Сообщений: 112
Тем: 26
Зарегистрирован: Sep 2012
Здравствуйте форумчане ЗГ
Такая проблемка
Залил на сервер геодату \Server\gameserver\
Включаю в конфиге "обрабатывать геодату"
И вот такая постоянно ошибка со всеми геодатами,какую только не пробовал...
Код: [12:44:51] INFO StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count.
[12:44:51] INFO DoorHolder: loaded 1155 door(s) count.
[12:44:51] INFO ZoneHolder: loaded 1151 zone(s) count.
[12:44:52] INFO SpawnHolder: loaded 28754 spawn(s) count.
[12:44:52] INFO InstantZoneHolder: loaded 83 instant zone(s) count.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:55)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:168)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:359)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.mmocore.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(Geo
at org.mmocore.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.applyGeoCollision(GeoEngine.
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance.setGeoOpen(DoorIn
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance.closeMe(DoorInsta
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance.onSpawn(DoorInsta
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.GameObject.spawn0(GameObject.java:232)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.GameObject.spawnMe0(GameObject.java:216)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.GameObject.spawnMe(GameObject.java:208)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.Creature.spawnMe(Creature.java:4155)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.entity.Reflection.init(Reflection.java:5
at org.mmocore.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager.<init>(Refle
at org.mmocore.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager.<clinit>(Ref
... 3 more
Вот конфиг
Код: # Размерность карты
GeoFirstX = 11
GeoFirstY = 10
GeoLastX = 26
GeoLastY = 26
# Шаблон для файлов геодаты
GeoFilesPattern = (\\d{2}_\\d{2})\\.l2j
# Путь до геодаты (До папки geodata без названия самой папки geodata)
GeodataDir = \Server\gameserver
# Обрабатывать ли геодату
AllowGeodata = True
# Разрешать игроку падать с горизонтальной стены если он кликает по самой стене
AllowFallFromWalls = False
# Движение клавиатурой (стрелочками)
AllowMoveWithKeyboard = False
# Прибавка к Z для пакетов
ClientZShift = 16
# Оптимизация размещение геодаты в памяти, экономит около 150Мб памяти
# для оптимизации нужно сначала нужно сгенерировать карты совпадений
CompactGeoData = False
# Минимальная разница между слоями
MinLayerHeight = 64
# Максимальная высота ступеньки для геодаты
MaxZDiff = 64
# Диагональный поиск
# Стоит отключать только для отладки
PathFindDiagonal = True
# Сглаживает путь
# Стоит отключать только для отладки
PathClean = True
# Сильно ускоряет поиск, как влияет на качество неизвестно
# 0 - отключить, 1 - только начало пути, 2 - начало и конец пути
PathFindBoost = 1
# Максимальная высота ступеньки для поиска пути
PathFindMaxZDiff = 32
# Максимальное время, которое разрешено затратить на поиск пути (в наносекундах)
PathFindMaxTime = 100000000
# Настройка буфферов для поиска пути, количество x размер карты (в клетках геодаты)
# Минимальный размер 96, максимальный - 512
PathFindBuffers = 8x96;8x128;8x160;8x192;8x256;4x288;4x320;2x384;1x512
Подскажите пожалуйста как можно решить данную ошибку?
Сообщений: 155
Тем: 36
Зарегистрирован: May 2012
А сколько памяти под гс в батнике выделено?
Помог не забудь "Спасибо"
Сообщений: 84
Тем: 3
Зарегистрирован: Jan 2013
да явно оперативки не хватает
Сообщений: 1,759
Тем: 13
Зарегистрирован: May 2011
сервер не видит папку с геодатой(она у вас лежит не в том месте)
Сообщений: 112
Тем: 26
Зарегистрирован: Sep 2012
06-23-2013, 11:53 AM
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 06-23-2013, 11:58 AM sakson.)
RealBlack Написал:да явно оперативки не хватает
kloni1 Написал:А сколько памяти под гс в батнике выделено?
Разве оперативной памяти не хватает?
Код: @echo off
title Game Server
echo Starting GameServer.
java -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx1G -Xbootclasspath/p:./bcg.jar -cp config;./commons.jar;./javolution.jar;./gameserver.jar;./scripts.jar;./tools.jar org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer
REM Debug ...
