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Eudemons Online
Eudemons Online
Сервер и клиент в одном архиве http://depositfiles.com/files/7cr3z0mj8
Разархивирть на С
1.Запускаем mySQL в папке C:\ManequinFULL\mannequin\mysql\bin
2. Запускаем логин сервер C:\ManequinFULL\mannequin\Server\ACCServer
3. В C:\ManequinFULL\mannequin\Server\GameServer запускаем MsgServer и NPC
Клиент запускать через soul.exe
IP для клиента менять в ini\oem.ini
ГМ акк user: dark pass: explorer
Mysql login: root pass: test

Credits to: Necron33, Spy520, Sandolkakos, joey123321, cyberghoser1

ГМ команды:
/command (parameter) (parameter)

/pro (prof_id)
change your profile to (prof_id 10 = mage, 20 = warrior, 30 = palladin)

/kickoutcheat (number)
kick all cheaters (not tested)

/recover (durability_num)
recover equipment durability

/weaponexp (weapon_num) (exp)
give additional exp to weapon skill

/itemquality (item_num)
uplevel item quality

/itemlev (item_num)
uplevel item level

break marriage(divorce)
(command -> it's not a typo, copied from src)

/rename (player_name)
rename yourself(does not work for me)

/pk (number)
add pk points yourself

/addpoint (number)

/testmonster (type) (amount)
spawn monsters near you

/sp (sp_value)
change your actual stamina points

/awardmoney (amount)
give yourself money

/awarditem (item_number)
give yourself item

kick out (selected?) user(s)

kick out all ppl from server

/find (playername)
find the player on the map

/uplev (number of levels)
level up (adds parameter to current level)

/life (HP_value)
set your HPmax to HP_value (will not heal you, will only use your parameter as max HP)

/mana (mana_MP)
same as /life but with mana

/mapdata (x) (y)
get debug info with coordinates set.

show debug constant text(does nothing at all - only writes ACTION as system message)

100% xp skill

/xp (xp_value)
set your xp skill to xp_value (100 is full xp skill)

/awardwskill (skill_id) (skill_level)
learn warrior skill & set it's level

/awardmagic (skill_id) (skill_level) (b_save)
learn mage skill_id & set it's skill_level & set b_save(??)

add 500 points to soul, health, force, dexerity

show your position on the map

/player (map or all)
will show all players on the server or map(your account_id must be below 100)

set maximal number of players on the server

/fly (x) (y)
teleport to x,y on the map

/chgmap (map_id) (x) (y)
change map & teleport to x,y on the map

post GM broadcast

/reloadaction (action_id)
reload action_id & params from cq_action table
if no action_id is given, reloads all from action table(good for translating)

/reloadmagictype (magic_id)
reload whole cq_magictype table or only id when specified.

/attach (status) (power) (seconds) (times)
attach status (needs more research)

show current status variables(wired with /attach)

show all MercenaryTasks

/task_new (task_type) (t_detail) (target_name) (prize_money) (rank_req)
creates new task(needs more research)

deletes last created task(wired to task_new)

/magicattack (magic_type_id) (player_target)
cast spell on target

/chgpos (x) (y)
simmilar to /fly

/callpet (eudemon_id) (seconds)
temporary summon pet for ammount of seconds.

show your ID

hatches all the eggs. (credit: crazydude)
не идёт не чё

Добавлено через 30 минут
точнее работает,но с ошибками и там вирус
пере залайте пожалуйста

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