10-20-2010, 04:05 PM
Помогите выдает такую ошибку в гм сервере в чем проблема ???
Starting Aion-Lightning Game Server.
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,434] Logging Initialized.
------------------------------------------------------------=[ Administration ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,464] Loading: .\config\administration\admin.properties
----------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Main ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,519] Loading: .\config\main\cache.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,521] Loading: .\config\main\custom.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,522] Loading: .\config\main\enchants.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,528] Loading: .\config\main\falldamage.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,529] Loading: .\config\main\gameserver.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,529] Loading: .\config\main\group.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,530] Loading: .\config\main\html.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,531] Loading: .\config\main\legions.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,532] Loading: .\config\main\npcmovement.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,533] Loading: .\config\main\options.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,534] Loading: .\config\main\periodicsave.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,535] Loading: .\config\main\prices.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,536] Loading: .\config\main\rates.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,537] Loading: .\config\main\shutdown.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,539] Loading: .\config\main\siege.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,540] Loading: .\config\main\taskmanager.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,541] Loading: .\config\main\thread.properties
-------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Network ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,580] Loading: .\config\network\database.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,582] Loading: .\config\network\network.properties
------------------------------------------------------------------=[ DataBase ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,998] Successfully connected to database
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:37,320] Loaded 27 DAO implementations.
-------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Threads ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:37,337] ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with 4 scheduler, 2 in
stant, 0 long, 4 disconnection running thread(s).
---------------------------------------------------------------=[ StaticDatas ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:05,845] DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,526] Loaded world maps data: 72 maps
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,527] Loaded player exp table: 56 levels
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,528] Loaded 424 player stat templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,528] Loaded 243 summon stat templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,529] Loaded 46132 item templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,530] Loaded 26564 npc templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,531] Loaded 4 initial player templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,532] Loaded 468 trade lists
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,532] Loaded 79 npc teleporter templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,533] Loaded 92 teleport locations
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,534] Loaded 6105 skill templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,535] Loaded 7001 skill learn entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,536] Loaded 7 cube expand entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,537] Loaded 18 warehouse expand entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,538] Loaded 44 bind point entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,539] Loaded 3726 quest data entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,540] Loaded 410 gatherable entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,541] Loaded 148 title entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,541] Loaded 51 walker routes
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,542] Loaded 469 zone entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,543] Loaded 986 goodslist entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,544] Loaded 69975 spawn entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,545] Loaded 293 tribe relation entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,546] Loaded 5071 recipe entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,546] Loaded 53 portal entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,547] Loaded 128 item set entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,548] Loaded 6579 npc skill list entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,549] Loaded 17 pet skill list entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,549] Loaded 54 siege location entries
-----------------------------------------------------------------=[ IDFactory ]
ERROR [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,797] Critical Error - Thread: main terminated abnormaly:
com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactoryError: ID 92308 is already taken
, fatal error!!!
com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactoryError: ID 92308 is already taken
, fatal error!!!
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory.lockIds(IDFactory.ja
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory.<init>(IDFactory.jav
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory.<init>(IDFactory.jav
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory$SingletonHolder.<cli
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory.getInstance(IDFactor
at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:123)
at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:91)
Starting Aion-Lightning Game Server.
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,434] Logging Initialized.
------------------------------------------------------------=[ Administration ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,464] Loading: .\config\administration\admin.properties
----------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Main ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,519] Loading: .\config\main\cache.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,521] Loading: .\config\main\custom.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,522] Loading: .\config\main\enchants.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,528] Loading: .\config\main\falldamage.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,529] Loading: .\config\main\gameserver.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,529] Loading: .\config\main\group.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,530] Loading: .\config\main\html.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,531] Loading: .\config\main\legions.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,532] Loading: .\config\main\npcmovement.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,533] Loading: .\config\main\options.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,534] Loading: .\config\main\periodicsave.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,535] Loading: .\config\main\prices.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,536] Loading: .\config\main\rates.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,537] Loading: .\config\main\shutdown.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,539] Loading: .\config\main\siege.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,540] Loading: .\config\main\taskmanager.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,541] Loading: .\config\main\thread.properties
-------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Network ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,580] Loading: .\config\network\database.properties
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,582] Loading: .\config\network\network.properties
------------------------------------------------------------------=[ DataBase ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:34,998] Successfully connected to database
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:37,320] Loaded 27 DAO implementations.
-------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Threads ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:02:37,337] ThreadPoolManager: Initialized with 4 scheduler, 2 in
stant, 0 long, 4 disconnection running thread(s).
---------------------------------------------------------------=[ StaticDatas ]
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:05,845] DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,526] Loaded world maps data: 72 maps
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,527] Loaded player exp table: 56 levels
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,528] Loaded 424 player stat templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,528] Loaded 243 summon stat templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,529] Loaded 46132 item templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,530] Loaded 26564 npc templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,531] Loaded 4 initial player templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,532] Loaded 468 trade lists
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,532] Loaded 79 npc teleporter templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,533] Loaded 92 teleport locations
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,534] Loaded 6105 skill templates
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,535] Loaded 7001 skill learn entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,536] Loaded 7 cube expand entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,537] Loaded 18 warehouse expand entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,538] Loaded 44 bind point entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,539] Loaded 3726 quest data entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,540] Loaded 410 gatherable entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,541] Loaded 148 title entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,541] Loaded 51 walker routes
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,542] Loaded 469 zone entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,543] Loaded 986 goodslist entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,544] Loaded 69975 spawn entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,545] Loaded 293 tribe relation entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,546] Loaded 5071 recipe entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,546] Loaded 53 portal entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,547] Loaded 128 item set entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,548] Loaded 6579 npc skill list entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,549] Loaded 17 pet skill list entries
INFO [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,549] Loaded 54 siege location entries
-----------------------------------------------------------------=[ IDFactory ]
ERROR [20 юъЄ 21:03:08,797] Critical Error - Thread: main terminated abnormaly:
com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactoryError: ID 92308 is already taken
, fatal error!!!
com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactoryError: ID 92308 is already taken
, fatal error!!!
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory.lockIds(IDFactory.ja
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory.<init>(IDFactory.jav
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory.<init>(IDFactory.jav
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory$SingletonHolder.<cli
at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.idfactory.IDFactory.getInstance(IDFactor
at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:123)
at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:91)