38, startxp: 16500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 39, startxp: 17000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 40, startxp: 17500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 41, startxp: 18000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 42, startxp: 18500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 43, startxp: 19000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 44, startxp: 19500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 45, startxp: 20000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 46, startxp: 20500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 47, startxp: 21000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 48, startxp: 21500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 49, startxp: 22000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 50, startxp: 22500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 0
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 1
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 2
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 3
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 4
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 5
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 6
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] ladder_createxptable: set war3 xpcalc maxleveldiff to 6
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] ladders_init: initializing war3 ladders
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/WAR3_SOLO_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/WAR3_TEAM_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/WAR3_FFA_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W3XP_SOLO_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W3XP_TEAM_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W3XP_FFA_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_AR_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_AW_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_AG_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_CR_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_CW_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_CG_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_AR_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_AW_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_AG_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_CR_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_CW_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_CG_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CR_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CW_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CG_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CRI_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CWI_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CGI_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AR_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AW_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AG_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_ARI_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AWI_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AGI_LADDER
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] ladders_load_accounts_to_ladderlists: everything went smooth... taking shortcut
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] ladder_update_all_accounts: updating ranking for all accounts
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] ladder_update_all_accounts: finished updating ranking for all accounts
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] tracker_set_servers: tracking packets will be sent to
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] aliasfile_load: done loading aliases
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] trans_load: trans file loaded
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)Battleground.w3m" for WAR3
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)PlainsOfSnow.w3m" for WAR3
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)BloodvenomFalls.w3m" for WAR3
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)GardenOfWar.w3m" for WAR3
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)Mur'gulOasis.w3x" for W3XP
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)PlainsOfSnow.w3x" for W3XP
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)RockQuarry.w3x" for W3XP
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)Sanctuary.w3x" for W3XP
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: []
Apr 14 20:23:31 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: [deDE]
Apr 14 20:23:31 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: [zhCN]
Apr 14 20:23:31 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: [ruRU]
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] file_load_clans: start reading clans
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] file_load_clans: finished reading clans
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] file_load_teams: start reading teams
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] file_load_teams: finished reading teams
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] topiclist_load: start reading topic file
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [trace] topiclist_load: channel: Chat topic: "This is the public chat channel. Feel free to chat..."
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] topiclist_load: channel: Moderated Support topic: "Support is provided in this channel..."
Apr 14 20:23:31 [trace] topiclist_load: finished reading topic file
Apr 14 20
:23:31 [info ] _setup_listensock: listening for w3route connections on TCP
Не в channel.list проблема, если бы с ним то каналы бы не создавались, а так они создаются нормально. Ищите где-то опечатку в bnetd.conf, либо указали что-то в кириллице или использовали символы ' " \ / # и другие.
Спасибо за совет, проверил два раза и ничего не обнаружил. Вот прикладываю, если будет кому не лень посмотреть Smile
PHP код:
# bnetd.conf - Configuration file for the Unix Battle.net daemon #
# #
# This file is an example configuration and may require modification to #
# suit your needs or your site. Blank lines and lines starting with a "#" #
# are ignored. Use quotes around values that contain spaces. #
# #