REM java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp config;./* -Xms4096m -Xmx8192m -Xnoclassgc -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=7456 org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
goto end
echo Server restarted ...
goto start
echo Server terminated abnormaly ...
echo Server terminated ...
Добавлено через 5 минут
linliss Написал:сервер не видит папку с геодатой(она у вас лежит не в том месте)
Прописал в конфиге полный пусть от диска,безрезультатно...
Попробовал кинуть геодату ГС\дата,изначально папка была просто в ГС.Прописал пусть до даты в конфиге,тоже самая ошибка...
Сообщений: 527
Тем: 17
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2010
а можно полный лог? возможно просто квадратов не хватает, а выше написано сколько квадратов загружено.
Сообщений: 112
Тем: 26
Зарегистрирован: Sep 2012
Mifesto Написал:а можно полный лог? возможно просто квадратов не хватает, а выше написано сколько квадратов загружено.
КОнечно можно!Вот только было бы что еще показывать,это был полный лог
Получается что сервер не тухнет,а виснит на этой ошибки,дальше эмоций ноль.Процессор на нуле
Код: [16:54:34] INFO OptionDataHolder: loaded 24975 option data(s) count.
[16:54:35] INFO ItemHolder: loaded 19182 item(s) count.
[16:54:37] INFO NpcHolder: loaded 10466 npc(s) count.
[16:54:37] INFO MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[16:54:37] INFO MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[16:54:37] INFO StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count.
[16:54:37] INFO DoorHolder: loaded 1155 door(s) count.
[16:54:38] INFO ZoneHolder: loaded 1151 zone(s) count.
[16:54:38] INFO SpawnHolder: loaded 28754 spawn(s) count.
[16:54:38] INFO InstantZoneHolder: loaded 83 instant zone(s) count.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:55)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:168)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:359)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.mmocore.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(Geo
at org.mmocore.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.applyGeoCollision(GeoEngine.
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance.setGeoOpen(DoorIn
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance.closeMe(DoorInsta
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance.onSpawn(DoorInsta
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.GameObject.spawn0(GameObject.java:232)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.GameObject.spawnMe0(GameObject.java:216)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.GameObject.spawnMe(GameObject.java:208)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.Creature.spawnMe(Creature.java:4155)
at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.entity.Reflection.init(Reflection.java:5
at org.mmocore.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager.<init>(Refle
at org.mmocore.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager.<clinit>(Ref
... 3 more
Сообщений: 527
Тем: 17
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2010
это не полный лог, скиньте файл java.log или stdout.log
там должно быть как минимум:
Код: ==================================================== [ Light Guard ]
[09:43:24] INFO =================================================
[09:43:24] INFO Revision: ................ ${build.revision}
[09:43:24] INFO Build date: .............. 2013.06.10 20:34
[09:43:24] INFO Compiler version: ........ 1.7.0_21-b11 (Oracle Corporation)
[09:43:24] INFO =================================================
[09:43:25] INFO Abuse: Loaded 18 abuse words.
[09:43:25] INFO Gameserver Version: Unversioned directory, build date: 2012.11.21 16:38
[09:43:25] INFO IdFactory: Clear characters online status.
[09:43:25] INFO IdFactory: Extracted 38 used id's from characters
[09:43:25] INFO IdFactory: Extracted 2050 used id's from items
[09:43:25] INFO IdFactory: Extracted 6 used id's from clan_data
[09:43:25] INFO IdFactory: Extracted 4 used id's from pets
[09:43:25] INFO IdFactory: Extracted total 2098 used id's.
[09:43:25] INFO IdFactory: 205824 id's available.
[09:43:25] INFO Scripts: Loading...
[09:43:26] INFO Scripts: Loaded 1199 classes.
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading Geodata...
