По просьбам трудящихся, исходник представленного на скрине шела.
Код кривоват. Английский скорее всего тоже. Не стоит бездумно копировать код в свои утилиты
В таком варианте гдето память течёт при копировании большого количества файлов.
[SRC="c++"]#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
const char* libname = "xlpack.dll";
const char* pck_name = "game_pak";
const char* masterfs = "/master";
const char* realfs = "/fs";
typedef void* File;
typedef void* findstruct;
typedef void __cdecl (*loghandler)(const char *val, ...);
void __cdecl (*SetFileLogHandler)(char const* filename, loghandler lh);
void __cdecl (*CreateFileSystem)(void);
void __cdecl (*DestroyFileLogHandler)(void *);
void __cdecl (*DestroyFileSystem)(void);
void __cdecl (*CreatePak)(const char* filename, bool xz);
File * __cdecl(*lib_FOpen)(const char* filename, const char* filemode);
void __cdecl(*lib_FClose)(File *f);
int __cdecl(*lib_FEof)(File *f);
int __cdecl(*lib_GetC)(File *f);
void * __cdecl(*mount)(char const* filepath, char const* filename, bool writeble);
int __cdecl(*umount)(const char * mountpath);
int __cdecl(*copydir)(const char * from, const char * to);
int __cdecl(*copyfile)(const char * from, const char * to);
int __cdecl(*findfirst)(char const * param, findstruct st);
int __cdecl(*findnext)(int serchHandle, findstruct st);
int __cdecl(*findclose)(int serchHandle);
bool __cdecl(*IsDirectory)(findstruct st);
bool __cdecl(*IsFileExist)(const char* filename);
const char * __cdecl(*GetFileName)(findstruct st);
string globalpath;
enum ConsoleColor
Black = 0,
Blue = 1,
Green = 2,
Cyan = 3,
Red = 4,
Magenta = 5,
Brown = 6,
LightGray = 7,
DarkGray = 8,
LightBlue = 9,
LightGreen = 10,
LightCyan = 11,
LightRed = 12,
LightMagenta = 13,
Yellow = 14,
White = 15
void SetColor(ConsoleColor text, ConsoleColor background)
HANDLE hConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsoleHandle, (WORD)((background << 4) | text));
void __cdecl log(const char *val, ...){
SetColor(LightCyan, Black);
cout << val;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
bool fillMethod(string basepath){
string fulllibname = basepath + libname;
cout << "load " << fulllibname << "..." << endl;
xlpack = LoadLibrary(fulllibname.c_str());
if (xlpack){
cout << "lib loaded" << endl;
CreateFileSystem = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?CreateFileSystem@@YA_NXZ");
if (NULL == CreateFileSystem) return false;
SetFileLogHandler = (void (__cdecl *)(char const* a, loghandler b)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?SetFileLogHandler@@YAPAXPBDP6AX0ZZ@Z");
if (NULL == SetFileLogHandler) return false;
DestroyFileLogHandler = (void (__cdecl *)(void *)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?DestroyFileLogHandler@@YAXPAX@Z");
if (NULL == DestroyFileLogHandler) return false;
DestroyFileSystem = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?DestroyFileSystem@@YAXXZ");
if (NULL == DestroyFileSystem) return false;
CreatePak = (void (__cdecl *)(const char* filename, bool readonly)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?CreatePak@@YA_NPBD_N@Z");
if (NULL == CreatePak) return false;
mount = (void * (__cdecl *)(char const* filename, char const* filepath, bool mode)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?Mount@@YAPAXPBD0_N@Z");
if (NULL == mount) return false;
umount = (int (__cdecl *)(const char * mp)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?Unmount@@YA_NPBD@Z");
if (NULL == umount) return false;
copydir = (int (__cdecl *)(const char * filename, const char * filepath)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?CopyDir@@YA_NPBD0@Z");
if (NULL == copydir) return false;
copyfile = (int (__cdecl *)(const char * filename, const char * filepath)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?Copy@@YA_NPBD0@Z");
if (NULL == copyfile) return false;