# Storage section #
# storage_path will tell pvpgn how and where from/to to read/write accounts #
# right now it supports 2 "drivers" : file and sql #
# #
# Syntax: #
# * for plain file driver: #
# storage_path = file:mode=plain;dir=<path_to_user_files>;clan=<path_to_clan_files>;team=<path_to_team_files>;default=/path/to/default/account #
# * for cdb file driver: #
# storage_path = file:mode=cdb;dir=<path_to_cdb_files>;clan=<path_to_clan_files>;team=<path_to_team_files>;default=/path/to/default/account #
# * for sql/sql2 driver: #
# storage_path = sql:variable=value;...;default=0 (0 is the default uid) #
# or storage_path = sql2:variable=value;...;default=0 (0 is the default uid) #
# #
# Variables for sql/sql2 can be: #
# - "mode" : tells PVPGN the sql mode you will use (mysql/pgsql/etc..) #
# - "host" : the database host #
# - "port" : the TCP/IP port if needed #
# - "socket" : the UNIX local socket if needed #
# - "name" : database name #
# - "user" : db username #
# - "pass" : db password #
# - "default" : specify the UID to use for the default account data #
# - "prefix" : prefix to use for all pvpgn tables (default "") #
# #
# Examples: #
# storage_path = file:mode=plain;dir=var\users;clan=var\clans;team=var\teams\;default=conf\bnetd_default_user.plain
# storage_path = file:mode=cdb;dir=var\userscdb;clan=var\clans;team=var\teams\;default=conf\bnetd_default_user.cdb
# storage_path = sql:mode=mysql;host=;name=PVPGN;user=pvpgn;pass=pvpgnrocks;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql:mode=pgsql;host=;name=pvpgn;user=pvpgn;pass=pvpgnrocks;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql:mode=sqlite3;name=var\users.db;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql:mode=odbc;name=PVPGN;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql2:mode=mysql;host=;name=PVPGN;user=pvpgn;pass=pvpgnrocks;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql2:mode=pgsql;host=;name=pvpgn;user=pvpgn;pass=pvpgnrocks;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql2:mode=sqlite3;name=var\users.db;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql2:mode=odbc;name=PVPGN;prefix=pvpgn_

storage_path = file:mode=plain;dir=var\users;clan=var\clans;team=var\teams;default=conf\bnetd_default_user.plain

# #

# File section #
# The pidfile can be set to "" to turn it off. #
# Use absolute paths in these lines to avoid problems! #

filedir = files
= var\reports
= var\chanlogs
= conf\bnmotd.txt
= conf\bnissue.txt
= conf\channel.conf
= conf\news.txt
= conf\ad.conf
= conf\topics.conf
= conf\bnban.conf
= conf\bnhelp.conf
= conf\address_translation.conf
= conf\autoupdate.conf
= var\bnetd.log
= conf\realm.conf
= conf\versioncheck.conf
= conf\bnmaps.conf
= conf\bnxplevel.conf
= conf\bnxpcalc.conf
#pidfile = var\bnetd.pid
ladderdir = var\ladders
= conf\command_groups.conf
= var\status
= conf\bnalias.conf
= conf\anongame_infos.conf
= conf\sql_DB_layout.conf
= conf\supportfile.conf

= bin\fortune.exe

# #

# Message logs #

# Multiple log levels can be defined by connecting them with a comma (,)
# Available loglevels are:
# none
# trace
# debug
# info
# warn
# error
# fatal
#loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace
loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace

# #

# D2CS realm server settings #

# Version of D2CS server to connect with (set to zero to disable version check)
d2cs_version = 0

# Allow the D2CS server to change realm names?
allow_d2cs_setname = true

# #

# Downloadable files #

# These filenames are reported directly to the client and are relative to
# the "filedir" directory specified above.
iconfile = "icons.bni"
war3_iconfile = "icons-WAR3.bni"
star_iconfile = "icons_STAR.bni"

tosfile = "tos.txt"

# #

# Client verification and upgrades #

# This option lists the client types allowed to connect (only valid for
# the bnet protocol). The list is a comma separated list of any of the
# following elements:
# all : all client types allowed (default)
# chat : client type "CHAT" allowed (used by some bot software)
# dshr : client type Diablo 1 Shareware
# drtl : client type Diablo 1 (Retail)
# sshr : client type Starcraft Shareware
# star : client type Starcraft
# sexp : client type Starcraft Broodwar
# w2bn : client type Warcraft II Battle.Net Edition
# d2dv : client type Diablo 2
# d2xp : client type Diablo 2 LOD
# war3 : client type Warcraft III (Reign Of Chaos)
# w3xp : client type Warcraft III Frozen Throne
# Example: allowed_clients = war3,w3xp
allowed_clients = all