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_13.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_22.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_10.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_21.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_24.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/11_26.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_22.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_14.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_24.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_10.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_20.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/13_26.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_22.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_21.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_16.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_11.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_20.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_20.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_16.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_16.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_26.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_23.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_20.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/14_22.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_17.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_19.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_18.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/26_15.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_26.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_21.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_20.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_19.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_18.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/13_21.l2j
[09:43:26] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_17.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_22.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_26.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_10.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/14_24.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/13_22.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_18.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/11_25.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_11.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_21.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_16.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_23.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_25.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_25.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_18.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_22.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_19.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/14_23.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_17.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_14.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_22.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_13.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_12.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_18.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_15.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_15.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_12.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_17.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_13.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_10.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_26.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_24.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_25.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/26_11.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_21.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_21.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_10.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_19.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_15.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_20.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_20.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_15.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_20.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_17.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_11.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_25.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_19.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_12.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/14_21.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_19.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_23.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_25.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_13.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_19.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_11.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_13.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_14.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_23.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/13_24.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_12.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_20.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_23.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_17.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_22.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_21.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_11.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_16.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_25.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_24.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_17.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_11.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_15.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_10.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/26_12.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/11_23.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_25.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_17.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_24.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_12.l2j
[09:43:27] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/13_23.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/26_16.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_26.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_24.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_25.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_12.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_18.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_16.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_20.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_20.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_18.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_14.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_15.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_12.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_25.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_25.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_14.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/14_26.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_14.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/12_25.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_26.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/11_24.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/12_23.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_13.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_22.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_21.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_15.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_22.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_19.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_24.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_17.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_14.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/26_14.l2j
[09:43:28] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_19.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_11.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_15.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_23.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_10.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_22.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_12.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_18.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_11.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_21.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_19.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_16.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_21.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_18.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_15.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/13_25.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_13.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_18.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_26.l2j
[09:43:29] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_10.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_16.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_13.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_10.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_22.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_26.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_14.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_19.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_10.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_24.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_18.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_21.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/22_12.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/15_23.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/12_26.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/14_25.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_24.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_23.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_13.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_16.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_16.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_24.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/12_24.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_23.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/23_11.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/19_26.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/21_10.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_23.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/20_24.l2j
[09:43:30] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_11.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_14.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_15.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/17_14.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_11.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/25_12.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/24_17.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/18_23.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loading: geodata/16_12.l2j
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: Loaded 203 map(s), max layers: 21
[09:43:31] INFO GeoEngine: - Compacted 0 of 17825792 blocks...
[09:43:31] INFO Loaded 418 translit entries.
[09:43:31] INFO GameTimeController: initialized. Current time is 16:21 in the day.
[09:43:31] INFO L2World: Creating regions: [256][272][32].
[09:43:31] INFO HtmCache: disabled.
[09:43:31] INFO StringHolder: load strings: 509 for lang: ENGLISH
[09:43:31] INFO StringHolder: load strings: 510 for lang: RUSSIAN
[09:43:34] INFO SkillsEngine: Loaded 66019 skill templates from XML files. Max id: 30411, max level: 259
[09:43:35] INFO OptionDataHolder: loaded 24975 option data(s) count.
[09:43:37] INFO ItemHolder: loaded 19133 item(s) count.
[09:43:37] INFO ExtractableItems: Initializing
[09:43:37] INFO ExtractableItems: Loaded 18 Extractable.
[09:43:37] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 36194; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:38] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 35880; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:38] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 35949; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:38] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 35987; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:38] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 36232; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:38] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 36270; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:39] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 36339; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:39] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 36377; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:39] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 36056; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:39] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 36094; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:39] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 35711; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:39] WARN NpcParser: Problems with rewardlist for npc: 35780; type: RATED_GROUPED
[09:43:40] INFO NpcHolder: loaded 10456 npc(s) count.
[09:43:40] INFO MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[09:43:40] INFO MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[09:43:40] INFO StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count.
[09:43:40] INFO DoorHolder: loaded 1155 door(s) count.
[09:43:40] INFO ZoneHolder: loaded 1141 zone(s) count.
[09:43:40] ERROR SpawnParser: Invalid polygon: null{[[x: 153148 y: 115668],[x: 153066 y: 114937],[x: 154095 y: 114264],[x: 153990 y: 115023],[x: 153707 y: 115068],[x: 153457 y: 114347]]}. File: 24_21.xml
[09:43:40] INFO SpawnHolder: loaded 28890 spawn(s) count.