lib_FOpen = (File * (__cdecl*)(const char* filename, const char* filemode)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?FOpen@@YAPAUFile@@PBD0@Z");
if (NULL == lib_FOpen) return false;
lib_FClose = (void (__cdecl *)(File * f)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?FClose@@YAXAAPAUFile@@@Z");
if (NULL == lib_FClose) return false;
lib_FEof = (int (__cdecl *)(File * f)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?FEof@@YAHPAUFile@@@Z");
if (NULL == lib_FEof) return false;
lib_GetC = (int (__cdecl *)(File * f)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?Getc@@YAHPAUFile@@@Z");
if (NULL == lib_GetC) return false;
findfirst = (int (__cdecl *)(char const * param, findstruct st)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?FindFirst@@YAHPBDPAUafs_finddata@@@Z");
if (NULL == findfirst) return false;
findnext = (int (__cdecl *)(int serchHandle, findstruct st)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?FindNext@@YAHHPAUafs_finddata@@@Z");
if (NULL == findnext) return false;
findclose = (int (__cdecl *)(int serchHandle)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?FindClose@@YAHH@Z");
if (NULL == findclose) return false;
IsDirectory = (bool (__cdecl *)(findstruct st)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?IsDirectory@@YA_NPBUafs_finddata@@@Z");
if (NULL == IsDirectory) return false;
IsFileExist = (bool (__cdecl *)(const char * filename)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?IsFileExist@@YA_NPBD@Z");
if (NULL == IsFileExist) return false;
GetFileName = (const char * (__cdecl *)(findstruct st)) GetProcAddress(xlpack, "?GetFileName@@YAPBDPBUafs_finddata@@@Z");
if (NULL == GetFileName) return false;
string logfile = basepath + libname + ".log";
SetFileLogHandler(logfile.c_str(), &log);
return true;
return false;
void freelib()
cout << "unload lib ..." << endl;
cout << "end" << endl;
findstruct makefs(){
char *buf = new char[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) buf[i] = 0;
return buf;
void freefs(findstruct fs){
delete[] fs;
void createPCK(string base){
string full_pck_name = base + pck_name;
cout << "Create pck" << endl;
CreatePak(full_pck_name.c_str(), true);
cout << "mount fs" << endl;
void * ret = mount("/master", full_pck_name.c_str(), true);
ret = mount("/origin", base.c_str(), true);
cout << "copy to fs" << endl;
int iret = copydir( "/origin/pck_tool", "/master/pcktoo");
if (iret) cout << "copy ok" << endl;
cout << "umount" << endl;
int umret = umount("/master");
if (umret) cout << "umount ok" << endl;
bool mountBase(string base){
string full_pck_name = base + pck_name;
cout << "mount " << base << " to " << realfs << endl;
void * ret = mount(realfs, base.c_str(), true);
if (NULL == ret) return false;
cout << "readonly mount " << full_pck_name << " to " << masterfs << endl;
ret = mount(masterfs, full_pck_name.c_str(), false);
if (NULL == ret){
SetColor(LightRed, Black);
cout << "Bad pck file " << full_pck_name << endl;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
return false;
return true;
void umountBase(){
vector<string> &split(const string &s, char delim, vector<string> &elems) {
stringstream ss(s);
string item;
while (getline(ss, item, delim)) {
return elems;
vector<string> split(const string &s, char delim) {
vector<string> elems;
split(s, delim, elems);
return elems;
string extractFilePath(const string base){
if (base.compare("/") == 0) return base;
unsigned found = base.find_last_of("/\\");
return base.substr(0, found + 1);
string extractFileDir(const string base){
if (base.compare("/") == 0) return base;
unsigned found = base.find_last_of("/\\");
return base.substr(0, found);
string absolutePath(const string path){
if (path.size() == 0) return globalpath;
if (path.at(0) == '/' || path.at(0) == '\\') return path;
if (path.size() == 1 && path.at(0) == '.') return globalpath;
string base, relative;
base = extractFileDir(globalpath);
relative = path;