# If this option is enabled, the verification step is skipped if possible.
# This only works with clients < 109. It is useful because you no longer
# need any of the IX86AUTH?.MPQ and PMACAUTH?.MPQ files. Note that it will
# also skip over all the autoupdate checks effectively disabling it.
# If you disable this you must have one or more of the MPQ files. Otherwise
# clients will hang when they first connect because they are attempting to
# download them. The versioncheck can only be skipped for clients older
# than 109. Starting with version 109 the clients will always do version
# checking since they do not function properly if the server does not
# request it.
skip_versioncheck = true

# If you enable the version checks but want to allow clients that don't pass
# the checksum test then enable this.
allow_bad_version = true

# If you enable the version checks but want to allow clients that aren't
# listed in the versioncheck configuration file then enable this. Unless
# you have a very complete file or are very paranoid about cheaters this
# is a good idea.
allow_unknown_version = true

# This defines how the exeinfo field in the versioncheck file is being
# checked. You can choose between no match at all [none] (default),
# exact match [exact], exact case-sensitive match [exactcase], dumb wildcard
# match [wildcard], and parsed value comparison [parse].
# NOTE: [parse] needs the mktime() function and might therefore not work on
# every system.
version_exeinfo_match = none

# If you have choosen [parse] above, this is the tolerance with which
# the time can differ. The value must be given in seconds. If it's 0 this
# check is disabled.
version_exeinfo_maxdiff = 0

# #

# Time values #

# Time in seconds between account file updates, 0 means wait forever.
usersync = 300
# Number of seconds of inactivity before file is unloaded from memory.
# (only checked during account file updates)
userflush = 1200
# Number of users checked for updates at once. Higher values make sense if you
# either have very fast hardware or you don't have many number of accounts.
# Lower values make sense if you have very high CPU usage on the system you run
# the server (dont make it too low or your system will save accounts continously).
# Modify this value ONLY if you know what you are doing!!
userstep = 100

# How often to send user latency tests in seconds.
latency = 600

# How often to send null or keepalive packets in seconds.
nullmsg = 120

# Amount of time to delay shutting down server in seconds.
shutdown_delay = 300
# Amount of time delay period is decremented by either a SIGTERM or SIGINT
# (control-c) signal in seconds.
shutdown_decr = 60

# How often should bans be checked for expiration? (in seconds)
#ipban_check_int = 30

# #

# Policy options #

# If you don't want people to be able to create new accounts, set this to
# false.
new_accounts = true

# Set this to the maximum number of accounts you want to allow to be
# created on your server. A value of 0 means infinite and is the default.
#max_accounts = 0

# If someone attempts to log in more than once, should it kick off the old
# login, or deny the new one?
kick_old_login = true
#kick_old_login = false
# With no passwords, this is bad to have enabled --NonReal

# load_new_account option has been eliminated and the functionality now is
# always active in PvPGN

# If a user is creating a new channel, should it be added automatically, or
# prompt them first?
ask_new_channel = true

# Should a game report be written for every game played or just ladder
# games?
#report_all_games = false
report_all_games = true

# Should Diablo I/II reports be written? There are no winners/losers.
report_diablo_games = false

# Should games with passwords be hidden on the game list?
hide_pass_games = true

# Should games already started be hidden on the game list? (for heavily
# loaded servers)
hide_started_games = true

# Should non-permanent channels hidden on the channel list?
hide_temp_channels = true

# Should the extended /-commands be avaliable? (of course!)
extra_commands = true

# Should any and all disconnects to be counted as losses?
# (Turning this on will override the user's choice in ladder games!)
disc_is_loss = false

# List additional game types to be counted as ladder games
# Curently allowed types: topvbot, melee, ffa, oneonone
# Example: ladder_games = "topvbot,oneonone"
ladder_games = "none"

# If additional game types are configured (see above) to be counted as ladder
# games then this setting configures a game name prefix to make only games
# which match this game name prefix be counted as ladder. This allows to
# still have normal games of the game types configured with "ladder_games"
# directive. However if this setting is commented or "" then ALL games
# which match the game types configured with "ladder_games" are to be
# considered as ladder games. The prefix checking is CASE SENSITIVE!
# Example: ladder_prefix = "ldr_"
ladder_prefix = ""