[09:43:40] INFO InstantZoneHolder: loaded 95 instant zone(s) count.
[09:43:41] INFO AirshipDockHolder: loaded 4 airship dock(s) count.
[09:43:41] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 57215 normal learns for 103 classes.
[09:43:41] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 79 transfer learns for 3 classes.
[09:43:41] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 120 transformation learns for 6 races.
[09:43:41] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 662 fishing learns for 6 races.
[09:43:41] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 72 certification learns.
[09:43:41] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 3 collection learns.
[09:43:41] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 44 pledge learns.
[09:43:41] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 18 sub unit learns.
[09:43:41] INFO CharTemplateHolder: loaded 206 char template(s) count.
[09:43:41] INFO ResidenceHolder: total size: 83
[09:43:41] INFO ResidenceHolder: - load 9 dominion(s).
[09:43:41] INFO ResidenceHolder: - load 9 castle(s).
[09:43:41] INFO ResidenceHolder: - load 21 fortress(s).
[09:43:41] INFO ResidenceHolder: - load 44 clanhall(s).
[09:43:41] INFO RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 21 Statuses
[09:43:41] INFO SevenSigns: Currently in the Seal Validation period!
[09:43:41] INFO SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
[09:43:41] INFO SevenSigns: The Lords of Dawn have won the Seal of Avarice.
[09:43:41] INFO SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
[09:43:41] INFO SevenSigns: The Competition last week ended with a tie.
[09:43:41] INFO SevenSigns: Next period begins in 6 days, 8 hours and 16 mins.
[09:43:42] INFO EventHolder: loaded 95 event(s) count.
[09:43:42] INFO CubicHolder: loaded 145 cubic(s) count.
[09:43:42] INFO TradeController: Loaded 4 file(s).
[09:43:42] INFO TradeController: Loaded 24917 Items.
[09:43:42] INFO TradeController: Loaded 726 Buylists.
[09:43:42] INFO RecipeController: Loaded 998 Recipes.
[09:43:42] INFO ProductItemTable: Loaded 193 product item on sale.
[09:43:42] INFO HennaHolder: loaded 180 henna(s) count.
[09:43:42] INFO EnchantItemHolder: load 4 enchant scroll(s).
[09:43:42] INFO SoulCrystalHolder: loaded 54 soul crystal(s) count.
[09:43:42] INFO ArmorSetsHolder: loaded 198 armor sets(s) count.
[09:43:42] INFO PetitionGroupHolder: loaded 1 petition group(s) count.
[09:43:42] INFO CrestCache: Loaded 0 crests
[09:43:42] INFO FishTable: Loaded 270 fishes.
[09:43:42] INFO FishTable: Loaded 919 fish rewards.
[09:43:42] INFO SkillTreeTable: Loaded 526 enchanted skills.
[09:43:42] INFO Initializing AugmentationData.
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: 10 bad skill(s) were skipped.
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 24 accessory augmentation stats.
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 0
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 1
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 2
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 3
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 4
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 5
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 6
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 7
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 8
[09:43:42] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 9
[09:43:42] INFO EnchantHPBonusTable: Loaded bonuses for 6 grades.
[09:43:42] INFO LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.
[09:43:42] INFO PetSkillsTable: Loaded 2215 skills.
[09:43:42] INFO Initializing ItemAuctionManager
[09:43:42] INFO ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 7 auction(s) for instance 32320.
[09:43:42] INFO ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 19 on 2013.06.11 17:00:00 for instance 32320
[09:43:42] INFO ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 8 auction(s) for instance 32321.
[09:43:42] INFO ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 22 on 2013.06.13 17:00:00 for instance 32321
[09:43:42] INFO ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 8 auction(s) for instance 32322.
[09:43:42] INFO ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 23 on 2013.06.15 17:00:00 for instance 32322
[09:43:42] INFO ItemAuctionManager: Loaded 3 instance(s).
[09:43:42] INFO AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.
[09:43:42] INFO AntharasManager: Next spawn date of Antharas is 00:00 01.01.1970.
[09:43:42] INFO BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.
