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Автоматические обьявления автоматических эвентов типа Захват базы или Последний герой
как отключить обьявления автоматических эвентов, а лучше, как отключать эти эвенты?!?
Конфиги... Или в файле scripts.cfg
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Настройки Ивентов
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ===========================================================================
# ===========================================================================
# Данные настройки могут сильно изменить ваш сервер.
# Ваш сервер перестанет быть похожим на официальные.
# Данные настройки подходят, если у вас какой-то специальный сервер
# или для небольшого кол-ва игроков.
# Примечание : "true" - включить, "false" - выключить.
# ===========================================================================

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Team versus Team Event
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NO means: not even teams.
# BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count.
# SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to the event and not direct to a team. Teams will be shuffled on teams teleport.
TvTEvenTeams = SHUFFLE

# Players that are not participating in TVT can target TVT participants?
# Default: False
TvTAllowInterference = true

# TVT participants can use potions?
# Default: False
TvTAllowPotions = true

# TVT participants can summon by item?
# Default: False
TvTAllowSummon = true

# Remove all effects of TVT participants on event start?
# Default: True
TvTOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True

# Unsummon pet of TVT participants on event start?
# Default: True
TvTOnStartUnsummonPet = True

# On revive participants regain full HP/MP/CP?
# Default: False
TvTReviveRecovery = true

# Announce all team statistics ?
# Default: False
TvTAnnounceTeamStats = true

# Announce reward?
# Default: False
TvTAnnounceReward = true

# Give price with 0 kills?
# Default: False
TvTPriceNoKills = true

# Players with cursed weapon are allowed to join?
# Default: True
TvTJoinWithCursedWeapon = True

# Delay on revive when dead, NOTE: 20000 equals to 20 seconds, minimum 1000 (1 second).
# Default: 20000
TVTReviveDelay = 20000

# Enable the use of command to enter or leave the event?
# Example use .join tvt [team]
# [team] is an optional command, if the event is in BALANCE mode you must enter the name of the team.
# Example use .join tvt blue
# To leave the event just type the command: .remove tvt
# Default: False
TVTUseCommands = true

# Start TvT event on boot?
# Default: False
TvTAutoStartUpOnBoot = true

# Only reads if "TvTAutoStartUpOnBoot = true"
# Here you can set the time that server will wait for start first event on boot.
# Default: 60
FirstTvTDelay = 60

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Capture the Flag Event
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NO means: not even teams.
# BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count.
# SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to the event and not direct to a team. Teams will be shuffled on teams teleport.

# Players that are not participating in CTF can target CTF participants?
# Default: False
CTFAllowInterference = true

# CTF participants can use potions?
# Default: False
CTFAllowPotions = true

# CTF participants can summon by item?
# Default: False
CTFAllowSummon = true

# Remove all effects of CTF participants on event start?
# Default: True
CTFOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True

# Unsummon pet of CTF participants on event start?
# Default: True
CTFOnStartUnsummonPet = True

# On revive participants regain full HP/MP/CP?
# Default: False
CTFReviveRecovery = true

# Announce all team statistics?
# Default: False
CTFAnnounceTeamStats = true

# Announce reward?
# Default: False
CTFAnnounceReward = true

# Players with cursed weapon are allowed to join?
# Default: True
CTFJoinWithCursedWeapon = True

# Delay on revive when dead, NOTE: 20000 equals to 20 seconds, minimum 1000 (1 second).
# Default: 20000
CTFReviveDelay = 20000

# Enable the use of command to enter or leave the event?
# Example use .join ctf [team]
# [team] is an optional command, if the event is in BALANCE mode you must enter the name of the team.
# Example use .join ctf black
# To leave the event just type the command: .remove ctf
# Default: False
CTFUseCommands = true

# Start CTF event on boot?
# Default: False
CTFAutoStartUpOnBoot = true

# Only reads if "CTFAutoStartUpOnBoot = true"
# Here you can set the time that server will wait for start first event on boot.
# Default: 60
FirstCTFDelay = 60

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Death Match Event
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Players that are not participating in DM can target DM participants?
# Default: False
DMAllowInterference = true

# DM participants can use potions?
# Default: False
DMAllowPotions = true

# DM participants can summon by item?
# Default: False
DMAllowSummon = true

# Remove all effects of DM participants on event start?
# Default: True
DMOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True

# Unsummon pet of DM participants on event start?
# Default: True
DMOnStartUnsummonPet = True

# On revive participants regain full HP/MP/CP?
# Default: False
DMReviveRecovery = true

# Delay on revive when dead, NOTE: 20000 equals to 20 seconds, minimum 1000 (1 second).
# Default: 20000
DMReviveDelay = 20000

# Enable the use of command to enter or leave the event?
# Example use .join dm
# To leave the event just type the command: .remove dm
# Default: False
DMUseCommands = true

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Arena Manager settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default: False
ArenaEnabled = true

# Interval in Minutes?
# Default: 60
ArenaInterval = 10

# Enable Reward?
# Default: True
ArenaEnableReward = True

# Multi-Reward config.
# It is necessary to active the option: ArenaEnableReward
# Example: ID,Count;ID,Count
# Default: 57,500000;5575,5000
ArenaReward = 57,500000;5575,5000

# Show Reward in Announcements.
# Default: False
ArenaShowReward = true

# Accepting players with the same IP?
# Default: True
ArenaAcceptSameIP = True

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fish Manager settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default: False
FishermanEnabled = true

# Interval in Minutes?
# Default: 60
FishermanInterval = 60

# Reward id?
# Default: 57
FishermanRewardId = 57

# Reward amount 0 to disable.
# Default: 0
FishermanRewardCount = 0

Gameserver/config/mods/fun_events если у тя опен как я помню
[Изображение: guru.gif]

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