# Should all users be able to use the /con and /connections commands?
enable_conn_all = true

# Should client IP addresses (from /con, /games, /gameinfo, /netinfo)
# be hidden from non-admins?
hide_addr = false

# Should private channel messages be logged to files in the chanlogdir
# directory? (see channels.list for public channels)
chanlog = false

# Do you want to use the channel quota feature?
quota = yes

# The following options deal with flood prevention.
# How many lines do you accept in quota_time seconds?
# (The default should allow 5 lines in 5 seconds,
# longer time periods allow "bursts" of traffic before the quota is full.)
quota_lines = 5 # must be between 1 and 100 lines
quota_time = 5 # must be between 1 and 60 seconds
# "virtual wrapping", so long lines count as multiple lines
quota_wrapline = 40 # must be between 1 to 256 chars
# absolute maximum characters allowed in a line
quota_maxline = 200 # must be between 1 to 256 chars
# How many lines do you accept in quota_time seconds before user is
# disconnected?
# (According to Jung-woo, Dobae is a Korean term for flooding the game server...
# it originally meant "to paint the wallpaper on a new or refurbished house").
# If it less than or equal to quota_lines, there is no warning before
# disconnection so don't set this too low.
quota_dobae = 10 # must be between 1 and 100 lines

# Mail support
mail_support = true
= 5

# Channel logging message
log_notice = "*** Please note this channel is logged! ***"

# Ban on repeated password fails against bruteforce password thieves
# Fails required to get ip banned (0 to disable ban on password fail)
passfail_count = 0

# Password fail IP ban duration (in seconds)
passfail_bantime = 300

# Max users limit in private channels (0 = unlimited)
maxusers_per_channel = 0

# #

# Account configuration #

# Should account files be named by the account number or the player name?
savebyname = true

# Save the account data on logoff
sync_on_logoff = false

# How man rows should the account lookup hash table have? Servers with
# more accounts should use a larger table for better performance.
hashtable_size = 61

# Per default, only alphanumerical symbols are allowed in account names
# with this variable you can add some extra symbols to be allowed
# but be warned - that some of them might cause trouble - at least with
# savebyname=true (some symbols are forbidden in filenames or might cause
# you real trouble - plz neither allow wildcard symbols like '*' or '?'.
# Path delimiters like '/' or '\' are hardcoded filtered and can't be allowed.
# Also note that allowing the '.' might cause u some headache on win32 systems.
# You have been warned - the rest is up to you.
# default setting is "-_[]" as it was previous versions
account_allowed_symbols = "-_[]"

# This setting affects users that login with their uid rather than their
# username. If set to true their displayed username will be forcefully
# converted to their registered account name.
account_force_username = false

# maximum number of friends a user can add to there friends list
# default setting is 20
max_friends = 20

# #

# Tracking server info #

# Set track=0 to disable tracking. Any other number will set number
# of seconds between sending tracking packets. This is OFF by default.
#track = 0
track = 60
# 10 minutes

# Tracking server(s)
# Use a comma delimited list of hostnames with optional UDP port numbers
# after colons. (port 6114 is the default for the newer tracking protocol)
#trackaddrs = "track.bnetd.org,localhost:9999"
#trackaddrs = "track.pvpgn.org"

# Change these to match your system, for example:
location = "unknown"
description = "unknown"
url = "unknown"
contact_name = "a PvPGN user"
contact_email = "unknown"

# #

# Server network info #

# Servername by which the server identifies itself (default: "PvPGN Realm")
#servername = "PvPGN Realm"

# Set this to the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed on
# this server (minimum 32). This limit sets a general server connection
# limit, NOT the concurrent user limit (for that see next option)
max_connections = 1000

# Maximum number of concurrent users (0 means unlimited).
max_concurrent_logins = 0

# Set this option to true to allow TCP to detect and close stale
# connections.
use_keepalive = false

# Limit maximum number of connections per IP (0 = unlimited)
# this feature is new, so no recommended value so far
max_conns_per_IP = 0

# This is a comma delimited list of hostnames that the server should
# listen on. It might be useful to make an internal-only server on a
# gateway machine for example. If the list is not set or if it has a
# entry with no host component, the server will bind to that port on all
# interfaces.
#servaddrs = ":9999"
#servaddrs = "myinternalname.some.com,localhost"
servaddrs = ":""

# Don't change these unless you really need to! You will need to run a proxy
# or modify the clients. Also note that these will not change when simply
# sending a HUP signal to the server; they are only read on startup.