[09:43:42] INFO BaiumManager: Next spawn date: 13:04 02.02.2013
[09:43:42] INFO Beleth Manager: Loaded successfuly
[09:43:42] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.
[09:43:42] INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 physical monsters spawns.
[09:43:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 magical monsters spawns.
[09:43:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns.
[09:43:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns.
[09:43:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager
[09:43:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager
[09:43:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager
[09:43:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager
[09:43:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
[09:43:43] INFO SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.
[09:43:43] INFO SailrenManager: Next spawn date of Sailren is 00:00 01.01.1970.
[09:43:43] INFO ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.
[09:43:43] INFO ValakasManager: Next spawn date of Valakas is 00:00 01.01.1970.
[09:43:43] INFO Tue Jun 11 09:43:43 UTC 2013 Atk announce scheduled to 45.0 minute of this hour.
[09:43:43] INFO Event Capture The Flag started in 647 mins.
[09:43:43] INFO Event TvT started in 317 mins.
[09:43:43] INFO PetDataTable: Loaded 2322 pets.
[09:43:43] INFO ManorManager: Loaded 270 seeds
[09:43:43] INFO Loaded Service: ScripsConfig
[09:43:43] INFO Loaded Service: Bash [disabled]
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Clan Community service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Stats service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Buffer Community service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Enchant Community service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Manage Favorites service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Manage Friends service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Manage Memo service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Manage Career service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Manager Community services loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Teleport Community service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Private Mail service loaded.
[09:43:43] INFO CommunityBoard: Region service loaded.
[09:43:44] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 3000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:45] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 4000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:45] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 5000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:46] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 7000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:46] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 9000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:46] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 11000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:46] INFO Naia Tower Manager: Loaded 12 rooms
[09:43:46] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 12000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:47] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 14000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:47] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 15000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:47] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 16000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:47] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 17000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:51] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 21000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:51] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 24000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:51] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 25000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:51] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 27000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:51] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 28000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:51] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 29000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:52] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 32000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:52] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 33000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:52] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 34000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:52] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 35000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:52] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 36000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:52] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 37000 npc for group: NONE
[09:43:52] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 37942 npc; spawns: 17010; group: NONE
[09:43:52] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 17 npc; spawns: 17; group: class_master
[09:43:52] INFO BoatHolder: loaded 2 boat(s) count.
[09:43:52] INFO BoatHolder: Spawning: AdenGracia_Airship
[09:43:52] INFO BoatHolder: Spawning: RunePrimeval_Vehicle
[09:43:52] INFO StaticObjectHolder: spawned: 50 static object(s).
[09:43:52] INFO DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 13 room types with 112 rooms.
[09:43:52] INFO DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 300 DimensionalRift spawns, 0 errors.
[09:43:52] INFO AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 50 handlers in total.
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: Period Ends....
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: In 19 days, 14 hours and 16 mins.
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in....
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: In 2 days, 5 hours and 12 mins.
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: Loaded 17 Noblesses
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 6 hours and 16 mins.
[09:43:52] INFO Olympiad System: Event starts/started: Tue Jun 11 16:00:52 UTC 2013
[09:43:52] INFO Hero System: Loaded 11 Heroes.
[09:43:52] INFO Hero System: Loaded 11 all time Heroes.
[09:43:52] INFO Initializing PetitionManager
[09:43:52] INFO CursedWeaponsManager: Loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).
[09:43:52] INFO AdminCommandHandler: loaded 349 admin command handler(s) count.
[09:43:52] INFO UserCommandHandler: loaded 16 user command handler(s) count.
[09:43:52] INFO VoicedCommandHandler: loaded 39 voiced command handler(s) count.