while (relative.substr(0,2).compare("..") == 0){
base = extractFileDir(base);
if (relative.size() < 3) relative = "";
else relative = relative.substr(3, relative.size() - 3);
return base + "/" + relative;
void cd(string path){
globalpath = absolutePath(path);
if (globalpath.at(globalpath.size() - 1) != '/' && globalpath.at(globalpath.size() - 1) != '\\') globalpath += '/';
void ls(string path){
if (path.compare("/") == 0)
SetColor(LightBlue, Black);
cout << masterfs << " " << realfs << endl;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
path = absolutePath(path);// + "*";
cout << path << endl;
if (path.at(path.size() - 1) == '/') path += "*";
findstruct fs = makefs();
int findhandle = findfirst(path.c_str(), fs);
if (findhandle != -1){
int find;
if (IsDirectory(fs)) SetColor(LightBlue, Black);
else SetColor(White, Black);
cout << GetFileName(fs) << " ";
find = findnext(findhandle, fs);
}while(find != -1);
} else cout << "empty";
cout << endl;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
void checkPath(string absolutePath, bool &exist, bool &dir){
exist = IsFileExist(absolutePath.c_str());
if (exist){
dir = false;
findstruct fs = makefs();
int findhandle = findfirst(absolutePath.c_str(), fs);
exist = (findhandle != -1);
dir = exist; // не сработает для пустых каталогов.
void cp(string src, string dest){
src = absolutePath(src);
dest = absolutePath(dest);
SetColor(White, Black);
bool isExist = false, isDir = false;
checkPath(src, isExist, isDir);
if (!isExist){
cout << "bad source path: " << src << endl;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
if (isDir){
cout << "copy catalog " << src << " to " << dest << endl;
copydir(src.c_str(), dest.c_str());
cout << "copy file " << src << " to " << dest << endl;
copyfile(src.c_str(), dest.c_str());
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
void cat(string path){
path = absolutePath(path);
bool isExist, isDir;
checkPath(path, isExist, isDir);
SetColor(White, Black);
if (!isExist){
cout << "bad path" << endl;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
if (isDir){
cout << "directory" << endl;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
File *f = lib_FOpen(path.c_str(), "r");
while (!lib_FEof(f)){
cout << (char) lib_GetC(f);
cout <<endl;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
void help(){
cout << "Arhe age game arhive shell" << endl;
SetColor(White, Black);
cout << "\thelp\t";
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
cout << "show this message" << endl;
SetColor(White, Black);
cout << "\tls <path>\t";
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
cout << "show file list" << endl;
SetColor(White, Black);
cout << "\tcd path\t";
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
cout << "change catalog" << endl;
SetColor(White, Black);
cout << "\tcp src dest\t";
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
cout << "copy file or catalog. Destination only /fs/" << endl;
SetColor(White, Black);
cout << "\tq\t";
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
cout << "exit" << endl;
void parsecmd(const string &cmd){
tring> x;
split(cmd, ' ', x);
if (x.size() >= 1){
if (x.at(0).compare("help") == 0) help();
if (x.at(0).compare("ls") == 0){
if (x.size() >= 2) ls(x.at(1));
else ls(globalpath);
if (x.at(0).compare("cd") == 0 && (x.size() >= 2)) cd(x.at(1));
if (x.at(0).compare("cp") == 0 ){
if (x.size() == 3) cp(x.at(1), x.at(2));
else {
SetColor(White, Black);
cout << "usage: cp source destination \ndestination only in " << realfs << endl;
SetColor(LightGray, Black);
if (x.at(0).compare("cat") == 0 && (x.size() >= 2)) cat(x.at(1));
int main(int argc, char** argv)
globalpath = string(masterfs) + "/";
string workdir = extractFilePath(string(argv[0]));
if (fillMethod(workdir)){
if (mountBase(workdir)){
string cmd;
for (;
cout << globalpath << " :> ";
getline(cin, cmd);
if (cmd.compare("q") == 0) break;
return 0;