# This is the port the server send the UDP test packets to by default.
# Setting it to zero makes the server use the same port as the TCP connection
# comes from. Newer clients can override this setting on a per connection
# basis.
#udptest_port = 6112

# W3 Play Game router address. Just put your server address in here
# or use for server to bind to all interfaces,
# but make sure you set up w3trans if you do.
w3routeaddr = ""

# w3routeshow has been removed.
# see the address_translation.conf for translating the w3route ip for local networks

# initkill_timer sets up a periodic timer on init/defer class connections
# this should detect and clean up stale connections to your server
initkill_timer = 120

# #

# Westwood Online (WOL) configuration #

# NOTE: WOL support is still experimental!

# This specifies the addresses where IRC connections should be accepted. See
# the description of servaddrs for formatting information. Leave this field
# blank if you do not want to accept IRC connections. If the port is not
# specifed then 4005 will be used. Note: DO NOT SET THE PORT TO ANYTHING OTHER
#woladdrs = "

# Just leave these as default (unless you know the timezone, longitiude and latitude
# of your server
woltimezone = "
wollongitude = "
wollatitude = "

# #

# Internet Relay Chat (IRC) configuration #

# NOTE: IRC support is still experimental!

# This specifies the addresses where IRC connections should be accepted. See
# the description of servaddrs for formatting information. Leave this field
# blank if you do not want to accept IRC connections. If the port is not
# specifed then 6667 will be used.
#ircaddrs = "

# This is the IRC network name. If this is not specified then the default of
# "
PvPGN" will be used.
#irc_network_name = "

# This is the hostname used for IRC connections. Set this to your
# hostname, if the automatic detection doesn't correctly.
#hostname = "

# Set this to the desired IRC connection timeout in seconds.
#irc_latency = 180

# #

# Telnet configuration #

# This specifies the addresses where telnet connections should be accepted.
# See the description of servaddrs for formatting information. Leave this
# field # blank if you do not want to accept telnet connections. If the port
# is not specifed then 23 will be used.
#telnetaddrs = "

# #

# war3 ladder textual output #
# this is for all the guys, that want Warcraft 3 ladder, but don't want their
# server to run with MySQL support.
# For each ladder (solo, team, ffa, at) a corresponing file is created,
# so it's easy to build your ladder pages with them

# the following value determines, at which rate, these files are created
# set to 0 if you don't want or need these files
war3_ladder_update_secs = 300

# jfro's latest ladder is based on XML... so we can switch to XML output of ladder
# on demand. Maybe we should set update interval bigger cause XML output version
# is much more verbose than the standard output
XML_output_ladder = false

# server status textual output #
# This is for writing status of the server in an attempt to see number of user
# on line actually, and games/chans.
# This is store in file var\status\warcraft3.dat as a *.ini format.
# Shouldn't be so hard in php to create dynamic website using this content.

# the following value determines, at which rate, these files are created
# set to 0 if you don't want or need these files
output_update_secs = 60

# jfro's latest ladder is based on XML... so we can switch to XML output of ladder
# on demand. Maybe we should set update interval bigger cause XML output version
# is much more verbose than the standard output
XML_status_output = false

# clan settings #

# Time in hours for a new member of clan to be a newer(Peon icon, cannot premote to Grunt)
# default value 168(7 days). If set to 0, all new members could be promote in no time
clan_newer_time = 0

# max members count allowed in a clan, set between 10 and 100, default 50.
clan_max_members = 50

# Default clan channel status when create a clan, 1 for private, 0 for public
clan_channel_default_private = 0
Ещё такой момент. В BNGatewayEditor при выборе Zone значение ...-1 or 1... пишет connection faild, только при значение 0 ни конекта ни ошибки.

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