[09:43:52] INFO =[Events]=========================================
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Gludio Castle time - 16:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Dion Castle time - 16:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Giran Castle time - 20:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Oren Castle time - 20:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Aden Castle time - 16:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Innadril Castle time - 20:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Goddard Castle time - 20:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Rune Castle time - 16:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Castle time - 16:00 16.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallNpcSiegeEvent: Fortress Of Resistance time - 18:00 17.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Topaz Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Ruby Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Crystal Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Atramental Barracks time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Scarlet Barracks time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Viridian Barracks time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallSiegeEvent: Devastated Castle time - 18:00 22.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Bandit Stronghold time - 22:00 22.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Gold Manor time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Mont Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Astaire Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Aria Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Yiana Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Roien Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Luna Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Traban Chamber time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Eisen Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Heavy Metal Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Molten Ore Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Titan Hall time - 09:43 11.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallMiniGameEvent: Rainbow Springs time - 22:00 22.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Wild Beast Reserve time - 21:00 22.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO ClanHallSiegeEvent: Fortress of Dead time - 18:00 22.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Gludio Dominion time - undefined
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Dion Dominion time - undefined
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Giran Dominion time - undefined
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Oren Dominion time - 20:00 15.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Aden Dominion time - 20:00 15.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Innadril Dominion time - undefined
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Goddard Dominion time - 20:00 15.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Rune Dominion time - 20:00 15.06.2013
[09:43:52] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Dominion time - 20:00 15.06.2013
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Shanty Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Southern Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Hive Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Valley Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Ivory Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Narsell Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Bayou Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: White Sands Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Borderland Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Swamp Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Archaic Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Floran Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Cloud Mountain Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Tanor Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Dragonspine Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Antharas Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Western Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Hunter's Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Aaru Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Demon Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Monastic Fortress time - undefined
[09:43:53] INFO KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 70-75 Level time - 10:00 11.06.2013
[09:43:53] INFO KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 76-79 Level time - 10:00 11.06.2013
[09:43:53] INFO KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 80-85 Level time - 10:00 11.06.2013
[09:43:53] INFO ==================================================
[09:43:53] INFO Manor System: Initializing...
[09:43:53] INFO IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879002938
[09:43:53] INFO Initializing CoupleManager
[09:43:53] INFO Loaded: 0 couples(s)
[09:43:53] INFO HellboundManager: Loaded 335 spawn entries.
[09:43:53] INFO HellboundManager: Spawned 623 mobs and NPCs according to the current Hellbound stage
[09:43:53] INFO Hellbound Manager: Loaded
[09:43:53] INFO Naia Core Manager: Loaded
[09:43:53] INFO Seed of Destruction Manager: Loaded
[09:43:53] INFO Seed of Infinity Manager: Loaded. Current stage is: 1
[09:43:53] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 4 npc; spawns: 4; group: soi_world_mouths
[09:43:53] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 1 npc; spawns: 1; group: soi_world_abyssgaze2
[09:43:53] INFO Blood Altar Manager: Initializing...
[09:43:53] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 51 npc; spawns: 51; group: bloodaltar_alive_npc
[09:43:53] INFO Scheduled server restart in 19h 16m 7s.
[09:43:53] INFO GameServer Started
[09:43:53] INFO Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 3000
[09:43:53] INFO Connecting to authserver on
[09:43:53] INFO AutoAnnounce: Initializing
[Fatal Error] autoannounce.xml:1:1: Premature end of file.
[09:43:53] WARN AutoAnnounce: Error parsing autoannounce.xml file. org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/home/4/s/gameserver/./config/autoannounce.xml; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Premature end of file.
[09:43:53] INFO AutoAnnounce: Loaded 0 announce.
[09:43:53] INFO Registered on authserver as 1 [Bartz]
[09:43:53] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 443 npc; spawns: 121; group: DAY
[09:43:53] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 653 npc; spawns: 429; group: dawn_spawn
[09:43:54] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 653 npc; spawns: 429; group: dusk_spawn
[09:43:54] INFO Telnet server is currently disabled.
[09:43:54] INFO =================================================
[09:43:54] INFO AllowedMemory: ........... 4660352 KB
[09:43:54] INFO
Allocated: .......... 1880384 KB (40.3485%)
[09:43:54] INFO
Non-Allocated: ...... 2779968 KB (59.6515%)
[09:43:54] INFO
AllocatedMemory: ......... 1880384 KB
[09:43:54] INFO Used: ............... 1850018 KB (39.697%)
[09:43:54] INFO
Unused (cached): .... 30365 KB (0.6516%)
[09:43:54] INFO
UseableMemory: ........... 2810333 KB (60.303%)
[09:43:54] INFO
[09:43:54] INFO =================================================
[09:44:23] INFO Restored 0 offline traders
[09:50:43] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Entry time: Tue Jun 11 09:55:43 UTC 2013
Сообщений: 112
Тем: 26
Зарегистрирован: Sep 2012
Вот,скопировал лог,как сервер критануло этой ошибкой
А может дело в конфиге гео?Может там что то нужно дописать?
Код: [23.06.13 17:16:57:561] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[23.06.13 17:16:57:563] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Copyright: ............... L2J-Dev
[23.06.13 17:16:57:563] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Chronicle: ............... High Five
[23.06.13 17:16:57:563] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[23.06.13 17:16:57:587] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : april_folls.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:587] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : bounty_hunters.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:588] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : capture_the_base.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:588] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : capture_the_flag.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:589] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : change_of_heart.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:589] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : coffer_of_shadows.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:589] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : drop_event.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:590] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : football.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:590] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : glittering_medal.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:590] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : gvg.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:591] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : l2_day.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:591] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : last_hero.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:592] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : marafon.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:592] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : march_8.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:592] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : master_of_enchaning.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:593] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : saving_snowman.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:593] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : the_fall_harvest.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:593] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : townwar.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:594] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : trick_of_transmutation.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:594] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : tvt.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:594] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : general.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:595] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : custom_drops.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:595] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : fight.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:595] ERROR gameserver.Config: Error loading config : capturezone.properties!
[23.06.13 17:16:57:619] INFO gameserver.Config: Abuse: Loaded 18 abuse words.
[23.06.13 17:16:57:821] INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Clear characters online status.
[23.06.13 17:16:57:826] INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Extracted 1 used id's from characters
[23.06.13 17:16:57:828] INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Extracted 40 used id's from items
[23.06.13 17:16:57:831] INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Extracted total 41 used id's.
[23.06.13 17:16:57:832] INFO idfactory.BitSetIDFactory: IdFactory: 102912 id's available.
[23.06.13 17:16:57:959] INFO scripts.Scripts: Scripts: Loading...
[23.06.13 17:16:58:579] INFO scripts.Scripts: Scripts: Loaded 1212 classes.
[23.06.13 17:16:58:597] INFO geodata.GeoEngine: GeoEngine: Loading Geodata...
[23.06.13 17:16:58:597] INFO geodata.GeoEngine: GeoEngine: Files missing, loading aborted.
[23.06.13 17:16:58:606] INFO utils.Strings: Loaded 418 translit entries.
[23.06.13 17:16:58:609] INFO gameserver.GameTimeController: GameTimeController: initialized. Current time is 13:41 in the day.
[23.06.13 17:16:58:609] INFO model.World: L2World: Creating regions: [256][272][32].
[23.06.13 17:16:58:611] INFO htm.HtmCache: HtmCache: disabled.
[23.06.13 17:16:58:627] INFO data.StringHolder: StringHolder: load strings: 680 for lang: ENGLISH
[23.06.13 17:16:58:627] INFO data.StringHolder: StringHolder: load strings: 681 for lang: RUSSIAN
[23.06.13 17:17:01:597] INFO skills.SkillsEngine: SkillsEngine: Loaded 66000 skill templates from XML files. Max id: 90001, max level: 259
[23.06.13 17:17:02:583] INFO holder.OptionDataHolder: OptionDataHolder: loaded 24975 option data(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:03:548] INFO holder.ItemHolder: ItemHolder: loaded 19182 item(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:06:030] INFO holder.NpcHolder: NpcHolder: loaded 10466 npc(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:06:043] INFO instancemanager.MapRegionManager: MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:06:080] INFO instancemanager.MapRegionManager: MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:06:085] INFO holder.StaticObjectHolder: StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:06:224] INFO holder.DoorHolder: DoorHolder: loaded 1155 door(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:06:299] INFO holder.ZoneHolder: ZoneHolder: loaded 1151 zone(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:06:785] INFO holder.SpawnHolder: SpawnHolder: loaded 28754 spawn(s) count.
[23.06.13 17:17:06:872] INFO holder.InstantZoneHolder: InstantZoneHolder: loaded 83 instant zone(s) count.
Сообщений: 2,444
Тем: 59
Зарегистрирован: May 2010
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